tStorIn Brews dyer éPltizd Elna GroveeDuckwortli Area fleartl thhieek ppeovedrv er 1onlngtopmnltconrtrnstionol ninestore plu etthe eomeroiGrureandDuckwrth gtstreetsnodreectlonirmnrltc firm there seems Iuretoiole our It Feodley spokesman in the rntepayers association lindlcated mind will be local lelh more letters opposing the development and possibly an other deputation at the coumdl meeting July at Thcre is no doubt there are lot or irritated people up there he said And when they ghcar the planning board has up proved lt Something other than plan should be located then there he said And when they do what they want anyway Aid Garner city dev ieloprnent committee chairman ï¬said this morning that his corn mlttee would be taking the plan lhing boards decision under cnn Isideratinn Monday night and is rTeasonahly sure recommen ldntion at some sort will be go ting to council MORE STUDY Aid Garner pointtd out that tthe last time the issue came up in council his committee re commended it be reierred back to the planning board or lur fther study Aid Garner said the decision if Save The Park The Barrie Citirens Save the Park committee met yes terday but didnt name cam paign chairman Aid Dorian Parker said this morning that campaign corn mlttee will be iormed and chairman vice chairman and publlclty dldirmun will be elec ted irom its ranks She said this would be neces sary to get onwith Lhe joboi raising $61500 to help the city pay tor the purchase oi the so acrc Barrie Country Club pro pcrty on Sunnidale Rd Meanwhile lines ook that people sign as they donateJo on lurid has bcen circulating in the city or the last 10 days Visitors and other interested To Recall Volkswagens TORONTO CP An esti mated 10000 1968 Volkswagens in Canada will be recalled to it make their saiety belts safe Volkswagen Canada Ltd spokesman said today He said letters bavegond out to ovviiers in the United States and he presumed similar letters would be going out within law days to Canadian owners 1He said the combination lap and shoulder belt has tend ency to loosen gradually Drapeau Popular Cu 115 Tour SYRACUSE NY CF Mayor Jean Drapeau oi Mont real continues his selling tour in Western New York state today alter wowing reporters Tuesday withhis repartee on his citys new baseball team Drapeau swung through Bub lalo Rochester and Syracuse Tuesday on junketdesigned to locus publicity on his citys Man and HisWorld the successor to Expo 67 Today hevgoes on to Albany and Utica belore returning to night to Montreal Despite the purpose of the trip the crowds oi reporters who followed the mayor around gave most oi their attention to theNational League iranchise and the citys voluntary tax lottery scheme Was Lhevlottery designed to pay for proposed stadium in Montreal one Buiiaio reporter wanted to know 0i course not said Drapeau But ii any of you boys are interested in season tickets Ive got my order iorms with me HowTodeke The brewery workers union and the breweries appear ready tl gbgo back to the bargaining 1e but chances are the strike and lockout will last while yet Hotels are rationing tiiesuds and not many beer drinkers want to go to the expense of trip to Sudbury or Walkerton ior acase The only solution seems to be to join the rapidly growing do it yourseli brewing cult All that it needed is plastic garbage container or pottery crockso long as the capacity is six gallons To start oii one gallon oi old water is poured into the ontainer Then boil two gallons oi water in preserving kettle Mix and dissolve three pound can of hop flavored malt extract with three punds oi dextrose in the boiling water stirring constantly with wood It spoonlv Mix package at dry yeast iollowing the dkedionson the plan poinling out there were PW developed by Patti ileshmp is supposed to be smaller than store the sire oi 10000 square teat is planned Nine smaller stores are to be built according to iieskampr plan RIGHT AND LOGICAL Aid Garner said the ieeling oi the planningboard was that the centre was right and log4 ieal development as or as planning goes The last time the Issue oi the plaza came up in council March is council received 53 letters objecting to it and heard deputation irom MacDonald secretarytreasurer oi the association hir MacDonald complained that when residents bought their property they understood the land nearby was to be used lor single iamily dwellings He said then that people knew how for they were irom plazas and other stores anddldnt iecl Committee Still To Pick Campaign Chairman persons have donated $50 in this manner The book will be perman ent iixture in the proposed park it and when the city acquires it Eldon Grecr Bill Bell and Mrs Margaret Arthur have indicated they will serve on the campaign committee Next meeting is slated cariyvnext week tor County Council Wont Be Holding Meeting