Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jul 1968, p. 1

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lll THOUGHT SHE WOBKE Prime Minister Trudeau gets the Dominion Bureau at lita kid lrom Francine Dupuis tistiu at Ottawa Rlday When of Ottawa at ceremnyiun Mr Trudeau ii Veliing population 11 she worked at DDS she ans wered she is it years old At lelt Francine wearing her Trudcaudrcs watchu Mr Trudeau arriving GP Wire photo UiiAWAutCP lug wegaut ernen rpos workers Mic arebow inthe third day ot national strike may aignai still demands from um rid of othersivll servants now Vbnrgaliing with tbegovarnment it there is very hvorable decision well have to take second look at some oiour own demandsl Trevor Gough plosi dent ot the iiomoanenaer Public Service Alliance oi Can ldaisoid in an interview Friday nlrht caidnfiitule announced she has Set up her own delivery service Shes rented poaal box in i4wl10nNY andniplaru to drlva therp twice week charge is sletter Office vacrload ot Toronto which specializes lntcmporary secetarlal help says many computes are callingth mes sengers to deliver dieir mail and pick up dteques in 25 nyrne carinnrarrrncss ingenuity ordered die postal strike Frida as thousands of Canadians ed to find to gu their mallthmuui For some it was pa matter of short drive to the United States toflaend mall on its way to international points But ior others there were plans ranging from university deliv ery service to brainstorm oi terlng natio ndier New i7 Streelswere armed Friday mislde at oiiioes ianlatytsj Mitt nzMontreaIbusr nesnenluggotl inbundlesrpi foreign mail ior delivery Bob noissen zoyearvold Eary has organized student mail delivery service But itlan inloytroub le iiidoy when Mr ihomeen recolved al Mdi6rPltgtstdlPa May Demands branch ofllcesacrosfoanadr shadenl aftheliniversity MCalf vane ihe le000 Ml workers who went on strike early Thursday are asking 75cth hourly in crease iora 14month contract Jihe government otter ot 15 cent increase in two stages was rejectedilatiy increase sought by the postal unions ranges from 261 to 391 par cent while the gov ernment is oileringsix per cent Mr Gough sald only six con ads coveringabout 7500 members oi thealliance have been signed and about to to 50 maremverlngrnore than 00000 workers are under negotiation The alliance is asking ior prices of between it and 16 per cent tor lwoltyear period and log Sept so 1963 its members also received sevenpeigcenl com of living raise last year rilia whole round oi negotia tion begins again in the tall not only or the alliance but for the postal workers when all the contracts currently being nego bated expire And postal authorities in 3qu damning calls Of Government Bribe NEWYORK CPD The 563 iarers International Union sayr Ilierewnsno connaaionrnetween the 715 slate departments re iusal to extradite Hal Banks to Csrmda and $100000 in do nations to the Democratic party campaign iunds by theunion The Wall meet Journal says the union donated the money to Deniocrallc campaign organira lions alter Rusk raiused March lhepeconninuilons were made openly as are all Sealan ers contributions thewhnion nighlginatitemeaitl any wer ma cg aa in all Seafarer copnxtbrllbiglions ey are reported as are all Seafarer contributions TWO NOT CONNEOIED Any suggestion that the exer dse oi this right is linked to any other situation or circum 25 to approve extradition oi Banksto Canada The financial newspaper says halt hire money went to cani palgn committees supporting the White House hid oi VicePresi dent ihrbert Hinnphrey The province of Ontario sought theextradition of Banks lormer Vliead of the Sit in Canada in connection with chargehe per jured hinseli in testimony to royal commission investigating Great Lakes violence The Wall Streetdournal says thesltl refused comment on the ranmbutions or why they were made However the union said Fri day it had made such donations ftoi years stance is wholly Without iusti licatlon USgteonnriissloner had reo ornrnended eidraditjon of Banks Toronto Hosts Vistling Prince IORONN CP Nepals Crku Hirendra arrived here Friday night or an until dalth to Canada lhe Vmyearold heir to the throne oi the Himalayan Mound tains ldngdnm was accompanied by theNopalese ambassador to the UnrtedStates and by see Demand RemovaIAOlifKilleLSla cameras Wales lamenttray mothers nannude died in coal slag avalanche lnAberian two years ago invaded government otiiees here today to demand that menaelng slag dinnps be removed belore new disaster occurs Layman Will ChairCouncil of Churches UPPSALA amiris World Council or Churches elect edan lndlanlayman alternator theiMaiTho aGSyrlan enurch oi Malabar to succeed the late American Dr nltlin Clark Fry as its chairman ior thenext year llex frostDiegmjlT Tonouro can Frost 7i or wrnar hroad caster and photographer died Thursday