Alter reading Jerunlahs proximity of milas end Darn tel donned sackcloth and ash futed and prayed for d9 llvnnce cl thapeopleDam Iel 914 Daniel melted tha peoples sins thelrreiusal to listen to the prophets and ab WEEKLY MEDITATION knowledgedthe Exile Is Just and righteous punishment Daniel 0515 Daniel plesdmi with God to forgive and de Church Controversy as old AsIhe Hills By REV HALDENBY Rector Parish of menu New Theology Biblical lntcr pretation New Morality Church Christ also received us to the glory of God That would bring great deal to Church Unity today in the 13 Verna we are very Union These are the subjects be lng discussed by the Bishops of the Anglican Charm meeting at anbcth July 25 to August 75 They look formidable and they are But they are as old as the might have hope That is the hills in spite of the word an In most Anglican Churches to day for the morning service they will read the first 13 verses of the 15th Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans Paul says We then that are strong 01th to bear the infirmitlos oi the weak and not toplease ourselves let every one of us please his nelgh bar for his good to cdiiicatlon That could set the New Morality In its place Paul also says For whatso ever things were written afar time werewrittenior our learn ing that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures way to interpret the Bible to give us hope Paul prayed ow the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one to ward anothcr after the example of Christ Jesus that ye may with one mind and one mouth glorify God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ Where fore receive ye one another as Science set In its religious views feels at home amid the widespread ferment going on in the realm of faith conscious of Pauls real faith in God the Father our Lord lesrs Christ the power of the Holy Ghost Computers may be able to use inanimate figures and powers but people need living BOSTON ADGoristian often considered its very beneficial says David Sleeper manager of the churchs committee on publications The gen eral public thinksoi as as conservative ch ur but weve aiways considered ourselves progressive Christian thought In Another official Robert Peel editorial consultant to the publications committee adds Vary definitely were on the new fronlicr oi radi cal Christianity In many respects concepts See Canadafled ls wast Seller WASHINGTON CBWhen acquaintances gush that they are dying to read Sailie Ann Robbins new Is she tells them to forget it its not the kind of book you read says the attractive moth er ol two who must rate as QNorth Americas most success ful ireeZoeder instead she thinks of Set Can ada Free as an indispensable reference book and guide to get tingthe most for the least while travelling in Canada Mrs Robbins who travelled Canada from coast to coast with her family before settling down to the eightmonth task oi pu ting the book together was guest ata recent Canadian ern bassy reception launching the hook alollowup tn her earlier ee America Free which sold I25 000 copies and now is in sec printing Much of the historical and other travel date was weeded from mountain of publications picked up irom the federal and provincial travel bnrcans But Mrs Robbins has sharp eye bargainto her bargain fo XSmeans treeand its all in the wapaga book publishe dby team tam Books Inc The Archbishop of Center bury DrMichnel Ramsey en tore the cathedral at Canter lhury England to address the wrchbishops and bishops gath gered for the 10th Lambcth of Christian Science parallel much oFure ctTrrent theolog foalI upbeaval questioning ant ropornor images GodthéheJtJ1ixatter and tire Trinity and stressing the Divine Presence in the ev eryday life of the World Allison Phinney lr the publication committees edi torial supervisor says in creasing numbers of reti glous thinkers reject the past scholastic deiiniflons of God as detached being and see tire Divine as di Vmcnsion of reality which Is alwayspresent as re newingiorce in human ex istence And this fan basic convic tlnn of Christian Science the revamped interpretation of Christianity introduced 102 years ago by an influen tial Massachusetts woman Mary Baker Eddy who wrote The time for think ers has come anth inde pendent of doctrines and timehonored sy to knocked at the portalof hu may FOUNDED OWN CHURCH She intended at ï¬rst only to work through existing churches but opposition led followers to found separ nto denomination in ma ADDREiSESCLEBGY Today Giristian Science is one who survives the absolute Conference The primate oi the Church tofEngtand old the bishops thatchore unity couldbe achicyed if churches reform themselves AP Wirephotot incarly December she went God lull oi Hope Paul