Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1968, p. 5

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Construction is proceeding on new Tecumscth area pub lic school on Patterson INNlSFll nouns consrnUcrucw recounts scuba street Berton ml to have classroom ten for term starting in September The school is situated just west of Sirocco Manor county home Influx Of Visitors Heavy On Weekend ay Innisfils summer resort areas had an influx of visitors over the weekend and busi ness catering to the needs of che public were well patroniz ed Police report rash of traffic and parking tickets which will show up in the trea sury bulging after the taxpay ing rush The stack of mail posted to clear the discount para iod took lot of processing but it might be said we are in the Slack again after long winter of heavy borrowings ASSISTED Innisfil Police were on band when man was arrestdd on serious charge in dance haii The linger was pointed by township constable FASHION SITDW Lakclands Community Hall was busy place last Thursday altemoonmdevening when the irst Innislil Land Rangers spon sored fashion show shapely models were local women who wore casual and sportswear in cluding bathing suits as well as fall and winter clothes brought lrom Toronto by Walk rrs of Barrie Mrs Jessie Wood handled the announcing supervised the showing Re shments were served ancitaorrmv Persons interested in re creational program in the town ship shoutd attend meeting at Sunnibrae school tonight to hear Peter Covill county re crcation director explain the ad vantages of recreational pro gram and local committee PIGS FOR SALE recent story in this column about pigs disturbing resident who was endeavoring to raise garden hose sequel few pigs were offered for sale by auction by pound keeper Ray Webb to cover the cost of keep ing the animals They had been impounded with the help of the police and unless claim ed by the owner they would be sold for the best offer DAETON The United Church at Dal ston held unique auction over the weekend when it sold var iety of articles contributed by peopiejnthe locality The sale which was well attEndedrealiz ed big return andarticles which to their donors were thought to be of little value brought good sum For in stance old church hunches MANY DIE IN WAR Three wars with Arab coun tries and Arab commando raids between the wars have claimed the lives of 7506 Israelis during the last 10 years the govern ment reported brought from 10 to dollars each walking plow old but suit useahla brought $20 the buyer away at his cottage had local man do his bidding for him Many smallitems piled on truck took nearly an hour to dispose oi and the amount realized was slzeable Auctioneer Jerry Coughlin took plenty of time and kept the crowd biddingThe ladies also held rummage sale of good used clothes and bake sale They also sold coffee and cold drinks Dalston which is now just name with no postal address was first known as Whites Comers Peter White of Corn wall England Mother lay preacher settled there or held the first Protestant services north of Lake Simcoe in law He donated the site of the church and historical plaque tellsthe story of the settle mcoirWhite died in 1876 TO GET DOCTOR Recently phone call from visitor at Big Bay Point asked where the nearest doctor was located Police Chief Brown who took the call asked if it was urgent and learning that we man had passed out rushed the it miles to render assistance He escorted the vehicle and driver to hospital where emer gency treatment was given Nothing serious was report rillliston Of11900 Shown At Museum Paussrou Staff The contrast of Allistons main street of today with the turn of the century is illustrated in framed photograph which is one of the new exhibits at the South Simcoe pioneer museum atEiverdale Park here It shows the giieat change which has taken place in 63 years remarked Jim Dermott curator as he pointed to the horses and buggies wagons wooden store buildings and muddy road You would bard 1y recognizevictoria street but thats what it was like in hum All the buidings shown with one exception have vanished through the years and been rc placed by modern stores Mr Dermott recalled one building was once used by the Mormon church and is now ware house ANIQE SKIIth Instead of mini skirts the young women of fashion wore ankle length skirts large hats and button boots Horsesrwere tethered to hitching posts Another new exhibit to which Mr Dermott directed attention was centennial coin collection donated by Mr and Mrs John Burack of Everett This will he more valuable as the years pass he remarked as be point ed to the 1567 dates on the dif ferent coins An early