Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1968, p. 6

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on TO THE BAHAMAS lllr and Mrs taking Bar at recent banadlan travel island paradise they rle were photographed with their daughter Susan lelt COOKS CORNER Salad Month In agcns familiarization trip ta Nassqu Bahamhs On this were gumts at the elegant 13$an 31 Club on Cable Beach PM to by rockham Canada Stars Crisp Végetables AUDREY coursos July Salad Month in Canada is the opportunetime for home kaEIS to plan simple warm weather meals for family and friends gt The present heat wave wears experiencian this area is ample excuse to serve meals require minimumof Meir oration Satlsiying main dishes of cooked meats poultry and eggs or cheese can beoombniai with crisp and tender salad V938 nblcs Head lettuce is handy to have In your nlsper at all times It can provide the daily salad with very little effort HomeiEcopv omists of the C03 Secuon of Canada Department of Ag riculture otter these simple ideas or using bead otlcttuce HEART OF HEITUCE SALADS when there just isnt tirnei to put salad together use the crisp Iceberg head to make several Heartot Let tuce Salads First remove encugh or the outer leaves to make cups tor everyone range these onsmall Vldlt ual side plates Cut the lettuce heart through the centre then into four or more wedgesbe ed pieces Place each lettuce wedge in its an Garnish beam with your favorite dressing EASY LETTUUE SALADS Wash and drain onerhesd of Iceberg lettuce thoroughly Tear into small pieces Whip in cup whipping cream until stifl Stir in teaspoonsugar s5 teaspoon salt dash of pep per liablaspoon lemon juice and hblmmgflhdlcbopfi pedgrecn onions Just be tore serving add to the let tuce and toss gently butthor oughly This makes emmghfor servings Lu If you prefer usea Sour Cream Dressingff Combine SISTERS neutrino to admin Arte replication or qlp commercial sour cream teaspoon sugar ii teaspoon salt dash of to tablespoons Vinegar and tablespoon finely chopped onV ion and mix thoroughly Chill until servingtlme TURKEY14st cups chopped cooked turkey cup chopped cooked barn at cup sliced celery IA cup diced cucumber cup sliced green onions cup succdradishes and third cup diced green pepper salt to season pepper to season Mix turkey ham and veget ables Season with salt and pop per Adddressing toss to coat pieces nd chill hour Serv on lettuce Eervlngs i1 cup lccd canned pineapple may be added if desired mom Espoon for gelmin 14 cup cold water cuptmayonnnlsa cup chopped mired chicken in cup chopped celery Y4 up chopped green pepper dash salt dash paprika Soak gelatin in cold water and lve over hot water add to mayonmlse Fold in vegaahlcs and chicken season to taste with saltand paprika Place in mid and drill until firm Una mold on bed of lattice Serves liernembcrto so the mold with coldwater before tllling to unmol ng Timid Birth ContiolSlupport Is Criticized By Gynaecologist CALGARYtCPt United States gynecologist has criti cized physicianslor being too timid in their support of birth control ash Social and health hcneiit When the medial prolession could have given decisive sup port to planned parenthood it instead chose course of non controversy Dr Prentiss Wll son of Santa Barbara Calm told meeting of the Canadian Sidety tor the Study of Fertillt ity Dr unison presidentelect of rthefaciiic Coast Fertility Soci ety said that practitionecrs too often adopteda me too phi losophytflsiding with widespread opposition to birth control in stead of considering what was banker patients in medical terms trier Mrs on McArvtbur LEFTua esident otCanndn since me was seven yearsnld and now or Hawkcstnne is shown with her sister Mrs Vera Elcocky lthllTovigtstat He said physiciansmust arm sum or vas Iy more active roe in promoting of birth contrn ning gt Its our job to do because its quEstion of health the health of the world Di Wilson said no lor the global acceptance and larnily plan first time in history mans situ atinniny the world has become dangerously lopsided because spectacular advances in the control of deathhave not been matched by slnjilargnlns in curtailing fertility Even now he said medical scientists are coming near to the outright creation of liie lab oratories Lite may he made on this earth hclore we can get aroundto ccntroliingtbe lite aL ready her end Sister instead of Madame mother to Canada is shown centre While lnv Barrie Mrs Elcock willrbe guest of honor at lamily party on July 28 kl 27WI DWIde 1tplo owning dishwashers is sur plenty of practice In chairan ship director or the school of ruary 1967 Talonthey tickle elddruntlltheyatelntun una very dim WWII my nunaartmve bmod