certainly behaved more like aspeaker 119 home Examiner Published by Canadian Nmpsain Limited 16 Bsyiiold Strut Bsrrio Ontario Walls Publisher William Tailor Oonlrsl Manager McPherson Managing Editor WEDNESDAY JUNE PAGE Something For TheYounlg Voters To Think About The current election will bring out one million new Canadian voters cm bijacing newcomers to Canada who have complied with naturalization require ments as well as those who have reached the votingvagc of 21 since the last elec tion For most of them it will be challengingexperience Some may even spoil their ballots for want of experience in voting But they will injects new and vibrant opinion on the Canadian political scene which becomes more con fusing year by year The two major political conventions held in recent months paid much at icntionto youth notes The Sarnla ob server The young people provided the zip that was needed to get olitics out of the doidrums of thefroc coat era Youth today is insistent upon fresh new ideas yet and we believe sincerely the young people want strong robust Canada The young voters the Observer continucs are not enerally the beat niks nor the trou iemakers They come from good homes and are probably married with small family They understand responsibil They also understand that in Canadas present so cial and economic position we have gone bit farther and faster than we probably should have is massive mortgage Todays young cou 1e on ansverage pay che ue gets slce off it for the Canada ension mind Unemployment lnsurance and income tax if the wage earner is in plant there are such things as contributions to medical and hospital care pension plansand union dues By the time the cheque is pro cessed through the food market check out it has taken severe heating So the 21yearoids going to the polls for the first time have somethin rto think about and we hope they will in about it Slogans banners and htjinks can have carnival anneal but there are deeper basics which must be appra and we hope the young voters will re spond diiligent 21yearold who probably worked hard to get his present job has long taxpaying road to tread just orl his CanadaPension Yet he is paying old age pensions to millionaires Let him think of that when he votes Will he recall as he marks his ballot that his baby bonus is not tax exemptl This is not any partisan comment Rather it is blanket survey of what the new voter is is against Old line pol itics are not answer to him He wants toiearn about the economics as they affect his ability to buyytbe washer MIMI MA Door Psopls of Burbs Well he goes lulu Another team to renovate the old Irons why Because on America team is rsotlngil Aliourcityistbors us one is nionoynioney moo ey Why not fix the oidsreus tens porssliy and miss new or ons by the fa owing year Why waste so much money on an old horse when we already require newoae Councillors you ever tried to sksls on Saturday after noon Aboutls minutes alter the skating starts you can hardly move One tree sheet at too serv ing 15000 people Oh come now you Just cant be serious in your plans do for our young anesl if you intend to help vandalism of our youngsters give them construe tivo activities Dont see every thing in terms of donors and cents look into the future how many of our was lots will be Do you know what skating cnn mmnmmium Ann dryer for his new home on whichtbere Be Sure Voie June 25 Are you readytoyote oniune251of Canadatodayl Yourivoterisrimportaniti Which candidate or platform reflects your thinking on the problems and needs Your intelligent voting is vital DowelIEMORY LANE to YEARS AGO lN srmcor couNrv Barrie Northern Advance June 16 1898 Citizens Band held opening can cert of season outside Trinity Parish Hall Collection taken for new Royal Victoria Hospitalafund George blender son was director Talented Barrie mus icians who form band of which com munity is proud arc Fred Ewan piccolo James Scott John McAlllsterWllliam Ness Curnming Scctt Edward Lewis Thomasiiackie clarinet George Walton AlfredBowen Bob McAllister cornet James Keenan Charles Kennedy Truman Williams Clifford Garley alto horn John llobley William Keenan John Merrick Morley vDuff tenor horn Lane euphonium David Rob lin baritone horn George Sewrey trom bone GeorgeSmith Reid bass horn Gordon Keenan Duncan Reid William Burns drums terprise arrived at the port of Barrie all spit and span for season on Lake Simone with Alexander McDonald as captain and Silas Soules engineer There are now four nurses on duty at ncwmoapital on High st reported Ro bert Rnlkes board secretary Town wheelbarrow which disappeared sud denly came back during night Huge school picnic held at Sandy Cove for classes from Stroud 12th Line Nantyr Palnswick Big Bay Point Craigvale Lively football game won by boys from Stroudoverllantyr John Guest was top Steamer En winner ofprizes for races Charles Stewart of Midhurst was paid Sail for his job at assessing Vespra iwp Henry Packard moved in as station agent at non aowwuv 19 was bad daylnr muonsrained it oilthis dayin ile that amplalnused guns against the lrnquoia inahaitie near the mouth oftheilticheileu River it was on June is 1607 that Gov ernor Denonville tricked the ire qunls into attendings reception them sent to France as galley slaves Aiter those incidean Franca mover able to get the come pleieiuppurl of ihe Iroquois thongs