Baliotithtéady Voters Head To Polls isssraos TWO WEATHER Cloudy ulth few scattered thundershouen Wednesday tow tonight 55 high Wednesday 55 For details roe Faro three Net Moro in to Copy EWINER TELEPHONES Grailatiotl 7266339 Gardner Advsttrinx man All other Dogma mam 104th Your No in Separatist Leader Among 290 Arrested in Montreal lii0NlREAL CP French Canadas St Jean Bap tiste Day celebrations exploded into riot in front of UiiAWA CF ihe iedeml onlwhldi election writs must be iélsriieulghxhlgtfti mfg Mona night and sent at 188 géiimiiiinétieuiinormwinxi Zinflfdiéiniiiirfieéoiiflni Police said more ibaulmreaonsawsenestï¬ in We Mommm 77 um insulin my5 Bleean whats pearedtobeseparatistduspired trouble on the heels threat against Mrirudeaus lite Labor Crisis rmmmornas police man rim leads off dem onstrator in head lock ailer demonstration brokeout at Prime Minister deeau was the SLNJean Baptiste Day par ode in Montreal last night one of the guests attending the paradeCP Wirephoto Sti lawreneo Seaway workers and the threatened postal strike nationwide railway strike has been threatened or Thumiay Both sides appeared Monday to be marking time in the sea way strike until after todays iadeial election The Iederai government in indirectly the employer otithoflfltioï¬nhilg seaotiy workers and it has sided liiulily with manageinent in their nageodispuie The postal disarm which could erupt into atrikoby mideunnuer is ï¬nally inlihe hands ot conciliation board megovemment or muse is xeneral election Parliament labor department spokes man said in Ottawa lilonday ihata rail waikwt on Thursday would be illegal however be cause the government had just reconvened conciliation Witks in the dispute ottoman ricrs Facts and ï¬gures in todays Ii stake 2M Conunon seats ono lower than last Parliament because of redistnibuiion Candidates 961453101 each In TrainCraiih Wilderoweiolin ior dumb l3swissDie Flirtytour constables and ti public library on Sherbrooko otherpersons were injured 12 Street police cars weru damagedat least Ihreo were overturned and one oi six lured later died Police deniedan earlier re stand port that an oiilcer was killed it was night of fear bottle demonstrators up slope throwing beatings and blood Prime Minister Trudeau who in held rantrow seat during the rioting and ducked battle as the parade marched beiora aimed at him later attended the stand st Jean Baptiste Society recep tion and remarked coolly was curious wanted to cycles ruehed along both sides Folice called in mounted rein forcements when those on loot Police horses inf and motorcycles could not con Irol the proud that laced the Thefhnrsemen charged tho swinging threeiootlong stick The battle was still guingon Ambulances oll on cars paddywaguns and police motor see whatwas happening at the parade to clear away but one embattled constable demonstrators the injured and said as demonstrators were the arrostéd iii the lworir erémlmo of the Liberals Conservatives SION Reutersi iihlrteen rail strikewould involve and New Democrats plus 71 persons were killed Monday and On top oi the existing strike at ofï¬cially become members at There was nothing le the iniaglnauon about top half oi her anatomy police noticeroaid Xuan Thu Reveals both the ME Crown corpora Crediiifles 31 SociaEJCmditers 27 Iweretaken to hospital alter tion and the CPR private Ii Communists and 82 others Silizeriands worst railway dis 253 Ewiï¬anigii iniiminiiiig AliREST EINGLEADEBF IV comm you unusuaï¬m to asterlnzoyears gt ZAmong those arrested at the ee reel epics orientate tartar iterations gerbils in arguing tout oitiiiï¬v announced inlliioubeailiiodd do toriron looms gt iar mus AP We drink possible compromise or flexibili Asked about Humphreyl it hascéliadihe strike to bag 1111965 election Bad Lithiwact rouca sidearm unsse$°ifln mm oiiec We speak ofthe tyonthe bombing issue uhidi ceaseï¬re sugegstionihuy cons W339 