in lulym imately 71 per cent had one or Slmcoe County council wont be holding its usual meeting during July which means there will be no sessions on Tuesday July 16 it was stated by Gordon Watson clerk Mr Watson pointed out that rules provide tor meetings on the third Tuesday oi each month unless otherwise called by the warden except for July and August The county coon cil meets in the summer only it called by the warden Alex McAuiey oi Elmvale Committee meetings have been held Negotiations between pro vincial government representa tives and the county property committee over transier oi coun ty property ior administration of justice are at standstill at the moment with both sides iar aparL The county has asked ior appraised valuation ior the prop erty which is considerably more than the government has oiiered Nottawasaga Deputy Reeve Ed gar Curric heads the county committee The social service committee also has been taking up mat ters concerning plans for the new home or the aged at Col iingwood Reeve Mel McKean and members at his committee met with architects at the coun ty building earlier in the week The new copnty home at Coll ingwood is to be known as Sun set Manor Other county homes are Simcoe Manor at Berton and Georgian Manor at Pene tangulshene Toleialre Changes In Mortgage Rules UPPAWA CF Central Mortgage and Housing Corp may change its lending rules to allow renegotiation every live years of mortgages purchased under the National Housing Act OMHC President Hing said Wednesday night The proposed change would allow the lender and borrower to take advantage oi fluctuatlt ing mortgage rate package and add this to the ket Then pour the whole mess in to the crock Stir in gallon and hall or cold water bringing the crock temperature to about 75 degrees Let the mixture sit lor three or tour days it will tinn asra dark brown color and appear very cloudy Skim oli the scum that appears on top every day After it has sat around ior the three or our days siphon oii the liquid into another clean containerothen wash the crock thoroughly and drill it Before returning the amber liquid to the crock add sett ling agcnt like Beer Clear Let it stand overnight and get good nights sleep tor in the morning you bottle little sugar added toeach bottle when it is tilled will help promote iizr whenfyou snap the cap Store the bottled beer inn warm place about no degrees then chill and drink therewunneediornphn Mammalianinexora edconeernfliouta treltlcbaurduuled ythl ammonium MANY cancerous Mr Feodley said this moro inl that people who oblected to the came irom iar way as St Vincent and Steele Streets lie suggested that plan be located closer to the site oi Georgian College oi Applied Am Ind Technology beside Highway 400 to make it con venient service inr that school am disappointed they have gone tor it Mr Feddley said dont think we need it He said he wouldnt oblect if it was to be small corner store but was afraid it would be plaza the size oi the Sim coePlaza on Blake Street When the cut oii irom Highway to is made people are going to see clutteredup moss oi gas stations and planes instead oi lovely homes he charged Mr Fendley said he was con cemed that it this develop ment is passed by council more will ioliow Lamprey Control Said Necessary In Nottawasaga inspection oi the Nottawasago River and adjacent lamprey spawning streams treated ox perimantally with lampricide in 1960 and 1961 indicates need ior retrealmcnt as soon as pos sible the department oi lands and iorests warns Thc mnclu sion is based on data collected this year which shows low rainbow trout population level 15 per cent at which bear lump rey marks paper by lands and iorosts biologists it Eerst and Wainio published by the ï¬sher ies research board of Canada gives the results oi two year study at lamprey attacks in southern Georgian Bay waters The iindings show that at 2614 adult rainbows sampled irom the Npgawasagajiyers inclusive approx more lamprey marks Multiple scarring was touod on 30 cent oi the marked trout inci dence oi marked lish reached 112 per cent in the spring ol 1952 then declined to 13 per cent in the toll of the same year This decline was coin cident with reduction in the lamprey population following treatment The incidence pi marked iish remained at relatively low level ior tour years than in creased substantially as the lamprey began to return during 1968 and 1961 On Probation For Break Enter 21yearold Barrie man re ceived two years probation yes terday tor breaking and entering Donald William llaye oi Maple St was charged in con nection with breakin at the Canadian Tire Gas Bar on April 23 Grillia Boy Hit By Car sevenyearold 0rdlla boy is in criticial condition with head injuries in the Hospital iorSick Children in Toronto today alter he was struck by car last right Christopher Poulin