Edison fan and school bell of 1695 were among exhibits which attracted parti cular attention from Robert Spuih Sirocco Weed Tests MadeyTo Help Com Crops VALLlSlON lStafl Weed Motrol experiments which hava been carried out through the South Slmcoe Crop and Soils Improvement Association have been receiving much attentton from farmers oi the area Foxtnil barnyard grass and crab grass have presented mtumerous problems to corn growers during recent years and to meet the problem Ep lam Sutan and rAtrazine have been applied at threelarms for experimental purposes These include the larms lim Bate manrConcession West Gwill imbury Kenzie Concession spinnisfit and Zaucal Con cession Ionisfil VARIETY rnsrs Corn varieties have been at perlmented tn plots at tha farmerolArdlal Gris Conces rim Nottawasaga Rosann Concession Nottawasago Vfllard Dohson Concession Essa Glcn Thompson Conces stair Tossorontio and Jim Steers Concession West Gwill limbury Aliens and Merit soybeans have been planted with Tretian and Linuron used for weed con trol Three of tho farms are those of Clarence leach Con cesstons Essa lim McCague Concession Essa and Bill English Concession 12Tecurn 52 wln col ope ation with the Dnlario Agriculturab College set of potato plots usingdiflcrr be ln tha agricultural section oldwooden barrows wooden hayforks ent herb deshas been set up on Cl propertyheside the Beeton road CUTWDRMS BLAMED rCutworms have been damag lng some corn and potatoes The South Simone agriculture office where Keith McRuer is lnchflrgc has recommended sprayingot Sevin or DDT pre Earlier in the scason num her of fields ofbarley wore quite yellow and the time it was blamed weather and poor uptake of nit rogen Stncarthcnr the vfictds have come out of this condition and the growth looks very good the backward Tierney 11 who was among recent visitors The St Pauls school student who was ac companied by his father Jack also was intrigued by early phonographs on enlilbit 1895 STOVE Coleman electric stove with patent dated 1895 and carbon filament light of 1879 were mong exhibits in an electrical display of particular interest This was my first visit to the museum and it was very interesting said Robert as he tricked over the large bell and the electrical display An inscription on carbon lamp exhibit said Thomas Edison first set carbon lila meot agiow with an electric current on October 21 1879 re volutionizing artificial fighting at the time four parts com putor made Newark by thekranklin institute was an other interesting exhibit em from Opened in 1959 the South Simeoe Pioneer museum now has more than 2500 individual items on display and more are being added all the time Every item rd indexed in addition to Atiist townships Essa four Tecumseth Adjala and Tossorontio coop crated in chlng the mur eum which is located in the one time Alliston fall lair building White Latimer is chairman 05 vmuseum lamps andhorse shoeing equipment drew atten tion lron pots vwoodeo rolling pins potato masher and flat irons which had to be heated on stoveswere among intrigu household articles which re edia long past era cast iron tea kettle and old type coffee grinder also were or display Franklin ireplaca stove said to bamoreftban cen tury old called attention totho meat FomérinrdenAetive Goulsonfjr moo roles the may council neocla Iioos but have managed to keep bray said George Mac ltly well known Column fatmu who was Stancoe County warden in im The tanner Ore rceve who was county councillor for 11 of the 11 years he served on Oro council has cootibual no live in county circles member of the library board nodalso as county representa tive to the Oriilll District Col legiate board We also have been doing some farming and studying too he said as he spoke is bout his corn fields here and attending business classes at good how crop has no been man it no 31 form MTEPAYEM FIRST Asked if be had any com ments about county council and the changes taking place in the administr den wit my that am out of it wouldnt want to criticise those carrying on the he cracytiutthe era the blilotboxbem ktf lhll principle in bi mind while office looking sun tanned argl hr after helping in laying opera tions Mr broadly when told he appear BRADFORD iStatIl 80m wetness the mod dinnroua fire in Bradfords history it was than by old records bare d3itiiti fit on mw mm haw bake shop swept from building when to building along Holland street flying embers ignited bulld ingx moss the street andrbr fore the Harries were brought under controlm buildings were reduced to ashes ammoowners blacxny rmiled for the elderly Examiner Photo 010 Riding Club Plans Shows 0R0 STATlON Staff lre parations are being