rt neighbour reeks The iullterm baby usual thriene new weighs five time and td onepoundbutter box or pint cupped hands Tbabraln would parry GETS ll WELCOME Tiny my seized by bailiffs because of overdue rent has been returned to its owner Wearold Stacy Groubr The dog was returned Thursday after the Winnipeg bailiffs weed to accept $50 from an anonymous donor for the return of the dog to its gippled owner 01 Wirepho TWO Assdsï¬nations Stir UP Violence Ill Media By nanny malts ran The assaslnatlon of Robert Kennedy so closely following that of Martin Luther King seen to have stirred up revul sion to violence on TV and de mod for its reduction Appar ently itresulted in the passage by Congrex of more strict con trol of the sale and use of aims According to report in the public press the elementary school children in Bronx New York at PS 106 have gone into action against violence Following the assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy the principal Arthur Kairnsky diey Are wasting their time Measure they said they will boycott movie theaters mowing filmsthat glorifyNio lanes and protest both to thea ter owners and Hollywood pro ducera ENDVVIOLENCEJYMBOLL On the morningof June to in that school the children step ping forward class by class on the playground filled as trash cans with assorted toy guns knives swords and comic books Then theohlldren de cided that Hi these symbols of violence should be ground up into powder by the sanitation spoke before the 1000 children truck of his seboolover the public ad dress system and asked them How can we get the American people to return to sane way of living He suggestedgto them code which the children adopted The children pledged in this code to mp playing with toys of violence Mich as guns and knives also to ask stores to suit displaying and selling such toys and toboyoott any store which does not comply Moieover the children said in the code that they plan turn off television programs shocking violence and to write to stations and sponso that Since they no longer ave an audience Immature Bdbiesj Butler B02 iORONiiLi OP when Beverleyiord saw her dough ter Darlene for first time look liked fingers weren matchstlcksf nWhen Darlene was born in April weighed onepound 13 ounces She was transferred from Toronto th Dual the joined special class of ba bles called mrnaturespborn ai zo to zsvweeks gestation and Alan search fellow calls them tba butlerbolt babies When weiirst see them theyre little more than foot oag and would fit nicely into lootiee cream carton You could hold them in your bathe size of womans list the hear big astbe end of yourthum normal pregnancy lasts 40 weighsrmoré manspounds nscx altr nasdnva pound Ifour ouncesand lsaet to go home to her five brothers and sisters When she was first born didnt think shed pull through elanrsfFord menot to serum They were concemed about he breath ttook al two pounds do the no uni feeding record her heartbreak were the umbilical card on ded the lower the ght the slimmer the chance ofraur problem is which her life he The aims report did not indi cate how long this code was in operation It may be safe guess that by nbw some of the dildreo who had their toys of violence mished have bought new ones at home But the event indicates how in an at mosphere highly charged eme tionaily and led by persuasive person young children of an en tireschool can be stirred to idealistic action Suppose that the principal of every elementary school of America had sparkplugged the children to Mention Suppose the PTA and ihe leading par ents of each school had got back of stleh movement What S123 eno thematernai assembly too earlythey do not have the layers of let fullterm abyadds tbelast moo Thef storessugar whichthe dy burns tokeep itatempera tur normal Dr Murdock saysthes ha bles rapidly use up the small amount iiithis blood sugar to maintain temperatln The low bio sugiir level ves the brain starved for glucose Al though the brash is probably mplete at nine weeks this starvation can destroy the cells which will no regenerate MAY romance BREATHE That is why thebabies must live in controlled incubators wired tothermometers When their temperature falls the in cubator foods with heatuntii normal body temperature is restored gt regular fear in the unit is apnea sudden unexplained stoppage oi breaththe babies in the second or third day some times suddenl forget to breathe One clue isvhesrtbéat Thats why we hookthem unto the electrocardiograph When the heart wave slows doors buszer sounds and tors sthnulale thehnbys heart Two chest Velecirodesl record resistan changes with chest volume abd pen traces the respiratory wave Manygbahies are hooked ioa monitor watch their blood pres sure temperature and oxygen concentration Present changes and ofth halic Because Llsy babies are on the alert riots Footith PEOPLE mailers Cali Miss smiamuï¬uihnweymmni maul LAWN nowuNG lions Doubles Tournament for the Tony Malthows Trophy was played Wednesdayalter noon on the Allandaie uwa Bowling Club greens Jack Poucher president welcomed the guests Rinks from Willow dale Newmarkct Orangeyiiie Begum Port credit and Stay ner participated with the local bowlers The host club with three wins took the trophy with Mr illusion skip and lack Barth lead Mr illusion of Paris Ont was playing as guestof Alien dale Club Second withthree wins Gordon Spencer and Bill