1963 edition of Nottawa have to be regarded iazllne bioem the genuine hard luck story The second year sen softball league entry has dropped more than its share of do run decisions lnciuding though 10 verdict ovar i7 inn ys lust over week ago to node BA ace Butch Boyd lhe story had the samescriat ilasi night but the auto innlhe of Nottawa suppo ere if Woods Wig histories men were one ptc making 44 win on Woods as as tense situation devel fled at Queens Park in the mu of the ninth inning henna with two out the 3m rising city entry producc ed three timely singles John Brown looked at third strike 35 the innings ï¬rst batter and nlirn hlenllister who had re ed Butch Boyd in the sixth nod single to centre Art rtin followed with another siiat lo rightiield and both maners shifted into scoring pos éblmicr SPORTS re itlon on the throw Ron Itey craft lifted fly ball ionisation left tieidAiorvthe setting the stage 10 1rd Emms The former lakevicw no ï¬elder thrusgh infthe clutch by punching two vrnn dogle into lelt field winltilu the game 54 The loss was heartbreak er for the scrappy liedmen and reiiel pitcher Carl Wiener who had replaced starter Guy Lev esoue after Woods had ained their third run in the north Wagner had worked the count to one bait and two strikes on Emros comingwithlu single pitch of viciory The tough loss leit Noitawa in precarious position astor as the playoffs are concerned They have five games remain ing and trail Newmarket Rays BA current holders of the final playoff berth by four points Noumarket which has played the same number of games 19 rneeis headon with Red mcn Thursday night Game nd out thats Wadi is not 096 held theorianai lead Pairintaeiwenins in ind oneruninthefwmhï¬ Notiawr then rebounded knocking Boyd out game with pairs ini the fifth and sixth inninuArnoid Eiyea struckthekeyblowintheiatg tee rally driving two run sintla info left field Until disaster struck Woods ninth Nottawn reliever Wagner was working strongly From the fifth til the eiehth Wagner permit rust three Woods batters to reach baseranup to consecutive outs and chimed nioem slrikes Nestlscheduled action for the senior circuit is Wednesday nights twin bill at Queens Im perial Eastman wiii last run at regain place whichwns taken Lakeview Dairy lust oVer week ago They trail by five points with three foutlngsieft one rnofe than Lakeyiew and mustwln their remaining gem Wood who are iust threepomtsbaclr of second place tangle with lmperiais Eastman at pm Newmarket which could virtually assure playoff spot with one more win ddle Vim rakes on voting waves womens sue CoeOpIncredSesLeod On their fourth fry Barrie CoOp finsz broke away from the old Jinx over superstitious numerals Last night as queens Park the intermediate fastball tront runners recorded win number it through conquest ofYanch Heating Terry Hodgson victim of pair of opening frame errors to spot Yauch to lead came back strongly to toss the CoOp win Ha claimed 11 strikeouts issued six walk and alZowed his opponents only two scratch hits The first place occupants broke infront with attacks in the top half or the second and third innings Brian Hanes set thevpace when be sacked home run over right fielder Barrieowned Horse Is RunnerUp ligain By BILL CURRAN lrrssrrzzs WHiLE HE HAS YET to win race this year mick Hendersons fiveyearold gelding Be Optimistic flies been coming close on the thoroughbredracmg circuit THE BARRIEJOWNED horse registered his third spoond under hustling ride by apprentice James Keiiy from afield of Seventh the $8000ciaiming nclass last week The three to two favorite horse ï¬famed Canadian Market won the race his third win six races this year BE OPTIMISTIC has been out seven times this Wear finished second three times and third oncefor warnings of $2000 Last year the horse which carries the Barrie stables colors of blackand gold wonsix es in 18 races ï¬nished second twice and third twice 36 earnings of $9302 as ANOTHER HENDERSONOWNED horse three paroldrnameddroneltnightrwas analsmrarrimrmile and sixteenth event The gelding won third money 3h his previous start THE THOROUGHBREDS areathort Erie where nday racing was introduced this week until Sun itay August 11 and then go to Greenwood for meet gng starting on Nionday August12 INFIELDERS DOUG HOWARD and Pat Hennessy outfieldercatcher Nick Owen starred for Grillia aJors as they trounced Simcoe County baseball league stars 102 before 400 spectators at Ivy recenti With three hits each the former pair led 13 it tack on four pitchers Archie Blanchard of Creemure nhn Gould of Beeton Allan Ellis of Ivy and Garry fldeli of Orillia Legion Ralph Cooke started rid was replaced by George Lefty Dunn in the ourth while Gard Dyment took over in the seventh etween them they yielded eight hits singles The Stars other safety came on double by Iiohn Westbrooke of Creemore and triple by Worrad in he fourihofi Dunn Dyment the Midland hurier Who has been signed to pitch for the Majors in the OBA held the Allstars off the score sheet duringthe last hree frames ALCONA BEACHS NICK OWEN who div1des his asebail time between Orillis Majors and