weanHes nounmayonnaisan minds to no Jemiij page is siarliiussrstsenoum smarts TEMPLEMEETS ROCKY Governor Nelson Roche leller met the former ï¬lm star Shirley Temple Black at Deiviurvine To néplqce Pompiciou As Premier ii nevusGlian PARIS Raiiers President de Gauilc decided to drop Georges mpldou and instal Maurice Couve de hinrville as premier to carry out program of economic recovery and radi cal social reform wellinformed government sources said today lubere will he no new lob tor Pompldou who was 57 Friday after he hands his governments resignation to de Gaulle Wednesday they saith Pompidou who 10 days ago helped lead the Gauilists to the greatest electoral victory in French republican history saw his star rise in six years as pre certain to be de Gauiles choice dent But the upheavals of May and Junestudent demonstrations street battles with police and nationwide strikesproduced strains and disagreements which de Gaulle apparently felt were incurable The breaking point apparently came over partlcipationde Gauties longcherished project in CAPSULE NEWS Bandiis Rob Montreal Bank imachiueguns and the other withavxvolver held up an eastend Ba branch of the TorontoJDominion $17500 Piesicieiu leu otSoutn Vietnam in Honolulu about July Vietnam wtn Nixon Confident oi nomination to MUNICH seams mt began todayon Set Date For haYSVHeariug LONDON AP least two days Imported neerLast Til SirikejEnd AForelsn beer released for sale this wee by the Liquor Control Board of Walled roachr0 GP drinkers will set until after in warned today mler until he seemed almost to succeed the general as presi the Rockefeller meeting in the st Francis today during Rockys campaign tour at the Pompidou favors giving work ersvrnore information about the nrnning of their companies and share in air profits the is flrmlyiagainst participation in management De Gaulle has th erefore turned to Couve de lilurviile 61 former career diplomat who served him with scrupulous loy aity for it years as foreign min istcr before movingto the li nanceministry last month The Examiner TODAY Ann Loaders6 City News2 Classified1011 Comics1 Deaths1t District5 Ediiurlahd Sports8 Thean TV Listings7 Weathers12 Womens6 twoof niem armed widi Mondayand escaped with oinison has agreed meet Pres Thieus ofï¬ce today bulldozers begansh week Bay Area Mrs Black receiv or as he entered the room The ï¬rst reactionvinthe busi ness community was meat as prehensinnthat Conve viileivouidbe anuah nre orous prosecutor radical reform schemes for Workers participation Mails of de Gaplles warhedathaï¬haiiiéixftoimv carefulnot to tail outsidecahl On NéWS LeGkS arrowi or Nobodys christened it yet but perhaps the atcst parliamentary ganblt might be termed the Hill llush Prime Minister Trudeau un veiled his style of shushing at Parliament Hill news confer ence Monday HeIold reporters after the first meeting ofihls new cabinet that he had warned his minis rera to observe thetraditionsl arlty Ministers have always taken oaths not to reveal what takes place at cabinet meetings Still leaks have occurred and Mr Trudeau made it clear he has adopted linugh stance on luaselipped ministers told them lmight toler one mistake it it is not too reri one but not two lie said the cabinetsworn in Saturday apent considerable time discnssing secrecylaud the im rtanne of keeping united pu lie front on policy lie re orters had cabinet net what VieutouVinside ies oi cabinet secrecy and so ed big hug from the govern Jelly at Torontos George He said he would obsetva the same secrecy rule during his chat with reporters and added im relying onyou people for try to test their ability to keep secrecy and think they will be very good lie hopedreporters would not be responsible for ministers being fired or sent to tail How ever he finished his lightheart ed exchange by urging the pres to do your damndest to out cabinet score Predicts no TransplanisSoon ronomo or Eons spe gelalist Dr wizer Bobechko hold out new hope for arthritls sufferers with prediction Mon daythat knee transplants will be performed here within year7 He was awarded the ling Petersprlzc in surgery if muï¬iETi Work in iransplanttng knees at the Hospitah for 8le Children ne Vsearch institute ferret Howie Hun animus nor WHITEHORSEVYT um in caseanyone is wondering the Canadian to figure out the age or grizziy be The serirlce gives these rules in apaper to be pre sented todayat federal provlnciai wildiiie confer ence For males Log equals 45m1log minus 8355 FVoerc males Log equals 5754 logVY minus 11970 Xi the animals age in years and themaxlmum width of its skull in millime tres Wildlife experts aay ama teur mammalogists would beiwise to get the from de iulies Isrlniproving LJAPJ transplant pa ent ilr nod to im eve dodgy Dam Would arrows on Russian dim across Bering sustain scientists have already Dam River In Protest woooemck us or que isle River near Centrevtlie by two Centreville men on too it am today pro would radically duced engineering designs on mate of the Dammingoi the polluted Pres scientist change the oil northernheml sphere Such damabout so miles acrosswould allow pumping of cold Arctic water into the Pacif lc permitting warmer Atlantic water to flow across the Arctic basin The latest Russian proposals are contained in an article by Borlsov in the Soyiet publication Priroda The article basbeenfranslated intn ortly before English by Russian specialist it Hope oi Canadas Defence The action was protest Regeramh Board against the situation resulting in thousands of dead fish floating onlyithree years to warm up the across the international bound Arctic basin with Atlaan water arylrumMain