Fran Mackenzie of Toronto isnt motorcycle driver yet but shes giving the idea ser toolllaosusillit SEVERAL MlSllAPS iuus consideration at saiety school sponsored by Barrie Cycle Sport at Centennial Park thismorning instructor drop in TorontorDiane Jones tester child ot Mr and Mrs Arnold Beer RR It 0rillia was seriously injured on Thursday and trausierred to Toronto Peter Tmbhle shows her how it works during three hour class which will be continued next Saturday Examiner Tories Name Hit By nan nil demolished lutnlshttvlten CPR him train crflzed iflolllitet it had been abandoned on the rail my track It the lith Mm plan at Vespra Township The ma car which hadbeen lett on the tracks was complete ly wrecked andthe train had estimated damages of 8900 Ownere ol the ear Lloyd Poirier ot Angus told Barrie OPPthat be had lett his car on Sunnidaleitoadvat pm alter it hadbrolren down He had removed the keys beiore he went toget mechanic When he returned hetound the car had been stolen At 110 am the freight driven by engineer Edward Willy oi Tomato bore down the traeir and smashed into the ear Barrie OPP laid the train was travelling at evtairly last rate oi speed but nobody board was injured when the col ilslon occurred Cohsiable Macdonell of the Barrie OPP investigated the accident Three injured lnHeadOn Crash Near Dunlroonv head on collision on High way 2A south of Duntroyn sent three persons to Colhngwtiod General and Marine Hospital last night gt Reported in satisfactory con dition this morning is driver Marion Frteker 39 oi Agin eourt and driver of the other car John Creig oi RR Streets vilie and his wile Mary Stayner OPP estimated dam age to the Frlelrer vehicle at $1500 Two persons are in Soldiers Memorial Hospital at Orillia to Thereis beer in Barrie but its not tor asteroid George Wingerlabote ot the Barrie police departinént checks my NEWS in shame pinnacles same only use MUSICMLY SPEKKiNG 44 Summer Is Tillie sown Till Dlillilt conï¬scated beer which will be it to the brewers ware alter courteases where it will be poured out Examiner Photo keep thaiyoung musician irnm don may be loll to himsclt MURlEi License Summer time in Canada Ls an ideal time for music students to develop tbeir own distinctive style and to stamp their pertor mance with their own personal ity An occasional lesson may developing poor hatbts but rou tinelesx days are musttn the creative youngster First of all it is an idea time to develop good sight reading it agreat deal at may lc well within the capabilities of the music student is avail able then he wiliidoubtless ex periment Reading ability can be stimulated by scores ot poplt ular movies such as The Sound oi Mimic Doctor Zhivago and My Fair Lady Some oi these are available in piano solo piano duet and vocal solo form The young student knows and likes these tunes and some ot these arrangements are quite good At anyrate creating in terest is the first necessity and allowing this the young stu Secondly the young musician should be encouraged to plny by ear This is an art that was lrownod upon some years ago and yet in the time or Liszt and IPaganini Naone waaconsider ed musician who was unable to tioish his concert with an improvisation an tune lnrmed by random notes called out by theiaudiencegso suggest to your youngster that he play melody that he has learned at school or some tune he has and let them develop create and comes they will be ready and even anxious to settle down to some real workagninl it they are properly encouraged it should he work thathas their own person ality shining thr certs let them hear lire con certs The stimulation and ran port team Live concert is sel dom duplicated on radio cord or TV re Untortunately there is little in Barrie or Jim area this time the year for the residents enjoy But Strottnrd Toron and other places that your iamily ma bevisltlng likely ha lty in now is promoting its Kawartha Festival Three dramatic pron ductlons are being and three music programs The Travellers TneTimes Twoaada program leaturing lgluise Forcstier Robert ray McLauchlan singers orlha English and hench musical on some summer acti live concerts Lindsay presented Square ail ols Bonnie Dobson and lur orld make up the three coo certs These last three musical pro grams are heard on successive Monday evenings starting July 22nd So take the routine away our the children this summer and when September ough pearlis 10mm nimae Suddenly at the llorpliai or Sick children Toronto heard on the radio Through ex periinentotion it is quite re markable what progress can he made Thirdly take the young ones inconcerls Band concerts re citals ummer symphonic con no on Hand For Flower ShowIn 010i Approximately