damn against the CNR 00 About WWW000 ill near Police began hauling oti dem iiiindependance natiqnalg weather ihe climate of iood has deadlocked the talks since mented and 18 033 public holds Plus all ï¬gmied Elaven otihe dead were 513 Jung ham Si jiie waspiucked by poiiod an the glimmer they begausix weeks ago u1heiirstnduiiostt importan ï¬ugï¬eflamt $139 in or more par an in special ta jeagggpltnlséeslï¬rnadevï¬lflzeduit Wm urging ml pan iian uy isor oceaseun anneisimn enceil chief negotiator at the Vietnam connflï¬onatiy the bombing and mtnï¬ilï¬led for avweek Standings atdissoiiition Lib imi smizerland on an Emir d9auv MEWFJF Dram slliiiuries ranged iron from ceaseï¬re one was ceiling for aiioiuer actsotwar against the PillMm Passed 5W 95 slan andmvller Dietitians lured skulirand broken amino eign correspondents about his Democratic Republic or North daring mm NW 23 Cmdusw 50 gt were ill m5 and 5mm rm break conversations Wm View men we can pass on workers back to work Credit independent lode 1ihe others were the driver at They got tougher Judechop um In ambassador mm Megspr imam Parliament cannot meet on pendentConservative vacant theirrtrain golngirom Sionlo ping troublemakers after my me hat TO Denounce both sides As have niten said am iiiMi 25 the We Mai 255 Brig and ï¬le timer of they became targets for ilviasflzoti Mfg we Emegï¬fgeggï¬u mmgaéi $21 33 ceis train with which it ooilui gimme of them containmg PM by Infamous ors Wednesday there was con fihe battle became serious Mm me mpg1h siderahle speculation that they gt sometime beforeJlir Trudeau we pm my or Gardhouse Has ammo on 335 in ï¬fgï¬fgggï¬uggzï¬m °irsécoliiim nun oï¬ï¬Ã©iï¬hirhiï¬lï¬ib nit Heart Attack itinleviiliiég ihiinin$i ï¬st991m Badge IIQ cause ior cheer in Thuys German controls over West other remarks to thecorre German travel to and from TORONTO CP 9mg Mag ofmosemma sung in spondents He brushed aside the West Berlin is expected today Gardhogso me ank éludmimimle mmm flu cail ironn VicePrmdent Hubert as representatives of countries NEONPO CF rvrAII army iributed across the country camyimaglsmm Simmea 1y evacuaed an mu H11unlohrevior an module in the North Atlantic Treaty Or umooumr Cpl rA cl workers scattered in every or is joining crv loi theilrst bi Aflirneiwenml Iii was mm Mae ceaseï¬re and stuck ï¬rmlyrto gaoizaiion wind up twoday Vanmw banking mnty corner of the country where tiniein cooper arranze wish 51 mu refusedto Hildï¬ Ham 53 tat lt5 ailECki meeting drew some glances lhen there are him will be on the meat tocolleot statistical interL WPNL H° WM 4m Alonevin the trout rowiwlth °n WWW Mist be Foreign ministers and other groomed up at English ivb tonight to bring fast and mation QPs correspondents satisfactory condition Monday hmdmsmflp new mg 0m can be representatives of the 15mem Bay beach in transparent ebmlete Suits salad mandolin 13m 5M5 iii vGaith and 91 hit1m GPi About stayed wiihliis arms resting berNAiO alliance also plan to taming lop general election member newspapers and from gannnnyhm of Tamara were vMWCNR CPR1 under his chmm ihuy appeared before the any name we readiness ex flierth and ï¬gures on how broadcastingsiatlons will be suspended Saturday brjt Mr an WW mm bund slwtmerican Press Association The ouier part other suit ted illbecollect stationed in the rettirning oiii Weeiflkefof amine Wlth Russia and color wotWyn Wishart declined to say why Iihlusday in back wage increase lights aimed at him WW Em European ecumes me was anomal bikinirboitum ed digestedafliiimed into cers headquartersiueaoh of suspensions werejmppsed denim recommended in com gt WWW Warm with balm Police and parks board ma mam hi1 Wmmmes cloggassmies Gm eillation board reportsynut MEWS NUDE Wldt us ofï¬cials caiied military reductions in Europe marines my meal WWIIXess ambit Its results min individual We said he wasladmmw Labor Minister Pepin promptly When We PM Was