new term warmer IS rnrfrTyrY This handsome Ranch design has excellent treiiic eircuiatiar and very functional layout There is room In the oversize garage for an easily heated er tra washroom or it could be ioo The Building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont aled in the bhsunent Construo gloomlsvbrick venele vilth be accents on garage house could be built on so it lot With single car garage on 75 lot mnrct tin210 DESIGN No Hanu im Gavel 560 standard blueprints for this design No 415 cast 8000 for the first set and $600 for add itional sets Blueprints comply with the National Building Code oi Canada and are obtainable by return mail Ontario rest dentai must remit per cent sales tax Thesecond edition of SUBURBAN and DOUNTEY HOMES designed for Canad Ians price 8100 is available at newspaper office or from mW pawmmWWmt t1 omwugioeagom tnreratoerthan Re bad lnund tome din poiMnent in PIN Eh I13 the demon whldt reduced the Conservative Counmns holdings to 11 seats than but he had also fotmd determination not to dwell loo nnsch in the pod Part the reorganisation would be undertaken by Mr Sentieid himself In the next few week He said he will be trav elling arousal the country talk ing with members at the party BALDWIN MOVE the main reason for the news omiarence was to Innounce that Germ Baldwin £0 yearold lawyer reelectedrrln Pelee River would act as party House leader when the new par iinmentary session begins ounce of Anglican leaders Michael Starr who held the which starts its business res gust Emma was deieated girls hereuSahlggathbitacen une execu ve set Mr edStaférstlleld readmiiy At pruesent uflomnig answer ou one about represen 110900000 Angli paélyg planskfoa gaming mi Lcrassinningï¬lvririri has little can was as an mar Conservative cwlnet min em world has gum Bflgï¬ï¬‚n Smionbflill2m denly become too small and too udl 1131 men swift foo our craIyqulity meth Daitonl cm nun Roblln and WWW MM FumeML proach the bishop contended Mr same Id be km in rtalernent published each one would maintain an ms pm active interest in IN Pattis Names Aide stait and an exeartive notincll with sufficient authority to ad mins unison has 21 Ill PCs PlonviEor suture Growm mueslian Ids earryi 1157 tone at cargo including 100 tractors airline stories out studio Want mining equiment and other Mt Thenestveselexpectedlra Killian lreighta duaabrut L6 Mr hum said about so ves sir are We year run Plugs Que an CathogmliLc priests In the Western Quebec area will use the pulpit Sunday to tdl parishioners where to register tor trades training come this tall mifmi tihl cause curren pos has disrupted the usual means at reading prospective appll cants not Lakes Group WASHJNGNN AP Presi dent Jobnsonhas signed bill granting the consent of Con compact conmrising the eight states bordering the lakes The compact creates the Great takes Commission whida is empowered tovmake reruns government and Can ada on development use and expected etthe port pared Fess In the Great Lakes Basin mendations to the eight states executive officer with adequate the conservation otthe water re womansqu duetarealnmflonday wmv Is Mt 100 miles northwest al Iimndns 15 Influx roar anrn More American tourists ti Canadian Lakebeffad mm By theend ot nun its on care bed Int crossed at Pigeon River com with mm for the sauna lixmontin period in 1967 Registration at Laheheld tourte IIcllirizv Iiitzen If icpi In lrench ln NB mgwrlm Thhederzfl egisla on ega rt use the French in in New Brunswick oourtsw be intro duced In the next Parliament New Bnuaswlck lawyer reported Roger Savole defence counsel two university students said he got such an assurance at meeting with Rodrigue Bedard associate deputy minister of lus ce Mr Savole told reporters he also got sympathetic heating on the matter from ofï¬cials in the offices of Prime Minister Trudeau and Opposition Leader WM total 34 fbr Stanï¬eld gm lily iiith lttitï¬iu minister and finance missionary sources ot the basin BIShOP Leads ingI other ï¬lms to mtg g1 The stiller mh New Your reonac csw 0lindiana HEW Hum 15 mam ihe blshop claims that 38 Ca and Minnesota Each is repre Enclosed please find $105 for whldz send me the book entitled SUBURBAN AND COUNTRY HOMES Please make runittanoe payablolo vTheBarrleErarruner the address below This edition includes lntormation on the cost of building in Canadp financ Ing constructional detth etc plus many outstanding new dev till firmer an T0 sumo Hon sy ROGER WHITMAN TREAT ALUMINUM ammo How can clean my aim lnum siding the eighhyeorold point Is somwehatdraliry and Tumor uhompsoa Diés would