made by members of the newly formed Powys Hall Clip Ctop club for their first dub show which it to he held on Sindny July 21 Headed by Barb Duncan the club has members and meets every other Saturday at the cesslon show is planned for Sunday August and then another club Show on Sunday September Besides the president other main officers include Jacki Kuikmon vice president Ann Lambert secretary David Boothtreasurer and Viol Mat thews chairman of committees The riders have been putting the Jumpers and huntera through their paces at Powys Equestrian centre on the 9th near the Old Ridge road Oro Fair Booster Years Old OHD STATION Staff Former president of the Oro Agricultural Society Earle Reid ceiebraicd hls Blst birth day yesterday Born in Ora nearJarrett he has lived in this area most of his life Mr Reid smiled as be recall ed the horse and buggy era and discussed the many changes he has seen He was president of the Oro Agricultur al Society in 2947 and afterward if was made an honorary presi dent In recent years Mr Reid has lived on Boxland street in Orillia Staff township not having had war den since Herbert Barker was accorded Reeve Lied Prldba ha Powys Hall on Dres 9th Con bee worlr There are good many bieme and it is often difficult to decide which in best he said commenting on moves made to improve effic eocy tion should sm NEWS sunnidale Reeve Warden Prospect SUNNIDALE CORNERS With Sunnidale the honor in 1945 frequently mentioned mo the rdensbe lblll After the club show an open 25 WE pass for less it is really matter for the county council to decide said the Sunnidaie reeve when ask cd it he ever thought of allow ing his name to stand He said he might consider it if be are nominated ln county council circlcs Reeve Pridham has beehcon sidered leading Now serving his 10th year on county council he was elected last December in Sunnidaie for candidate two yearterm so will be back in 1969 The current term is Mr Pridhams eighth as head of the Sunntdale council and before that he was deputy rreve for two and councillor or three He was it last March otst native of Sunnidale he has been life long resident of the area and hasfarmedin Sunnidale and neighboring Ves pra SHOWS CONCERN Asked his views on counly changes Reeve Pridhamsaid some were good as theyrepre seated progress but be was con cerned about others wish them the best of luck but Im ankly nervous about the school administration change he said in reference to the pro vincial governments move to establish one county board to administer the live collegiate ran some EXAMINER ruesoor may use nova PRlDlIAM for one He said he was told recom only eight regions for The Smith report had about another report andtn Qnial proposed 14 METRO IREPOE Metro Torontos transporta tion study hadincluded county road 10 as future provincial highway There are changes coming and all we can do is guide themhe said stating that democratic prin ciples and therights of rate givenprime payers should be stress Discussing taxation general ly the reeve saidthere he be halt from the steady crease but in die era of num pro lame of his responsibilities He did suggest that whatever done towards enlarging adv mlnistraliona in the interest of efficiency the ratepayers posi not be leopardiacd edyounger with the shifting of its getting out and doing work on the farm Thereis no healthier work he replied rooster combines first elected to Orov council for the 1951 term after five years as school tmstee lilr lifecliay was continuously on thecwncii until serving his year as warden Colleagues on the 151 council were Slnilh Campbell now of Barrie who was then 0ro reeve Lloyd Scott of Rugby deputy reeve and Councillors Kenneth Gil tespiainow Ora reevet and Bartholomew Mr Cameo became county warden to last and beiwas last from Oro until Mr litaclfays election last year Mr lilac Kay participated in the install ation ceremonies for the pre sent warden Reeve Alex lilc ouley of Elmvale last laoia Hly GUTHRlE By MES CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Archie Mc Arthur are visiting their son and daughter in law Mr and Mrs Orval McArthur in Builalo Mrs Raven Mrs Coulter and Boo Mrs Ledger and Joan ne are holidaying in the Sud buryare Mrs George Riller Cathy and Mark Mrs Vern Hawkinsludy and Danny are at acottage at New Liskeard ltlrs Sheppard ofWinnl peg Man is visiting Mrs Walker Caldwell and otherre live here Cathy Walker and Denise tile Kenna ot lsllngton are holiday ing with Mrs Mason while thye parents are on trip to Euro PICNIC The annual plcnicjol the Unit ed Church will be held at Oro Memorial Park at pm July 16 Each family will bring their own dishes beverage wicners rolls and