asks Now the God of hope till you with all toy and peace in bellev ing that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Ghost it is not so murh new theology in the sense of some radical discovery never known to man before but rather it Is making of all things now In their original strength and love relat lveiy small but worldwide faith with more than 3300 branches or local churches radiating from Its hlother ChurchÂ¥inBooton Although membership stalt tistlcs are not made public the total has been estimated at 5011000 There are no or dained clergy but 8000 fulltime practitioners serve as counsellors and teachers This rethinking is the sort of thing thats desperately needed Peel said As mankind progresses and In talltgencc increases we have to get beyond the pri mitive images of God as an old gentleman In the sky and recognize him In the depth of our experiences as reality giving basic direc tion to our existence OTTAWA CF few months ago Tara Dier 19 was listening to sounds of bat tle as tracer bullets ripped across the night sky at Quangngat in South Vietnam Now like many another prnfunlversity stud at she has summer job in cool modernbullding hare amid the rattle of typewriters Long blonde hair framing wide eyes and determined chin Tara recalled her time in the worlds biggest trouble Sim My parents are in the for eign service so sort of moved around bit when was younger she said by way of preliminary explana tion It was quiet dismissal of her life as daughter of Ur mond Dier Canadian commis sioner an the International Control Cormnission in Vieo nam while she was there Alter finishing high school in Ottawa decided to take year out before going to uni verst went to Vietnam where parean were Any boredom of Grade 13 hasto go somewhere So last September Tarn Who is an informal downto earth young woman with an intense dislike of anything phoney flew to Saigon filthy city which she left after 10 days lorbegln travels which included visits in the neighboring states of Cambodia and Laos to the noted Canadian hospi tal andclinic ln Quangngat provincialr capital of 16000 people about ï¬ve miles from thecnast At first she worked in the office and then in the INursary Faclll Vacatlpntrs liver the people that lie might again be recognized God of mercy and pawnDaniel 01019 Before Daniels prayer Started Furniture fleclory During Work lls Missionary VANCOUVER CF David Eadie paint this plane of the new missionary specialist to some iieid nhocarries his at and doesnt Bible in his ess hes asked Hc developed this Iter to years as missionary In fndia He went there after selling his business wbldt made parts for diesel engines and Tomato took his wife and daughter with blue on soon saw thatIndians were tired of having Western aid ed ucation and religion rammed who come to names nv vowmrinns Latest Economic Developme Society we ended the Insanebrief apparel with Gods answer calling him greatly beloved Dantelp10 to learn how to do things for themselves lie showed them how by start inga small hirnilurajactoryut was expanded to manufacture laminated hood beams Then he helped create management training program The problem In India isnt foodhr family planning he said The problem is what to do with the10000000 students the Job market on year program of the hlplwa Radios aim at Lutheran flour down their throats They Says Christian Science Is Progressive Religion Through the divine love In our midst we see the total transformation of our present experience as being possiblef says an ey This can come he adds through the peculiar powerLof Christianity to heal and free man irorn false obsessions whichjcrlpl pie him This healing dynamism is something that Christianity generally has lost sight of but itsnow being given some recognition think its going to be widely res tored in the traditional Lchurches While Christian Science often Is characterized byits poultry cent and Spoke it with on however ltwaa wHo ARE WE Rev it Pardon Mlnlaier Earn stress on spiritual healing lk ltaiso includes numerous other dlstInctl View kitchen under direction of South Vietnamese cooks We spoke fluent sign lane silage Tara said smiling sometimeev did the shop ping took FrenchViet namese interpreter and it was great fun because he spoke French with Vietnamese ac English accent Hed bargain like mad and ld ï¬sh out the money ltvwas real provincial market tfWe had about 75 cents day to feed each patient and we had to shop daily because the kitchen had no refrigera tion system Si ace most Southeast Asian families move in with patients who arain hospital and feed them it tookus quite while to persuade them that we would do the leading The newly opened hospital wns closed in early February honeven because of enemy attacks on the