like to repaint The oom pany that put the siding on is now out of business lts lust matter at mi hing those places where the chalking cantlbe hosed oil It you hava one at those longhand led car washing brushes it will come in very handy DENT LINOELUM heavy chair resting cadence of silence made four small dome shaped dents in my linoleinn Will steamirordng bring these dents to level again last as one can iron dent from carpet As far as lknowrno Son ry Nor do know any practical way to undent this able to help urout Film PANELLING am planning to panel the Walls of new basement mom securing the panels to oneinch dirting strips Now am con 11 eerned about dampness work inglhrough nod creating prob Bu lam In it possible to insulate in stash conï¬ned space7 Since you should have Vaparbaltier as well as insulaA tion ymrcenplaee blankets at fibergins wool or similar type in the mace It will squash in easily when you Senna depanalling Use the type which has at least one side covered with aluminum foil to act as the vapor barrier it you wish to havej therlight granular type of insulation blown into the space thenlyou should give the back otrthepeneiling coat of aluminum paint for vaporharricr errors1AM or FIineral services will be held here Mon day for Thompsontor mer Ontariocahinet minister and southwestern Ontario busi rnossrnan who died Invhospltal islature for Eastltentl Blenheim son Thursdaynight following heart attack He was 72 Mr Thompson became lands and forests minister when Drews Progresslve Conservative government took ofiice In 1043 He resigned from the cabinet Nov 29 1946 He was member of the in nearby Mr Thongzsonowned androperaied the Thomp Co grain and bean dealers businessman in Kent County with branches throughmrt southwestern tario While he wt lands and rests minister the department of gamei and ï¬sheries was in corporated intahis department arnnn THEN from the cabinet that As result of his tore TE When Mr Thompson resigned Mr Drewsaid sight andcooperation there are at Present under construction throughout NDIHIEIB Ontario ncwtorest product industries to value 01 nearly $75000000 hor In Rothesay Wellington County Mr Thompson attended mutant Inc team and atone reading ed PAINT moms WM Is there any kind oi paint made to make rough walls smootht The inside walls of our new are mud too rough to suit me ihese rough surfaces make cleaning so much more dliï¬arlt Sorry nqpaint know is rnadafor thisjiï¬bépEaeilamcloahnt any paint will but it certainly would take hundmi coats to change enough surface to glasssrnooth Have them replastered by corn petent man and be done with it DRAINAGE aria VITAL The concrete apron in tront my garage doors wasput in With no drainage bed at gravel underneath Lastavinter soil underneath froze than heav Now the concreths cracked badly It Is possible to dlgua drainage bed now if so how it might be sible to have eraneequi truck lift the slab it it were stililin one piece on you mildr ace It atter digging out the ainagc bed since its cracked no go iterative the pieces do the dlg gmg and gravelllngthen pour another concrete apron PLASTIC COATING TILES is it safe to use clear plastk coating on our asbestos tile find waxingnnd rerer ing wax such ashore Ahsoluteiynot and the manufacturer will tell you the same thingYou would rue it no more thanyou would use var nish or shellac ii the solvents dont ruin the tile first theyll make them look messyI when the coating startsto wear oil In the trafï¬c lanes theciay mod the Merchants Bank Kincardlne Jn not he bought partneru ship In the grain business of and McKiliop Ashortv um latter chasedrthe tire business and launched his own successful reer in grain and beans He is su vedhy his gt to the tonne McCallumnt But ndSone Wesleyand Johnboihof Blenheim rev nxnrrmertwm ans hePIIrI signs hill delalia on how to order blueprints are also in cluded In this book Ontario re sidents must remit apcr cent sales tax scronmnMIanusrssRvs Bnmucs or KINGSTON CF An es caped convict who made complete and utter break with his former way of life Fri day was sentch to month for escaping fmmJoyceviile Lninimum scorinty prison near GIG Malcolm McLean as who established himself as solid citizen In Ste Therese iQuein the four erars follow us his esoapeamost must complete his original sen tence There lett Evidence at his trial showed McLean ranawey from Joyceviiic where hehad been serving three years for utter lng in 1064 He fled to Ste Therese when he married made friends and held joh in large automotive plant At the time of his arrest he was doing volunteer work in the federal