rein informed sources saidi race char may dairy new polls are collected by the 1105 reconvened the board Monday ROMP fltflerihmw him stha dy membem 300 male 5la from massive team at about sun ay mg mug maidiigthe proposed strike lite franc Mrdeea Norui Vietnamese army news Wig aims lions 5W by Wm looooo electoral ofï¬cials CPs 193 Whine gal Iiivhizzedrirhiby meï¬Mr paper was ed 11130 BWadcaSi NEWS 0303 correspondent will iced them by hymnbeen loldthy he Kuaikoutby ï¬remen across Time Md i31m 13 it 119d Wm ï¬atCW can the private bum Elmrk special telephone eve 10 min has been tamed0 195 Canadacouidcri lo the more the melijmi 1m 3m and armgam Eon drunk in oputh place cm mes to UN remongcbmfla Doctors have ordered complete mm Fear go it d1 hum Mam Drape 1mm frank demanding an end to the rocket Mamma Wherehave you Vmkinii With 0P °1 tiall centres in St Johns Nfld 5L pillng up mm Montreal east of row seat but remahied with Mr monument of Saigon and been Johnny mend Women and special Halifax Montreal Ottawa To Two Metropolitan Toronto po as so Iawreï¬ce Seaway rye Trudeauwheiisthe otheraf on curtailment 0mim3fl0p515 yahnnyupiyinghang electionnight Wesponflem rontoKitiohener Winnipeg Re liceldeiectivesare investigating tern duetoastrilreoi 120059 thestandGiiestsreturncdwhen limit ï¬le United States stops Will he Damien 3mm and gina caigiry Edmonton and the conductoi thetwo mngis way workers nihiuhbegan an the prime minister continued bombing North Vietnam Momma severely Euti camp cm Telecmnuni mgr Watching The paw said attack on sir toldoyouto beat the nigndidnt canons an intermifllï¬mgju gt gt gen would continue as long as it eioc resu remains us headquarters Johnny No maami You tiS ofï¬cials said ihuys 1tyoidmeitï¬rhiaulz the rugoil the staternenis gave no int otany can eat it to more ss Picket Line lrOlwliroIiorl Algernon Thom pickets weru sriking empuyem at Itinto wn Book 33135 RIChard Nixon sewageimaiment plants re Some progress was reported turned to their jobs on an em on minor issues dinrug negotia Governor Nelson Rockeieiler of New York says refusal by gency basis Monday night live tiers on Monday but on th his Republican presidential rival Richard Nixon torepudiaie hours alter iheywere that de major issues including union suggestion that George Wallace joinlthe Republicans would be nled entrance to the plants by requests or an increase of die death knell of theRepublicanpnrty in the nextelection other plckeiing strikers percent to emit yeanof two Earl Fanning oliairrrian oi memm the strike comnuttee ior Local hio Guard Invades Prison ii Canonin Union in ruin Era lo eessaid the emergency CDLUMBUS Ohio ADThe Ohio National Guard Miami crews ywould be kept in the into the riottom state penitentiary Monday assisted guards today plants at leaa untiicontract no he Examiner in maintaining order alter it was discovered that important keys gotlauons with city ofï¬cials re were missing and presumed in the hands of prisonera some in mm todayn Aiter thatythey would iemain on dut asio as meaningiul AkaH LB Wants Full Registering Mandi $0M in an my rim or wnnuncron Arirroiideiii Johnson has coilodgior uie The return iowarlsighrelfg 1me federal registration of every privatelyowned gun lntho USi and msmmï¬eiegï¬masm In mumu set oi oi controversy in Congress last week had been mud mum by ilhemloczlilunder in agar no ore to Shippers Tum To Ball iii no Memo boroninner toriShipping companies ailected by on strike gflgmwwngï¬m 1M St Lawrence Seaway workers nowin its iiith dayare and sewer nd twinm laRh WohittléJi moori Discount at its aspirin disordernï¬ Wosliigionmin oi intorsociionbtuih on day eyeuing it ed near ti streets in theaectlonoi the atrial to turn to the railways io srip stranded cargo despite an plan the threat of strike CP Rail and GNR locomotive firemen smé wk lal the water plants vdthout Policomeu seized maniac questioning during flurry ol