We more mam 14 Helm at Mmiathdt tenet unheardboy out diuhCollakltaitede WWW MLIDdICMJdIaEQm Stair dam their Iona ull iamlllesbometnbarrlalorthe long weekend alteriuch had spent nations warm The Oarrlu entertained their son andblswllaJlrJadHrlJlun hire as xv ï¬lTHEBAMKXAMJNIIEB JULY 31 Fashion Formulas Solve Riddles By JEAN SPRAIN WILSON NEW YORK lAPl Hoar do you tall the 1968 model woman from last seasons slyiecon scions creatures You check the amount ol makeup on her lace how much or little sho wraps around the middle the width at her skirts and the iorelgn accent of her costume How doyau tcil how much money she really has By the signature she wears on her scant by the iur on her midi coat and the gems on her boll gown dthilmlalus lor solving these ri es ava een emerging this week at theAmerican Designer Ya kWh Ch gomm series at tail style previews com VIM cum new ducted lnr thetashlon prass In About the face You either ruddy hem of der cover it up and concentrate on 5m buy °n° banded your mler my mu mg or as skqu said on but Tilleau did or his tail collection Vm Tl Weinberg way of course you al or you paint it up brighter than ever Pale laces arcpasse ï¬ligxufl woman worm runaiuvs 1N VOGUE This all you judge by where Models in big turry berets or she wears thornnot at the sullans turbans might as well clavicle but at the mldrlil it Dim er Aiso attending were Mrs llWW 10 Bury ol Alliston and Mn aid Elliott minint and doors Noicn oi Barrie both unad ler Heather ol the Juries th oth oi the bride thelnrrn returned to barrie tor short mm mm all Donna Marie berry have been bald tor all the hair in view They could have been wearin curlers under the mammoth gold mesh bath towel turban worn by Chester Wein bergs mannlnulru Thursday The hip spread silhouctla ac complished in most collections by pleats Eatherlngs crino llncs and even padding got an perwide treatment by Wein berg who designed balloonlike caiipb skirts The middle must be little lor 1968 either wrapped with shall loot oi leatheras Weinberg dld itor icit here as Roxanne did it or the Samuel Winston collection id like to start charitablE noneproiit trust lorthe study nl humanities and ecology said lilyearoid Cynthia The worlds in moss and theres nothing can directly do about it But if my ideas and lcria produce money thcnI can reverse that and spend the money to support ctlorts and ideas She would like to think the uhurus would earn her enough money in start the trust but she doesnt expect miracles over night Thatc why she also reviews liims ior CBC radio and helps promote and publicize proper ties as diverse as new kind at my mu my England home at Mr and bin David 3512 limeyhlvlrmElfillm ill Uh New Fashion Fad FROM wNDON Mr and Mrs Red Peer son and Patrick and he residing in London renewed nc mom 3p 11 uh qualntance in the city on Sun be and um my my waited better world ltlr and itlrs Spartan ty Cyhthia Kelly would like in and children linvin Lyn lnFl see lrom her lad invention Mani °l Sam Mud Uhunis are dainty lrivolous mother Mrs Herbert Spar and since Cynthia chartered ber llam mm Chaldea Enterprises Ltd in To MONTREAL Vlslmlta route and started producing and two children at Montreal theyVe been selling rapidly were holiday guests with tbelr trom coast to coast at to and $5 cousins Mr and Mrs John time work in MINICSLQ Ornaments To Flatter The Feet ter lormer Barrie residents now MlA GUESTS At least thats one result pret wukend gums wm me mm nonshoe ornaments lor the test Mr and Mrs Robert hewin ubnnu which means lroadom Two Key Words ForFallyStyle PREVIEW or IiRT snow Tom Rossilcrs show at graph lc art drawings and sketches planned or the Barrie Public Library loritba month of July has been dci cd for period of about twb wetks but the full show has been replaced by plii View of what will be hung Fri day July 12 Mr iiussilcrs complcle show is on display now at Central Library in Toronto and will be or sale are now showing Some ol thewurir is illustration lor poetry some sketches he has done at hockey action tar news paper publication and some ed itorial drawings One drawing Theyre Mak ing Them Out 0i Sicei Now is simply reflection at Mr Rossitcrs lascination with trains and their surroundings Shown above is Va piece one Mr liossiler will be on hand the evening of July 12 or meet the artist session when he will talk to viewers as he is hanging his lull exhibit The ex hibit will includclhrecedimcnv sional pieces that illustrate p0lt elry that is integrated right into the art work One lecture of Mr hossilers by work is an original process oi washes he uses for special el lect mostly in his nature study pieces One oi those now at the NEW YORK llti Gem cutters pearl divers button di ma kors body builders and nkersail have stake in what is going onor coming on in fashion today That is why more coplc than Many Workers Have Stake In Whats OnrrOr Ofi In Fashion Now the button seems to be snppenring light in engineering costumes with single bucide latches se crct grippers or hidden zippers string of pearls was 3th an