Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 Jul 1968, p. 18

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Yawning Question Still Unanswered By JOSEPH MOLNEB MD Dear Dr Mother Please en plain the Importance oi wan log liost people take it sign being sleepy but find that even aiter good nights sleep immediately begin waningl Sr You sir have asked ques tloo that nobody has been able to answer entirely yawn is complex physical mechanism It may mean siee pines or iatigue or boredom it can be contagiousseeing someone else yawn can make you do it too One authority asserts that sleepiness weariness and bore dom constitute what he calls slate of critical consciousness You arent asleep but you are tending that way Physically an increased sa luration at carbon dioxide ap pears in the blood Carbon diox lde is ll respiratory stimulant Its the automatic control at the body in that respect it we need more oxygen and carbon dlox lde builds up in the blood that makes us breathe deeper Hence comes yawn which is means of drawing in large volume of air and oxy gen and oxhailng carbon diox ldo Theres more to it than that The opening oi the mouth stimu lates the neck muscles and blood vessels which in turn sil mulatcs brnlu circulation Often person stretches his arms which has the same eiiect yawn in the morning Well you may breathe very lightly while asleep and the yown is way of starting hrislter breath ing and getting your blood ctr culating There have been cases at peo pie under great nervous tension aihlctes poker players politi ciansstlddenly yawning At times these yawns have been admired as signs of how thor foughly relaxed the individual was under pressure Probably the exact reverse was true The dramatic yatvner was really so tense that he was holding his breathus we sometimes do when tense His carbon dioxide level rose Nature made him good yawn is really sort oi resuscitationlt supplies surge oi oxygen and relaxation it may not be polite socially but it doesnt always mean thnL you are bored with the com onuy Dear Dr Mnlncrf Please give yourop nion of weight reduction TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO It HAMILTON WEDNESDAY JULY EVENING zoo Matches rlltlItes anc classic cent storm Fem Probe llaohln Hood sun rNewr SporLr tzoo 2Hazel lDaktart 4nloeonr 7Newl allew Grtiiln JUnsldr Down or Consequences 7Wlld atll Hickcok ol Lave Lucy iiF Troop eDNews Weather iiHonemonhen arllntstoner lllrnrnet zVlrllnlln zcn Safari khan FiUm Uncle 11 Love Lucy nvto immoral lv ttGtrl iroal uncle 51 sstlrlm arelnnan 7Mflvlc tTtte amt 7Marrhali Dillon mo ldNews Vea Sou solNews Weather Sports llPlem amen l0rl 330 oltlovle 800 Silt Zerldow On The World 4sunrtsc Semester llLocal New llMovie lNews mother Sports 710 1Rocket Ship we ecaouln Kangaroo llsennltrcn noose Ian BUhlverslly oi the Air unto entc News 7Dilllltl for Dollar onornner noon iild Allen Tull znobte ctun 348 tHirlkel pares ntrm nocmoon iiHawker if lozno zSnan Judgement and Allen llyhnun ltPooexe too sMalenu rlMIteI saac Classic LSecret storm sPerrys Probe lirtonln Hood no 4Newa mo 1lecl aTlut Glrt IMcvle tDImrl Yankees Illylng Nun Love Lucy llPleara Dont Bet on mules tlster Ed ln rum Uncle slut Dillon ttl run at Iirllrll lolrt lrorrl Uncl mo suo srllnt Feature 111mm 7Movle Iuo tLort to Sam 7Aveneers slnvaders llrnslde lnelr xIilsslon Impossible ilLacrvsse 4Hlliblllles louver Niall Ilrntt Music Hail scmuve Person THURSDAY JULY MORNING AND EVENING Handtd Clmen tThtef or Damlseurl illJo TConcenlntion sFrllrodlllvlulnt sc e1 eene dneverlzl Hillbilliel 7Dick CIvett SBltt Spender zlrernnality snlr promo IAudy Griittth eToroulo rodr Lii lt vwoo ouuru Van nylu sUn hobby retort dy 2hour 4an1 Weather 7Elwlicllld llSunxnlne School 1210 rMllu Douala eIlch For Tomrnrow 7TreIsure lIle llBtlu auuny non Linusneon nul dllleel The Miller 7Peflect MItch THURSDAY JULY EVENING SNews Weather Sport liHllh cnrounl Mullet Boone 3NYPD Leecond Hundred item in Trek int51th Girl adiosn Herder LJIivlrtn Nun tatnonoruryt zirvmldo Telescope lilo nZtr Ttlilwllchl week with the Canadian Broth nenllu in Wit SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CHURCHILL Mn lIn Atkinson Janet and Elaine the Churchill irlends whflc be visiting mad time with Mr and Mn llern Atkinson Ii iciroy MPan and Congratulations to tan who gra public meeting and this gentle man said that with 11 treat 0mm