Borisov says it would take eifor more than to the extent that Arctic sea ice would disappear Tononro WOMAN canon roachm icp Metropoli Former vicepresident Richard VNoionaays hails mnlident his primary victories will lead to the Republicanpres idential nomination even should Nelson Rockefeller governor of New York Czechs iiilempt Heart Transplant public opinion polls favor rival The ï¬rst East European heart trans 50yearold woman in Crechosiovek ital Radio ilratlslavn reported James Earl Rays appeal agdinst extradition to the United States will open in the British HighCouth July 29 his British lawyerfsaid today The hearing is expected to insist lastithe provinces Imhll spokesman tan Toronto police have charged withattempted murder in con nection with the shootingMon her she pregnant Deputy Chief Simmonds tempted murder has been laid and the woman nowisin custo de derpolice guard at St Mi ls iiospital Thevcharge has been pro ceased through the court butishe condition hesaid Four hV rs after th the woman enepound boy Dr Anthomy Tripde V24 of Hamilton whoitreatedthe wumanpwas bit inthe arm ah domen ear and back He vins later ireported satisfactory ondlllon Walton said ï¬the woman who gavVeV Toronto addresspenteted the hospital complaining at sin writ or cautionedbecame of her juVShOtDOV Her She Wu day of ospltallnternwho told today said the charge of at has not been aerVEdV th the mom rumour she waspregnantand she was moved to the maternity ward Abou vfourhours laterJlr Trlpodl went to examine her and thepatient whipped out the revolver which had been hidden Eramination revealed under the blankets at her bed TemperatureSin polar lati tudes umuldrise 30 to 35 de grees Permafrost would van ish Tundra would be trans formed into catileralsing rcv gians Dry steppes would reap pear in presentday deserts in cluding the Sahara WARM Canadian winters would warmer But thelevel of the worlds oceans wouldrisa only about tour inches in so years River runoffs would increase production oi hydroelectric WW5 Borisov gives no estimated the cost oi such mammoth project Butha says countries of the world particularly Canada the us and Russia would have to cooperate to bring it about Borisov says the project ctOt szPregneni nurserusbed into the room after hearing jtlie shots screamed for help and Dr John Schonblum hurried to ioiind the woman still trying to fire the empty gun She was raachidgforlmore shells from her purse when Dr Schonblum overpowered her British Pound Continues Climb Lounou inn mrne pound sterling bolstered by biginter nat nal support credits climb steadily today inEuro peaVn money markets in the London foreign ex change market the pound under Mon aysiclose Then it moved up to aridrettled lust under $235 1n Frank turbine British money moved up sharply from 85470 mar 95150 opened at 3523590 USiust szsawso would return theearthto its cil matic conditions oi 4000 to 8000 yearsVago when the Arctic basin was icefree the year roundCooling began about and haslasted to one years the present time The Russian plan would over come the great difficultyjposed by current flows wildlife service knows how heigrsiiii Wants service To Pugh Wine SYDNEY Australia Reuters Wallace Mellish who held po lice at bay for eight daysby threatening to kill his wife and babyI put down hlsiguns today and surrendered because he said he wanted to join the Aus tralian Armyand fight in wet nam The Ziyearold exconvlci walked quietly from his b2 siegedhouse wlth their l3 wecksold sonin his arms 1le gate yi walkedby his More than 100 police were dug in around the suburban house for the bizarre siege during which hielilsh med his threats to lurca police to let him his Beryl his longtime girlIris thento obtain highpow and ered idle to add in hlsarmory siege started la Tues day when police came arrest Mlelliish onan auto theftcharge renderediafter Polieo Commissioner Norman Allan promised he would be taken to military camp for an army medical and nottorin Shortly before hesurrem deredMcllist told allocal radio station by telephone hope to Azutï¬viéhinm wanttoT Biaiherg stricken by pqeume nia on top of hepatitis contin renderaaidpolice look out warrant for Lil arrest of Beryl for failure to pay $42 vicefines But Allan said he knew1ol no charges against her Asked if there were outstandingfines on vice convlcuons he said all the tines had been paid Police would not specify the exact natureol the vice charges Butthe term in Ause tralia is invariably me to cover prostitution offences Earlyin th siege Meillsh threatened to kill Lihousand people rather fhan go back to prison Police promised to dro allcharges lithe mendered lle repeatedly threatened to killBerylandtbehabAthls Choséniiissirmhi OiConunonweaiih Conference LONDON iCP mmon wealih prime ministers will hold their next conference in London Jan it was learned today An informant saldthls was agreed byhigh commissioners and other diplomch represent atives at Marlborough House meeting held by ArnoldVSmith Commonwealth secretarygen eral and rmer Canadian diatom The informant said formal announcement abou the time lorxthe pr and place will liemad Friday The into ant said the sita minis tersV confer ence was tossup between London rand barbarian1 Ottawa wasnot proposed mainly be cause the Canadian government had indicate did not want to see the meeting heldtber Most of the 21Idiploma rep resentatives favored London despite the unfavorable weather Londonersusuaily experience in January meetingdn London which will last ahoutrlo days would likely be headed once more by Prime Minister Wilsonwho was inthahot seat at the last meet ing here inSeptember 1966