EXAMINER TELEPHON$ Gunilla new WWW mm MothW mam mu Yea No15 wnnr rowwnm ohe Japanese worlds lair by travelling foursome from Montrel The four two of wnoiu areAshown with Mr Trudeau plan to visit 90 countries in five continents Prime hiinister Tindeau Monday in Ottawa ponders what to enscribe in log book that will be presented to the commissioner general to collecting messages ot good will from heads at state to the Japanese people Those shown here are Francois Pre vosttlelt and his wile Louise OP Vircphoto Diphtheria Epidemic Scare IIits London As Child Dies LONDON Ont CF ï¬veyearoid girl who con tracted diphtheria and set off epidemic tears died Monday in Victoria Hospital Barbara liesndmilted to the hospital earlier Monday died at 1125 pm EDT hospital admin istrators said City health officials mean ile were planning to inoculate 61200 children who may have been expesei to the highlycon tagious disease Barbara had been swimming at McMahon Pool Saturday The disease is not spread by water but the girl could have communicated it to anyone near her health officials said Dr Jens Londons os sistant medical officer or health from provincial health autheri iim in Toionto We want to get everfehild who was there Saturdayvbr lciis said inoculatth given today he said will serve as booster for children who have received diphtheria shots earlier The inocculation will not how ever protect child who has never had diphtheria shots The disease results in inflam lIERES ONE My wife tells me that your wife displayed marvelous knowledge of parliamentary iaw Emmeter grabs mi bring ghetiixiwtgornens Club the other air ea poo today it inocmm Well great Scott Why shouldnt she Shes been speak slnpmcnt of antidiptheria er of our house for fifteen semm arrived Monday night years CAPSULE News SecondNightOlRiois Hitlacltson JACKSON Mich AP Bricks and bottles thrown at passing autos smashed windows in at least it cars in threeblock area on Jacksons South Side Monday night as the predominantlyNegro section was hit by second straight night of violence Rockefeller Gains Negro support NEW 205K tReuterst The campaign or Republicanpresl dential aspirant Nelson Rockefeller has gained the significant sup port oi broad spectrum of Negro leaders group wooed by every manor candidate EupectDelayln Saigon Attack SAiGDN AP The ground wai picked up Monday and today with is Viet Cong reputed killed But senior US officer said large guerrilla units hid moved westward from die Saigon area and the next big Viet Cong offensive against the South Vietnamese capiioi is not expected before late July or early August hay Continues To Fight Eirtradition DONDON AP James Earl Ray made another brief and routine appearance invthe Bow$treat magistrates court and was sent back to Wandsworth Jail for another eight days Another court appearance for him was set for July in Estimate Strike loss in $10000000 MONTBEAL The 32 member companies of the Cana dtan Lake CarriersAssociation operators of 200 Great Lakes vessels are estimatingthelr leases in the wake of the justended strike of safe seawayworkera at between $10000000 and $12 d00000 to Barrie Mayliire LindsayWorkers LINDSAY top Industries in Barriewindsor and Kitchen er have expressed fdeltnltointerestln hiring rubber workers put out of work by tha Firestone industrial Products Ltd plant here Manpower spokennnneaid today mation of mucous membranes usually in thetiiroat Diphtheria is virtually text book disease in 1967 there were 15 cases in Canada Many physi dais practising today have never seen case of Lhedis ease VDr Robert Campbell micro biologist at War Memorial OhiL drens Hospital here said the incidence of mortality in untreatlt ed cases is 100 per cent Health ofï¬cials said they have no hope of determining who corn municated the disease to Bar bara Dr Campbell said even the kids whowere in contact with this girl but were protected by recent booster shots will likely become carriers Midnight Is Deadline Top HAGUE CF leading Czechoslovak general launched one of theatrongcst public at tacks on the Warsaw pact here as leaders of Russia and tour of its allies sent topsccret letter to the newliberai government in Prague Col Gen Vyclac Prchlilt head ol the Czecholovali Corri munist partys defence depart ment condemned the alliances organizational structure and calledfona revision oi the com Th Examiner TODAY Ann Lenders6 Clty News2 Classified10 11 former Deathslo District5 Editorial4 Sportsa Theatre5 TV stings7 Weather9 Womens6 9r Czech General Attacks WdrsawPact mand system