Fisher of Allandale high with two wins Mr dollars and Mr Slarpo of Orangevllle Eph Me Fadden and Walker Webb of the host club held highest score for one win Tony militants attended to present his Irophy Mrs Peter Hodgson assisted by Mrs Tom Taggart and Mrs Kent Radcliff served refreshments ISTH BIRTHDAY Mrs Mary Hunter will mark her 95th birthdaytomer row at familyparty arranged by her duughieers William Gleason of hlelrasc Ave where the ceiebrant makes her home ENGAGEMENT Miss Karen Patricio Rechnlt ser daughter of Mrs Reginald buddy hldntosh and the late Einnr VBechnllch of Show willwedDavldStepheosolr White son of Mr and Mrs Noi man Willie of Toronto Aug 17 at pm in Shanty Bay ENrrlnrsmnlnnrs might have been the results Even then we hardly could hope for enough drive back of the undertallingforlt to centlm no all at once and permanently To us Who have been die lremed over the prevalence of guns andothertovaeapons in the hands of children and over the flood of violence on TV and the movie screen little sparks like those from that Bronx school are encouraging So are the headlines in the public press getting what the operators of stations say they are going i3 do to reduce violence But ietus not betoo hopeful about these flareups of righ teousness Not many children America over will emulate these Bronx children long while still catching TVle allits violenoa The great danger is that after the blitz from the public has cleared up shit vio lence on TV and the movie screen will be as bad as ever and may be horse So let us be ANSWERING QUESTIONS would you approye the use of hairbrush for spanking youngster or 87 No it can bruise muscles and bones broad and very very thin paddle is safer and more humane if anything be sides the broad flat hand is needed Mission Siir FaShion Africa JOHANNESBURG AP llhe miniskirt still stirs pas slons in Africa roe Malawi News official organm President Hastings Bandas Malawi Congress party says fAli we want is the nakedness to stop at once We will not tolerate anyone here to coer lrts were outlawed in Malaw ur months ago Ken defence mtnlster Dr Nyoroge Muogai says miniskirts wigs and other modfasblons are an affront tothe dignity and pinposeof African society Miniskirts Militant youth wingmembersC of Eilenlllilg United National palrnins scan as srrvlnors Conservative Leftleaning governments say it exemplifies rightiwlng deca dence MintslLiits were blamed for wldespre rioting in Ethiopia last April which 50 persons were injured 100 vehicles de stroyed and til schools closed for awoweeks Demonstratlons design to prove fashion show by acult wives b1ost ly Americans sparked the Student dissatisfaction end yague political unrest is believed at the bottom of the ml rtjriots Ml sklrts also have been Sonnemnee in the Congo Be Izblic Brazzaville onzania and elsewherean TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS governmertsv irl Afrlca view the mini as leihwlng symbol of revolt Prioflo her marriage to Mar via Bmce flee the former Donna Lynne Frailck was guest of honorat several shower and presentatlolepartles Her aunt Mrs Frallck of Toronto was hostess oi bathroom shower The corrununity residents gather ed at St Pauls lnnisfil to show errthebridewlth variety of gifts Mr ary Fralick of Bar rlethe brides sisterinlaw held pantry shower party ltilsa Shirley ills of Stroud entertain ed at personal shower party supper party and presents Lmlis MAY nicmnson and Ronald Wayne Peeves will exchangevows in Burton Ave has United Church at an after noonrceremooy Aug 31 The Yunnan DlA lemon daughter of ndMrs Nora PHONE moor lman ileskath oi Cook St will wednennis Albertxing poo years ago sodl notest intended of the clipsth wealth parties travellers and visitors It flirtich of blunt rendered this page Your help in supplying this news will be pre appreciated Plcase phoneflle Barrie Em lmincr 7266537 lad Ink inr Silrr Smith or Andrey Coul son at the Womens Depart meal the was heid at the home of Mrs ii Constable Guests were the staff of Innlsfil Credit Union of which the bridegmorn is man motber Mrs Fer gusoo Frailek entertained at trolnsean tea at her home in Slroud WERE BLUEBING Apologies to creators of In periai Order Daughters oi the Empire for the incorrect man ner in which their name ap poared in the picture outline for preparation for their Filth Ara nual BalL Sophia Loren No Bigamist ROME AP AIthalian Erï¬nlnaiml Wilden seared actress Sophia Loren and her bushland producer Carlo Ponti of blgamy charges finally ending case ulaLbesalL against the vi couple 11 The court issued decision absolving the com pletely statinglhey were never legally married in Mexico in 1057 as charged The action followed decision handed down by acivil court of appeals April 27 1561 which ruled that the ploxy papers for the Mexican marriage lacked reouiredlslgnatures and there fore legal marriage did not take place VVENGAGEMENIISWANNOIINCED brideelect is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl itichard son of Holgate St The bride groomstobe is the moat Mr and Mrs Percy Peever of EM Barrie Photo by Eavero ofMr and Mrs ofNorthan on Augustzd at 330 pm in Colliervst Unitedphurchi3arr Faverp Photo fFU The Word To ThefWiSfé in in iron In on no diet The note saidbe is seven pounds underwe has too many dentalcl ties was Ii sent from school an excessive number oi days and he needs to eat less Junk