mm 200945an 11 ROOM AND BOARD CLEAN Iannim noted lor mu ma inaro uflbt one arm beard avoidable handsh ended it Inth genie uni stain Itoer rrlenhon local am Board inn strut vi to to me holiness hrs Iltbt laundry mu mtg5 Telemena ï¬bres ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Crude student nomin Erlfd non maul heinoust aim on board moenherzmeut oi Bayileid st witn lllnl WM arm Coll EliT rrnnrnne mull titer and DI Monday Ind lutf NURSING HOMES mum noise am available lar elderly ladies rir uaniu homo hernian urn ems ital was COMMERCIAL Warehouse Available In light industrial zone area 1200 SQ FT WITH BASEMENT ALSO GARAGE SUITABLE TO HOUSE TRUCKS 67 CAMPBELL AVENUE Barrio Telephone 7760522 or 171mm urination Iï¬ï¬niriflllrlslhrlï¬n utIII mail to be IDCIICA In cen tle or our oily outta to Ilox coo narrie nominer All piles eon ndenuai STORAGE SPACE FOR RENT by Iha month centrally located en Inn mace lall rid tur rollole iv to Iiox CM Barrie Examiner GARAGE WANTED Gannon wanted most noun vieieiv oritiie will he used or name Telephone vieam ITS THE SEASON TO ADVERTISE CALL 7282414 SUMMER COTGES COTTAGES T0 RENT LA SILICON CELIA or Ill KEN Telephone Amalia GuonGi BAY cottage Kitchen living wig1 bedrooms and bath Avonbl use mean and third weeks in July For iurthez interma tinn telephone obsiron Two BEIIDRIOIOVI announcing our or Nrrimsnundf rto wrri Phone us Nunawasamt RWEROslwiew Beach cottage sirens modern convglnle showne13 pom 15 In 333 EoItRIl rule beach iishlnl Telephonl ARTS FOR SALE ROOM LOT WALLPAPER SALE NAME BRANDS Suuworthy Waldeck Birge Plain Floral Woodgrain Contemporary Patterns SAVE UP TO 50 on all sale stock CPI PAINT AND GLASS CENTRE 175 DUNIDI COTTAGERS New and used stoves refriger ators laundry appliances space heaters ROBINSON HARDWARE ai Dunlap St 7252431 PIONEm Antique Second Hand ESSA RD 7184891 Better china lamps rockers cabinets Open Thurs Friday to pm Sunday afternoon WE BUY AND SELL NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD the house of line broadloom Runnable all sizes and priced DOMESTIC AND mousse BROADLOOM o100lller St gt new sawmo Machines several Dflfllbla and cabinet models iuin reconditioned and rununteen rises up Slater name mmo Wï¬nffl wlbulhl non rotamu mmï¬mzfllixg sweethearts mummysla mammothploy Immllllh Zï¬tmnnmm mm and use motor loco nhu LIIlwbooa moose newinn creeli ruti full or was flush or oiled on with mt l°lfl noted In mmltu flu Dilnlnn WWI minnow ran no Inch wat nine runh inr nuoa lnlh For or am telephone momsDI or auto Folks in rood condition For iuriber de tails teleohono new as man sun sass r1 Tcifl Ind Atollll M1 uosaun um no unnu 01le by idioms analog ending can on are run Mlle TE en mlsn um room All nnaun or rule in good condition ther tolophm or mum noetrle grit kood worlinlordum tab Tunthorn ridloos Dolls cwrmNa or ax to kitchen tabl bhllxl stroller audio hone 2er area rile ii patio let um Er Co 7284391 mil Phone mill 11 near muzzle or role 11 eublc leer ILIe new electric rtnva st Inches other household items Telephone mom naval cm zoo sets In stock urea dnnnr lonrrt meet sent nonhu our drums at rim monthly new set uuruliuo odd Yonn Street north at nioori ron unto Teieoriono oarac ARTICLES FOR RENT AIR COMPRESSORS and tools COMPACTION EQUIPMENT 7280580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE 417 Dunlap St mr AND cAIIIN trauen took Ind campinx equipment Barrio Tent and Awnlnl at Brynlo BOATS AND MOTORS DELANEY BOATS LTD GREW BOATS OJOIENSON MOTORS ITRAVELLER BOATS SPRINGBOK ALUMINUM OSAILBOATS ICOMPLETE LINE MARINE ACCmSDRIES Bayliald St at Govt Dock OPEN TO EM DAILY CHRYSLER OUTBOARD MOTOR Sales and Service RIDGEROAD MARINE Bldgeroad Con 0rd 1876234 non tan or rule suitable ror no la la loot host In good condition Isa Telephone 7287041 15 NM Moulded Plywood RunI aout 85 ML motor and trailer oars nnd also Lrlller hitch or Mustang Telephone 13849 ï¬x CAMPING EQUIPMENT rams Ind cminr ui gm igtexflior