loo persons at Drillia OPP investigated series of accidents yesterday as northbound trnliic moved to the cottage country David Mchu ley 20 ol Torontotvas involvn ed in an accident on Highway 53 ll south of Ori rnhenfrhe collided with co driven by Basil Clark of Orillia day followinga collision oaOld Barrie Road and the Second Concession oi Orlllta Township which occurred yesterday at 303 pm in satisfactory condition is liots Allison who was admitted with back injuries and 63 year4 old Vera Clark oi Guelph Who suttered head injury Driver of one at the cursin volved was Virginia May Gov ier 42ol Sebrlght who re ceived arts and bruises Driver or the other car was Thomas Allison 30 of Hit Hawke stone who was treated or bruises and cuts Total damage to both cars rSCIlOOL BOARD The Barrie Public School Board will meet at their ad ministration ollices on Grovev Street at pm on Tuesday PLANNERS MEET The Barrie Planning Board Total will meet in the Board room in 251 damage to both cars has been the old tire hall on Collier estimated by police at 3950 Street at 1111 Tuesday The There was also series of per live dcputations will be heard sunal injury accidents which during the lirst part at the sent motorists to hospital to be meeting treated tor cuts and bruises N0 HEARINGS SLATED was mm by The Georgian aay ltcgional Development Council will hold nun mas sveclal hearings on July li is three year old Orillia 19 and 23 0n Tuesdayl Jidy on Friday my 196d Dianne inn es oaucnlor ol Mrs Loni June or llarrit nesting at the Jennett Iri eral Horne is annrora sr ami alter pm Sunday lur smiles on aiunda It ll am illith on tin on Cemetery ansn Lensuei JMthe le Victoria lionitIL arms on Slim day July loss Lernucl Later Bmdiord st some in on em year beloved aurano at Alice no on Resting the Jannott more Home is arncrord SL arrir ror service on Monday at am no temeut nnrrir Union eemnlrry Masonic service will in held on Sunday ovenlnn at no auspice tKerr badge Nn ran wormnu vine lit 11 Vletori Hospital aura Satans July at loss We Jan Prune in 71th year loved wite or in late stonev Vincent dear sister or Frank at Toronto ruul Dan at aria Party Whip mAiVA UP Thomas ill Bell is veteran MP tor Saint JohnLancaster has been namedeohiet whip tor the Con servativcopposition in Parlia ment Mr Bell was elected to the House at Commons in 1953 and has been reelected in every general election since then Opposition Leader Hebert Stoniield made the appointment during briei visit to Ottawa Friday Xltir Bell succeeds Reynold Ropp Conservative MP from Sunny Warmer Cover Wéékend today southwest ID Sunday White River Cochrane low clouds and chance at shower today Variable cioudiness with scattered showers or thunder showers tonight and Sunday Warmer Winds light becoming southwest 20 tonight Temperature in the Barrie district will rise to pleasant to Sunday the Toronto weathe oiiice predicts The skies will remain sunny throughout the weekend Low tonight will be 52 Noon temperature outside the girl who was serinusly iniured 15 at pmla spaï¬ifllrhearint alter all from in bed died will he heldin theJociurahruL lhH65piG For Sick Chil at 65 Vespia St Barrie Saskatchewan in the last Parlia mcnt who was heatenataï¬m inatingecanvention prior to the count election has been estimated at $900 TRY exam convenes Barrie Examiner was new nggst addsunny warmer TORONTO lCPl Olticial forecast issued at 530 am Synopsis Mainly sunny conditions are ex peeled for today over southern and central regions with some Western James Bay Variable cloudinesswittr atewwhowers today Mainly cloudy with occa sional rain tonight and Sunday Not much change in tempera ture Winds southerly 15 today easterly it Sunday Montreal Mainly sunny this aitarnoo Cool tended the lirst flower show held by the Oro Horticultural Society WEI week at town ship Hall ihere were 39 exhibb tors in the 32 classes The Early Summer show featured roses in most classes Judge lieenan oi the Canadian Rose Society showed slides of his own roses and also its Rcsilng at Jarrett nineicin he Kennedy RLJoronto moral arrangeneon later Their Low prescription prices are enough to make Sin 1d ttfl Cu cloudiness likely in the Ndrth The James Bay area can expect gt geaeraliycloudy conditions and showerpSunday while warmer air sweeps across the remain tier of the province raisilligtem peratures to near eig lyrde greet and touching nit view Tmmas 55 3° thundershowers in central re K1931 5°75 gin London 52 so Windsor London Hamiton MSkk3 5° 75 Toronto LakeSt Clair Lake when 53 Erie Lake Huron Niagara Nmul 33 55 Lake Ontario Haliburton MimlFme 17 Southern Georgian BaywSunny 5th 55 with few cloudy periods today Wingla 75 and Sunday Warmer Sunday