oldashionod song law years for designers de xnresi the need Reflect Todays Troubled Times By MARGARET NESS NEW YORK CP Two atll tudes to life have emerged in the loll presentations here by the top lashlon designers The key words are tough to lace up to the troubled times and romantic to to escape them splashgol coral shocking pink and pistachiomm The real color is in the eveidng scene in the extrava gant opulence of rich bmcades BOLERO RETURNS The bolero makesa return companion this lali both as dress or stilt boat and bright young bou tique designer OPENED ART GALLERY The uhum development came alter variety ol occupations or New Yorkborn Cynthia year alter her marriageln New York at 17 she moved to Vancouver where opened the citys that Canadian art gai lery She says she mode money lrom the venture but she now erthciass branched out into moved to Barrie next wed Bame Beatles den Reality will be laced with In the Rossitnl Preview mg the amous tour under the mrksmwmly Mnclam p2ralliedcasual wear designers in of his drawings available influence of an old master ï¬gï¬yWEEmfl like lthn kncHhort and wide Mk mi Eh V5 salllns and lrléis in fantasy gyufhgggwfl fl°mc°m gt aw ac cri on aaptatons ol nssack an lensve aroa ï¬gï¬glï¬ï¬z 2191 are In too lrilly to be basic And miitlab and South Ameritan mum We hm But she 1admits there are their heyday again there was 5mm pearl the mg um things she cant dosewlog tor batter are back with them De lcnle mm tn exampleisho saysaha was $3 mmhï¬mgagggn 52 signer Ferdinando Sarmi con 3mm 11 kicked out olsewing class 11 The Pmk Theme For Pretty Bndal Luncheon less sacks and tents were mod Ms 511 211 my add Wing Thti 1in In in GEMS GUSTEN mmmm told my mother that ldidnt As for gem cutters their in mm engm rnr bands and culls add extra 31 awnfo b5 my lure looks as bright asaTlllnny luxury to opulent dresses and 3° WP necklace mm domed ism suit costumes leather edges Sign mule Typical oi the penchanHo put Practically mandmm entire jackets and coalsSever hm 0mm the family mine on Masuy its the naturalwaist al designers liked hembands oi Wm with fln ihe iink is otten the dean womans back was the Turkish line that is accented extent 101 leathers or short leather sleeves 51 my criptlon given oi prospective collection shown Wednesday by some high waisteo evening lor evening gowns wmmlng 11 bride and it aiWllh thlsphrase Oscar delta Rents cremns or glamor There are low low your evening cm the as well buy something thata in mind and with thoughts of rhinestonei 9de my pretty in good lor you the busy mother oi the bride that we created spacial menu or bridal luncheon with scaédide heavily book ed with dress fittings lioral ar rangemcnts the caterers and re hczirsais to mention but few The Dammit animal other liclds modelling acting directing and producing lori radiolilms and television She also worked as business manager and has travelled ex budgetconsclous bus ands and mmonsclm wives keep go when the basic black dress oil into disreputa and ezaai lhEr eyes on till trends In the aauliing geometries and vloleoi American Designers series of calm Mums tall collections being previewed library One Night Heidelberg illustrates this method Every indication points to skirts at the mldcail or mldllt length Jacques Tilleaus coats are all midis but must dresses remain mini or drop to the Three Sisters wed lit OneCeremony CHARLTON Ont lCP In identical iaceoversatln dresses threeslstera weremar ried in the sameceremony in small lrame church in this larming commuidv 25 miles south of Kirkland Lake Dian Saunders 21 and two oi her sisters Fay 19 and Bever lcct codingiiflhc lunch serve ticupLdlced celery Ice Cream RoscnPlace scoops in cup diced pimiento oi Dinlt ice cream in pretty 1A cup choppcdigrecn olives stemmed glasses top with lruit cup lrozen green peas cocktail trele or canned Place cooked the dishes before each giicst is cup diced unparcd on open bottle at pink cham cumbcr gt1 pagne or sparkling rose and pour Solieh gclaiiniin cold waleri generously averihe ice cream Dissolve in hot chicken stock this is sure to bring rave re Add lemon juice real mayon marks from your guests and at naise andsait beat to blend placed waistlines Some desianv continuation oi the coverrup tiered silver brocade Boleros ers are even cinching ln the with My moaning and long Clothing should reflect what and corselcts worn by his woman is gentle solt pliable or the many time consuming activities involved in sending it waist harem of pajamarclad girls was or the mum we and thats not tortured hair daughter in the altarrmother has Color reflects the two moods colletage were jewel encrusted ol lashion too Masocolorsrnre Velvet is the top lavorileMth itll Whileflaux On the other hand theluture Spike he little or no time to sit and scan recipe books in search of that mucbsolter thaniustsaason the more mediinnprioed da looks brie minkY 53mg Grey is favorite as are quiet signer houses metallic prints extraspecial dish to make the luncheon memorable occasion Luncheon in the Pink has ap pealto the