Lgr as 333 no Street moon cam is sneed until Boat and loss ilercury motor and Tnlier all In Road condition Telephone 71mm ARTICLES WANTED WANTED EliUM nuances Dishes Fauna Second Hand snob ass ANTIQUE CHIN Glass reweu cracks Furniturf suvrr Painiixiï¬ clocks Toys DelII viamo FRUITS VEGETABLES smwasziuuu or sale 15 cent per our box Pick your own in Trill le ly es em Hm any eononr snutwamms Alta Rina Pick your own It posrlbln nnone tor appointment or ima our mm snd Phone no ltrt RIInn Rm Cindio Telephone 7154303 Lo 13 can is West Gwiuimbury Lilla won or No subw norm or End and mu DOGS PETS MALE Aerie ioi role year old hunter Telephone em ester cm comm and also out Labrador IIItwin tor sale Telephone Tiaom EAclllï¬ï¬‚mns BED ltalfll Mlilg of It In All 22 MM cicbhone mom nALIIIATiAN rues nicely spotted weeks old Also Cuban hurto year old Tel one yrsmo or iurther interim Ion camuoN CATImY nu moved to ensure 02943 Show and pits sismese uhocollto noint kit na trainedl With or withoutrped ae colour bred oweet dimosi our Wondequ rut in any occasian Chocolato tud servicl leom ton en TRY EXAMINER BABY CARRIAGE for sale niistle good condition 10 inn Ele llama Alum ndio walnutl sir £100 Telephone S3255 WANT ADS STONE MASQNS Custom Built FIREPLACES alumnus PICTURESOUE SIDEWALKS DRIVEWAYS arc Sinner Panels Designed and Custamcuc Delivered with roll instructions to DoltYourseli CALL 7261009 BARRIE rams ï¬n Proisahional Advice and Free Estimates on how you can and permanent beauty and value your home at minimal cost SHANTY BAY STONE co STONE DISTRIBUTORS amen AND BLOCKCONST HWY 11 NORTH WEST SIDE leeches ans son me reruns Mirror 10 NIL WANTED MALI Cummings Time Study Man Feed Mill WILL Continue full operation with new management personnel PROP MRS CECELIA CUMMING DEAD max Dead or crippled cattle and hotIa Small anhmla removed PHONE BARRIE new fallow hos For test service or an tor NICKS DEAD STOCK mum emu N0 csancst so hours My on one its nomad Ontario House No Iowa Nick mountaintop FEED SEED 8r GRAIN is oi hay or rule Allire and on in the iteld Telephone imvala 71 Ina luloen KcGilm IIAY sworm and conditioned nimnt on IIIu serene work don In earri are with new chair mat Toleuhom RD LIM Lu VoLm mum Chou II now in the Buri an is Al Ennia mam mm to nm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Bilm mppllea Service Case New Holland David Brown Bestty lIS BURTON AVE mam CASH TRADE TERMS HANK BROWN Delaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT Complete line oi Dairy Farm Equipment Supplies Barrie Holly Hwy 11 7350336 DION Threshing Machine ici min 12 to eomnleta with ctrw unred der and drive belt good condition Telephone Hose roIIN mas tractor All or rule Good condition No iurther Iue ior gig rnaehlne aucsnelle Phelp FORD 5000 Diesel urn tiactnrl oxcellent condlIlori Ind IDncarlnce lentil choose 1min HIKE IV lnll over new price will trldc Ind Mir Rainm Fusions Scheme LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Cour noltlut sweni more horss er load can and reed good nai titre hridlo mine minutes rrmn nunIr reienhona mole or eve nlnll mum aeeuoosa roNv stniiions er stud one lennsro trotted one loml with blanket Fee 25 ll Simmons Old sum Roan rne iiighwny vs Dalston Telephone muses an riousmrsN Standing ut stud have Thunder registered Appa loosa tieem eventual More boarded iIiAIta son an unlit Chest nut years old em or best oNer Aim Western saddle and bridle rnannans mom sTANnINn AT sTIJn ramoua res Istered Annloose stallion uk noxee ree $50 Simmons Did liarslo Road and Highway istulnlston Telephone limit my usisramm Policil Hererord null born November 1964 bred by helium Farm Also grade yelll Inu bulls Telephone rid1m Luluom lily Geldin white flaunts stan main led roi ow rim um entire riding veterinaEy Ruizta ii dneailred Telmons 12mm nr airl HORSE SALE amidy July out 12 noon Reels tered mo ode nonier Ind mania nurse or kinds Dozens oi ud dIas new and dried and all GQIIlpi