Tor More VaCation Plédsure Discover Want Ads iIreQSuré72824l4 1211153an EXAMINER momma REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS Birth Announcements tmaxhnum Cards ill Thanks 75 nrdst ladditlonal words 6c per In Memoriarn no verse Verse per count tlnl extra Touring Events BIRTHS FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Value to $250 Containing very useiul assortment at well known items ior mother and baby Yours FREE when you place May announcement at your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column ot EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce mcnt writer will assist you in wording your announce mm and arrange tor you to receive your tree Moth ers Pair from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 72824l4 Barrie and District Residents Only ENGAGEMENTS ILVERTIIOILNE WALKER The lungernctll has been announced or Itlls Mariette Dnrotn sliverinolne monitor at lir and Ills loim su verindma or Burk hill oomto to sieolev Vlilltm vriieer eon oi Mr dd MIS wnnun Walker Guthrll Ntlmarrlue in take place at Buflrs rails sooth Churdi set urdny July less It on EATHS nttoiim llIllary the lioyai Victorl Hospital Brrrie Friday June 21 Hillary Brown beloved husband or Bedelt Davies Loving tether or hurried Mn Brian shrwi oi Barrie erren mirenne Edmond and Johnny In his trill roar litslide at the Pethictr Funeral Home 127 arviteln street name Servlca In the chariot Mon day at non interment Mldhurst Union Ccmetery iN EMORIANI palmian In loving metrian or dear human and Iathor George Fnirhank who passed Iway one year ago June lesl one sad and loner vnr has passed SIrlee our grout sorrow toll hedged that we received that No one ern ever tell tic vlstml no one hit irrewell Nor even said goodbye Ho had gonn hclore we knew Anna only God blows why golden heart stopped heating buav hands at rest tod more our hearts to prove to or no rillaye takes the host Ilrlonolv here without you near We miss you more each day For tile is not tho same to lac SINCE Vflti WU calico NHL Your place no earth no one can till we miss you nnw lltd IIIVI will ï¬gment llovcéidnndhdanthmliscd sgclrl our or lry rm vlrctnia and Jane manta In loving memory or riur dearl trier George rrirnank who passed ntvav Julie 22 1967 Dcar God give this message to our Father no above Tell him how much we miss him And giro him all our lovc iris smillna tree is atwayn here With memories we all hold dear sddiv missed by daughter Joyc run so aw Ron FIImIlANK in loving memo or our dear Father and graudta or George Fairnnn who passed away June 1967 LIIlchltmtIrtf wave Ind smiling see Aren pleasure to recall ire had hindlv wdru ior each And dlod heiovedioy all sadlv missed bv son Bob and daughterinrtaw Donna and grand aliilnren Debbie and Teddy lAIIIDANK in loving memory at dear tuner and grandfather Genrgc FalrhalI June 22196 Your loved mics would never forget Your love remains with us yet You mm the kind or atticr Your loved error would never Iorgct ssdiv missed by douehior neity Lou southlaw Ken ind mndsons Kev1n Scott and Craig inlrinIIN In loving menialv ot clear lather livid grandiathor George Fairbank who passed away June 22 1967 Devin memories never die As rears roll on and days pass by In our heart momdrv Is treat or the one we Invert and will never rorzct ï¬ShdIy missed by duugntcr Dorothy aorlItllaw ncioerl ann grandchild chri lStephen Temple and Rickey ucs FAIRSINK 1n IOVIIIK memory OI our dear rather and arandirtner