nrwsaomloop Statement Abo utMace TORDNN it Attorney Geaeral Arthur Wlahart said Monday Ontario police forces will be given statemcntfl views on the use at tear gas Iike chemical Mace to quell dia turbances Mr Wlsbart told the legisla turn the statement while not directive an arch wwld outline view shared by hlriiseli and the Ontario Police Commission that Mace should not be used lie was replying to James lienwick NDPToronto River dale who asked whether the re cent use of Mace by tendon po lice against rowdles had been discussed with the police com mission and whether the com misslon agreed with views held by the attonicygenerai MMr Renwiclr also quoted from United Slates magazine which said opthalmologists agree one ingredient of hiacezchlorace tophenonecan result in total or partial loss or sight School Computers TORONTO CF The first oi series of regional computer centres for Ontario unlversilies is expected to he in operation by September 1569 it was an nounced Monday it will be designed to serve the computer needs of several universities within given re gion in rcscnrch instruction and administration Plans announced jointly by Education Minister William Davis and Dr Aiex Corry oi tbcscoinmlttoe oi presidents of universities oi Ontariotenvisage terminal computers at mem berunlvers linked to more elaborate facilities at the region al computer centre Community colleges in the region also will be served No decision has yet been made on where the first centre nested Dies Injuries IONDON Ont CF Wil liam John Fowler 17 of Coron na Ont died in hospital here Monday night or injuries re ceived when truck crashed into ditch near Sarnla last Wednesday Stowaways Visit writ GP Ari ex tended Visit for Scottish stowa wny Steven Wallace 15 of Glas goiv has been approved by his mother immigration ofï¬cials and the steamship company that owns the ship he stowed away on for seven days Mrs Robert Wallace said in telephone interviuw from Glas gow Monday that her sun can stay in Canada as long as he wants provided hes back in Scotland when school starts Aug 26 Steve hid in pile oi sacks and netting for seven days aboard the Tom Head freigh ter owned by Head Lines of Montreal He was on his way to visit triend George Mac Pberson of Milton Ont who emigrated to Canada with his faintly three years ago Propane Explosion KITCHENER CF All ex plosion that ripped through house Sunday night sending four persons to hospital was caused by leaking propane gas Kitch ener Fire Chief Johnston said Monday He said his department has not been able to determine the source of the spark that ignited the blast lwo boys burned in the explo sion and fire Douglas Knoll is and his cousin Gary Knoll 16 had been trying to hook up tonpound propane tank Chief Johuston said Calgary Stampede CALGARY CF crowd estimated at nearly 200000 sandwiched itself into downtown Calgary Monday to watch the iosa Calgary Exhibition and Stampede parade For large portion of the im mense crowd it was sar dineseyc view of the Indians horses bands and pretty girls as the lines formed sevcnlor eightdeep along the threemile parade route Coroners Jury CF ANIO recommended Mom daythntsamelminof Airman WisuARr Wiretapping NROMO CF Attorney Generai Arthur wishart wri corned Monday as interesting and thoughtprovolring suggestion by James Renwlak NWToronto Riyerdolo that electronic eavesdropping be made violation ol civil rights in Ontario Mr Renwick told the legisla ture that while the Criminal Code is federal responsibility there is no doubt as to the prov inces right to pass law creat ing civil right for individuals to sue ior invasion at private communication He suggested the provincial law could act as stopgap measurciuitil Ottawa amends the Criminal Code to make elec ironic eavesdropping criminal offence Gideon President EDMONNN CF Orvis Kennedy President oi the Alber ta Social Credit League Satur day was elected president oi the Gidenns International of Can ada Mr Kennedy who had served on the Gideon notional cabinet for 10 years will replace Leon ard Crimp or liearnington Ont Mr Crimp will continue to serve on the national cabinet Industrial System MONTREAL CP Trans port Minister Paul Hellyer said Monday the federal government should adopt industrys total systems approach in govern ment planning Speaking at dinner oi the Canadian and American insti tutes or aeronautics and estron autics Mr llellyer said that under total systems concept all factors involved in situa tion are viewed as parts of an integrated whole if the federal government follows the total systems ap proach individual government departments programs should not onlysatisfy the goals of the departments concerned but also the larger total goals of the gov ernment he said Mr Heiiyer said that ideally single project would consist of coordinated government elfort in which all departments wogked together to plan diepro Jec Balloon Travel Vi TORONTO GP Two Toronto actors said Monday they now have