mull sale hei In Saturday each month It Cookstown livestock Sal es been just oil 400 lairAway at Cookstown Cloverleal No entry ire send consignments to Simmons Box Mi Dorrie out or phone moose AUTOMOjerE CARS FOR SALE DALToNCOUGHLIN MWOHS iTl BRADFORD ST 7158311 Where our word is our guaran tee and we would sooner deal than bicker RaysSiMCOE morons For RAMBLER Tliiin St mm aroon um Ram Diamond ciru soeontl sill it es Highway ii In Cliuv can 61 Chev plnll and In Ponlllc station than or Isle All are mechoulcl Iv good Licenced end being used all re oulreronie bodywork No remn ï¬lg olloi reiused Telephone 17 PONTIAC Futile intlIation huoton clitlierlderdliie tumltlt no or aturln radio ex cellent corifl Lion Te one iiéam any time Isso DODGE imvlii sedan nutc rcaiic In Al mechanical condltlon Cheap trodbioirea transportation Telephone Hoot Allliion WON sluttrrrntlu VII ndln areoiinnt condition throustiout one owner urinationursvna COMIDBTAIII aim individual NWT reï¬nan mirror TilY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mlei Blue hlnek AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE In no emunnt eehllllofl note Mldtllnl Quunfll Elbows KERV lORNSNN YOUR mwdummmnammmamuer Woodsman Hcvlllhmlaoomlnthomeul mymemluiiopmeuliltriuuuet¢ romaiirriuiuinmrtuoyurmlnrenent nllrvaunq Wmuoelleotopportimltyioranudentflnrhrtudylo Idvlncohlr knowledge Tho opportunity for tutun advancuoent In monument Is also presentinaoewlyrohullilactmyudolflce The WW la teenn and rupecleii world wide in the manu ladure oiJnlnlog and dim drilling equipment The employee heisrit must be inwrltlnl industrial reloilonsmanaser fulfill is very IlheraL All applications mailed to the attention oi Hank Kovrig BOyies Industries Lid 256 HUGHES RD ORILLIA morons Lillirm arrie VOLKSWAGEN 11 COWAN smear BARRIE ONTARIO mom not PONTIAC LIIloll Witch VI nutolnntir owner oinn condlllnnr mlo Telephone moons IIaI IMPALA door banitov us lutomlllc Recent new tires paint tli olihRLIii less Vomsrvliaw iooo station warou In good condition new bullet and um For iurther In iorrnauon call moose euro Rspnins MISTER Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists 36 Mary St 7163141 MOTORCYCLES HONDA ehmed sembeuo Iomlrnd viu reii tor cash or ino inl good car a1 or up Also Honda parts is itiver Drive Ansur Tole ehonr itssaid lioo gawElinEId guest mmi Delor speaker rover modes TRUCKS FOR SALE TAILGATE LOADING RAMP Ta iit must pickup tincks $13995 Seeiiat HANDY PRO HARDWARE tlcdrlh Beach Rd 4364710 HM clitv Panel 950 or will trade or late model outboard motor be tween end is tw Telephone mIou Cen be seen nt urti Avenue TRY WANT ADS PERSON LS LA YOU have drinking problem and vunt help noon any Lime M15 Sousa TUTOR Raoumrzn ror Grade student iew hours weekly durlnl summer For iurtner Iurarmation Telenhone closets WOMEN COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Thorough training in all brain dies of beauty culture DEIRWIN HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 12 WOW sr moors Music INSTRUCTION NATIONAL CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC are pleased to announce they have extended their teaching program to includu DRUMS Necessary starter equipment loaned to beginners Fullyun iiied teachers Free aptitude tests given in the home For further iniormation call 7250 or 774560 LINDYSCHOOL OF MUSIC DRUM LESSONS Starter equipment supplied Slimmer and lei courses now being booked Teacher Gab IIEI 7284843 or 7264112 MUSIC ioi dancing wedding receptions parties etc BOOK NOW Reasonable ratcs TELEPHONE 7260818 WOMENSCOLUMN Perms SPECIAL taco luau runs WED ONLY WICKS BEAUTY SALON 45 Dunlpp St West 29W Regina CurlIShoppc announcing MISS KENNEDY rejoininthe stair after work ing with prominent hair dresser lh Toronto 58 Dunlop MALE HELP WANTED BAKER reigulred some experience 40 hour week all bottoms good salary Apply to WOOLWORTil 56 Bayfield St Barrie as It aiwuuori Denier in an no and em Simeon county