rm BID SQUAD MOW Clty po line are forming an antiriot pound and heve enquired plestic shieldr ton batons and lace mom for use in future disturb nnce following the bloody St Jean Beptistn Day battle be tween police and separatist demtnstnlnfl The equipment wnl be issued to members of speciallytrelned force currently being formed inspector Rene Dunenult Enid Tuesday As many so men rill begin trehtinzthelnsoectnruid WM IOTA tame BOSTON AP Poiteelere urchin Wednesdny for ehree to gang of thieves who looted Iewelry shop of nearly 1500 000 The thieves bypassed the alarm system in the otflee at Kopeiman and Sons Jewelry 0o smashed the combination of two sales and selected the best of the diamonds rinu watches and other Jewelry norm IO MINA IOSCOW marten Brit lin the United Sun Ind Prince formally protested to Ruth Wednadey over In German mover limiting lanes to Welt Berlin Identlcli notes were delivered at 50 viet forekn ministry by British Aflubsudor Sir Geollrey Herri is Ambassador Llewblbn Thompson and French churn daffaires Michel Fontnine BOMB DAMAGES DIDRE PARIS AP bomb exploded in fmnt of Christian Dlors Wednesdny shattering the front doorend windows of the tensed fishiou hue and durung some outside nood Iorit It must hnve been Vt nlern gesture to attract atten loe said spokesman for the house He added that Din had received no threatening letters er warning MWZB CDPIEB PRICE TORONN CPI Norendn lune Ad has reduced the prlee of copper to its Canadian cuttomers to ts unis pound ram 51 cenB The higher price wan on Nov 22 Inst year Prer vlnrisly it had been 47 cents pound The reduction was con sidered inevitable following in creased copper production In the U5 after the settlement of prolonged copper me NAMES NEGRO PAYNE NEW YORK AP Rev Harold Snlmon II the first New pastnr tn the Roman Catholic Archdiocese at New Vorkile um named luesdey by Archbishop Terenee lgt Cooke in head Harlems Largest parish St Charles Borromeos end at the same time appointed vicnrh ntedelezate for Harlem About nine per cent of the citys 200000 Negroes are Roman Catholics HARM mu WEDNESDAY JULY In 17 DEATHS By 1112 CANADIAN PRESS PhlhdelphbFrnnris Cardh nnl Brennan 7t the Roman Catholic alter boy who rose to the highest Vatican post ever held by In Amerinn United Nltlonslnuli Ilalto tornaialn n1 Mndngucnrs am hassador to Canada the US and the Unich Nations Cemhridxe MassEdwin of Nani mass murderers and Boring internationally kwvm historian of modern ex pertmenul psychology and di rector of the psychology inborn toree et linrvard University for 25 years Eln Dieln CalmDonald Hall 65 the engneer who in pervised construetton of Charles undherghs Spirit of St Louis in I937 Norwn llt ConnRichard lianey 7n writer and press agent who represented the mu sical hll My Fair Lady and In many stage notables Bl Ilnu Perk SnuUIIm PECAN PIE 59¢ Reg Price ill 69 GAVE lilo Jute Perke IRAISIN PIE TULL BlNCH uoz PIE row Reg Price uth SAVE We June Prrker an tKLTEou CAKE m49¢ Ornnge Eennnl or Lenten sAve To FULL BINCH 202 PIE Jenn Fnrkor