anonam mu Alme me you Ne iClashes Mar bargaining agent for CBC this Thursday Smith Wins vols Oftioniidence PARIS AP Sporadic clashes between police and as demonstrators pune tuated Bastille Day celebraums Sunday night in the Latin Quar ter where crowds oi tourists had massed or an evening of merryrnaking Small groups of student iecred the several Urousnd hel mcicd police massed along Bou levard St Michel on the watch for leflki disturbances flie po lice hurled tear gas grenades at the hecklers and laundrcd sever at baton charges number of persons were injured There were few disturbances in the capital during the day when thousands turned out in drenching rain to watch the an nual parade reviewed by Frost dent dc Gaullc in his brigadicr genernls unitorm With de Gaulla were Premier Maurice Couve de Murvilie and other members at the new cabinet After reviewing the more at the Arc de lriomphe de Gaulle rode down the Gramps Elysees in an open car despiie the rain acknowledging the cheers of the crowd Later the president nood in covered stand and watched units trom all branches of the French armed forces march past Troops Remain In Czechoslovakia WARSAW AP The depor ure rot Russia credmslovalda was delayed again today as leaders oi other Sovieon nations mg in War saw to discus what to do about the liberal movement in Prague In Prague official news media said heavy weekend traf fic caused the delay in the pull out of Soviet troops They an nounced the withdrawal would resume tonilittll new but the delay was considered new pressure on the new leadership of the Czechoslovak Communist Palti It was the second poétpone ment of the troop withdrawal since Saturday Some 5000 So vlet soldiers arrived in Czech elovakia last month for two weeks of Warsaw pact man oeuvres that ended June to Their mutinued presence sot pit wave of jitters among Orechs who viewed it as an implied threat to Pragues liberalized regune conversnhur The Prague government un nouneedglni week that 35 per cent of the Russiantroops bad Ielt One Soï¬et now convoy mammommysn In WarsawSovietCommunnt party Qiiiï¬imliidi Brezhnev ur6av out movement TCAPSULE NEWS Petition Against POIiCe iirulaliiy MOW CPt brumhty during thest Jean Baptiste Day riot here has been sent to the head of union which MONTREAL iCP entexhihitinn run by the city Crack Mediator EntersPosial Talks UiiAWA CP hack entered the postal dispute dinosaur insiders RbodeeianFront party gave NEW MILFORD Conn AP of The March of Time illness He was 64 imm petition protesting alleged police has been seeking recognition as Moblanguage unployeee rDirecieruiislVian ilndilis world Jacques Asselin director of concessions at Manrand the World Sunday nulthls post with the pennan mediator Judge Rene Lippehasre Mitch threatens national walkout The Isxhechimlvuoftil governing an ove vote comidenee to Prime Minister lan Smith and his vote was as to with three abstentions fVoice Time Narrator Dies WEStbrook Van Voorhls voice radio series died Saturday There were uttered riot ihmtghout the capital Saturday night and about 20 persons were injured including seven policemen Violence also haircut in Br rancon where someone set tire to the parade reviewing stand and in Bordeaux where two po lice stations were attacked with Moldov cocktails China Faces New Unrest HONG KONG AP Rival Red Guard tadions in Canton are mobilizing their forces for pitched battle likely to turn rotundan Goinaliargcst city kid bloody slaughtefltmse travellers returning bornsthe mainland say The report Saturday coincided with other signs that China is tight shuddering with civil dis or The travellers sald relatives lnCantoatuldthem mleavethe city as soon as possible because East Wind and Red Bannn guerd organizations are prepar ing for battle and Premier Alexei Kosydn miorthasecondday withtop party leaders tram Poland East Gerhmany Hungary and Bul gar Czechoslovakia and Romania th independentminded member of the bloc were not represemed The Polish and End German leaders have shown particular concern about the muse the new Prague regime is takinz becambothioiend andEaat Germany havehndantigovem meat Wrecks since the death or Stalin The Examiner TODAY Ann hudHH City Nan2 cussingmu Dominia Deaths12 District5 EdiiuflaH Sports10 ll flirt5 TV Ultian Weather6 minuss government today The alter long innn retina so ram TORONTO CF managing aetiin ot MartinLGoodman has beeneppolnted