one year around urnlnp No as mount Write Raniinn Gman loos lllchollcti EL lienry Montreal SALES MANAGER NM and Und cm st ha 11 cenced bonded ly onion in Itaye Simeo Lid TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS ReqUIred ANGUS SEPARATE SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN GRADE Level 54100 $6000 Level SSIDD $7M Level $5600 sarcoi Apply stating sac experience and heme and address of lest area superintendent in MRS SMIIHSs Trc RR No UTOPIA Ontai TECUMSEIII TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA BOARD requires SENIOR GRADES TEACHERS or new school olteriug chol lenga and opportunities SALARY SCHEDULE Category 1100 to 6500 Category 245100 to 7800 Category 345500 to 8000 Category 446400 to 0400 Apply to LISK SecTreaa RBI BEETON Orltarlo 4157292423 mm AVON CALLING WORLDS LARGEST COSMETIC COMPANY lias immediate openings or energetic woman toesrn excellent weekly income For lalonnation please write Mrs TchlSmoluir Viiox 405 Barrie or phone 1265551 Rant on runs cullomer uinnnne monE COMMON gum or lldllly iigiii EREGNHEI Imum Il iurr to nor 014 Earlier ALTERATIONS experienced woman sewer for mini shop on lldles end rents clothing day week Telephone 71540 between gm mo um EMPLOYMENT WANTED STUDBNT requires farm ampldy ment or summer months Phone meals duties the weak only 12 TENDERS TENDERS FOR RENOVATIONS TO BARRIE ARENA Barrie Ontario Sealed stipulatedsum tenders will be receivedIvy the under signed until pm TUESDAY JULY Bill 196 For renovations to the Barrie Arena or the Barrie Arcns Comrriission Each tender shall be accompanied by hid bend III the amount of 53000 The successful contractor is re quired to provide periorm nnce bond in the amounioi I00 per cent of the contract Plans and speciï¬cations available to general contractors only train the architects on deposit of $2500 andwill be on display our urvlelne or Intervlow at the TorontoConstrucilon As sociation end the Barrie Build ers Exchange Lowest or auyiender not nsc essarily accepted NESBIIFuiId DAVIES Architects Is Owen StBerrie 12843205 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7K4 iz T£NDERS BARRE ONTARIO lNDUSIRlALRUHDlNG FOR BARRIE INDUSTRIAD ASSISTANCE COMPANY LTD Sealed tenders on stipulated sum basis ior an industrial Building ior the Barrie Indus trial Assistance Company Ltd Barrie Ontario plainly marked Tender for industrial Building Ior Barrie industrisl Assistance Company Ltd will be lonely 11 1968 at the oiiicea of Silica and Al lison Architects 29 Clapperton Street Barrie Ontario Plans and speciï¬cations will be available to General Contractors on and alter Tuesday July 1960 at the oiiices oi the Archi tecLs zs Clepperidn Street Bar rio Ontario on deposit ocrtiiied cheque madeepayahle Io Salter and Allison Architects in the amount oi TWENTY FIVE DOLLARS $2500 Plans and specifications will be on display at Toronto Construc lion Association Barrie Build ers Exchange and Orillia Build era Exchange Tenders on mechanical and electrical subcontractors Will be deposited at the BirriaEM De pository ntll 300 pm EDST Tuesday July 1960 hid Bond drawn in lnveur oi the Barrie Industrial Assistance Company Lidln the amount of $2100000 Is requirement oi this project Lowest or any tender not acres sarily accepted SALTER and ALLISON Architects 29 Clapperton Street Barrie Ontario Farmer stamps Draw tickers Uelterheads Buslrless cards Cheques Weddlng stationery msn csnuArns ON ALL PRINTING NEEDS EXAMINER Commercial Printing MALE FEMALE HELP PAPER AUCTION SALES Auunou sans mill MIAguy or DAILY as hood Holstein ileum attic Hull MullITO Ml iren mambon and nor en Terms Cash No reserve as AlrDlIÂ¥lllnlllh£IlIhlndlo log out oi the cattle business JERRY COUGHIJN Auctioneer l4 PUBLIC NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF INNISFIL TREASURERS SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES To Wit By virtue of warrant Issued by the Reeve ot the Township oi lnnisï¬l