inhospiiai Blame Housing Corpior Death TORONTO tCPAn apartment dwell is blaming the Onta llD Housing Corp for thedeath Friday of ntwoyearold boy who all from sixthstorey unscreenedvlaundryroom window Leland Hynrs iell alter his mother Mrs John llynes leit him on table while she turnedto put soap inu washing machine ed Guards Paralyse Chinese Tramp rt ma Arireading aid Guard actions have paral xl and highway trarllcjn Kwangslprovlnce throitghiwhloh ilgna sendswar aid to North Vietnam reports reaching herersaid they British Liver BadmanDies cAMambstaf who relurnédgto nonnal iii aiterbecomliig theiilrst transplant patienhlhas died it was announced toda towns Brltlah liver following it ring in than ill an Rusk roused to grant it and later explained liiatto re lease Banks to Canadian authors idea would have violatedmy aimMilt say alimontothrma have taken mailboxes atlocal postoflieas ensure Ih will get imports Maine corre modem durlogJheJfi Other plans ranged truth cards inflation in Burlington to swish test at secretaries own sense of olddashioned lus tlce Elaborate iSecurity Surrounds James Earlfllay MEMPHIS Tenn APt James Earl Ray lucked safely behind the mo elaborate secu rity screen ever seen here awaits the first meeting with his lawyer since being removed horn Ipildonrlflil The lawyer Arthur Hones oi Birmingham Ala arrived by planev from New York shortly before midnight Friday night and drove to downtown hotel escorted by six policemen After being searched and passed lhroughcordons oi heav ilyarmeil sheriits deputies llanes presumablyle be ad mitted to the thirdfloor call block where Ray charged with die April assassination of Dr Martin hitherth Jris con fined in the Shelby County jalL llay arreaediniondon June was taken to the Jail list be tore dawn Friday alter secret night aboard LS Air Force jet iromJiritain Iianes who Libero PRAGUE CF Czedinslo vakt leaders today appeared ready tor meeting with Russia but theylnslsted thatfthey are determined tnovercorne ailnei torts to reverse Caechoslova lrias liberal course the Czechs appe to be holding out over the site of the Czeditlluasiantalks Themrgianswbo call lwocountry ta lks aitlu nne Czedroslovalola stayed home immaCemmunist meetingdn Warsaw aweelr agosuggmed cities oiKlevor Lvov hut Prague leaders have not ollicially acceptedany oi these sites Josef Smrlrovsky speaker of the Prague lfarllament and member ottheCommunlr party presldhim said Friday night Czechoslovak comrades will meetSoviot comrades to ln ow todayl or the day alter the newspaper report says student at hymn Polytechni Joan Hewitt secondyear ismrtlt£iTOVEREI sonar BEER Watsontomcat cri Hotel owner Fred Cadleirx is one of low men in the prov ince whovlsvsorry the beer strike is over During the Today dispute his Mseat beverage room hope bia thestrike oi laketh handlers appeared dim today Wilhn0ihulef negotiating meetingsscheduied alter talks abruptly collapsed Nday 015 Any ickLMietnant in grain Negotiations Ibetween the grain handlers kepiesentatives and theiteam representing ter minal elevator companies start ed Thursday almost on the heels waadsmmed with thirsty 0n vantage of the extralarge stock ei beer Mr Cadieux managed to acquire lustbe foraroutlets closed down June 21 Wednesday he lowered the price oi bottled beer loio cents bottle from 50 cents in order in niche out his cooler was planning to close up Sirhan Requests ha your loan Sleeping Pills mm But his next daysome guy arrives with another load of IDS ANGELBS AP Slr beer han Bishaia Show has been complaining oi insomnia as he waits injail for his trial on charge of emanating Senator Robert Kennedy And lietold Superior court JildgefildiardSChauer Friday hevmuld agree to is waiver granting psychiatrists anew to his jail record on condition that he be given sleeping pills have constantly been ask ing for sleeping pillsii they give mexsleeping pills Ill waive it naught no flight to the United States prom the de cision that prevented him from anoian Rey Friday Canada should ioliow the example oiSweden ln ambush ing an findustrial peaee com mimlon that would provide un biased credible information on issues in labormanagement dis putes iiideep public interest There were more than 85 es in Canada today and litere will be more it we dont do something about the doing cost oi living hesaid at ajoint news conierence with the Ontar The Czechoslovak Communist in ND leader DonaldvMac partys cen committee met Friday and endorsed ajcall ior courage and determination in the liberallzntion drive begun in January by Czechoslov Communist party chief Alexander Dubce mld by soared awa Viet Cong guerril las who set 39 manacled cap llves out as bait and planned to ambush SouliiViatnamesa iroopscomlng to theirrescue military spokennon said today The government troops reed thaemaclated men andwnrnc chained to