many efforts were made The greatestof nil lndian warriots gave theirl support to the British and ink was unima uportant factnr in the eve loss of Canada and other terriin Emmy my Bradmm and cooksmwn at Fort Frontenac and then had ry in North America tied sain field iacrosaeVmatch at New1 ion Robinson garden party Leesons farm Haylng started at New Lowell Cheese factory at Angus in full operation under direction John McDon aid Crown Hill Sons of Temperance reported good meeting at Guthrié Midhurst reported strawberry crop at vanced and bestin years Judge Wil iam Boys presided for county court ses sions in Barrie For first time in 15 years Judge Ardagh was absent Webb threatened Town Council with law suit unless his property at corner Mary and Elizabeth sis was protected from floods of Sophia Creek running through Queens Park Capt Clark of Collingwood bought small steamer Lillieand it was railed to Waubau shene for use as fish transport Barrie Cheese Board sold 1151 boxes at average lc lh Dan God itary touringcanada was enthusiasticali re ceived at Grand Opera House Barrie Centre Simcoe farmers plan hugerail ex cursion to Guelph next month Al liston beatCookstown by 114 runs in cricket match Fund started to build Roman Catholic church at Bell Ewart John Powell appointed local ticket agent for lake steamers OTHER rowers news NDP GETS THE WORD KitchenerWaterloo Record If New Democrats in Sarnia wanted speaker who would keep the audience wellknown iconoclast Rev George Goth of London who told the party riding as sociation the New Democrats might as well give up with the newlychiled federal elec tion very much in everybodys minds innGoth offered his audience the pre diction that theNew Democrats will get 12 scatstune 25 In the 1965 elecj tion the New Democrats got 21 seats andthey talk hopefully of morethis itime getting power to be of nuisance value He gave short shrift to his host groups party eader Tommy Douglas dismissing him with the phrase hasnt had new idea Lsincethe depression liewas theguest speaker but he eeking headlines than like guest seek it pularlfy with his hcs would Dr Goth say we wonderif he were the guest speaker at the annual motheranddaughter bunqueizof the wGirlGuide Association would he attack igllls guiding or motherhoodl He startled the SarniaNewDemo cvuts but he did them favor ntthe isame time safe ordinaryspeech elllng them what splendid fellows they were andwhat great future their party put the to sleep Thls election they cant afford togo Dr Goth tie them fight helped awake they got him They gob that Hewas scornful of NDP chances of1 The best 7you can do What muchlarger than the BANTHE eoLcaivruRlauTE KitchenerWaterloo Record IMany union members contribute 80 cents year in monthly fivecent dues to the treasury of the New Democratic lacuna THE WORLD NuclearTreaty Is Step ToWards Boeing Suspicion by PM Dunns Foreign Affairs Analyst We have grounds to rejoice that the United States and Bus sin are lntentupon pledging be are ï¬le UN Security Council that they will defend against nu clear attack any state signing the treaty for the nonprolifera tion of nuclear weapons llsis intent on the part of the twosuperpmversamonnta to formal declar on by both of them the ey Â¥will uoi iigh each othe ever and that they will not use nuclear weapons in any brushiirEwars Speciï¬cally we must assume that Russia is satisfied the Americans will not use nuclear weapons in Vietnam Mormver for psychological rassonS it would have been Very hard for the Russians to sign what arnouniA 1n formal nonbelll gerency declaration with the us unless they were oonviiiced Washington was detcrmiued to get out ofVietnam soon other wise Kinda could be acutsed by Pekingof refusingin ad warm to help the Chinese if the uarin Asia escalated and they ere attackedby the us Objectivel pourse it has Party The deduction for political pur WWW poses is freciuently made part of em ployment contracts between theemploy er and strong unions like he United AutoWorkera Technicallyno man is obliged to con tributey to the NDP He has the right to opt oubof paying But union discipline unquestionably keeps many from taking step which would be frowned upon by other members and the union executives The problem was the subject of debate in the Ontario legislature which as might have been expoctedfound the Liberals and Conservatives united gainst the Noe Government Whip Leonard Rellly sponsored almotion callingforrlngiala tion to guarantee toworke in unions the rightto choose whichpoliiloal party gets their contribution nically at the moment lt There is principle involved that is cents The right ofan lndivldualt support the political party of his choice should never be in question What should be halted is the practice otmaklng such deductions part of wage settlement PeriincniiParagraphs lit ou arent an dont waste time tryingto or iii Earrirsiiisumiitrc 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Authorized as decnnd class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay menoof postage in cash Dally sunlays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50 weekly 57500 yearly Single copies lilo By ma Banie seem yearly Ontario $1200 yeai motor tbruwoff Sip eamitiaii put 0nfario $14 year Out lilember of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Aasociati