The Star Belandjioodcrichh preniident and TN publisher at Toronto Star 11d announced today Rush iiwaits Hearing lnlailv LONDON GP Myer Rubi Toronto marrowwanted on $1000QQ000 stodt fraudconspiracy charge was told today he will havetoremain in lull while his extradition case is heard addeda 0vercomeSome Main Hurdles In Ontario Beer Strike Talks TORONTO or cnnxios draught drought showed signs of easing today as negotiators in the Izidayold brewery shut down met again reaching for settlement which would restore the provinces heersupply David Lewis New Demo cratic Party member of Parlia meat for York South and chic union negotiator said Sunday night some main hurdleswere passed inst uring weekend meet Mr lenis said negotiators broke into smaller groups Sunv day to work out problems relat ed to individual members or the industry Robert Woolvett spokesman for the breweriesinvolved in the slrikeiockout said full scale negotiations were to resume at 10am However Mr Woolvett was not as optimistic as Mr lewis He said Serious bargaining rs continuing HIPS GETUNDER AV YSTRIKE runs WOrkérs Get 19PerCeni que Hike Over Years on AWA CHWorkers today reopened the St Law ronce Seaway eltcr accepting lepercent wage increase spread over three years It ended conly strlke begun June 21 The ï¬rst ofsome 270 stripe immobilized ortrapped in the inland waterway beganmoving within hours after Ure bulk of the 1250 striking workers ap provod threeyear contract Sunday Extrapayroll con to the Lawrence Seaway Authori the government armwhst oper ates the inland waterway is es iimaled at 32000300 during the tile or the contract it expires Dec 31 Wit For the scawny workerslock operators carpenters laborers and other categoriesit means sevenpercent raise for the MosCow To New York iiirSérvice Launch iippeai To Save Babies LUNDONiAP Britishdoc tors nurses and social workers have appealed tothe Queen and Prime Minister Wilson for per mission to bring ronoo starving babies from wartorn Bnzirato Britain Their plan is tor the children to be airlifted to Britain where they would go to loner homes Ii we bave permission to bring the babies in we can get them out of Biaira within two days said Susan Garth urgen iIar of the Biatran aid group LittleGovti Askspostalnmjplovees OTiAWA CRteihe federal government had specialdeliv cry 1m sa for Canadas pmtai workers Sunday Give little and welltalk moneyp lt was sort of ponyexpress misslve issued on day when most postal workers and almost all civil servants were relaxing in Preparation for theweek ahead week which will reach climax at am EDT Thurs daywith nationwide postal strike unless lastditch meetings beginning today result in asat Rectory settlement As the capital steamed in near nosey heat Sunday spokesman or the treasury board issued statement on the downvtomoney business which hopeior signiï¬cant progress at todays negotiating semen It was the ï¬rstvstatement on the strike threat issued by ï¬re board which bargains as oiiiciai employer of the postal workers srw ihe ï¬rmmember Council or 14month contract gt The postal union leaders have said that it nowvis too late to emu Unions is seeking stint 75centnnhour increase over tluickly on the pay imue it union negotiators weretprepared to accept the recommendationsof the conciliation hoardand to make signiiimant adjustment in their salaryvdemandsi call off the strikemtachinery evenii progressris made at to days meeting The government side reluses to go along with thisand Prime Minister Trudeausaid at news conference Friday thereis no inevitabilitwa aishilre untillt takes place Sundaysireasury board statement said the government would he prepared to mate nuts our Angry Father What do you meanbytbringing my daughter home at3oclock in themorningt Mild Suitor Well Sinai have to be to work at1 Wants Parliament Session ToSeitle Postal Dispute JeriV on MADE LEINE Que CF iieal Canueite leader of the Rallie ment desCreditistea has called for special session or Parlia ment iodealwith the threat ened postal strike ltlr Gaouette whose partys representatives increased to 14 irom nine in the June 25 federal generalelection said the dis pute between the federal gove ernrnent and 714000 postal work ers should be submitted tocom pulsory arbitration lie was spoakin at Frenchianglaage news eoniery ence Sunday during ameeting oi the Creditiste members of the next Parliament and deleatcd candidates in this