my curl mi leave the this hit Wit on an ge on Please tell me what to tinNo Laughing Dear hof Dont ashinstruct GTHEBARMEEXAMINER cur russ Starr Smith or in so ENGLAND Thompson and her brother Gra ria on the first 19 at ioumey to England unaccmnparlled by wiwfis runofmgim rt mpson ew lid The childrcn will tmvd lmm Toronto international Air port vla BOAC to England lbeyl will spend three weeks wi their grandparents Mr and Mrs SG Elliott of Slble lled tngha Essex and the holiday Time For in casinos noes It may be regarded as old hat to discuss the In of owning dishwashernot disfi pan and sinkhut the automatic variety Yet the number of per prisineg low This is so despite thelaot that dishwasher is considered one of the most et iectjve means or saving tune thehomemaker and allowian her more leisuretn say noth ing about Mothers helper Perhaps the lowowncrshlp is the result otcertain misconcep tlons which exist and persist hr cause we hear them so often One is that dishwasher uses so much water Actually it uses less Water per day than is prob ably required to wash the dishes by hand The machine fills with about gallons of water for each wash and rinse cyclere circulating this wster over the dishes with vigorous scrub hlng action about live times in lull cycle The used water is then= drained trash water is pumped in and recirculatedtor total of about 1115 gallons per load lhcnvthera Via therargument that dishes require too much ad NurSes President Reverend Sister Brandon income SASKATOON CF its hard to lose your temper at meeting when you have to pre lace your remarkswi Rever chairman Its har too when rev end sister knowsparliamentary procedure Sister Mary Felicltas the firs him to be president of the Cane dian Nurses Association guides meetings of 1000memhcrs with smell but decided voice and scarcely tap of gavel She not only can keep track of sniendments to amendments she can keep delegatesabreast of them Sister Felinllaa says shes had nursing at Montreals St Mary Hospita she teaches pro ssional ethics Elld boy to conductsmeeting HAS MASTERS DEGREEH member of the Sisters nt valdence she was trained as nurse at Moosedaw Sask She earned abachelors degree trom the University of Ottawa and nmastera degree in nurs ing education irnm the Catholic University of Americalln Wash ington DC She has directed the St Marys School since it Katherine hearings in Tell ForSlster Felleltas who he came presidentrelect in I966 with the prospect of two year preparation for the presidency the on ge meant taking charge on short notice of an assoaa with 751000 members in provinces Eigtt yearold do This harnagcdsevenwilllelrvaBar ed tickling routine Thedrildren edtnrcryingnsusualnndl In time ruining cam many without rubmltlingJo sterilin lion in some states In collapllc cannot receiva drivers lb WEDNESDAY JULY 11 16 PEOPLE AND PLACES Audrey Cvulson at 726653 will include visit to Frame is the childrens third visit overseas but the first norm ITS GIRL Mr andltlrs David Wisma at Vancouver fibecame proud am it that er athryn nyes tmlay at Royal Vlctoria Hos pital Barrie Mrs Wlsmer was lormerly the assistant to the Womens Editor of the Barrie Examiner Dishwasher lees Leisuie Vance scraping and rinsing he tore going into the dishwasher Automatic prerlnsing allml notes the need ior bondrinsing heiore maminanMng And manufacturers recommend only removing bones and other left overs belch machinevwashing Another objection heard is that dishwasher wont clean pots pans and casseroles Pow erful scrubbing action combined with very hot water and the special detergents formulated just or automatic dishwashers will generally clean utensils Any almost clean piece can be polished oil in secondscoin pared to the time and energ required to clean it completely by hand Dishwasher detergents are compatible with septic tanks and leech hedsysotbey can be darsi safely drained into tankso that does away with another contention The machine actual ly puts less water and detergent into the tank since most home makers use an automatic dish washer pnlycnce day versus dishes by iron wru Edmonton Adlshvissher is along term investment and so should re ceive nxlmum use New disbesvand equipment should be selected with thedishwashe tinn from the wedding trip the couple will make their home at Playter Ores lnronto Outohtown guests attended lrnm Toronto Hamilton Clark ofi mind It is best to avoid lurYingr glasses and cups thathave cor cave bottoms where water can collect when they are loaded in the machine upside down One or the bestVIeasons lar having dishwasher is that it certainly dries dishes and ulcn Barri rails in mu more sanitary en the rashes Into Fashion Scene ROME