to give Russias allies greater participation lie made his criticism at press conference here Monday night at the end of day which saw Soviet troops resume their departure from the country alter brief delay Many of the troopshers since the Warsaw pact exercises ended June allhave lelt but at least one detachment is not DeGaulle Govi Will Attempt Economic Pnslilo Oilset Revolts PARIS AmPresident da Gaulles government will try to push the French economy ahead at the breathtaking rate at 10 per cent year in the next few months to overcome the alerts of the May revolution Some independent economists iliink it mayhe able to do this or even more by wise use of idle plant capacity Many French factories have been working at low levels because of the governments cautious eco nomic policy Whether new and dangerous wave otstrikes can be hold all is another question it much is to be done things will have to Retain BC Seqts VICTORIA The oppo sition Liberals andrNew Demo crats upbeldobeirstrength in British Columbias Social Creditdornlnated legislature Monday in three byeiedlons The Liberals retained seats in urban Nprtli VancouverCap lane and 0aki3ay with ease while the ND held ott Social Credit to win ruralRevelsoke Slocan bya handful of votes Leaders of all three pardes saw the bright side in the by elections caliedto fill vacancies caused by resignations Itvwas good ï¬ght bydie Social Credit candidates in all three ridiogs said Premier ClBennett His pantys can didatesran second in the three races its always hard to win by electians especially when held by oppositio parties he added Wiretap 17157 Admitted To Her TORONTO GP Vller tapped telephone conversations introduced as admissible evi dence at ajudioial inquiry Mona day have linked two Toronto mgistrates with Vincent Alex ander The inquiry ordered to inves tigale the behavior or misbe havior of magistrates Fred Bannon 34 and George Gard hoiise 60 was told that Alexan der has criminal record of live indictable offences ranging from abopbrealdng to auto theft He is free on bail awaiting trial on two diarges of breaking and entering Mr Justice Campbell Grant of the Ontario Supieme Court ruled the taped conversations admissible and bnished aside charges that police had munint bed lcrimhral not in wiretap ping the phone of Alexander He said they were admissible because the general interests of the public overruled other con siderations AttorneyGeneral Woshart ordered die inquiry and relieved the two magLstrates of their duties June iii pending the antennae of the investigation RECORD 21 TALKS The series of eonversa lions obtained bitilween March Food Trickles into Bialra By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS handful of Superconstel lations operated by an Ameri cans arirs rumor has flown more than 300 tons otfood and medicine to the starving Btaf nans stnceMarch Bid ratlead 200va day are needed now one group at missionaries esti mates it and May 27 included five be tween Alexander and Magisv trate Bannon and another be tween Magistrate Gardho and Alemdar The others edited from 60 hours of wiretapped convers tions were between Alexander and other acquaintances Yd cussing various courtcases and the possibility of money being paid to arrange light sentences Lawyers representingthe magistrates said they had been instructed not to object to wire tap evidence rDavid Humphrey Alexanders lawyer sparked the procedural aftermya disclosure roan cannon dencelii general is al lowed but reserved the right to for individual tapes not rele vant to the case Mr Humphrey the telephone conversations public niighc min Aleiaindars chances of ajairtrlal when he appears in the failThe inquiry took abizarro tiirnvearlier when Magmiatai Banned resigned scrioiv oNniscnnnr letter or resignation or Mr Wisbart read to thulindulry was indismcat of me to have continued dominate béf 19s7 9393in Banks lireap Benefits Offliow Interest Rates arrows in hours tered banks have increased the amount of their outstanding per sonal learn by more titan per cent in the last 15 months in fll€ same period the amount otiuedit entendai by the salesfinance declined Ofï¬cials here say this can partly be attributed to the more energetic advertising that the companiés has banks are doing for their person al loan plats But more gcnerailyi the offi can add thereis greater raall action now that borrowers with adequate credit ratings can get monaymora cheaply at char For All Letter Mailing omnivs cm wane hopes scheduled to go until Sunday Czechoslovakia was not