osoree Fairbank who passed away lane 22 1857 rue depin or orrow we clrinot ten or the loss or one we loved so well And rhilc he sleeps neaczlul sleep iris mealan we shall always keen 5adlv missed by daughter Myrna rdninlaw Rov and arandcnlldren Sandra and Wavno Boaman COMING EVENTS DISTRICT LODGE or lNlerli invites all LOL LOBA and LTB LODGES to attend the DISTRICT ORANGE CHURCH SERVICE CHRIST CHURCH IVY Sunday June 23 730 pm lodges term up at NY ORANGE HALL nt PM MR MRS ELMER PRATT ol Stroud invite friends and neighbors to an Open House at their home SUNDAY JULY 1960 etc and to pm on the occasion of their 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPtIONE 72812ztl an advertisements and null thEKB min must am pm dnt oreedtns nuthtlc ornnon rn nttlrrlnv with the exception or ones ed ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH Engagements Mnrrlngcs and Denise 15 00 word It 15c per line prices on request COMING EVENTS DECORATION DAY St Marys Cemetery SUNDAY JUNE pm DECORATION DAY Barrie Union Cemetery SUNDAY JUNE so 230 331 pm Path under sponsorship oi BARBIE HORTICULIIJRAL SOCIETY JUNE DANCE Sat June 22 830 pm RCAFA CLUB ROOM Ii High Street Orchestra Relrcshnenta Bullet Prizes $500 per couple Sponsored I7 BARBIE CONSERVATION CW3 Tickets at door GIFT lrom Am and AN TEN MILLS COMMUNITIES in manory oi VALERIE CARSON will be dedicated in ANTEN MILLS UNITED CHURCH on SUNDAY JUNE 00 at am REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SAL matron LAKEFRONT bedroom cottage at Maple Large lot pi bath larg ng in furnished Asking $17000 wrth terms Contact Anne Spencer Thornton 4589211 ALDERSLEY PARK Nice Irame cottage on corner lot In park setting piece bath partly insulated Itlrnisha ed owner anxious to sell Ask lng 35000 Anne Spen cer Thornton 11 TRIM 4007mm potatiklarimAlliston district creeks on property no dings ideal location Asking $350 per acre Contact Anne Spencer Thornton 450 9211 II KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcoch Barrie 7205095 Coibourne Stroud 4364317 McLean Elmvale Iltttt MacLeod Barrie 7234759 Snow Strand Wood oro Spencer Thornton Fitzslmmills Cbbill 4562520 Ed Green Barrie 7284123 Tom Fitzsimmins Churchill 4562620 181 EGLLNTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Iteal Estate Appraisals Mortgages 49 COLLIER ST BEAUTIFUL BRICK BUNGALOW WITH MANY EXTRAS Three bedroom brick home in thewell kept residential east end convenient to schools shopping etc Large broad lunmed livingroorn with natur nl brick lireplnce custom built kitchen with the extras includ ing dishwasher panelled reele ation room with attractive her also piece bath and fourth bedroom in dry basement Landscaped grounds 7285503 We have apartment houses and other income properties available for sound invest ment Building lots in Barrie Angus and the low tax outskirts oi Barrie Harry Michie Appraiser Ted Brignellv metro Paddy Miles 7235209 RAWN Real Estate Broker 303 RAYFIELDST 7239451 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call Larry Torpey 4260715 Bill Rawrl 77260999 Dick Draper 7Ztiiittt Eric MLS Realtor DeviSnap REAL ESTATE OUR SERVICE TRY 7238388 one ycrr Double or nr paved driveway modern lt clien with break Int urea lnmily room with Ilrav slidinil patio dowr bertvaod oortllg bed roorn IIglmlhu Irtcg room cull GIVE nholrv ndvzrtiaemrul willeil lrt ha in Ill 1300 noon nrncedlnu dly to nor cont mortgage Sen this name nlriie error 7254151 PROPERTY FOR SALE LS Multiple