Hamilton nterCounty League team poled two home runs for he Majors Nick is playing withOrillia in the county eague and WithHalIilllOlilli the 9BA ihegame added another smotothe leagues in ured playérsfund Haggedx Quits leaf Position sggert resigned Monday alter lght years ahead trainer of nal Hockey League lve gone as far as can go the athletictraining protein he said adding that he ill prob biy enter the sports dvertisi field fulltime meetsLakeview in the night cnp Nottawa WOMEN474 Woods BA momma562 Levesque Wagner itand MncNicol Boyd MeAllister and FowlerBelcourt Crawford Rowe rInPeriect Score big interciuh horseshoe plt chlng match Sunday afternoon nt Mao MorrisonPark on Grove Street resultedin teamwlc tory for the host club The Bar rie and District Horseshoe Club matched talents with the Regent Park Horseshoe Club of Ioronto no 10 teams of two compet ing for each eluh the hosts won Gord Madses headto open the second evening the eount at With two out in thesame out compiling grand totaiol 400 points Ellsworth Crawtord the to or star senior soflhall catcher comhhted talents with Rows as the only tremor both sidesto register perfect SCOPE frame Hodgson hunted success fully and sped around to score when Jack shanahans ground er was thrown wild by third sackcr Joe Tamils in the 1on third Al Smith connected for leadolf single After two were out Hones con tinuedrhis on night with and Jim Reynolds drove 1e into centre to score both runners Reynolds record ed the flfth run as Goersa grounder escaped the grasp of first baseman Pete Osachuk CoOp struck gain in the iiithnlianes extend ed his bat surge with two base hit Reynolds heldiout for walk and Hodgson dropped anotherperfoct bunt to load theaacirs with two gona Jackshanahan completed the scoring with run counting single before Lelghion Smith fitIf poppedn to end thalhreat Losing ptcher Vince llscDon aid was touched for an oven dozen base hits Hanes was easily the nights best hitter with his homer double and single as Jack vShanahan Al Smithand Bodsson all sing led twice iiodgson was working on no hitter despite all the walks for five innings The spell wss hroken in the fifth when Osachuk hoisted high one back of second base that escaped the grasps of zwo charging fielders The ot er Yanch hit was telling shot over shortstop by playingu llnlermediale action resumes pt Queenstonlght with doubleheader Baytieid an 11 tangle at pm followed by Borden and Clarltsou in re scheduled encounter Vejrtells you rives an economy impart Stamps comments from drivers retard ing the speedy conditions of the ovalssurtsce Hobby Cars which made their first appearance at sunset re cently with driver from near Hamilton wiiibe out in full force this Friday night with Stand Close To Pdtr aim cerith races Calgary stampede fin ished first last season inlhe Western Football Conference enter the not season tonight with onlyminor changes in firststring players With other clubs shuffling the stamps are thus closer to hold ing pat hand than any other club in the nest Coach Jerry Williams has ex pressed interen in developing solid ground attack to go with the clubs spectacular passing game but in hibitlons the club stayed by the four proseason ex pass for record of three wins 14 kg weapon was Peter Lisiro passing to Terry Evanshen the weapon that brought the Stamps home in front last season It is likely to be the big weapon again tonight when the lamps take on Saskatchewan Roughriders in Calgary in the other season opener British Columbia Lions visit Winnipeg Blue Boomers The eastern season opens Wednesday with the first inter game of the year Pd monton Eskimos in Montreal Qinethatgoés7 SENIOR WL rm 14 71 29 12 71 10 10 21 Newmaritei ii 11 18 Nutiawa 613 ii Last Nights Score Woods Noitawa Hilï¬ï¬‚ï¬lmés WednesdayLWoods at imp Eastman oot Newmarket at Lakeview mot Thursday Nottawa at New markei 650 Saturday impEastman at Lakeview impEastman Woods BA Nottawa 900 mranmabtsrn Barrie CoOp Borden Universal Yanch Heaflng UE Hayfield Ciarkson gt Last Nights Score hop Yanch V2 mm Gamer Bayiieid at us Borden at Clarkson Thursday Yandi at Unive 700 Bayiield at Ciarkson Io0p at or Tonight ONTARIO LADIES SENIOR Future Gamu Friday Barrie vsKitehener Discover the Wonderful World Outdoors For The Outsiders ThaWorldsFmesrvv TRAILBLAZER CAMPERS models priced fromy$29900 at Fort Die 30 Ontario adream an fizihat keeps WindOWSCle thatitilooks gr William thévmoreeforéyourém wraparound air ar15 eathandlesiikef dthatmbo9htiti as been connected ness on pa la it several years ltl know more in about sir eks Punchlmiach an ag acts of the Maple Leafs sis in name Haggerts succ today probablya young ainer from one of the farm ssoclationgt sin group ganizedvthree yearsiagn The group has 155 embers firFIBERGLAS CANOES Oileiniorced ribs and padded seats Oileguiar $13900 Exclusive to the Knotty Pine while they last 31 $99 ooh scammed Poms Paris andsmm avatlshle rionlscios Canada Conplrls parts stocks in feelerywerenrns Factory zone offices WESTERN DIVIStO Miasnew B75 Easily Ste Vancouver 50 usslï¬ayrioh 5M1 10 no wusstoslvsPArHOL StherilvllilN$