ti ROBERT ALLAN oi vow town near Sudbury receives help with his black band lsom Mrs Harvey 01 the Royal Victoria regional school of nursing at aitemoon ceremon ies held yesterday at Laldiaw Residenoe Mr Allan is he only male in the first class of the regional school to go to regional hospitals for the final year of their course Exam iner Photo RegionalSChool oi nursing Presents First Black Bands Four Barrie women along with classmates including one man were the that class to re ceive black hands yesterday at Royal Victoria Regional School of Nursing signilying the be ginning ol the ï¬nalyear oi the course in hospitals throughout Simone County and Shelbouroe The students received their binds at Lnidlaw Residence in araitemoenceremony that was NAMES followed by atea SPEAKER MissC Brown Director of the Regional School spoke to the nurses of their responsibili ty in being the first class of the new school to receive the last year training in regional hos pitals It is tough road to hoe Miss Brown said because you are the ï¬rst group in chang ing program You will be working almost as graduate nurses and have the weight and responsibility of the reputation of the Regional School of Nursing on your shoulders she told the class IT only For topsNew Yorks midtown traffic assiie pet forms her high platform act lrom the root floor oi the Sher atoll Hotel in Herald today she leaps from plan tom which loliii inches in diameter does split in the air and returns to platlorm whlch is attached to heavy wooden boards and sandbag ged insideher hotel suite Broadway is at left and the Avenue of the Americas 6th Ave la at right Betty and her father Benny weregprap ping for their act next month at the Thrill Circus in Shea moon on Wheohoip Cullagh ii Square Miss Brown also congratuiag led the class and altered best wishes in their last year in each students respective hospital Alter the third year or train ing in the six regional hospitals afï¬liated with the school the class will be eligible to write provincialexams and become graduate nurses The class is es follows Rob ert Allan Dawn Archer Linda Averill Nancy Barinet Gayle Belt Maria Bell Diane Bimie ituth Carpenter Mrs Betty lilo sher Kaye Oaswoli Patricia Cox Wendy Dear Louise De Villers Ruth Dlnsmoie Patrilt cla Doherty Marilyn Eigenhuls Mary Ellen Emnringham tiara bam Gait Vanessa Hart Faith Lia Green Linda Grimshy Pat riela Hargrait Victoria lions ton Susan Johns Sheila Koski Lucille Kuntz Sharon Martin Donna Matthew Patricia Me Brcnda McKnightf Elizabeth McLaren Mary Jano Mohan Carol hlurdy Sandro LIVVINGT Murray Gait Nlckey Sandra Piicher Karen Robbins Marg arethobloson Brenda Shaw Sandra Smith Heather They and Nancy Wigle Former Barrieites BraziLBound Mr and Mrs Lloyd Stradian and children Andrea and Peter have arrived in the city irom Madison Wisconsin The tarn iiy guestslol Mrs Strachans lather Llew Beaverand Mrs Beaver of Donald St will re main in the area for few weeks in preparation for re tourn Journey to Brazil to re slime agricuitural missionary work under sponsorship of the limited Ciiurch of Canada On Sunday morning Mr and Mrs Strachau will address the congregation of Central United GUTHRIE wr non snow The annual WI Flower show will be held in the hall on me day August so taking the place or regular meeting Mr and Mrs Dan Juneau and Murray spent several days at itdbert Campbells last week WEEKEND HOME Sandra Campbell workin in the Medical Records Dept of the Toronto General Hospital for the srnnmer was home for the weekend Mr and Mrs John Camp bell 5th lineare away on holl days Ray Sampson and friends at tended the performance at Strat lord Shakespearean Festival on HELP STRANGERS None are quite so alone as the stranger in town or the gswgomers to the neighbor our last move asthemovlng it pulled away howyou moreihan half wished youd neverocmal are your cw neighbors ispellnga sucli1 as these Lat iheWaIcomsWagonHostess bring greetings and silt to make them feelet home Help stamp out strange Cal Welcome Wagon toe new or mean Artur Miss rrou 7282433 And Copy of in Entertainer win He To Your Home by pm etlveredr EEEE V352 Atbreahfasi mentioned on to Alida and she became tn ceased She says manners are are CONSOLNHONPRIZE Dear Ann Ozzie came home on leave last week and Mlldhaldiy sleep was so ex citedntthe thought at seeing hIrILHLs letters were so alfec lionaiet even to three To Fill Ban Membership To Divorced In WorldWide Mothers Union mNDoN CF The world wide conierenee of the Mothers Union has decided bya two thirds majority to keep the con troversial ruiebanning divorced molheiswbloh led to the Cana dian branch breaking away irorn its central authority tint two days of closedsessloo debate by 450 delegates made clear that New Zealand likely will follow Canadas example and make its own rules spokesman for the Mothers Union said the so speakers hart abownreomplete unanimitymoh the basic aims of the associa