Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1968, p. 6

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immnomssowsrs ROYAL FAMILY OPENS ASCtlT MEETING Queen Elizabeth ll of Eng waves from an open carriage Ascot race meeting in Ascot land at beside her husband flhc Duke at Edinburgh and as they arevdriven up the race track to open the Royal ii Bit Of SfatiordFestival in MacDonald WaleIfColor Show in littlebit oi the oration denim has been brought to the city this week by the Bar rle Art Club in the form of an cHiibit by Grant MacDonald iThn show of water colors ii tier the auspices at the Art In slilute of Ontario will be on display during library hours at the Barrie Public Library The Montreal artislss paint ings illustrate 25 01 the charac ters in major roles at Strat Iord from 1953 to 1963 in the persons oi some well known Qaritfidian actorsl paintings were commis slonrdby the Globe and Mail Toronto to include such actors as Christopher Plummer Jamcsliiasou Francis Hyland Douglas Campbell Bnino Ger ussi Alec Guiness and lrano Cy nmc amass in the gale Richard III is portrayed above in onset Grant Mac onaids water colors oi aco rano de Bergeracfillichard Ill The Tempest iind Alls Well That Ends VelI The characterpaintings have also been used to illustrate two books Renown At Simttord 1953 andlwice Have The Trumpels Soundod 1951 Mr MacDonald is member of the Ontario Society oi Art ists and the Royal Canadian Academy The enhiblt may be tree at charge viewcd TEST SMOG DEVICE LOSANGELES AP Angelcs will test ap proach to reducing smog Using propane instead olgasolina in car engines Ten city cars will be outiitted tor sixrmonth test with new fuel tank vaporizer and carbmntar ors in leading roles atstrat lord Festivals ram 1953 to 1963 now showiagalthe Bar rie Public Library England AP Virepboto PressCIubNames New President VANCOUVER OP Jean Dnnard writer or Financial Past in Toronto Monday was elected president oi the Cana dian Womens Press Club she has been journalist since 1949 when she graduated from University at Toronto in political science and economics Belore joining the Financial Post she worked or Macleans magazine imperial oil Review and Canadian Homes Also elected to the national executive were Nicepresident Nikki Moir of Vancouver histo rian archivist Jean Dickson at Toronto regional dircctors for British Columbia Evelyn Cald well ior Alberta Joy White IOLSaskalcthunLJoyce Gillil lian ior Manitoba Edith Pot tcrson for Ontario Joan Marsh ior Quebec Zoe Bieier for New Brunswick Vern Ayl ing and iorNovn Scotla Mary Casey Seek Answer Door Ana laden Every limo read ad mine disaster wonder why in this age at Idefllfic and technological mlrr acts no one has bothered to comeup with wtodate loch alone for mine same work Whenever read at mine cavsda my to myseli Maybe unwinrneono will develop some new litesavlna swim oi thismomeat there Is nothing in xIEIJL mi know there are heat shields tokeepout excessive heat and oneman subs that go under water It seems to me that someone could put the two coaceptstogcther and malts capsule that could crawl through the andwater and gas and bring the men out one at time orhook capsules together and bring out several victims Why havent the large compa nies done anything about thlst Whats the matter with the gov By HAZEL BAKER The annual spring exhibition oipalntings by Arnold liodglrins was held Schinlay and Sunday at leaskdale Visitors were present from many parts of Ontario To most at them especially those from Barrie Arnoldris wallknown as painter lecturer and teacher He has classes in llicbrldge Markham and Toronto In this interesting show oi olls aatcrcolors acrylics and draw Ings tho acting lsgttor eiocell WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTBELLITA FOR TOMORROW Thursdays plontnry in ur encH suggest that routine inter est will fare better than new unr dertakings Where the latter are concerned make plans it you wish but do not mrry them out until more propitious period FOR THE BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that where your material interests are concerned feasible plans practically executed could prove highly remuneratch he iore your next birthday has rolled around Keep alert there lore and capitalize on all avail able opportunities to display your innate ingenuity andenter misc 0n the iinancial score do not expect immediate results however You probably wat see real uptrend on this iront beforeJan but good cycle beginning thea wililast for three monthsto be allowed by an even more profitable monthcyclo beginning on May You will have to plan your moves in advance howov 000 Merciiundie Coupon Books Just and in the meantime engage in no speculation especially dur ing Septendoer November and December Also it will be im portantto lirnitexpenditures since you may need cash in hand to take advantage of 1969s starlpramised