eye most or the dishes are shade ol pink to the palate the dishes are every anas lavorites and to the sched ule all the dishes are quick and easy to prepare Consomma Madriiene Lobster Fantasy Confetti Saint Mold Glazed Rolls Ice Cream Rose Complete the in the Tink theme with pink invitations centrepiece of pink Sweetheart roses and pink table linen It you do not have pinkiable clothv you can make one very in enpensivelyby dyeing sheet or an old white tablecloth in your washing machine using household dye Prepare Consume Madrilene by combining canned consomma tomato juice and mob otyour tavcrite seasoning Just before servingllioai pink rose petal on the suriaceas an unusual and captivating garnish As Ia lightreireshlog sndpert ter two servings theyll have may checks to complement the menu LOBSTER FANTASY Vi cup butter lbisps corn starch tsp salt tsp paprika dash cayenne cups light cream it cup dry sherry chg yolks slightly beaten zcups culirp lobster or cups mixed seafood ia shrimp crab and lobster Melt butter in saucepan Blend incorn starnh salt pap riba and cayenne liarnove lrom heat Gradually blend in cream Cook over medium heat stirring constantly until mixture comes to boil and balls minute Relt use heat Gradually stir in sherry Bland aiittie hot mix turean eggs then stir all into remaining hot mlxturein sauce pan Add selected seafoodheal but do not boil Makes about dservings CONFETTI SALAD MOLD envelope gelatin Vs cup cold water cups lint chicken stock tbisps lemon juice fz cup real mayonnaise fi tsp salt cup diced greenpepper well Pour into lreezing tray Place in tracker 1510 minutes or until lirm about inch around edge and soil in centre Pour into bowl and whip until liuliy and thick Fold in vegetables Pour into quart mold or in dividual molds Relrigerataun til lirm Serves to GLAZED BREAD ROLLS third cup corn syrup dozen small bread rolls Bring syrup to boil ina saucepan Brush hot syrup onto hot bread rolls Allow to set few minutes before serving PROTEST AUSTERITY MONTEVIDE AP Pubilc transport stopped 20 banks closed for the day and telephone seryice was disrupted in Uruguay Tuesday as thou sands of workers stayed home to protest government economic austerity measures in me once prosperous wellare stale Presi dent Jorge Pacheco Areco tight cued asystem of press control that had been based largely on selfcensorship Authorities said newspapers now must submit galley proofs lorapproval be lore lllbllltathilVTliere were no newspapers Tuesday because at the strike lee lit were married in St Faiths Anglican Church Mon day About loo persons squeezed into the church or the ceremo nies conducted by Revltoy Llocke About too more stood outside on the lawn and listened lutheieminule service Dian was married toJames Scheil to Beverices bride groom was James Sergeet 25 and Fay manled Ronald Mills 19 About inopersuns attended reception tor the three couples Ontario Students 0n Exchange V1s1t TORONTO CF Ranch special train carrying 539 Ontar io school children left here Tuesday to Montreal The children were members of the Ontario contingent of visi tors to Quebec households or gantzed annually by the Cause dlan Councilor Christians and Jews About 1250 childrenhorn every province exceptQucoec wiil arrivein Montreal today andbe takento homes through out the province They will Spend two weeks there belore returning to their homesbrlng ing Quebec child with them or two weeks gCost vloveaeh child habitat lher expenses are pai member groups at the council and by is $20000 contribution tromihelederal government totes litchas racoons and curly lambs Hardly midior gum red maxicoat whether leather or velvet is without border of bushy lur Moreover mlnks and cables are cut up with the casualness of gingham into sleeves and bodices orcold weather dresses or cosy culottca and slacks The bare midrlii bellydancer dresses by De La Rents the peekaboo windows that lrame the cleavages oi Sarml models snuglytitted princess lines and waistcinclilngs silhouettes are signs that the bodyimproving business might to be good The lingerie industry is doing its bit Hurt by the mbilphaac which removed need or slip it has some back strong with girdles which need no iiunpysupporters and bra slide that combine two garments Olga has introduced anlflit gownwitlfi builtin bra LSUMMER PIANO LESSONS at your convenience queen nucuwourir auba Miss mandarin Virtue Supply Cbnreb Organist more 2M nucxwdnrn er camel blege and apricot at quite lot an occnsidnal esa are oils and rich to rocades are that choice in the priced clothes astronomitu my EXAMle wan 595 PHONE viaxiii YouieiivetiiiVcicution ARPET ls NM PHON£L7266539 nnoi arrange tohove your ExaminerA niiiniinyourinininyniiress IONEDAYSERViCEl CLEA orsanm Method Used sokaXbMPLe sats $441 one 52 gt Size lZ 12 i2 Res 546 ioeo 1440 16 VINGS 0N QUALITYUPHOLSTER EDWARDS aniuar Luncmaon dishcsarelnaahadeoipinirh wilhcye appeal Mostot the using loads that are every our aim urnomanv cLniiivans onea favorites and best oi alll inflows ANYVTIME mains uuickand easy to prepare