Earlton 55 75 best specimen bloom oi the Winds gm my sumvest 15 Hamilton 8t ShDWiirVith her Tropicana rose sunday SaultS 73 entry gt SaultSle Marie North Bay Cauaimes 30 Debra Bell junior horticul Sudbury Northern Georgian Wigs lural member who entered on Bay Timagami algoma Main Town 3° orange flame rose received ly sunny today iew clouds White Iver prize for therunner up to anddwarmer with scattered bestSpecimen bloom thun er showers likeiy nver hvic night and Sand Winds light WSW 75 when fw3 Timmms 73 points was Mrs GordonCoo ney On Tuesday August 27 the Late tSurnmerShow will be held at thetownshiphail at Winds light Sunday sunny and you feel better little warmer oi Europes ramousrosa gar dens that he has visited The Royal Bank Trophy sdver rose bowl was presented in Mrs Robert Bell Shanty Bay for the highest total points inlthe show Mrs Elven Caldwell oi Guth rie the runner up received book titlcdRoscs tor Cana dian Gardens donated by MrsGBorge Caldwell of Shanty Bayuliirs Caldwell also won Simone District Co op voucher tor receivingvthe prize tor the Forecast Temperatnres Low overnight High Sunday Windsor 55 as The Barrie police department Trenton 50 75 will not be using Mace without permission oi the Barrie police commission Police chief Ed Tschirnart said yesterday iol lowing statement by Attorney General Arthur Wishart that its use would cost police public res pect Chic Tsehirhort said the city would not be using the riot control chemical which can dis able criminal in minutes after git is sprayed on his lace un less the commission gives the go vahead Even then it would be last resort measure said the Chief Mace has been purchased by several Ontario police depart ments and was used to quell teenage riotin London Ontario his form of tear gas and is appliedyby spray cans ii are carried by police Con stables minoxidil 30i IaLAKs so 7282429 TWey Deliver7 Two More Students In Travel Program Twomore names have4beea addedto the list of local high school students who will visit Vancouver this moans as part of ayouth travel program sponsored by the Department at the Secretary oiState and the Ontario Department of Educa tion They are Linda Harris and Jim Thompson of North Colieg iate Along with rga Centerl and Anne Ramsay of Central Collegiate they willfleave liar rie July 16 tor weeks vis Thornton Brigade Mérks llthYear ililonwron Stars Ease township volunteer tire brigade which is headed by Ohiet Earl Cunningham has completed ll years of service to the area Organized inl957 the bri gado started out the Thorn ton police viiiage tire depart ment The tire protection area was gradually extended to in clude large part of Essa township Angus policervlllage receives its tire protection from MRS LORNE EWINGER it doesnt seem right dont think it is morally right means mitan Whats Mace lve never heard anything about it Noam BARNES think its all right What could be wrong will ill RESTAURANT one MONDAY To TnonseAv aeEFwELLlNGTON llh Constimine Sauce LROASTTOMTURKEY with an the Trimmings 51 75 intlull snitll oljlilce hot rolls choice or potatoes yegetnhiu dessert and ANS MBEDEW 593 LEON cnacMIlN imm havent been in Canada long London You say theyve dont understand police used it inlaondoanbats very methods here gt disturbing lair actually opens the day he PHILLtP EARHART Jon same Its hook Julia 6qu vaoz suppose theyve got to do at lot better than being heat something Its getting ser all up with piece of hard ions ware inre oiiicial opening ceremony Plans Iidvanced has been arranIgEd torthe see elaynei and day Friday July 191 at MYNEH Slam while 230 with Miss Helen McKer if its are proceedinghere tor mg thehomm LDc County Arts and Among numerous booths will Cu Association annual lair bedisplays oi doll nulltsarid lt iv be held at Stayuer Col Elmhes hamq mflde quilts and legute auditorium on Thursday rtea roomiolso is beverage Low Low erectile SPECIAL CLEANING PRICES Barrie second Hon tore Name The Pinkiiephanfl CONTEST STARTS THURSDAY JUNE 20 Ends July 81 Grand prize 24 on it Universal Freezer Winner to be announced on Bryan Barker Show at 54 pm made daily or Pink with no obligation from any Barrio Second Hand Store salesman All ballots must bamaiied to BarrieSecond Hand Store or patinbaliot boir supplied at store in case of duplication draw will be made Wereserve all rights Stat hot eligibleto entccoatcst 55 Danton St Plain Draises Sltirts Pl Pants valodias Stocks Mens Suits Eriday and Saturday iluly iii patterns oSZt UI Vk hm planned pinning ea or war or caning quiltingand rug hook 7W 01705 i1 19 inc ocmnsnauons are planned for is Simcne Counly Picture during the three days While the Book grin Suitca Freeuitclrnp Delivery fouls ctenusn