oppommilies Belst aidesth llollr advance men an Saptem ber the last two weeks of Octo ber late December next Febru ary andor May Creative work ers in all fields should scare me fms tforioutstgiaiding ac comp en ptemher December January March and next June Along personal lines Best pe ads for romance The current month September late Decent ber next February and May Ior travel Augusl September the latter half of December January AprilandMay Achildbornonthisdaywill be endowed with delightiul personality andwill be talented alongmanylines will how ever tend toward extravagance and unconventionali like All you have to do is carh your Baby Bonus Chequsai Zailors You will than he entered in our monthly draw for $50 In Merchandise Coupon Books dont haveto be in the store to wi following WINNER MRS SHIRLEY WRIGH IIBVDUNDONALDSTq BARRIJE Drawn byM You spend it luoillko cash You Drawvwill take place the first Monday of the month Open IFrday No unmet swornmsntownod Mine llama Army could fly to capailu and operators any where in tho sum it we hm 91000000 dollars to mend on war we should be able to find the money to dovel op som nth ccnhsry which wouldnvo am hers ot llvcs0nm Reader Dear 0mm dont know the answer but willbe happy to publish response from someone who does How about it out there APOWM Bur Ana Landerr in Gene all 113 God nyr tls not goodthat the man ahotddbo alone will make him help mcet for him St Pauls atti tude toward marriage is quite dilicreat lie shyl Totho un married and widows It In good or them it they abide even as But it they cannot contain let ARNOLD HODGKINS Art Exhibit At LeQSkdale once Realism Yes but with the artists Infifllt the result is picture oi mmetent design color and tom But added to this is probing iinslght into the spirit oi the stifled PORTRAIT in an outstanding portrait at his son Ganyjthls ls especialr ly evident Here is no slickness to accomplish some aim of the artist but deep genuine love of the subject lils watercolor Gay Autinnn Is vivid portrayal of the all scene at Cmss Leke Blueiay Time is nice thing reminis cent of Monets Dingle An old bulldlna on the pivo erty la the suhiect of sepia drawing with taint suggestion or color framed in nonvglnre glass The intense sadness oi War Widow is serious and per vasive thing December Silence tdnxtd expressing well the beauty of sunlit hills lnthe Canadian wia ter is one to remember Lalo in the sintuner the artist and his charming wile lola are taking trailer trip to James and Hudson Bays It will be in teresting to see what will come out of it in the way of paintings Being sensitive to the Canad ian scene it may mean mile stone in his career Following the show delic ious land was served Mrs Da vid Wilson at Markham and Mrs Margaret Pearce oi Claremoat presided at the tea table said lIl take in lube with an old prayer sbawL You would not have laid Ill lake l0 lashes with wet American flag or lake to lashes with secondhand rosary would youlA Friendly PM in Charlotte Dear Pastor My Apologies It attended you or yourmvle Your stationery indicates you are rabbi Your people happen marryz Corinthiansi them 789t Recently In your column you apologized for coniuaias the two For you to have cauiusrd tho quotntldns ls understand able cannot understand how ever theliippant remark which allowed your swing You DANCE CAMP Square dancers and their miles have enloyid dance camp sessions lor tbepast two weekends at Mannora Ont DaoCe directors Mr and Mrs Ernie Dermster loi ircnlon Ont were in charge of marge meats and the dance programs including bury schedule01 ca Iertalnment tor the children lame and Betty llay dance loaders oi the Hoyloit at Bar rie were in diarse oi the Round dance programs the ilrst weekend program of Round Dance Basicsand the second weekend Bounds for ex perienced dancers borne liay nlso participated in calling for the Saturday ovenlng isquare dance sessions Ernie Brown called gum tips and Mrs Al Evans of Barrie were in charge or registrations Barrie residents llltl partici pated Invtha dancen crammin cluded Mr and Mrs Thir mas Mr and Mrs George Hol loway Jr Mr and Mrs George Emmy Mr and Mrs Stun McLean Mr and Mrs tErnIe Browa Mrr and Mrs George Livingston and Mr and Mrs Jim ngle Bill Wright and Miss Mae Ferguson attended from Stroud WEST COAST RESIDENTS Oharlesuilidiard Baannhmnd his bride the former Rosemary Ann Asquith lcit Barrie on June 15 following their marriage in Trinity Anglican Church In take up residence in Kandaops British Columbia where Mr Hannah wm practise law The bride is the daughter of Dr and Mrs Raymund Asquith oi Sun nidale ltd rors nuasrs At the regular meeting of the Barrie branch at TOPS Choose To Lose Club held Monday evening at the Barrie YIM YWCA entertainment was pio vided by dance leader Mrs Aline Hay assisted bymam bers of the Beau Belles Square Dance Club or Barrie Mrs Hay led the club members