The family will be living menu hW ma Aston Grey Co while lan Lt taking bk MA at Guelph Un tversity next year 81 St Peters lery memorial held ItlDTl am July On get the weight oil and your sub conscious mind would help you keep it oil aim being hypno tized several times am reiuo not to try it but it you are ioc it will give it try 88 most certainly am not in nor of it and have scant doubt but that somebody will in soon get in trouble with any such plannot counting the gen tleman who it he gives shots would iind himseii in bk own trouble with the laws governing pratiring medicine without it cease Dear Dr Mother try to eat wellbalanced diet but do not like fruit or inllt juices eat lot it tomatoes and drink to mato juice Will that compen sate ior the tack oi citrus lruitl Mrs MW Tile tomato is an excellent source at Vitamin which is the constituent we are mainly seeking in citrus tuices so lrom that standpoint you have no cause to worry presume that there are some other fruits that you like in the noncilrus varieties the ter the est tor lot DcIr Dr illolner have mg heard that vinegar in good for douche and it helps tighten your muscles Should use while or dark vln egart How much watch Hot or cold EA it wont lighter any muscles When an acid douche is neces sary tablespoeniul of white vinegar to quart or warm water maybe used lng Seaway Authority Eases Wage Stand OTTAWATCP The St Lawrence Seaway Authority sig nalled slight easing Monday in its stand against any wage in crease lor its striking workers that would amount to more than it per cent over two years The authority said in state men that compromise he ween l2 and 13 per cent might be Justiilable to relieve losses being suiiered as result of the strike The statement also invited resumption oi negotiations this hea erhood of Railway Transport and General Workers repre senting the 1250 workers who have been on strike since June pon to 4Green Acres Tlflavln trt SlIrted rn molest szso JA Choice or Futures tHo Ind She lone altun For Your Ltle tnom Delulse lltuerv Grlrlln limo ths Sours World L590 Hot sue moo 11 Newl WcIther sports linlerro nerron T3 in nv rson ecneelunate dou EDIE Home hPerrva Probe 9llinvle lNilzllt Passage llnol Line 1210 ltvu aMovle gnu Most wanted an ltenolo rtnun lJo lMovle mirl in His Pocket ease all 1Wed in Party zoo 1Day of Our Liven ebove Many Sounder flllfll 7Newiywad Game llMlke DqulIs zno zDocturu IHouxo Party IBaby Game 9Penple in Contich ilDeiendul solo ZAnothel World LTIka to 419 Tell The Truth TGerlenl Bonita onnmien Court sue 2You Dont Say HEdge oi rtittnt 7Cntnmerldel Torn 01 Your Move llPnoto Finish 21 22 area annnv Thomas Movie tFlllht mm 1Alilnainlrit LGflld Dllllll Illa zmIrnet 7Payton Files 23 not zcoldDlu snun lor Tint Llr 7Newlywed Glml 9mm in aullcm 1mke Ellington 110 7711 Ncwl Weather SnortI lllgtlcrro Berton iiiqn nnv um snerv ontno emy annoo TTlma For merieanl Tanle iserret Beyond The Door IPerrvl Pron aMovlo Into any with LllnD ll4eawav iii and ltirs William Kell was given cut lower arrangement irom the seniors Browning trim the Juniors each received Bible as an award The girls presented Mr Opening ie South could have hid spades over two clubs but since his partner had not responded sn ml Let fall tissuen no Woody bill it Wait upon 131Jrna 15 Conjectures 11 Greek letter 1s 19 Moham Biblical Vine em 28 Miles 29 Conceal ilMerv untlln 30 Fang aarmtall it To make dusted with honors EA irorn Ottawa It University PETERS MEMORIAL Anglican telne servlce will be same day the dedication oi bursar veil and puriitcators memory at bliss Florence Edwards wni take place These are gilt oi her sister Mrs Mllroy BANQUET The Junior Auxiliaryoi St Peter Church held mother daugbler banquet 5June Thlr mothersffleVr HIldenby and Esther and the ladies of the ACW The minis 22 ly attended including the Brand hlra presented first aid badges iirst and second stripes as mother with alrirlltdny clos to that day Susan Butler and Sheila attendance and untiorm with girl ior giving knitt instruction to lhe seniors and Shirley Fairltaad ior assist with the program during CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER West dealer Neither side vulnerable NOBTII um Km 9197 gamsz was EAST 10864 95 once 71 no circuits or 187 scum Aqra out e104 fiKQSE frno bidding Welt North lint Pals Peas South Pm Pass EM 24 Pull three of flat The 48 trump it is shunned most