Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1968, p. 28

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52 it HAmESBURG like AP Billy Roy Pitts 23 former Ku lClux lflansrnan was sena tensed to five years in prrmn mm Width ncy ire lilrrb death of civil rights leader Vernon Dahrner Pitts pleaded guilty Judge Harald Cox oi the US disrlct oourt sentenced him to two so month sentences to run camou lively Pius also is serving lile sen tence for murder resulting from the same attack onVDahrners home and store in January 1966 The slate indicated Pits and 12 other men some ol them tor murder and arson and some only on arson charges Plts pleaded guilty to both murder and arson and then Iumed states evidence against the other 12 lie tudtiod that be and saver For Part InMurder Conspiracy al othu men drove to the Dab rarer home near liattleshurg with instructions to perform No la lirebornblng in Klan parlanceand if possible No ltt1e Klan designation for annihilation Pitts said window in the Negro leaders home was strat terEd by shotgun bias and then plastic jugs filled with gas olino were punctured and thrown drrough the window torda was tossed through the window he said and the trout ot the house erupted in damn Dahmer 5d died several hours later Pitts said that alter he agreed to testify the FBI paid him about $1600 to relocate his tamlly and pay or treatment or his ulcerat ed stomach Asked why relocation of his tarnin was noecsary he re plied So they wont be mur dared in IhEir home CzechSoviet Relations Strainrv By WILLIAM RYAN Associated Press New Analyst Reformminded zoobAdovaka firad 2000 words into the ide ological ramparts oi the Corn munlst world and evidently pro what serious orisis in Soviet dominated Eastern Europe Meeting in Poland Commu nist leaders or the Soviet Union and tour Mhercountritn Mon day drew up common letter to Czechoshrvaldaa lihls has the rjngof uilimat It suggests Big Brother is watdaing Czodioslovakia closely and win no to lengths to slow down iiynot snuti out com pletely the attempt to liberalize the Communist system therd The 2000 words irorn Prague was roaring indie meat ol Communist rule in Czechoslovakia during the la 20 years Published in the Prague newsmpergltdlsda Fron ta June 27 it seems to have badly shaken other ruling Euro pean Communists MOVEMENT TKREATENED those loaders led by Leonid Brezhnev of the Soviet party are telling Czechoslovak party cinets they are being subverted by imperialist influences and 37 by the example being set Czechoslovakia they are per mitting the leading role oi Com munist panties everywhere to he endangered Brezhnev indicates he will not put up with tins Perhaps he has it in his power to exert prose sures whioh eventually will bring back to authority the coaservative hardline Com rdunists now discredited in Czechoslovakia What was in those 2000 words to worry Brezhnev so much The broadside was entitled 2900 rds to workers tarm erf cl servanh scientists artists and everyone it was written by Ludvik VacILlilr cation tens or thousands otVCze droslovaks endorsed it Tlhe statement said alter the Communists took over in 1943 the direction of Czechoslovakia got into the hands of the wrong people The party dredged tram an ological alliance into power organization which became very Attractive also to egotists avid for rule calculating cowards It took several month it added for manyoi us to be lieve that we could speak and many still do not believe roots MORE run AT Nevertheless we have spo ken up and so manyrthings have been revealed that some how we must complete our aim or humanlzing this rgime 0th erwise the revenge oi the old Mes would be cruel Let us demand the resigna tion of people who have misused their power who have harmed public property or who have acted dishonestly or brutally We must find ways and means to induce them to resign For example through public ckm resolutions demonstra tions demonstrative work bri gadescollection drives tor gills to them whun they withdraw striku and boycott of their doors Coupled with this heady stuff