AP Freud haute couture houses had better pay heed to the new trumpet call of the isshion worl The ltalians arecoming At their fallvwinter showing opening in Rome today Italian houses sock the acclaim lrorn buyers and criticsthat could make thnnthe pacesetters in style design and hem length The ltalianshnve gained in reputatinneacir season In addll lion to their expert sewing and line sense of beauty they have shownthe knack for the dressy little thatwlti catch aliens seem agreedonthis year re the muted shades ol grey navy dark green and brown with prominent exceptiona hright zany rcd Upand cominggamong the tallan houses are An Laug and Sanlvrenzo ug spent our years deslg rig for Antonelllnn now has his own salonin Piazza dl Spag aiter several seasoha Gailtzine in Paris with Chantilly lace sleeves mat cence even than has been met und tlol for years woexirmgxm ward MW 94 gs or gt it wiurerve tea to move or pemion and otber hence are nosr scream often denied in MM In NorthCarohna we recently lun ravbed our law cornering gob lupus and we are extremely mm of it Our legislator have since been worlningwtth the No The We Coast was the hon elrnoon destination of newlyweds Mr and Mrs Marvin Jerald allowing an sage vowscin Giliord Unlt Church Gillordulhe bride is the for er Helen hnulsajSawyer laugh or or Mr and Mrs Eben Sawyer 01 Churchill The brIdegiborn is Hthe soan theblate Mrand Mrs enry My or Saskatoon Saskatchewan lihe alternoon rites were con domed by Ravi Oars Guides Against background Idling of pink tulips and mauve lilacs Miss Winnltrcd Nellly ot Banle presided at the organ andac companied the soloist Loclda Jack of Gillordas he sang the and Prayer and From SATIN GOWN The bride entered the chm on the arm or her lather tier gown ot simmer satin featured bodice ot Gnarfllly lace with sottly roundedhachltoe satin elbowrlepgth sleeves trimL mad with matdring lace The Allne floorlength aidrt of the dress natured an overskirt of lace over satiny chapel train at simmer sat in led from the Walstfof the gown Satin roses fashioned the brides headdress and held in place her fingerLip veil of tulle illusion She carried cascade oi pink roses and white mum tlons For smnething oldu bride wore her grandmother goldring set with rubies wannmo Inmunnurs The brides sisterMrs Grace Elliott olBradlord was matron of honor Another sister Mrs Margaret Ashtmrth of Sharon and Mrs Lynda Ziclie of Gllfold were the bridesmaids The attendants woregnwned alike in mlntgremnrganza over taffeta styled with high neckA headpleoes and they carried nosegays or White and yellow as nail Selberg Scarborough was groomsman The ushers were Glenn McKeeoi Don Mills and Mervin some atriarun oucsrs RoomyEn recwaonvaine1d in Gil ford Community Hall withtha brides mother receiving ntfir ad in salmon crepe PM dresr Ints 1F Mn fcenadisnindian Liké A11 Loo WAWA CF Ono Cana dian Indian woman sees the problems faced by her people as those of any in large at lowincome group is make their nhingtbe 13cc applique on the own decisions but at the some time they have to be educated in make the rjghr vdeclsons teen This isonly the problemlol low come group Summers mother of nine children ranging ram 13 been interestedrn education My early education was all to is years sai she has always son Oshawa Bradford the reserve grew up at gather firipctbreeimonths before Illichnrd According military sllgmndmga shots the ns amuy senior gasxvsawny May lort Stanley 0nt and went to secondary school at St Thomas Dado Ont app dvto teach ona tuner ishcd insuring in 1940 but hadnttba sol taught two nonvlndianrschool and than twain lederal Indan school bring this lune yomgcstmhild was of school age EcAhlE cums Alter began teaching we to dzthen lett teachlng until her mpved backto the reserves Wha ammo needs the machine beyond her ailotted lime she should he on Problems Incom Groups With hitourging from her husband John machine opar ator in Deer Mich Mrs Summers ran for election as chiei or the reserve which has about 1260 residents 1n lmshe became its lirst woman chtel The chleisdlrlles are pretty much the same as the relive our small village llrs Summers has kindly manner gentle dignity and reps and staunch common humor think the reserve system in here tnstay jshe said Not everybody can live and be happy in urban area Im that the new We need yvlrn Insiders hr caused all ouryoung people move all the Then took teacher training in can look after hrsan arts Some groups are more advanced than others But therejs the danger at pushing thing la Possibly problems is never know done wrong or marlnld vinegar spice addsflavortn gt nest IN Town

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