players but there is no doubt that in should undertake game in suit even thouth the margin trump superiority over the op some deals you cuts is known to be only Take this hand which was played in leam match without el tract oi tout spades At the first table three no trurnp was readied on the bid ding shown NorthSouth were using method by which the single raise of minor showed greater strength than or team linding the best con stilt hie raise two OFFICE HOURS want helperand atop recommending to give me the energy to DAILY cltosswonn 14 Nick ACROSS Poems Dreamily thoughtful Excth tlon Hope Toward the ice Law 11 Grow old 12 Size paper 14 Nostrils TH Samarium aym to Market 21 Lawynra patron aatrlt Arabian garments Pgnterr MINUTE medm priest city oollegd walls Poker moisture ESQ Hypoulet leaiiorce AA Snead new Iil choice d9NewWorld dlWarkhIrd tarnsulnotenl 44rlp delringpin 47Thereiora Vehicle oowrrw Fat Ceremonies North cuehid diamonds oi mannamu syrn 25 Dart 20 P01 21 Con 28 Find 30 Leaflets 33 Gmccrn at scoren as Performed the year Min Betty Aim Ind Illa Donna rumor on the leaders or this active group THORNTON Congratulations to Mr and him Don manned thee Lois Black RR Thornton on the birth at son in Barrie hos pital June 21 Gr and tram Thornton who attend Baxter sdlool en loyed bus trip to Toronto June It The new City Hall was on the agenda but the Centre island trip ball to be cancelled because oi the strike Mr and Mrs ngic oi Kingsvilia who resided in Thornton to years ago when llir Wiglo was manager ottbe Royal Bank called on severel renew ing acquaintances June It The former bank building is on Bap rte St where Mrs William John ston resides at present Three new houses are bold constructed in the village Ear thinningham is crectiogone on Henry St beside Matt Lowrioa Jack Londry is building on Bar rte St at the south end and Peter Stinger is building anoth er house on Stoddart Sh behind Trinity United Grunt Charles Betterldge was admit ted recently to Stevcluon Hem orlol Hospital Alliston DETECI EXPWSIDN UPPSALA AP The Set urological lttstitutll in Sweden registered what was believed to be strong underground explo sion in the Soviet Union itlon ay DONALD DUCK in spades and was unlikely to have tour at them he decided to risk three noinnnp despite the diamond weakness This venture proved to be sue cessiul when West made nor mal heart lead and thus per mitted South to make iivc no trump tor score or 550 points 7M the second table the bid ding went line Pub Paar South Dble NT Welt North Pass Plats Pass pus NT Dbl SECRET AGENT X9 to show good hand but then in nirplieably bid two nolnlmp without diamond stopper lie furthermore elected to stand his ground when West doubled three notrump East led low dia mond and the detense rattled oilsix tricks to the tune or down two 500 points Four spades would have been an iniiniteiy better contract which South would have made without much eftort Against the lead of the ace and another diamond allowed by third round oi the suit deelarer sim ply discards heart and easily makes the rest North should havebid three spades instead or two notnlmp This bid would have ottered reasonable chance or reaching the best contract while the no that two noirump bid was based on little more than hope and prayer We catch up on this work elt wag junc lion Yelterdlyl not so Possible as One or many layers to Track 42 letter out abbr abbrevia Lion UZZ SAWYER JULIET JONES GRANDMA BLONDIE MUGGS AND SKEETER mums partisan can sass m5 mm MESS 6213 ElsiMILES 10 TH OALLONNDT BADfiAHATP ACTUALLY r75 QUITE 600D TRANSPORTATION WtSEI REMEMBEIL SHERIFF HEM m6 coraMonott no you arr HOW MANY HICKS WE WAKE U7 WANT CDKRIGAN one DEBBtE vso HAPPY WILBUR JOEYSAID CAN CLIMB Hts TREE Wt SOON AS ITGE ENOUGH CHA Kuofi 73 0H MISTER emsreac mwrrsYWovsRno HAVE PIECE ot FRESH sweast PlE vou KNEW wAs JUST KtDDING NTlERE ottom You ELMO on es on ATKIV Bradford 5L Barrie SAVE ON THE CAR save on THE cartons PONTIAC BUICK LTD Dial 7261885 T0DAYSHGOODWILL useo can was Pontiac Strain Chief door sedan Faulphld with cylinder automatic Lie Aztec Bronze with Gold nolstery 25 More noonwrl strtrtnNn game wmt ms All Has an TitE MOBSIERDNER ows use HOMER OKMEUELILL If you FEW dreamers lit gigth on RE LUCKY HAVE This 50 mil All HOOK ONTO MY AIRSUPPIX oer THEYGOIONEOFOURDN lets GEfAWAY room nonem

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