was warning that lorel forces may interfere with out ternal development That could mean only the SovietUnion even jthen exertiog pressure through the device of Warsaw pact exercises won szboslovak mil The Czechoslovak National Assembly on flievsdvice of Pre mier oldrioh Cemik rejMed the 2000 words but thiswas not enough for leaders of the So viet Union and other Communist nation rennin oi contagion Worm amass HOW COURSE TAMED SMNTJOHN NB CPl Rapgyfirant Diddson of Saint John tamed hu home course the nearby Riverside Golf Club wi1ha blistering threeunder par 68 Monday to grab tour stroke load afier the first round ot thegsthole New Brunswick Prince Edward island amateur golt tournament Dicklson canned five birdie putts in or round to takethe lead over John Sears or Fredericton twohme NJ BASEMAN CHDSEN TOKYO AP Amerusan Don Blasingame oithe Nankai Hawks was voted the best and oasemanrol the Pacific Leagueinthe 1968 pro baseball allstar games balloting lor the second consecutive year it was announced Monday The 36 yearold tormei ajor leaguer was the only player se looted by th Japanese fans for the games heginningduly 13 Font MONEY on one antir31 Enagul nr Timt ee describes ntni wowfibrarriifl opportunities you ran cam in non1 halxst wru nr om MARVEL BEAUTY 5030073 no Blooms TorontoDeoL oy or Ermhes rtnclpal Iu momnaagvefwfvum champion eltr ed rore no mentor Coumr through the of lists We use pa lug doors and conveyor bolts We are looking forward to worldngnith Georgian Cdlege says Mr Brown who hoarare planning merchandising course lhls will mean bots lralnhrg tor Mallors Mr Brown whose rrrotloas shore mun Ls Selling Barrio says he behaves that man in buslnm for himsoli marks hord er than chain employee lie anys the retail light at the he lure will be between the drain stores and the owneroperated organiutims stroll as cm ithmm if °° opmatnr vital West in the community he lives to and serves as do KY To Moicow ht Delayed By llir irailié ntoscow 4N MK Ml Pan Am Um to MW was to have taken ott at 755 pm followed by the lira regularly adreduled oom merelal lllght at 515 5pm The plane ea log 11 gown meat Mails didnt depart until 823 pm and the regular flight tell at pm Again the heavy traitic was blamed mSoviahlilmn yuahin gamed W389 down merit otliotnls and stopped in Montreal Waiting to greet the arrivals were Eugene Rostow UlS undersecretarytol scale for no litlcal alialrarNaleobHalaby Plan Ama proddeot and hoot Malllr Soviet ambassador to the United Nations The beginning at air service between the two cities followed more than seven years of bar galning Agreem ent was medial earlier this year on wecldyservlce by Pan Am and Aemflol Aeroflot will fly regularly trotn Mosoow to New York on wand aroséwi lrrinKennedy Arr Airwaysgboblng WI axis to runway bdore its raked or Mmewmlflef stdpover ln MomentThe lllght will re turn to Moscow on Wednesdays lbs lie62 will carry maxi mum at mange sl daouflr it couldseat persons Pan Am wfll send Boeing WIm ion letoo Monday eve nlngs to Moscow via Copenha gen The film will arrive in Moaww on Tuesdays and head back the same day lt will carry up to ltdpmngers Irav axnrnnna Vwarrr ADS Poona new port in New Yorklnaugurr Club Has No Rule Against Negro Members NEW YORK tAP The ex sl Knickerbocker Cluh Whose members include Gover oorNelson llockcteller her no Negro members but has no policy against ndmlttin Negros its Secruary says Francis Goelal the surflaryf commented Monday night alter Modeller declared on paign tour in lodiana thathe would resign his rnemheriaip it elleotive action were not takento and alleged racial dis crlrrdnatlon Goelet said he wasiiaure gt WA have Jesth members lie de scribed the club as cpurcly sodal org animation and ostlmalui memberltip all be tween s50 and 600 iog longawaiteddrrect Mos Plans carried VIP on wowNew York ab service cialfliart and was allowed by the regularly acheduled Wirepholo TRY nsnras BARBERS N0 WAITING sort rumour you CAN WEAR WITH PRIDE crimes moor FIVE flltflllflS nut stunts 144 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