under his hand and the seal of the said corporation hearing date theNob day oi March 1960 nvsale oi lands in priests of taxes in the Town ship III Innlsill will be held It the Community HellIVillage oi Stroud at the hour of two oclock in the siicrnoon on the 9th day oi August 1960 unless the loser and costs are sooner paid No doc is hereby given that the list at lands inr sale ior arrears oi lach was published in the Ontario Gazette on the inurih day of May less and that con ics of the said list may be hall at my diiice ii the lands are not all sold on August 9th an adiourned role will he held on August 23 1060 Dated tit thelownshlp oi In IIIsIil this flth day oi May 1908 GltGli lresourer Township oillnisiil Sirourl Ontario WHICH DAY QISTBEST MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Advertisers iraqueuily ask this question Fortunately there is no best dayto Advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones setisiy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and csnoelltwhen ynilTiï¬c aulis Alter many years oiex perience with millions oi want ads we know tomorrow is lhe best day to start your ad and every day is we best day to advertise lnThe Barrie Exam iner Classified Section BARRIE EXAMINER WANT ADS WORK WONDERS 7292414 ROUTES NOW AVAILABLE Summer and Regular Routes and Girls Ages to to 15 Please Contact TORONTO STAR BOX 512 BARRE or phone 7268001 APAPER ROUTES AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Do yoiillveid the areas or on one of the streeLslIsled below Siayner Midhursi Dunlop Si Wést Barrio Tiffin Stt Barrie GLENWOOD DRIVE It you live in or around the aforementioned areasplense Itll out the application below and rciInn it to THE BARRIE EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEER Id BAYFLELD Sl DARRIE or PHONE 7756539 Name Address Telephone For Safeiys Sake Hand This To cantou arrossrhrieinursarr Your Barrie Exdminer CARRIER SALESMAN If You Plan AVHolidayr srov MY PAPER RE START MY PAPER IN TWO LENGIITS By ANNE ADAMS Willi loss oi your curls as lure all heartsvhl ii ruiilcd milkmald midi lhata equally pretty shortChonse country checks watercolor piint Printed Pattern 4600 NEW GIrls Sizes 10 12 14 Site 10 takes Iii yards inch check Hi yards soli SIXTYFIVE CENTS 53 cents in coins lno stamps please ior each pattern Ontario residence Add cents sales tax Print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NURIEE Send order to ANNE ADAMS care oi itie Barrie Examine Pattern Dept 50 Front Street TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS please to All WesIrToronto Ontario SPRINGS NEW WOK II roit pretty Iemlnlnei Make it your look choose from over 100 styles In our new Spring Sum mer Psttnrp Catalog Get one pattern ireeclip coupon in Catalog Send 50 cents PATTERNS SUMMER FASHI Dy ALICE BROOKS Pretty and practical Sheca weer cape and suspendcr skir together or separately Wear til iauitty cape over summer dress ea or knit skirt Knit oi spor yarn with cables marching ai aroundEmy Pattern 7m si as 212 included rrrrs caNrs coinsI lei with pattern in stamp rocks Care The Barrie Exsmiu Needl creit Dept so Front Stree West Toronto Ontario 0n aria residents add congenial tax Print pldinly PA NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First time Jumbo 1958 Needle creit Catalog hundreds or signs free patterns include designer sweaters instruction inside Knit crochet embrol er 50 Cents Book of II lliiy Rn pitta patterns mexpecslve easy to make 60 cents Book No Deluxe 01 Io completepatterns um 60 cents iv Book No Museum Quit patterns for 12 uuiltao cents Book No Quilts or day Living New exciung co lectlonlo complete paito 6t Tania BOOK PRIZE Al Knit chochct Ia aighana so cc Box REPLIES Willlo Ivory en in MD made to mde calm to numbers to the ndvartlur loo Il poutlillwl accent no Ilshlll in respect or loss or mm lend to Irlu throuithother tins ori elllelorwlrdlnl replica nwcvcr caflud delusion or olhuvlilr