rcpre sented at meeting in Warsaw Sunday and Monday at which Communist party leaders from Bulgaria Hungary East Gcr many Poland and the Soviet Unionincluding party chiel Le cnld hrezhov and Premier Alxes ei Kosygindecided to send the secret letter to Czechoslovak leaders is start moving fast in midSep ternber Between new and then the vacation season in France tlicrc is little chance of get ting much accomplished The goal now is to overtake the flVEPciCDm loss in grouvtti doc to the strikes which is just about equal to the growth that had been planned or less and end the year with net gain of immed of preventing nation al postal Erika Thursday talks coininued today and union spokesman add some progress bet is being made isaae himcr press spokes man for he 24000member Ooimcil or Postal Unions said in interview the parties re turned to their separate roorris downtown hotel about am EDT and mediaan ef forts resumed The strike is scheduled for am EDT Thursday Judge Rene Lippe who recto tered the Postal lite Manda as mediator hours Monday shuttling between Sikhisome 12 makins nlmentrtDecem withMr Vincent Ai 35 per cent Vietnam Talks rPriiIatelv Touch Serious issues PARIS AP The they cansoundeacli other out secretly on possible arrange ments to derescaiate the war in Vietnam Both now agree publicly that benched on serious issues in their private conversations dur diplomati iogton and Hanoi in past peace and presumably in use The formal tweenvAmhassadois Averell Harriinanand Xuan ilhuy in their regular Wednesday meeL deadlocked and ings continue repetitious mainly serving the propaganda Purposes of both aids Euttheir informal con tacts bave gone beyond that rigid pattern allowing more flexible exploration of peace possibilities George iiailulcitp us am tared bank than they can at leaiioanco pany tionahla centripanied by Geth United States and North Vietnam ap parently have reactredo point in the Paris peace talks Where their delegation leaders have lag the coffee breaks in their formal sessions in addition the channels used for communications between Wash probing are obvioisly still open exchanges be bassador to the Unlted Na loll then we agree lbw corned beef on ya but not unusual or tutti Brewers letters Molded hr council representatives and ne gotiators for the treasury board which bargains for the govern mecnlt Joint talks were also The parties broke oil for tho nigh at 3me midnight with no reports at progress or that they ever got around to discussing the key wage issue Mr Turner said that Judge Lippe tailed Romeo htathieu chief union negotiator and Douglas hive senior treasury board bargain into his room at midanoridn here was possibility the panics would move back to lolnt Noll later today Despite the continuing talks there was general agreement that the atnha is almost inevita ble because union spokesmen have said it will require about twodaystooalloflthemlkoit if saflsfaitory government offer is forthcoming The Cégndlanodagostal pertinent Kan to an allhaigo on all unit loam tidpatton of the strike DEADLINES VARY The embargo on im for momma destination is effect lm local deity Union swans uewoirer TORONTO tCPt Ari im proved oifer by the brewing in dustry was the basis or resumed talks today aimed at settling the todayold strike by 2700 work eis Were at the stage where well have to wait and see said Craig iiarniitonyan indus try spokesman Weve been negotiating so long that it wont take too much time to decide whether we settle or break off negotiations said David Lewis New Democratic MP and labor lawyer who is chief negoti for the brewery workers union Robert Woolvett general manager of the Ontario Brew ers institute repeated usur ances beer would be available maintainer my Moshe Dayanhlsraeltbdafena minister as they leave con tcrenee rounat the defense Union beverage rooms about 14 hours after the strikelockout eods compromise wage settle ment was discussed Monday but neither side revealed terms The compromise would be mewhere between the 95min ourly wage and fringe benefit package the breweries offered and the 5125 package sought by the workers The workers are represented by the international Union of United Brewery Flour Cereal Soft Drink and Distillery Workers ef America and the at Brewery Workers Wages under the old contract longed from $289 and $351 an hour The dispute bean June 21 when 300 employmot Moisons Brewery Ontarioind went on strike The other major brewer in Brewers Retail stores and lea locked out theirworkers ll But is factfinding tour of tho Mtddll