cookies The Sunday School will prov ice cream join ltARN THEATRE68 The fire startcdon May 1m and was still burning two days later Smoke could be seen for miles around and brought tbousands of voluntcer fire fighters to the steed Afterthe blaze Bradford was rebuiltawith improved buildings replacing the old wooden struc lurca Siayner Pays County $31325 STAYNER Staff With powletion of fewer than 2000 the town of Stayner contributes $3137512 to Strncoe County ad ministration undor its 1963 levy The figure includes 312com forroads and $1965402 gener al The 19$ levies were $10 maz for roads and $2095865 general Stayoer is the smatlcst of seven towns in the county BLIIGHIIY BINGO Boom ARENA Dunlap St ruuosnnr is an Sponsored by Barrie Minor Hockey Assoc JACKSONS POINT gt JUlHih The Fifth Season iol4li1 Hit Comedy vvilh High Fashion Show ItarringiJACK DUFFY KEN JAMES aox oaarca wasnsn ranch mum churns areas and all the public school areas in the county it cant help but cost more and the ratepayers will have less to is too far away from many of them There has been good say because the administrator erous service demands high costs and inflation it was dif ficult He felt property taxa tionshould have some relation to services rendered and not be based on assessment alone BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE ed color TV set POLICE REPORT On Saturday of the July holiday weekend while lilrs Mcrtylerliynn left the Chamber is at Commerce during the dinner hour thieves battered down the back door got into the office and escaped with about $6000 in change bystander was able to describe three persons he had seen loitering at the back of the office but to date the police havent made an ar resL Norm Dyoe reported his service station on Highway 92 had been cntEred and an un determined amount of cigaret tes and cash removed After several calls were re ceived about disturbances on lith St officers arrested two men and charged them with ereathlg disturbance Two other manrhave been charged with malicious damage to pub lic property tipping overylilo guard towers onthe beach Someone entered the home of Pete Watson on Mosley St duringthe weekend and remov The police patrol boat was in it use over the holiday weekend and police had manyincidcots of traffic andliquor violations REQUEM MASS The funeral of William Ryth cr Phelpstootook place June 23 Mass was5ung in St Pate ricks Church Stayner by Father Belanger assisted by Monselgncur Clair Barrie and Father Chris Bennett Toronto Among fliose who attended at from out of town were Mr and Mrsloho Houstcau Mr and Mrs Harold Ryther Haroid Ryther Jr and Tom Ludwick all from warren Ohio and Bill Bennettv Toronto Harry and Marie McLean with their nephew John of Kingston Penn were recent visitors at the beach For many years the McLenna and Miss Margaret Ryther were netgh hours In Washington DC While here they also called on Mrs Collins in Colllngwood whom they ha known in Wash ington ruonn nouns rav arms wsur ADS period when mo thomcswera heated by wood deal of concern shown at county council The change in county admin trationwhich turned the ad ministration of justice to the province was mentioned Reeve Pridham said he realized this reduced the authority of the county administration but felt might be all right if the county gets reasonable pro pertydeal All We want is fair play he said stating he considered the most important factor in the move wasythat it transferred the taxburden from real estate real estate With the county now res ponsi for assessment oftts 32 municipalities as well as ad ministration of welfare it still has important functions AREA GOVERNMENT He was asked what he thought of the suggestion that Vespra and Jim are going to have regional govav ernment of some kind but it is difficult to say just what form will take replied Reeve Prldham The smears reevc said his township 14 miles long by to wide was practical for roads administration If it hadnt been for the county lakingover as might have been practicalfor townships to loin for assessment purposes ft is somethingwhich given lot swered ahou should he ating that date was concerned he felt it Was primarily matter for ratepayers to decide Various suggestions had been made at other levelsof gov ernmcot said mentioning Smith report This is worthy study any way be suggest Wealth JACKPOT woo was To 60 numbers cell ed for Jackpot ti no Bingo amino Number chkpoi will he played at serTs TONIGHT EnroltumulwnHMuuuut El PiiliiiiiiJNiiWiiHMi ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Arso fable unsurrsl awnum liiidliE Now SHOIWING mu 910 PM moden Mullle

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