transport de partment clearance to cross the Atlantic by balloon Mark Winters 37 and Jerry Kostur 29 had their ballooning attempt halted last month by the department They now plan to ship their balloon and sup ply in helium to Nova Scotia July 25 and start their trip the first weekof August Gold Pool BASEL AP Swiss sources said Monday that member naV tions the gold pool which be came inactive in March with the decision to longer sup port the gold rice are ex pected to meet within few weeks to discussa possible for mula to allow South Africa to supgly both sides otthei7wocier 01 iriarket ill at patients should be carried out betae mcsdve use of the drug halothaue The jury ruled that Chrirtlna Sawh 58 died June in Toron to General Hospitai in result of destruction of liver tissue brought about by sources un known successive use at halothtlne an anesthch drug Hit By Lightning PORT ARTHUR GP postmortem Monday on Arlene Truhan an 18yearold Edmon ton girl struck by lightning Sunday allowed she tiled of electrical shock Criticizes OPP minio or Attorney General Arthur Wtshart and provincial police were criticized in the legislature Monday night tor the handling of cases involv ing the disappearance of two chiliilren and man fmm hos pit Dr Morton Sliulman NDP Toronio High Park said noth ing had been done by police about the kldnopphig of Valor lo and John Martin from an Oakville street May is by pri vate detectives although the 017 is responsible for control and licensing of private investi gators Valerie and John are thechtb dren of Ronald Martin Brarnpton English teacher and his wife The couple are separat ed with Mrs Martin living in California the father retaining custody oi the children NamesEdilor LONDON Ont CF The Free Press announced Monday night that Honey 38 as sistant night news editor oi the daily newspaper for the last three years has been appointed editorial page editor effective no Delay Extradition TORONTO CF Donald Saline 54 wallilted in Vtheklxlnited so on urge of pping $50000 ball has won postpone ment on an extradition hearing that would have sent him back to the US by today York County Judge Garth Moore last week postponed to Aug la hearing on extradition proceedings begun by the us government Moore is in hospital here with cancer He came to Toronto from Panama City last Nov 24 to visit Myer Rush former business associate who had just escaped death in bombing in cident Coin Shortage VANCOUVER CF The banks call it acute and some businessmen call it state of desperation Butrno matter what the de scription all agree that silver coins arcto say the least in short supplyvin Vancouver Businessmen who depend on constant circulation of coins say that because of boarders there simply are not enough coins going the rounds in the area The banks agree qrpeciallyshort of25cent pieces Mitchener Visits as rorinlsgwnci tCP GovernorGeneral Mlcheiier took time out from welcoming ceremonies Monday to inspect cogtlllï¬lentt tof ebioyscouts and at urn up tin edly at Tonhay Aliport The Governorneneral arrived from Sydney NS on Cana dian Forces aircraft and had finished most of the welcoming ceremonies before Newfound land Premier Joseph Smallwood called his tollowing the aoctind Theyre scouts Reclining coach seatsialiroserVad in dvoncelat no extra co Ask aboutrdther economyWhite and Bludfaresand sleeping or cliib car aocommocia attention to the soumlsnu CANADA will have hot and humldhlgh of as today with rain forecast DISTRICT wrarnrn quler Is roams Mainly WHEY cooler weather is iorecnst for the Barrie area Wedngsday with temperatures reaming high of 72 degrees Low tonight will be 60 degrees Todays forecast calls for var inbie cloudliiess with chance of thtnidar showers Winds will be southerly at is today chang ing to northerly or nortliwester ly tomorrow Synopsis In northwestern 0n tario cool cloudy forty degree weather prevails Scaltcrcd thunderstorms are forecast for southern Ontario with cloudy and cooler weather in central regions Mahdy sunny and er weather is forecast for al pe gions Wednesday Windsor London Hamilton Toronto latte St Clair Lake Erie Lake iiuron Niagara Laito Ontario Southern Genr glen Bay Haliburton Variable doudiness and continuing warm with scattered thunder storms ending tonight Wed ada sunny with few cloudy periods and cooler iWinds southerly is today higher lnthunderstonns becoming northwest to north erly Wednesday Soult Ste Marie North Bay Sudbury Northern Georgian Bay limagaml Algoma Main lycloudyr and turning cooler today Scattered showers or thunderstorms Clear and cool tonight Mainly sunny and cool Wednesday Winds northwest to northerly 15 to 20 today becom ing light tonight Cochrane White River West ern James Bay Variable cloud iness and coolertoday Mostly clear and cool tonight and sunny Wednesday Winds northlt wafer rinnrnso iNDEED our Theres only one Welcome agon Imitation us said is the finest ol compliments And as emueiidmltated organi zation were