IJfllflg Ssvleo USE THE EDUCATED COUNSELLING nlyollrMmliaaltorWhenbuyiagornetlingyourhomo BlrriolndDmriciRwEdllloBoudlhc FRANK NELLES PhotoILLBJR NBAYFIHDBIREET til1 Si PAULSOnly one block from schoolIpncious bedroom bungalow with extra large kitchen with more than ample cup boardsInterior II newa decoratedAlma new oil tinnace Gur aga on an 251 loot lot Thin clean home can be yourn tor only 914500 $5000 DOWN to one vendora mortgage taken this bedroom red brldt bungalow on Oakley Park Square Call this attire or more details QUEENS PARK AREAOwner moving and would like to see an otter bedroom bungalownice sized roomslull basementnew gas turnace Quiet street $13500 lull price EVENINGS CALL 7160961 Frank Wainwright M0696 Geo Mill mom torn Foster 728120 ltIIi lit Stan Hammond Frank Nelle Mike Magur Leo Cavnnrgh CAMPBELL PBON ILLS REALTOR HIGH SR RES 7281389 7180241 ATTRACTIVE STOREY brick home in excellent condition v1th living room dining room kitchen and porch on main floor good bedroomson second floor lull high dry basement with new lorccd air on Iurnaec large garage Everything in rpoticss con dition and home is centrally located VARIETY STORE AND SNACK BAII with nice living quarters Large corner lot south oi Barrie doing an excellent summer business Illnoss forces pale Charlie Bead 7232511 Bngh Plowman Don Campbell Wt Doug Cflmpbcll Fred Taylor 7207 Ron Aln Paul Penman 773081 Smith Campbell Don Marshall EMORY MILLER 726I88l REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST ACR EAGES idle ACRE Vespra ACRWGdce usVï¬w 10 ACRES with trees 51 ACRES Mineslng Swamp SUNNIDALE ROAD Iii acres acre ORCHARD Ivy ESPRA HIDEAWAY acres ACRES with STREAM choice Highway 06 10 ACRES 40 acres good GARDEN SOIL acres with HOUSE SPRINGS 0000 Scotch Pine and HOME acres TIFFIN Street acresTvitb 40 yearOOLIYPINE iUCK SOIL 50 acres Cookstown 90 ncres oi BEAUTIFUL VIEW 99 acre FARM acres in CITY 99 acres EDGE oi CITY 47 acres PAINSWICK WE HAVE OTHERS TO CHOOSEFR HOMES BIG BAY POINT Road APTO MINETS ONT RR Barrie ALCONA AREA HOLLY 90 HIGHWAY oooxsrowiv an mom SHANTY BAY ANGUS MINIEING ARDAGH ROAD ALCONA AREA Mmest PAIINSWICK Qanliisron Peter Madton John Cole Robert Flcwclllng Harvey Weber Percy Ford mm 4813715 7mm 7W W41 0565313 7237389 m2 7106508 7280017 7205833 4363015 7287930 Sammy Benham Gordon Spencer Kenneth Miller Les Lovegrove Emory Miller CARSON PIIUIO MIS REALTOR 55 WORsLEY STREET TELEPHONE metal NEW BEDROOM BRICK This attractive bungalow is close to public and high schools irnine diate possession 519000 Substantial down payment required Call Russell Carson W161 Norm Synoott mzsal Bill Hamilton 7705325 Ed Genga ROGERS tr CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the Five Points EVENINGS CALL FREDEPIEII 720W CHAS ROGERS 7231512 COUTTS gt CO Realtors Russ Carson 7060161 Phone manor Owen St Barrie 7202485 HighIand Park Village Govsouth on Highway 11 to city limits or CNB tracks tlirn lett oil 3rd road alter railroad Little Avenue and our model homes are on the ï¬rst road to the left We have homes under construction with model homes open for Inspection by appointmeni only aunonhows 917m SPLIT annls 910000 DOWN PAYMENTS $3500 AND UP Featuring low taxes aluminum storms and screens andflulshed to NHAspecllleetlona etc EVENINGS Sandy Coutia mom Gordon Collita 7mm Walter Cbuttsr 7102311 place andgarage Call Harvey REAL ESTATE YOUR WELCOME TO SEE THE NEW IDEAS PROPERTY FOR SALE anstview Subdivision Now undercoustructton STEEL