the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations The CsnadianPrcss lacs clusiveh entitled to the for repu spatcb inrlhispapcr ited 1062 long been unthinkable that Rus sia and America would fight caoh other under any circum stances But the objective facts are not the only factor deter mining policy more stale mate based on mutual terror is no solution to the worlds prob 18115 Progress towards active and planned cooperation by the two superpowers is what th Wnlld nectis COLD WARVFACIOII Oniysucn cooperation can uni pose solution in the Middle East ease the tensions in Eu rope remove the cold war fac im from the fundamental re onus that must Iakepince in many parts of the world for the sake of progressnotably in many Latin American countries where reformers will have better chance if they stop being considered by Washington as agents of Moscow plot totake over the world The willingness of Russia and America to declare in effect that they will not embark in wars which might lead to In con frontation of US and Soviet forces and their mutual tvilling lies to believe such pledge giant step towards reducing the su clan that has plagued relati between the two super powers MILES dAitilli flit iiiVV it Gillttllli DAIlVVEWS STEVEMcfllilEit limsnrw NXYIM£8 Adult cm uncutme mammalianmute friendly lroquois vlort Frontenac invitcdv them in iroquois men were seized tied from Fort Yorktorflnd Nnrtb iTHE POPPYiS ALSO Yul Brynnen Angie deprived olrn chance toilesrn to shin thy nauseaActs iIsi BIBLE THoUcHT And they said Believe on lhe Lord Jesus Chrisi and it is not inthc joining of church but in the believing on Christ that we eipcrlence Sal so much the more The use of guns against the iroquois gave Champlains al lics the Algonqulns and Hurnns temporary advantage Tbey re nomatch for the warriors of the Lung House in the long run undespeclally when the ir uqunis managed to get guns irnmEliglish and fluids iur traders The incident atFori Fronten ac on June 19 it can only described as treachery The Re calleis had mission at the Bay of Quinn and number of were there with their wives and children Champlgny the vlntendant at visit him for day of pleasure The Recnliets did not suspect Wlltlt was planned and went ulong for the fun One Ioiiheir members La Honiain wrote an account of what happened The to posts tortured by Hurons and then sent to France as gal leyslaves for King Louis XIV Most of them perished The lroquois forgave the French after that other June in events insKelsey led expedi on west Passage infLarge 3parioir Montreal was destroyed by fire JillyGovernor Sample and other Selkirk settlers were killed in Battle of Seven Oaks naeCPR line completed be tween Lakehead and Winnipeg luneRegina was in ratcd as city laidE 11 got CPR service as high level bridge was completed 1914Mineekploslon at Hill crest Alta killed 189 men it was Canadas worst nine disas lEr lawSir Arthur Currie suc ceeded Lord pyng as com modes in chief of Can dian forces lsZiPnstai workers went on strike until June 29 iDSiConservativ lost every seat in election in Snskatche wan NOW PLAYING PAMPAS Starring Robert Taylor aisn FLOWER Starring yntion Ye must be born goln liowevcr person who belevcs in Christ will want to be part of the body for which He died Not tarsaking the as rambling at yourselves together as the manner of some is and YB See the day approaching lbers is ton not or from built an arena with no raise to taxes wbshter Bo twoeo the government grant and peoples generosity hichq fill brags of one oi the finest arenas in the territory Why no Harrie residents so user to accept the word of tho councillors who probably never entered the Barrie Areas in many years They lost could nt have or they would see the folly of what they are doing Come on let us units and start taking an interest in our besuu ful city Barrie is one of the nicest cities in the whole of Can Ids Please dont deprive our young people of the necessities nl happy healthy living asses nma Codrlugton St Barrio Dairy Quota VPollicy Stated YilAWA OP to C833 dian Dairy Commission on minced Monday details of its stuzsidy quota policy for the year violets began April About 37000 farmers will beno eiitunder the plan which foa turesnngt increase in individual quotas for small and medium volumc milk and cream ship for who exceedcd their quotas sst year flhe larger quotas will go to shippers vho last year exceed their quotas of less than 1050 pounds of butlcdat about 3003 000 pounds of milk Theirquota this year will be the amount oi their lbwGlide liveries up to maximum of 10500 pounds of huttcrfat STARTS TOMORROW wowrue oneness COUNTBY MUSIC SPECTACULAR EVER FILMED Rona T0 NASHViliE turn so ohasbimns mommy MARTY ROBBINS JOHNNY CASH ALSO on Broadway Euler tainrnent Couniry9MuSic STARS Hank Snow rerun ilusky Skeeter Jones Porter Williams Earl Scruggs Davis DRIVEIii THEATRE lllilS or sum as my tumult molt tsliltz will list in Mill BARRIE HURON DRIVEINTHEATRE Jae33m CHILDREN VREE Wilililil PiCilliiiS instills midis NVELLS FRUDUDliDlt 0F Wtwllmmimh AUDlE sRouERIcK MURPHY CRAWFORD 1H6 alumunseen nomawwlncwmscoes Adult George Buck Wagoner Lcstcr Flatt Bank SIDNEY POITIER 790 915 J05 aiss scam snowmen notNn more In Ms bloonlod ihslr Incu gutted their wagons and dropped minimum on mm aviu instants TSiilET 03m SHEIIEV isnrvavsrsns iEiiYgiliilli Viniqu Sitiitttttslllntiii SHOWS Ar