Sliced ITALIAN Reg Price lnnf 27 BAVE 9° Zlozloeves47¢ II Jlne Parker Reg Price pk 27° sAvé 15¢ 2w319¢ FRESH SHANKLESS PORK SHOULDERR FRESH LEAN but The Weatheri SHOULDER DR BUTT Willi EIIOPS 7INCH CUT FIRST RIBS ONLY PRME Kn waist 19 Heres handy Picnic Pick List we hope will make this weekends picnic the one picnic when nobody says Dam it we forgot FRESHLY MINCED moor nnouno cuucu GOURMET CUT DEtnonuoerAKs rat69 SUPERRIGHT BRAND SMOKED VAC PAC DAIRY DEPT ALLGODD Cheeses LBtlllï¬L sx BRAND SLICED 77 Eggs BEEE BBLBCNA Thor Dips WY PORK TIGERS FRUIT VEG BURNS SHAMROCK TRAY PACK PURE DEPARTMENT FORK SAEFSAGE BEVERAGES Yukon Club Canned Beverages Our Own Teas lnsi Fruit Drink Mixes Fruit Juices oerpg GROCERY ITEMS Canned Meats Salad Dressings Ketchup Mustard Barbecue Sauce Olives PeanutButlerltieliy Beans MISCELLANEOUS Charcoal Lighter aper Plates Sandwich Wrap aperCups Napkins qrg JANE PARKER DEPARTMENT 59¢ UA60N+ 79E Quinn snusnnE 69¢ 25¢ illiiiwiiiéguum 559 Tomatoes 5539 CCRNEB BEEF H79¢ COORSH VAC PACALL BEEF Fruits Cucumbers Watermelons Asp EMT Frnxnn HADDOCK TILLETS AGEF Brand Froxen rlmplsggt COD FISH STICKS nun Crackers Aer Brand Frid Butter Erma Piles LAKE pEntninLLETs Aluminum Foil Ci As always everything you buy air MP is completely guaranteed to please Werésorry we cant guarantee the weather Ml Fancy mm but with you well wish for perfect day GREEN BEANS Lots ofuswillbe picTLicldngLoo Sliced or Crushed LEE PINEAPPLE 1599 EVAPORATED FROZEN York Fancy Quality RHUBARB ï¬ï¬‚ï¬iiijï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬nlï¬iffjifi3 STRAW RASPBERRYIAM 77E bcrrkeEkTheséugwEarnest BUTTER IVrIRsrcRADE llltplinl656 em stmum MONEY CREEK CHOICE QUALITY Benulnr Sender no or super SAVE 7e 16 OZ MILK 465 Dont forget thecan opener I8 01 IAR KNEE Boutique Reg Price pk as sAv TOILET TISSUE pkgol2rolli35¢ With or Cnioured Rep 33ka Tie sAvE 4e KLEENEX Facial rim zpkgsorroo69e Bullet White or Coloured Rep 59 SAVE WHITE SUGAR slum 101555980 mm Korexsnmnnn2mm garner EreE no Society Liver mumm Beet chum thckm ar the Light I901 TINS PET FOOD ABC Ilenvy Duty DETERGENT Sunny an CHICKEN BONELESS lLlT BOX 996 Rep Pelee tin 39h GAVE 4o MEAT Beg 2413 in 15 p2 12 01 Reg L29 Save 30c LIBBYS PINEAPPLE Now 25fores In Barrie To Serve You 312 BAYFIELDSTREET OPEN WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY UNTIL 910 74 DUNLOP STREET OPEN THURSDAY ET FRIDAY UNTIL 9PM ALL PRLoEs IN THIB AD GUARANTEED THnouaN sATURDAv tLlLY our use antry arru lionn Stunned Brand Chum Chï¬lce PANTRY SHELF Recensnrureo SWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT or ORANGE JUICE GRAPEIRUIT gt INK MANDARLN TOMAT0E5 PEACHES TINS dBlLOZ IINS rno Anorted Finvourl INSTANT PIIIIDINGS 23ozéoÂ¥35c FEATUREERICEII 99¢ lDIIoztint 2302 trozv too uni€1100 SAVEAIQ anry TUNAFISH SEASONED SALT vtRélNLA NEW CROP No GRADE WHITE IABLESTOCK POTATOES auxmin 37 TOILET TISSUE Red Rein Orange Fake Em NDNE PRICEDiHlCHER Amati pkgnl4roils 555 Reg pkg 33$ SAVE 4a pkg also TEXAS sALMoN FLESH No GRADE lARGE JUMBO SIZE 23 uniouPliT 3v