or 5mm Ducxwonin aeolian New Homes Built for the PeOpIe WHO CARE by GEORGE DAVIES Lot pIhhl tor the entire mbdivtsion Ind the counselling nt our stall are available to you without obligation We can and will help you plan or the nutrity oi htme owner line at neyneld Street 3PHOI0 inns REALTORS muss tiortgm Fundrhvallnhto Fm Customer Pulling avnmnns corn MILDRED Mom mam MAN £9 HEREEmm um 71W GRANT MuARTIIIm 7250051 mcnuswgmrins HAROLDFORST COMPANY CVRLY GLORIA 3055A IIAIIGARLI M00 on rent ma nm 15 OWEN ST or Anita Swilt 7280755 ATHREEe BEDROOM BRICK Vnunnaeow Large living room 5an kitchen finished recreation room with barilllprice $17 500 Call Iim Higginson 720 bums ooonaxlur PHOTO MIS REALTOR FOUR BEDROOM STOREY newer home with kitchen living orcownwsrnnniw bedroom brickbungalow tcbowand Russell Smith Res 7239990 It Dick Hartley 7mm Adgus 4495601 Shelburne 9233440 Completely lurnlshed bedroom This property Is in exceptional Price includes above vernxe and broadtucm For details or Charming three bedroim home and carriasat $117per month 1933 3764 Six bedroom ultra modern APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS and dining room pieceand piece baths attached garage om NHA mortgage Nicely landscaped dining area with plenty of cupboards Large lot with garden Alt Rose nos 1mm Biil Madmen Rea WRIthfld Raycrait modal LKAN co LTD MLS nannrorca mÂ¥7 10 Collier StBarrle 7134401 Wasaga Beach 4201640 FURNISHED FOURPLEX home ior only 515000 Situated ly good shape All units have on lovely large wall trefd IDL piece baths electric heating Iurnlture Franklin stove tire inspection call autos Ellis its 5638 with terns kitchen lull base ment panelled recreation room at 61178 Let me show you this home now Call Lila Hird Izo INVESTMENT PROPERTY Minnunsr AREA NEAR SAGA cottages each withLpiece pri vate baths refrigerators and Building lots on till Concession oi Vespra near MIUIIIII5tVIII 7237319 mu ESTATE PROPERTY roll SALE StlELSWELL and WILLSON REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER HOME 1500 Split level lwocar attached gar age situated on unattu landscaped lot in mod desirable locale Im terml living room with fireplace lull suite dining roan modern kitchen loinbedrooms den two tapioca baths rec ï¬mflmflLW perm Ind open deck Call Mrs Lang SMALL WELLvRUILT HOME WITH DOUBLE GARAGE Large lot In tintouter town lust at paved road Suit retired couple or young couple $3000 down and vendor will hold Iirst mortgage Tau only glut Catt Mrs Telbush Thing MIS EARLY POSSESIONJUNE Nth On this immaculate split level borne in good residential area lovely stone ï¬replace in recreation room also family room with sliding patio doors NicelyI landscaped clcarr electric heating gnrage and paved drive Everything ll finished Move in and relax Payments only sun prblcrpal interest and taxes Call litre Atkinson 71017196 No 308 SOPHIA SIIDW DOWN PAYMENT Control to downtown storey older home with living room diningroom kitchen tour plcee bath three bedrooms attached garage Call Keith McMay ter 96663 No Ill COUNTRY LIVING storey II room stucco on acre scenic property Dro Township All conveniences Attached garage grand garden tractor and implements included CaII Everett loughced 7284423 or 1mm No 7268 110 Dunlap St East 7204422 or utilize BIDWELL Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7234430 BARRIE VIEW HOMES ARE NOW AVAILABLE Split Levels Bungalows and ZStorie To Choose From NlIA Mortgages MODELS OPEN DAILY Sat and Sun