certainly flat tend But as many hnva iearn ill reasonable taC$imi too otten tails short of the real thing So beware of substitutes forthcreisnonalaubstltute for the services of and the benefits provided Ihrouail WelcomsMagon For nlormatlo call your Iravol agent or ON Passenger Solos Ollics san into northensterly beit from Chicago toLal7rsdor Temper aturea in the loselscwhere willkeep the country in west to northerlyls to to be coming light tonight Ottawajiontredlfsdnny with fewcloudy periods and warm today Cloudy with showers or thunderstorms late this alter noon and this evening Cloudy with few showers tonight Wednesdayï¬unny with cloudy periods and cooler Winds south westerly 15 today andnortberly to Wednesday Futecast temperiturer Low tonightblchichnesdey Windsor 75 St Thomas 15 London 75 Kitchener 75 Mount Forest 72 Wingham 71 Hamilton 75 St Cathurl 75 Toronto 75 Owen Sound Trenton Kilialoe Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Sault Ste Marie Kapuskaslng White Rive Moosonée limmins Model 3osl COMEiNANDiET US SHOWXO THE ENTIRE LAWN OY LINE AND HELP YOU SELECT THE MOWERFOR YOUR WIN tawnlloyoornblnesfoa tum sucti as its famous FIMeMipstartWtiiapon quiet mutflor thats under the rich and easy to push lightweight magnesi um oonttruttiontome in endletusfliowyou the on tire LawnEoylinund help you tenths mowcrtlintc luls Wit furrowwo morrlrig requirements Vi viii um mu more nor iLook To Water Architect Says mambo or preacher in Canadian cities Ibouid look to their waterwin for new Ip eomiortablc and balmy con dition as summer obviously takes its first coast to coart grip CP Wirephoto BAN SCHOOL RIFLES NEW YORK AP The president of the board of educa tion hns asked for an end to rifle teams in New York City schools because guns are clear ly an instrument of violence lira Rose Shapiro the board president said Monday she would ask the board which meets Wednesday to end the sizoooayear program in 21 city high schools the like travellers chequeonly better You dont pay for it untiiyou use it So it costs nothing to carry thn youdo use icyou pay only 109 cheque uihe same as regular chequing account Bancardchek is simple and convenient way to payforjust about anything on yourvacalion Its guaranteedbyï¬ank of Montreal Businesses right across Canada and in the Us Bah Restaurants Retailers saiel5veryVBancardol1ek gelaregularcheduing accountandapra or molasYou need never CHOIR MASTER DIP CHICAGO AP Dr Leo Sowcrby 74 organist and corri poser of church music died Sunday while attending music coolerence at PilllnBay Ohio He was organist and choir mas ter at St larnrs Episcopal Cathedral Chicago for 35 years until lost He wasawarded he Pulitacr Prize in this for his animation The Canticle oi the COOP LEADER DIES LA GRANGE ill AP Cnrlylo llodgltill 60manag lngediior ofthe Cooperative Consumer now knownaslarm land from 1941 until teat died Monday lie was vicepresident and director of information or the Cooperative league of the United States of America led eratlon of mostly farmoriented cooperative organizations Rim BUSINESS WAUKESHA Wis AP Mrs Dee Marlin 31 of Milwau kee has been charged with booting without life preserver which conservation warden told her was unnecessarily risky Audiorllies said they learned later that Mrs Marlins occupation is walking airplane wings in on air circuswithout pnrach like it Railroads Air lines Bus companies Car rentals Hotels Motels Resorts They like it because its user carries separate identity card to protect him and the merchant With Banoardchekdou approved credit of $500 since money architecture Ind civic design Toronto architect told seminar on civic planning Monday 54 Macy Dubola npeaking to more than one planners archb tecla conservationists Indrup rasentativer of municipal and provincial governments Illd psychologically Ind physically water is citys best design iooL One at the advantages of water in Canadas climate is that it can be used both in sum mer and winter in city plans lie cited as an entrails the iountain at Torontos City Hall which provides an cult to summer and skating in winter Deny Banks liave Too Much Power By ii SCilwAitiZ WASHINGTON Allrlianihr lug leaders deny charges niade in congressional study that the power of some at the com mercial banks in the 115 is snowballlng dangerously Misleading said spokes man ior New Yorks Chase Manhattan Bank after study by the House of Representatives banking subcommittee was re leased Monday Exaggeratlons halftnitha and ridiculous conclusions said spokesman for Cleveland Trust gt monomer lt greatestvvaCation Now available in US and Canadiandollars worryabouttnierdrawin youraccount ifyou need more money thariyou haveiustwritera EancardchekJBankof Montreal guarantees to payitlourapayin regular monthly payments including reasonable interest charge Beiore you goon vacationtakea moment to visit any Bank of Montreal branch and Bancardchekitstlio greatastvacationaid since money meetj tormented FirstBarik