election campaign are 1000 days KlNGhl CF The ma jority olisebool teachers taking summer course at Queens University here believe thet cor pnrai punishment should not be abolished in sch ls The universrtya graduate shr dent socier conducteda survey of the teachers inan attempt to published Friday the Gavel monthly magazine sponsored by the Queens graduate student ety 1Ihe teachers were asked Are you in favor or the norm uple built or corporal pun rné magnetite reported that pertent saidyes 58 pct out said no and onevpcr cent no rmrmrnnvcounsn meua EC More time dozen younglndisn men and wman have com pleted workshop course in pot tery The course was tree fort students andadults 01 Indian orr igin It was conducted by Know naartist Zeljko Muddch and moon 7mm tinanoed by abeon and Thea Koerner Foundatl moves to forge stronger links mm glican communion The Canadian murdnnen Ia to propose tethe Lambeth con opens CHURCELL Man CF The British freighter Silkwoth yhlday became first ship of the season to reach this lludsnn Bayvport Sha began discharg ing generaicargoito take on grain for the return trip Port Manager Lauxon SENTENCEy Harnesses am it Is the most extraordi nary case of rehabilitation have ever seen said assist ant Crown Attorncymobcrt Little Mr Ween without 2e assistanlce otialrityrrehabliin hTm servce ma oom one and utter break with his TORONTO CPI Advances Mme way of me or mega $525000000 from the Entered as evidence were Pm Mnmdmd mime letteralrom the John Howard fund tn the Ontario riverties Society the warden oi Joyee Wm id mum bale villa and his employers at the hem WW FY comm auto plant llls employer came mm promised the rum will rehirc leased Friday the Yam him when he ï¬nish his wouldiailow thecorporation to term purchase bonds or debentures McLean said am until his WP mml his arrmelsnt his young wifelkneulr me no gothisformerctmina yrm record of Wily nitrates in Mumï¬ CP HflitTorinan Volwns theft forgery and than pidoltshcr ot the breaking and antenna ame Herald announced Fri mttlellevï¬l wasa better day the 99yearold weekly candidate for parole said aimeamainly at iann will Magistrate Bake 55Apubnmuon Sept He said in statement pu Icatloh Pilot ls Found costs have risen steadily while revenuehns declined The week In OntariorBush as The pilot of guisptrhllshod by the Montreal small plane which flashed dur ing aIanding attempt six days ago In rugged northwesan 0n tario lake country was found Friday and taken to hospital hero in fair to good condition JerryRoalstad about is at master Minn survived the crash and spent six nights out sidein ï¬re lodogzee tempera tirres with almost nofood to set passenger Walter Alhcre as also of Kiesterpdied in the crash of the pontooncquiwed aircraft Roals who has fractures of the ribs and pelvisrand many bruises said hewore his rain gear all the time to keep warm The men who found Roalstad said he had been unable to build fire against the nightly cold ausa rains had left the woodstoowet had next tonothing to eat slice oi bread day Roal stad added Flick of two search planes tted the wreckage of Roal stade craft They landed and brought it oalstad to Fort went byplana for Albers body LR mamuernnsrrms HALTS PUBLICATION WASHINGTON Reuters Publication ot Washingtons three daily newipapera was my pcnded tor thesecondday Fri day utter an iinight bargain ing session failed to end can um an elusive linens OKEEFE CENfRE Front YongeToronia $5631 ONEIWEEK ONL $400 moods WedatMnte Jam $225i75r ins aoxornczrdrnnfl ll moss 7min sented on the conunlsslon by three tofivecomnussi onere Favor Strike Kartisxasm cm or Ahoutlm workers have voted to go on strike against the Spruce Falls fewer and Paper Company and flurberiyflark ot Kapusltaslng Canada ltd Aug in ii contract negotiations are not resolved The old contract between the unions and the companies ex WOBJii iï¬wsv BRIEF tract terences betweentman agement and striking coin POSI tors UN OPENS SEPT NATIONS iReuters The United Nations an nounced Friday that the openiw pf the 23rd seslon at the Gen eralAssembly will be postponed RCAF Assoc Ml WING BINGO Every Monday at 300 prn SPECIALS JACKPOT szaono SHARE THE WEALTH Admission $0 is HIGH ST Above NuServiee Cleaners rnsrrakebursssewcc 50c ontivnnv cannon 0N nexus UNDER 00 wrram CITYme Barrie Ont NOW MWWM sumo mmvmmsumlemam Furor AIILQDNDITIONED sort your COMFORT snowmo neflbsenh nilhdedPtbfedor ma MathlRRAI hawarrow mmv AN EM unionist MttMiiRWmfliSflNhmyioniiiliiimiifmhnuï¬fws nun rmKIRKANNHIEEMMWAlMSWURBY mwrsntnuuaJACQUESAUBUCHON tr MINMull sunummuumuz momuranium mm DRIVEIii rumor DLV IR iiitl