town South Vietnnmase police were in the hospital each evening thing and it was thought that this would make it an enemy target Wewer ent toosecur vwhere we were living either GE FREEIHELP VICTORIA 130 GP Young transients In Vi narcan get medical legal or psychia tric aid food and bed for free as part of Qperation Cool an assistance PTOIEC designed by local youth eade An inde pendent operation the project was originally run byithe Fam lty and Children Service cbboard Organist Visitors Welcom Eible pusher Grade13StudentRecatts Her Lilo In SouthVietnam avawmc snavrca WESTMINSTER nev non cousms Is machine top directed by Paul Peterson former foot baller wlth Hamilton TigerCats oi the Eastern Football Confer ence IVemake small profit said MrsEadie but after taxes and salaries the balance of the funds is transferred to social welfare trust for further train ing programs andscbola mpg vile recruited three volunteers on trip to Canada this year specialist machinist and driller Cursalaries are only about onethird of those paldbyilht Canadian government for simia lar Jobs but man has the satis faction ot knowing he is contrib uting his skills there they are desperately needed lilissxonaries trained the pen pla tn readthe Bible hut they almost completely ignored the economic heads of the country Consequently lndia today has the largest untrained labo force In the world Mr Eadie member of the UnitedgChuNh volunteered tor missionary work in 1951 wanted to serve he says but new we cutout tone rats METHODIST CHURCH zoo Hayfield st Rev Carl nun wards 1000 sunday School 1100 Vorshipée icel No squaYA For snaps wanna PR so TsRIaN rzsosn Orgaai Mrs Norman Tuck rairrnr wonsara 930 AM euasr mursran tailors are at ya welcome speaks to you Chris an sciencsï¬sdlo Series cane nonrva In and evening by Eray PLEASE All church copy chan gas must be into The lumgMN CHURCH Examiner offices by Thursdayat or THE GOOD SHEPHERD postur st Rev lostpa Matltorta Phone laundry School 145 aim Dlvlnv winery 11 am TVs THIS IS THE LllE PORTAL 0F PRAYER illlrnnce Church artists and neon meme nanntn mun Pastor Rev Black Residence72M gt mush Bible School for all ages moo am wonanrn senvrca 7100 ml EVENING rcuowaprr noun Special gospel music both morn man outalanrllng musician warm welcome to all GROVE Phillii crrupgrj QFWCHRIST Glove Cook Sunday Schedule Sunday School in am sealth 11 am serum or T111111 crvnry Evening niceflng 700 p111 Th II Ill 100 Dam Chrlst begin with yourN Testament MINE Tans Wesley Jones Dale Hideout 45 Grove 7254003 TEM Worship ll am WORSHIP 945 am Sunday School orntl ages Nuksanv caaa contain an sanvrcas THECHUkcrtor THE AZARENE at Vincent at Grover Rev Robert Hilloclt namer SOCIETY rss Collier Street Church Service Sunday School at AM Testimony Meeting 2ndWed each month ran flair cunrsmrt rum WORSHIP SERVICES l0 AM and 730 PM The Back To God flour TorontoCitEY ateam am Roman catholic l5 alum151mm am nm 1015 am svsnmc DEVOTIONSI Wednesday at Mother of Perp ual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS masses 730lll am 600 pm situation we tot1 ST ANDREWS enasamzaun cannon out no Henley at nev nu Isms an an organist Mr Van ltensut ll am only Morning Wyichlp now ran no YOU FORMED iron5r soon now CHURCH at Vincent St vn pvt at an Damn the nioauu at lino all St Andrews congre gation vlll wonpr tat FIRST BAPTIST Every Sunday Mornlagt vi to we ALL WELCOME ml ar armys cnvncn 7152933 cmacnron at wonstav SUNDAY Masses Fasten 30 am Iltev Harold Aliaby ea anE SUNDAY MASS 1100 aml Union Service held In pm St Andrews Prelhyicrlnlié Chtlrclt 11 moo am Evenlng Scrvtte held to lIrstvflantlstqhnrch 30 Our You are rem hm Iheï¬nghtM Church of Canada 51 Gussrcnupcu TRINITY CHURCH Co mm Collier sum ltev Milena Pgnw moo anm1y emacia ngonsn Holy Communion on moo amrnorinsrnyn The Reverend Itllrues mind River litIll Everyone welcome bhon COME9M5 am for all ages ll TBlbla Preaching Services ramny Bible School Assistant Pastor Bowle open An ChurchSLVlncent Park weather permitting pmCorna as yen aregoodmusleand testimony wedncsday ampin Pntu ante Study BAPTIST CHURCH lZB St VincentrStrut new llollldly rum Mr mo Assistant Barrics Friendly ltlbleBellevlng Missionary Church iv snaiscr the WOR isleProphacy Sstans Seheme The Deal Ha Offered Jesus 950 am Sunday School andAdut Classes FFAMILY WORSHIP SERVlCE Nursery Care Chidrens Church AUG 318 Nightly exceptMort pm SALVATION HEALING TENT CRUSADE with outstanding Canadlan Evangeils non ANTEION AllWetcome Revor1un Vlust HIAWAY CHURCH PEIIIEGOSTAI ANNE too vai For Information phone more Rev It llrn UNITED CHURCH or cannon ornrnai anticipatith Mr rySlaas htcsl 11an Noun 43 or folio 2cotllERIST Clove at Cook at Minnie nnva coon vCholrm Mr Lu Tailord sicaaMsNr or not communion