Afternoons and Evenings nennrovmw $21500 Brestlg tion withpanoramic view oi the hay rrlorey tr bedroom homeleaturlng excellent kitchen with breakfast area Wood burning Iueplace in the living room baths This is an NHA home built to high standards Cali Mary Morrison BUNGAmW bedrooms large living and dining area lumin sized kitchen Close to schools and bus line Priced to selL Cal Mary Morrison WILMA BIDWELL 7266321 ELAINE INPSON 7280294 CATHERINE MLLNE 7260040 ILLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST LIAIIY MORRISON 7289933 IVAN BIDWBLL 7266311 WMARY VAIB 7781060 swisiï¬ SERVICE REPAIR GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmenare Ready to Work 0n Your Job Immediately ECOTTAGE REPAIR IACKING COTTAGES Insulating and Winterizing Septic Tanks and Tile Beds Docks Plumbing and Electric Heat HURSTHawkestone Telephone Oro 1075750 SHINGLING nnanLmu Flat HunllgllvEIvH troughlrig Gord Evans strnud On tario Helm TRUCK LETTERING moo LETTERING stain or all kinds Experienced painter Tele phone mum anv time or 7141552 PLASTERING age Excellent homesites For details contact Vlvign Garner insroar NEW HOME UNDER CONSTRUCTION Features albedrooms electric double garage on double lot Situated in good location just outside Barrie Priced at only 518000 For lurtlter partic ulars call PatCarter 436mm Rupelr McGratb Ellrivale 7391M 7250016 no toll charge TAXESONLY $I60 Full price $14900 Three bed room bungalow with breezeway and garage For further partic ulars call Dally Mortell 720 0074 DUPLEX Newly decorated throughout lhis borne has separate apartment with all separate conveniences Landscaped to perlection For inspection call Marg Wakeï¬eld M95165 Iker BarbGibby Gibson ertort Newman BuyAnita spilt ltdVivian Gunter neatlng wood panelled interlor numerpble features heavy duty stoves Good loch tion close to lake Boom tor eli tra cottages or motel on prop erty Easy terms Asking $29 900 35000 down Call Peter muss BEDROOM HOME Features ultralmodcrn kitchen attached garage modern conveniences with lull NIIA mortgage For lurther particulars call Joe Dir raoolorrisosm TAKE DRIVE BY Tim is brand new electric home on Theresa St real beauty with over 1500 sq it of luxury living space plus aiin ished recreation room Has in including attaclled garage ï¬replace lama ily roorn separate level living room patio double sliding glass doors Hollywood kitchen and most cenvenient prestige location Move in now Call Ed orMnrilyn Jenningr 7280803 ginon norm girxrltfllo 7100501 naveholly niorten 7230674 ndlrrrltva nitnlm manor Cnrtal Alum gin vanmuwcn motes MEMBERS BARRIE ORANGEVILLE TORONTO BOARDS Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 00 Dinilop St 21 Phone 7182413 lat and hid mortgages arranged on low monthly payments We buy your present lat andghd mortgages unanimous new hAROUmITE MOORE 72H clam ZIETABA 7mm JANE YOUNG 7754717 thN mt Aiilrto 4157 smash nuagms viimil All elevensuite apartment block in the mostdeslrable location in Barrie over looking the hay Priced at only $110000 It is won derful investment oppor tunity jlelephong Belts Griesbach Real Estate 4872517 for full details or this property or 7289844 110 NEW All room burl slow on Contention tot IBIlln pills rouul oi strouni Ready or Telegbono comm WIL LA minglinganon ytned room Colonial demo bathroom Khrl divided basement with 116 mt on ml lovelL munds Ind reel Clone to and Riki HINDI CCHr price 525900 to buy P110 HGMI evcnIrlgn lfllf marker weekend Inoolntmont