and more wholesome food was crime and assumed the nurse must have grudge agalnt oursonnr she would not have writtensuch Iii insulting noteAftcr wears an upper middleclass famEy not slum dwellers took the boy to the doctor the Igorilowloghiisy Bï¬tlLighinefl our was apps as eal conditionanemic under weight the works The doctor lectured me about mothers who allow their children to deveiun poor eating habits He pointed out that many children from welllode families are in the same boat and sent me home with literature onnutrllion and the balanced diet Please print this letter Ann and alert mothers everywhere to the danger of letting their phyllehn for tie insists on rlighteaing my desk and platenlnf lhlw The next thing 17mm valuable papers are missing When read in back issue newspaper or nuguine whlch set aside inanimate she leilsme she bilrned it iwn months ago Last night searched high and low for my children eat ooly what they want to it was shock to discover that our son was in the samepathetic physical condi tions the little boys who live in shacks lo MisslsippiEX EXECUIWESWE Dear Wife Heres an open letter to mothers everywhere What did yourchildren eat yes terday Aodwbat did they eat Today Awordlo thewise is sufficient and to the foolish million words are useless Take invenlorylv nanan near Ana Landersx iiy wile has mania for giving away throwing out or mlsplacing other peoples property Mainly mine have begged pleaded and asked hcrin as nice way as know how to pleasevkeep her hands off my things She doesnt seem to hear nl Mag bedroom slippers Whenl asked Maggie if she had seen them she said they werewom lo shreds and she couldnt look It them anymore so she threw them out realiw the were rather shabby Ann but it took me six months to get them reallt ly cornlortalie and was pretty upset about iL admit lm bit of boarder but shouldnt wife respect her husbands rights in the houseiltiiNNE APOLIS CQT Dui Minn When ck marries beaverouter theres bound to be trouble You cant hcrbut Wle Jrotecl yourself by pulling your papers aodl magazines awayout oi licst beavers loss out because they are clutter ing up room Some women report their husbands dens are tire haurdsJ As for the bedroom slippe that was rotten trick Ask Maggie how shed like it if you threw away her old beatup gir dle bet shell understand your feelings avlot better after that question NewlyWedsf Leave After an exchange of wedding vows in Trinity Anglican Ranch Barrie on Saturday afternoon Mr nanMrs phn ederlek Meyer left Canada for honeys moon in England the beginning of trip Irwnd the world The bride Evelyn Belt the is the daughter of Mr and Mrs John Heitmar of Gunn St Barrie The bridegroom Is the son of Mrs Edoaiatton of Alfred SLandhehler James Meyer Rev Fletcher Stewart conduct ed the ceremony Edward Mar doch presided at the orgen and accompanied the soloist Ed ith Edgtcombe as she sang The Lords Prayer and Handels lWedding Hynln Given in marriage by her ia for this special day The floor length gown featured narrow bellrshaped skirt and long flar ing bell sleeves of lace Triple bands of matching lace accentuated the chapel train of the gown crown of seed hearls held the brides bouifant veil of silk il luslon bulle Carrying through the traditional luck symbol of Englsh brides her cascade bou quetof baby pink rosebuds con tainedtwo lace borseshoes en twiued with white apple bloc sums and lilyotthevalley Miss Elizabeth Snelgrove of with matching Jacket and white accessories complemepted with corsage of while daisies The newlyweds plans include working holiday through Eur ope and then tour of the Mid dle East en route to Brisbane Barrie attended as maid of bon or Miss Gerry Kilburn of Tor onto and the brides sister Miss Virginia Heitmar were brides maids Another sister Miss Jac queline Heltmar was junlor bridesmaid ilhe blldes brother Glenn Heitmar was ring bearer Formal gowns of georgette chiffon over taffeta were worn by the maid of honor and brides maids The dresses weré design ed on the Arline with longsbeer bell sleeves The gowns the maid of honor and the junior hrldmaid Kare of flower Aprinted chiffon deep pink shade contrasting with the bridesmaids dresses of deeper rose pink tones Pink rosebuds and lilyom alley were entwined in their hair and they carried cascades of whi feathered carnations The bridegroom was attended by Jack Gemmenscf Base Bor denas bestyman Tom Cairns of Mldhurst and Rick Patton of Barrie brother of the bride groom were the ushers RECEPTIDN Guests were received at the Bayshore Mobor Hotel The brides mother was attired in sheath dress of mint green sparkle crepe with matching jacket and bone colored acces sories iler mrsage was of var legated shades of pink corner Lions llhe bridegrooms motherwore belgeand white twopiece en semble fashioned of German silk with matching hat and corsage of pale orange roses The brides gplngaway cos tume was bright green dms oRESTYLING aromas STORAGE Before Y9 Bu lnvlle YouToCon1pare tiwloelas Albert liking Dunlap St Barrie 7184868 Manna Mascorry Trip AroundTheewcorldf Pboto oy in Cowper smote FREDERICK mm Australia where ney plan to is side for ya short time befor returning to Canada Out of city guests attended from Dshawa Toronto London Ottawa and from London Eng land sums Hamster amateurs SWINGN6 SAFARI Wall Dianeym Ptilllii 4811111 ANVliME DRIVEIll rumor uav flit NIH THE Holst Talc