stakes in the ground and reported killing six Vlet Congulguarda who flied behind as ergueriillas llie ESouth Vietnames charged into aniopen iield daéK to tree the prisoners lnthe ong Delta 125 mllessouth west of Saigon spokesmen said The captives held bythe Vlel king forgpcriods ranging from two months to two yearahl elud ed to women tario residents who tholrad oi awalkod hymn employ gas The second meeting Friday ended 45 minutes afterit opened when the companies walkcd out The management walinout was preceded by an intermerate response lrom the union nego amass our lve decided wont be marl rled till lm coed And said her elder sister have decided not to bra75 till lnth im married lend thethreeday annual The ing or the Saakatdiawan New Democratic Party said the led eral government should have noted earlier to speed up talks betVeen the inkehead Terminal 25 confided the its rune only waaponthattbe NeIMeroTlienlOePerCepy TORONTO GP Former magistrate Fred Bannon ire vealed Friday hekept baiLot the 310000 mortgage he ar ranged ior Vincent Alexander as temporary loan but denied he ever took bribe while on the bendi Mr hannon told the judicial inquiry under MrJusica Campbell Grant he kept the $3000 as threeweek loan He said the money will be available lodgiexander when the inquiry en Alexander tesliiled earller Mr Barman got nothing or the mortgage onthc house low days alter it was placed as se curity for his $10000 bail on Purge oi breaking and enter ill iheMyaaiold ionner magi trate resigned from the bench at the opening or thelnquiry called by AttorneyGeneral Ar thur Wishart to investigate the relationship between ltlr Ban non Magistrate George Gard house so and Alexander tram paranoia MONDAY They were relieved iiicourt duties June it pending the nub come of the inqui Mr HalOil theonmpanies stand that the wage issue Should not haveabsolute priority in the llrs Thursdays meeting marked the firstresumption talks since last May one called at therequost oi the companies like strike insulted in an almost immediate embargo on all grain shipments to the Lakehead by the railways Tllherklge chitirman ot the Lakehead Terrrunalelevar tor Association whichis negolt tinting with the striking workers IndfiStrial PeqceCofITnIriiSSon acorns CP lederai NDP Leader Douglas said ha Elevator Assodation and the 1300 tiakahead now on strike that in Sweden where sal grain handlers His proposed neutral peace commission would be similar to there hasnotbeen major strike in 23 years PARTLY worms The oonurilssion quasijudicial body comprised parts isoclologi and com oils and would provide leelmi balinionnatlon an economic suesin dispute between labors andmanagemen Mr Dough said appoint ments the commission woidd be madewith the of The labor and managemet commissions ndings wo not bedrindlng butjtliey would be pretty difficult tn argue with Government has an important 0t laborandmanagementox role to playfiand it hasntvbecn playing that role he said kmpulsoryarbllratlnn was not the answer to labor disputes be causeyou cant make men go backwwork Mr MacDonald said hetook lssu withllime Minister Trad deau argument that the effect on the economvbt swage in crease to public servants was morelnilalzionary than similar increase tnpeopla who worked aprtvato FEDERAL NEW Democrat Party jleader TC Douglas nta news coidcrencehrlday pointslo newmaper hoad line to illustrate the need ion on industrial peace commis slonfly at wouldprovida re VNever COrrupllf Fred Bannon Tells Grant will hear arguments lion day irom Arthur Maloney Mr Bannons lawyer and Arthur Martin counsel or Magistrate Gardhouse His lindng will be delivered to Mr Wishart later in written report ltlr Bannonsaid Friday he revealed the $50001oan because wanted to give this in pinyin fullest Asked by Mr Maloney if he had overtaken aybribe or acted mrruptly in any way Mr Ban non replied can answer honestly never in my tile dont bury it you are to consider persons personality but have iound it very ditflcult to say no toianyone in my lite People impose on me When read over the tron script of police wiretap tele phone conversallons it is dltih cultior me torealirebowl be came involved in these proh ems Much oi theevidence linking Magistrate Bannon and Aim dcr was contained in taped tele phone conversations obtained by police wiretap oi Alexanders telqwhone on behall of lugmiii companies hidi operata23tcrntinai ele vators tn PortArlliurFortWfl llam said the anion reptmenta lives at Ndayr meeting re lused 40le any points until wages were settled We ate ready willing and able to discuss any issue in question but we think there are number oiotherlhingstobe sottled beitre wages Frank Matur chairman at the unions negotiating committee said We arent going back until the companies are pre pared to talk wages

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