BUNGALOW FOR SALE years old rug brick 1500 square feet glamorous living space 10 125 broadloomed living room pillr dining area and glossed in layer kitchen and butlern pnntry two spac ious bedrooms and crafts rnom Oil heat Best water from 136 drilled WELL One acre niuple shaded lawns Located on bighwaysoutb of Barrie Fullprlee $25000 Cali HELEN MOORE Alliston 1357307 ll KEITH near ESTATE MIS Realtor WHITE 100 Bayfield St 7281071 Appraisals listings invited ISABEL FISHER mzoal loan wrnrn insane nmooll House 1200 act beaten turlge attached rtvno itrenloo Ind nonewalled drtvcwlv buuliiul location lot 15 200 Anten iiillis Io miles north of Bufle of 17 litllhvrllt PriviltI gale Shawn by IVWInt merit only mAWAY HUNGALOW he rooms 193 baths bay win ow dï¬llllg room lving room Ilnilbnd recreation room lenced in Butte plved driveway rnurrn tleld on lure corner lot 39 Ottnwly my EXAMINER WANT nos PHONE 1mm all around GARAGE poons ALLWEATHER OVERHEAD DOORS Residential Industrial ELECTRIC OPERATORS INSTALLED and Alterations made on Garages MARTIN 7250023 AEVENINGS 7284277 PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS BARNYARDS Free estimates in the Iollowing areas Barrie Bradlord Allia ton Collingwood and Newman ket Also tree estimates once ment work GARAGE DOES PATIDS Telephone collect TsuBONE PAVING CO 7206545 Painslviclr Manieri Pavingi Italian Expert Co of Ernie Free Estimate Work guaranteed 7260081 134 ESSARD Rio RACHLIN Paving Ca Owned and Operated by JOERACHLIN Former Partner of George TsuBONE PAVING C0 namanns Govt subsidy if you qualityalso driveways etc Guarantee In writing 15 yearaiexperlence Telephone 7sz 751 FLOORING SEAMLESS FLOORING Haay duty plastic proot never needs wax only type of floor unaitected It acids alkalis AL ROBERTS 4495848 BLACKSMITH PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITH 63 PENETANG ST 7281390 Handmade shoes specialty Telephone Bob MOWER REPAIRS MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE For AII MBkEB of Air Cooled EngincsReeI and Rotary Mower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LLAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 17l Burton Ave intlint skid PLAhmING Ceilings neomuoa liooma Arenwayr 2o yufl upar eoee 71am INSULATION nnowmu maul insulation Free estimates Guaranteed work Telephone Scott Mltlr TILE iitcNtho mounts oer pastel nrsm and ironinr snail llz ahtrtl Pinkup and deliver 720ml BUILDING cousin Vllll° illtl°°l itll van L505ZDI iiiNiron senvtce LOOKING roll oiun staining for homes ollieer norset lsinnl cleaning Service norm PAINriNs PAINTING Cr DECORATING INTERIOR EXTERIOR rAlso sign painting European experts VAN NOORT VYK 114 RDSE ST 1285876 tr uncanny Interior Exterior Pglntlnl DIEM Ilth PIDEIIII ovum repldr Con mo House painting ntertor rI tor vetv reaso bin an estimate Catt Eric 512 Fainting interior and one Anywhere within ruling or barrio call Robert traitor Mots SAND AND GRAVEL fEIroy SANDAND GRAVEL Crushednnd plt run gravel Lintestone products and till DELIVERED 7266095 or 7266021 SIGNS COMMERCIAL Truck Lettering Prompt service mister eretlrmrnE so year experience 72134591 APPLIANCE REPAIRS minor Electric Appliance Service repairs to Ill enoncls slaves wash ers dryers ete 7201106 CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS Renovations tiniisa con 1ng time ruved indol rlunar naming and Renovations boat repairs Iurrlltura service on opium trulrantecd work Telr phone Brunner Wood Ent€rlirlsnli shntv any mom