tion founded in Victorian times as part of the Anglican Church tolfoster the Christian ideal of family life The rulca include pledge to uphold the sanctity of marriage as permanent rela tintiaiiip VOWS BINDING But there was great deal of discussion on whether oirelquoli maref colo women with more than one lira lng hoshandeould eiiectlveiy demonstrate thehlnding nature at the marriage vows rho spokesman said New anlanddelegates noted that their branch and any otb ers who wishes be given auton omous powers oulede the au thority of the central council in Britain The move was deleated bymwtestoizv Only one delegate was Invited to put CansdAn case Dominion President Mrs PhilipHutehlnr son of Winnipeg Usually the wives of Canadian bishops at leading the LambethGonler ones would have been invited but Canada how iaregarded as having opted out of the union The corderence resolved that the next three years he devoted to ways at helping Canada and New Zealand maintain some kind oi ï¬nish with the main iiiolhers Union blotoliesofpictures 111a lint week Care was sierra Oornl whammy Thrydlditioihhmnother Pleose advice 433 home henerer look me any wherelust sat Hound aodote out of the lcebox AZso he stayed later than pm lound out vyeserday that Onto is aoing with three other sbowe By napalm nonscn In previous column on dieoslng careers mentioned librarianship as the occupation that is pumping lilehlood into His heart of our growing need to increase and expand mans knowledge Ever since that column ll brarians have written to point out to me that library work is the new knowledge industry Sonic at the experts in the field have gone so far as to ray that ii the mattar ola more five years this growingknowl edge industrywhich is now welding electronics and the printed wordwill make other industries look small Big things areih ppenlngrin llbrariessaystodays expert Andrew Geddee dirccboi oi the Nassau Library System co rallveaystem ot wmemher lt raries headquartered in Gas den City New York in fact such big things are happening that in the next low years youll see so many changes you wont evennrecog nlze libraries Geddes said There will be many great op portunities too for both men and women When first entered this business there were some men Ur never heruahewas Several ol my friends save or on bridelobe ma LibrariariéhiplsOccupqiiori ncrectsing eedsf lnit Geddes talc iBut today more are entering it all the nelson ron choice Goddes himself chose libra rlanship because his wile was librarian and became after his stint In the service Veteians Administration aptitude test showed that he should select career that would involve him in public service Alter thinking things over decided to beco librarian he told me ndwhrn com pleted my professional training took my ilrst job in the Brook lyn Public Library in that Job was given tre mendoua opportunities to learn everything wanted to leariil so whenever had day all from the library would go there sod work on my own time in diner ant departments ldld this to broaden my knowredgo and gain solid loundatlo This quest for knowledse on Geddss part brought opportuni ties with it When library ad ministrator in another system needed an administrative assist ant Geddes was recommended for the join From that administratlve spot Geode began moving up until in 1951 he was appointed mQTrCei VfdUe idol Peopie may reminisce about the good old days Nowadaysmodarnscience and technolo Toke tor instance television in l950 oi that price we expect bell How come Many reasons Advertising ROBBED the wile Your son mould discuss this with his lawyer director of the Nassau 11me System At the present timeth Intro lecturer in library od mlnistratlon in the School of brary Service at Columbia Un versity armorst avrosrrr The present lack of manpdw er andaocompanying lack of womenpower makes the opdhr catty unlimited Geddes sold and his enthusxasm for his work sh ed injury word he mic The opportunities are so good thAt anyone coming out at college who is willing to invert ayear or two in gaining solid foundation can advanceand advance well The only limit Jlon iLlhiEh00mlhkn0wlldlfl business is the one you placeon yourself ALREADY TAKEN M32200 AP when anyone in the ohurehwhy Ema Model Belle and tails Martinez shordd notbe mended Berta Martina and her live children steppul tyr ward Ema fainted Mirth saidhe had divorced Berta but police held him for an investiga tion of her cmrrplalnt that lie had abandoned her but rarely about the good old products gy has brought some pretty lobuious things ourway black and white set woi buy at $55Toeott tor set thats twice the size And we gstli in colour too one of then Advertising spreads the word to millions oi people It is the desires oi one that motes moss production proclicot And moss produslienmokes loweosir possible rTokeh look around you Pa of our helps good things happen good lilo is the good things in And advertising