of Victor ia Point Orillia was hit as he ran into the path of west bound car on Highway 12 at Gill St in Drillia The driver of the car Arnold Anthony Adriaans ll of Della St in Orillla applied his brakes in an eiiort to avoid the boy but the car skidded in half circle and clipped him irom the side police said There was $25 damage to the car The accident is sdll under investigation No charges have been laid as yet police said 60 pints that oi the mixris bout $5 with the crock and cop per extra Perhaps the item at the head oi the recipe should be theway to avoid costly visit irom the police Hoiore beer can be brewed at home the brewer has to obtain permit or letter oi consent irom the Customs and Excise Divisionon the Department oi National Revenue The permit is tree but it our own Brew Yield from the batch is about hirs Jan McCurdy head counsellor at YMCA Snow Val lcy Day Camp leads young we Warren Selch TOPLEFT and Graham Lamb hold up the legs oi John Head BOTTOM sters In singsongjust be are they board tho bus ior return home All activitity LEFT and Larry Brass as they wait tor start oi wheel barrow raceby counsellor Eil CHY NEWS They Neednt TEE IAIN was THURSDAY JULY ll ill gt Be CityBound With summer Day Camps More than too Barrie and area youngsters are getting lnstnrc Lion in nature arts andcrntu and camp skills at the YMCA day camp currently being held at Snow Valley Slti lteson Un der the direction oi Mrslan hiccurdy la teenage counsel lors and counsellors in train ing handle small groups oi boys and girls through the days ac groups come together at days cod to hear announcements tor next day nndbto sing tivities which begin at am There are twoweek camps be ing run by the this month The one now in progrcss ends Friday and the next begins lion day Registration lor the second camp will remain open unld Monday morning The camps are designed ior youngsters aged 613 years They are driven by bus irom school areas in the city and returned alter the camp ends at pllL each day Twice week there are swim periods at the YMCA pool Activities include bampsite building campfire saiety races arts and crnlls slngsongs hik ing and nature trails and sleep outs Tomorrow evening the young N0 ruins The innislil Fire Department has not had any cells since June 28 when small lire was ex ingulshcd in lVarnica Public School We have been very lor tunate that it has been so quiet this month said Chiel Cllit Burns AMEND PLAN Council has passed recom een south an are at the YMCA day camp at Snow Vallt ley Examiner Photos New Come Into Use The developer is using 15 to the preparation at bylaw City Council will likely have its iirst opportunity to use its proposed bylaw regarding ap proval of row housing that doesnt face an open street in the near future The Barrie Planning Board hasapproved rezoning re questtor property owned by Brobding investments Ltd north at Grove Street and east of St Vincent Streetthat will allow the construction of 55 units of multiple housing The decision is subject to council approval or site plan Don Thompson representing the company said this week the plan for raw housingwas the best for theproperty He last appeared boiore the board May 15 The plan calls for nine build ings with play area in the centre and private road runnr ing around the sevenacre site The Barrie ofï¬ce is located in the secundfloor oi the Post Office building on Collier 6L other branches are in Midland Orillla Collingwood Newka et and Orangeville Once the permit is granted there is no limit on how much you can make ioryourseli And you never have to renew the licence Selling the start coirld costthe brewers $100 iino or up to three months inVjail with our withouthard labor must be obtained to make the Th home brewing legal 205 Dunlap SEAMLESS WAXLESS DllRABLE TORGINOL FLDORING ere are penalties tonv lor not having porch 728633l percent density where up to that would make it duper cent is allowable Thompson said necessary Mr ior multiple housing that does at lace an open street to require Laser Cdne 15 Topic Oi flVIeet TORONTO CPt Only trail of controversy remained today the laser beam cone for the sightless at the end at the annual convention of the American Association at Work ers or the Blind About 120 oi the 543 registered delegates stayed past the end of oiii ciai convention business Wednesday night to ge personal glimpse of the expe mental sensory cane But the cenes inventor blind Thomas Benham oi hala Cynwyd who was to dem onstrate it ublicly tor the iirst tim missed airplane connec tions and the demonstration was cancelled Associates oi Bcnhams dis played the canerearlier in the week at private showing Benham through his spokes men cautioned thnt the cane was only experimental the only one of its type in existence Even if it proved useiul it could be decade or more belnre