community 30 miles northeast of Montreal Nobody has the right to de prive 20009000 Canadians oi mauserviceerCaouetteiold reporters Thepost dune em pinyeasllave said they will go on strike Thursday in support of gt contract demands WOULDBE COMPULSONY During the next scion the Crc ditlstes would Import amendments to labor le islation which rwould substitute com pulsory arbitration rior strikes and iockouts in labor re iailons in fields under federal iurisdiction This my intention tointro duee such blll during the next session Mr Ooouette card addingthat compulsory arbitrn lion slrmrldonly be entered into with the approvnlnf both sides involved in labor dispute Mr Caouette said he renlim his proposed wouldremove Workersr right to strike but asked in reference to the mementoSeaway strike NEW Youngest The 430 pm Em today anliyushinoz id passenger plane is schaiuled to land at Kennedy Internation the first direct illgltt from Mos cow to New York and the begin iiiiil Strike CHATHAM CP More than 900 hourlypaid work ers at the International liar vester Co of Canada Did truck plant Wéntori strike today ii support of wage demands de7 signed to givethem parity with their counterparts in the United States spokesman for the workers members of local 127 United Auto Wnrkers said Sunday night some progrms had been made during weekend mntract talks but several issues are still to be resolved Bargaining reA some today Dorval Police With Shotguns MONTREAL tCP ï¬ve Patrol cars of suburban Darya police force have cacb been equipped with rapidï¬re light weight shotguns which are iockedJnto tire dashboards to preventihefi Washington police gt pull an uriidentlfied man to admit early today alter he threaten at Airport markingthe and of Stat iii Truck Plant culminates Years Of Talks ningai regular air service be tween the two cities Alter more than seven years of negotiations the United es and the Soviet Union reached agreement earlier this year on aweekly plane serviceL Under theAagréerï¬ntfthe govemmentowned Soviet Air line Aeroflot will fly from Mas cow New York with brief stopover in Montreal on Mon days and will return on Wednes ys Pan American World Airways will schedule flight tram New York Monday night and anus Vial Copenhagen will arrive in Moscow on Tuesday Moscow tumnehunm thesame day ï¬rst year 655 iior the secoml and so for the third The average rate goes up tram mo an 1hour lotm in the last contract year The skilled iradesmens rate rises from as to $435 Thats the top rate except for few spolt clal categoria in un unusml feature the ï¬rstyear increase was made retroactive to Nov 1967 two months before the Dec 31 ex piry of the old twoycarccn tract Alltold seaway workers will get around $300 invlrump sum retroactive pay Eringebeneiits will cost the government another four per cent They include increases in extra pay or evening and oven night work tour weeks vacation after 14 years service innead oi to and an 11th annual holiday Boxing Day Negotiators ior the saaway authority and the Canadian Brotherhood niRallwaerrnns port and General Workers pro duced the settlement in week end resumptlon of talks that col lapsed last June 30 The twodsy Ottawa session amounted to dassic hardnow bargaining Theunlnn produced 11 settlement packages the sea way authority 110 under the watchiul eye of William Kelly federal labor oillclalservingan aniniorrnalï¬edtato Manama Scans During Inquiry TORONTO UP Magis trate Fred Bannon resigned today at the opening or ludi cini inquiry into his aetiviues Arthur Maloney lawyer or the 34yearold Bannon read die letter of resignation shortly alter Grant of the Ontario Supreme Court opened the inquiry into the activities of Mr Bannon and Magistrate George Gardhouse The letter of resignation was delivered to AttorneyGeneral Arthur Wishart this morning The attorneygeneral had or dered Gieinquny into the be mums edto mp etsouh Bridgeucarrying Pennsylvania Avenue across the Anacostinv on uesoutzeasr Linn Mr Justice Campbell that havior ar misbehavior of the two magistrates in theirrela tagms with Vincent Alexander They were removed from duty June 18 In the letter Mr Eamon said it was indiscreet of limit have continued toassoclate with Vincent Alexander alter his ap paintmem as magistrate in December 1967 The letter reads Wide spread publicity was given to the announcement that no fur ther courts were for the time being assigned to me