In program of dances assisted by Mrs Ross McClymonl wife of the Beau Belles presi dent Mrs Clili Divinnell and Mrs Howard Fairweather PIANO RECIIAL to be my people also And per haps that is why raid prayer shawl and not rosary am less sensitive about symbol at my own religion Never thought id have to apologize ior an apology hm here it is NEED CONFIDENCE Dear Ann Lladem lliy hoy mood is Just too darned hand some tor his own good am 13 and Abner is is His good looks have been dealing me it ever since we started to go steady Soclql hotel are intended to cavcr the general social Iile of the city Distrld weddth Barties travellers and visitors are all items of interest to readers oI this page Your belpsln supplying this news will he greatly appreciated Please phone The llnrrle Ex aminer 7266537 and allr or Starr Smith or Audrey CoalV son at the Womens Depart meal attended the annual Piano lte cital oi the students at vhiiss Jean Johston ARCT itltlT held at the Guthrie Cominunily Hall varied program oi piano solos ducts lrios organ solos by Ike Mcrkus andlliss John ston an organ and piano duet by Robyn Harley and Miss Johnston also an instrumental trio composed oi Cathy Andrews and Porn Jermey clarinet and Susan Andrews piano and Immpet solo by Paul Johnston delighted the audience Al the close of the program hiiehaelNIfliols presented Miss Johnston with sterling silver bracelet ircm all her students Those taking part ware Sylvia and Cheryl Johnston Robyn Harley Susan Andrews Ruth DelaneyCharies Banhnr Darlene Scott Janice Clark Murray La ngman Michael Nichols Lois Ward Myrna Cook Susandisher lke Markus David Delaney Kent Hammond Thomas Delaney Phyllis Rath well Terry Ksenych Bonnie llen derson Stephen Walton Sheila Cook Sharon Robson Mitra Amr lnI Shannan Hurl Jackie Loy than Clark WendyWeber Meredith Holmes June Horne Jane Smith Kathy Powell Anne lMIchoed Lois Robertson El zabelh Huri Mark Leuington Gall Lewington Judy Letsch Patricia Jermey Tina Croshie Heather McIntyre Linda Walton EARN UP TO $100 WEEK ORVMDREI am my sons WAITING so MARVEL Gnnnunras MARVEL lliilRBllBSSlNG scunan in min tinucltte utter cxrinrivc mu in TOUCH training Combine course any or nvnNrNGs For rm nmrnnre write or visit imm vrsl Edam SCHOOLS Dent all no ninor st Toronto gstao iuarnbur so years Mayrwe introduce About 200 parenls and iriends MISS CAROLYN PARADISE who has just joined our sales staff her WEIhought youd like to meet BEFORE becoming fashion expert incidentally Chrolyn has been gogo dancer in the best of places of course and she has studied art for three inTorohto years Coroiyn also knows the facts of fashion An shes crosyo out all the beautiful swingingslylas of dresses hed love toshow you Socomein and meet our oxpoflboutiqu ass for Carolyn VAt Gréonvvoods wo serve ALL your tashion ineed After5 formal To Disaster Victims cant figure out how much at It his null llhcncwr go to party or to dance the girls tall all over Abner To make nutter worse he is marvellous dancer and Erin come up and cut in so by can dance with birth its nice to have handsom boyirlend but lm beginning to think ld he better all with somean who wasnt such rattlestopper What do you muesliDarius Dear Darlea Why dont you just put gunny sack over Ah arrs head so the girls cant see how handsome he is And then you could break his leg so ne mnt dance For girl in youre realdlngn There is noth lag wrong with having hand somchoyiricnd What you need is confidence Stop thinking about lthntrs looks and be loosdhanger SPEAKIilG or PEOPLE =ii1ineiiicrs Marilyn Shelswcli Janet Mc Phcrsou Myrna Clark Bonnie Cooks Melanie Shelswcil Pam lenney Randy Vcbcr llarrys Nichols and oils Johnston SUMMER HOLIDAY Miss Patricia Ann Jackson studcnt at Florida Slate Univcr sity in Tallahassee Fla is spending her summer vacation with her parents Mr and Mrs liorna Jackson oi Kempcn iclt Dr WEDDING avasrs Dennis Kirlcy nl Dunlap St has returned to therein lol lowing holiday in Boston Mass White In the Uniled Slalcs he attended thc wedding of his brother Jim Kirley to Sandra Dagan in the Immacu late Conception Church Cam bridge lass other guests eluded bridegrooms onlsMrand Mrs Felix 1er Vley rand daughters Susan and Kelly Ann of Timmins Ont LAWN BOWLING An alternnnn ol instruction in lawn bowling proved successiul rionnembers aIAllandale Ladies Lawn Bowling Club when 15 pros poctivo members turned out yesterday Rules and courtcsics oI the game wcre explained by Mrs Parker President Mrs William Newton welcomaddhe guests and invited them to attend the Monday and Thursday evening games on Al landalegreens The spider was won byMrs Elmer Webster Atternonn tea followed the struction period with Mrs Ne ton and Mrs Amy Vair presid lag at the tea table preserve this summer ireSii fruit goodness 1f0 extwimer dipan each Ccrto bottle and porkaav

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