it becomes available to the public The canes upper portion has three laser beams locused horizontally toward the ground and the head egion wont gel in this summer It you have these screens repaired now At Allan dale Lumber our courteou Free Estimate when you WeIIAreplere screenln frames Essa Rd at the lights stafï¬will ring ybur old screen in mber Dlsl 7261466 mendation to amend the 0i liclal Plan oi the city so that the land north at Candles Rd and west of St Vincent St will change irom agricultural Miltl1 sidéntlaiadd the land west at Anne St and north of Cattle Dr be changed irotn rural to residential Barrie Orilliaf 9Schedule Airport Meeting meetlngto discuss the pro posed barrio Orillia merger in the hui ng ot municipal airport lnthisarea will be held at Barrie city hall July 15 at pm councils city development com mittec said that the he Mayor Robert Bentley Ald Bi slotV lite and Aid Roberts will meetwilh the Grilliatnwn councils airport committee Barrie has already purchased 60 acresita toi tbe airport inpOrotowushlp between the third and fourth concessions bout l000 feet south of High way il letter received byelty POSTAL STRIKE Continued From Page rent tor that originating irom social wellare agencies Union oiiicials said arrangements would be made to have the weli laremeil distributed Mr Perreauit called onthe Wnrkers to continue their planned strike no matter what pressures are put on them and regardless oi injunctions spe cial legislation or even mp nament GETS OVATION liis call to continue the str even in the lace of imprison ment drew standing ovation Mr Perreault said the strike wouldpot and until everything has been settled in iair and equitableway He called on Prime ltlinisti Trudeau to have more sense oi responsibility and little less kissing 35x7f$i5o attic with Jack Ginnor chairman oiitlie sters will be sitcom out alter visit by their parents and In 111111 pageant which begins at Meanwhile close to 325 chil dren rangbig in age irom sit years are at camps to Angus Collingwood Glrncairn and Tot tcnham this week run by the Simcoe County Community Ree reatlon Service Additional camps running until August will also be started at Tollendel on binn day and tor succeeding weeks in Washago Stoit Park In Tiny Township Elmvale Bell Ewart and Berton Dave Wiley county day camp coordinator says that all camps are based onone lounding idea the cuiuvation of on apprecia tion oi the outdoors and nature He and his stall oi to counsel lorsagod 1422 stress this point oilthe time during nvcarnpl twoweek run Besides the counsellors there are also volunteers irom the arena where the camps are set up All in align total oi is two week camps will be run at the in sites during the lwomohth period Locnihno Canaan CHURCH SIGNS Following is the city policy on directional signs lor churches maidmum size by it any color except Depart ment of Highways grcen max imum oi iive signs costs to be home by church requesting signs and all tobe erected under the supervision of the City Engineering Department BRIEF BLAZE The Barrie Fire Department answered call its second this month at Canadian General Electric yesterday Dust col lected ln duets had ignited Slight damage was done and the ï¬regwas potent in mat ter oimlnuies Couï¬ls council irom the Department at Transport suggested that the city join with Oriliia in the project currently in the plan ingstages Therloiter noted that lhe Georgian BnyARegional Devel opment Councils application iot assistance lqbuilding regionlt al airport had been turned down The department urged that municipal airport be built not ing that when regional air port was built the municipal air port in the mostiavorahie loca tionwould receive iederal aid Aid Garner said that he had already entered into iniormal discussions regarding the air port with Mayor isabel Post at Orillia We are surethat we can negotiate it is certainly going to be to the benth titboth to run this thing one cooperative basis he said Mayor Post Reeve Graham card and Alderman Vic Calms will represent 0rdlia at the meeting Marijuana Case is Reinanded OWEN SOUND UP Robin MacNeill 23 of Brampton was remanded to July iition $8000 bail in magistrates court esday on charge oi posses on at marijuana liewas arrested by inP and Ontario Provincial Police Saturday in Meafordh in miles east or here Magistrate Alan Stewart granted the remand to allow time for analysis at material seized by the RCMP hen MarNeill was arrested Was Your Picture in The Examiner if youd like copy of any localvphootgraph that has appeared in The Barrie Examiner you will be Vinterestedlo know that REPRINTS or EXAMINER PHOTOGRAPHS ARE AVAILABLE 8xlO$200 Provincial and Federal Sales Taxes Extra DROPJN To rite nnRRiE EXAMINER AND ORDER ANv notices or Points SORRYWE cAuNorAccEerqELsPHONE Honosnsn realm 16 enynaia some