Gardening Time In Here Plant Want Ad Now Watch The Cash Growl REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE IIIIEBARRIBZXAIINEImNmAYIUNlDm ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Engegemcnis binrrlsges and Death Birth Announcements lmaxmum 40 Cards o1 Thanks words additional words 60 111 ulrmorlam no verse Verso per count line Coming Events BIRTHS Glennsus Al Royal Victoria licspilll on June 17m lose to Joel and Cathie Grililllu saunter sums Vinch lbs 1o on sia er ror Joseph and Slenoen llan At the novel Victoria lloseilal on musedy June is me lo sir and ms Charles uomn or 111 hithose Avenue Barrie son liloberl Charles brother tor me Deborah Dal1d M11 Keith Wood 111 mm henna ma the Royal Victoria IIoSDilIL DEATHS lull DunAt Royal vleiorla nose name on Wednesday June 19 1568 Laura Barnes in her aim vcar Bullich wile 01 Howard nirnrs 119 Tlilin Strut harrle ncsr mother or Dorolhy thrI sluaril Lewis Gordon Cililord so ihlls Wm nobertsanl Donllfl nusseii Csroi tllrs nienrltsi all name and news inn nurkcl oi Basliï¬ordelnIlzninllgg the semen unm ome iiradrom Slrcct Barrie Time or service to be announced laier lvllLKrnl Iirssic the Welles Icy llnslziini Toroll Ontario rues day June 11 1060 In her soln year ucsslc Dallalllync or rimule lorrn erly or Toronlo beloved wile bd rar Velkcr Iicsilllx in June Lynn runernl IIorri lzirnlaie um 710 urn Vcdllc scrvlcc an rhum p111 lrlirnlicni rum le Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS DRDLLEY Sincch lhlnkl Ind pvrccialion tn mv iamlly lricllds and nelrnoours Ior the pleasant tlcnlnl snail iogclher Dli Ilil oc caslon or mv bumm none Ilcnd Community Ilrll Also rar sins anfld cards which we receiv ed lrs IIaer iiialley run wish to think all my menus and ncirhbours lei their gills lionus nun cares sent to me during mv slav in St Joseph Hospital Your klndncrs wu deeply rec aicd Mrs Mary Pclkic COMING EVENTS CANCELLATION ST JOHN VIANNEY GARDEN PARTY Scheduled for SATURDAY JUNE 22 has been cancelled THE TICKET DRAW ivill take place on JUNE 25 at the ST JOHN VIANNEY BINGO RUMMAGE SALE featuring summer wear THURSDAY June 20 PM ST GEORGES HALL Durton Ave and Granville St Anspices ST GEORGES ACW STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SATURDAY IU 72 500 730 GRACE UNITED URCII EDUCATION CENTRE Grove St East Cook Si Adults $1505 Children 75 Auspices GRACE UCV RUMMAGE SALE Saturday June 22 am to 12 noon STi IJSEPHS AUDITORIUM Mnlcastcr SL Auspices ST MARYS CWL RUMMAGE SALE Saturday JUNE 22 ii arn LEGION HALL Collier Street Auspices EARRIE HUMANE SOCIETY STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL SALAD PLATE Wed July 530 to 000 pm EDGAR COMMUNITY HALL Adl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 classiï¬ed advertisements and new car or these pages must be re cclvnd by run dry preceding publication or noon on Saturday with the exception or Classiï¬ed ptmisv udvartiscmcuis which must be in by 1204 noon prlcedlnz du 24 Ivunu nrmmlilvl CLASSIFIED ADVERTISINGCash Discount Rates apply it paid with In days single insertion 50 all word Two rousecutivu insertions 44m pct mud per insertion Three consecutive Lucrtlonl 4e eer word per insertion total 523315l1 enn lemtlvo Insertions Wan per word er insertion total $504 Inuitinle ertlena may be ordered sublett to cancellation when sallrracien results obtained 10 per cent diuonni charge is not paid wiltilsl ERROR 010 CUMECTIUNR All bum Lnacruon elders are lccnptcd as convenience to th advertiser Therefore til classified Advcrtlslzlg Dcpaflmcnt reuuues au unveruscrs so kindly mam Lhcir advancement lmrnediaialy alter ilret Insertion in order can any error or omissions may be re ported More ln onler um mu may be rchIllrdrior the In Inwing unvllvublicllinn The can He humor responsible or only one incorrech snares laser Lion orally advertisementno then uniy the extent or corner of an that anolves tho muonst rams which dcnct lessen the value or in advertisement us not euriblo rer carrotnon by make100111 The auxriorxamlner reserves til rim in closet rem or relct sun want ad CANCELLATIONS use mm to or rams BLIND Lama uDXJIEPLLBH charge or to rcpt made or use or an Examiner an Number Identity or has Number nun II am after lm dale or publication elllolly nouns Letter Bilch will be Dream mm Judd only In an LATINAN TRY EXAMINER Repliu to per line prices on COMING EVENTS HAVE YOU any questions WOULD YOU like to meet your Progressive Conserv ative Candidate DR RYNARD will beat the COMIIIIIIEE ROOMS 25 Dunlop St Barrie Friday VJune 21 7100 To 000 PM Coliee will be served REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REITH REALTOR LAKEFRONT ALCONA BEACH Bath II on Tail Tree Lane bedrooms living room kit chcll sunroom pallnday heavy duty wiring arlesilln well sale all sand beach sea wsll private road close to in nisiii Park $11000 Contact Ed Snow Stroud 4303116 or Dorothy Colbeurne Stroud 436 1381 SOUTH OF BARRIE Frame summer cottage on pav ed road bedlooms large new combination livingdining room kitchen sunporch nicely trced lot 50 200 Artesian wcil $6500 Contact Ed Snow Strand 4364115 or Dorothy Col bourae Stroud 4301381 ALCONA BEACH ROAD Just completed bedrooms 25 living room bow window tllcrmopane combination kit chen dining room 4piece coi oured bathrorvl glass doors to rear verandch electric heat ing plenty of water on press ure utility room laundry tubs Yust oil paved road close to lake $17900 Contact Ed Snow Strand 4363116 or Dor olhy Colbonrne Stroud 4361351 LEONARDS BEACH bedrooms living room stone ï¬replace floor to ceiling mnd ern kitchen new stove rcirlg erator linecc bath nicely Inrnished electric heating garage circle driveway guest house new hoathouse electric marine railway dock Seawall lull width of 100 lot cu sand beach $31500 Contact OEd Snow Stroud 4363116 or Dor othy Colbourne Stroud 436 1351 LEONARDS BEACH 150 walerirnnt bedrooms living room stone ï¬replace heatolators combination dining room kitchen 20x30 apiece coloured bathroom screened and glassed verandah 30 guest house double garage hoalhousc electric marine rail way Artesian well breakwater dock private road all can beach $25000 Contact Ed Snow Stroud 4383116 or Dor othy Colboume Strbud 4301307 GLENHAVEN BEACH bedrooms living room stone iireplaceiloor to ceiling mod ern kitchen 4piccc bath nicely furnished and landscaped Gar age boathouse electric marine railway private 102 202 lot Contact Ed Snow Stroud 436 3116 or Dorothy Colbourne Slroud 4361357 KEITH LTD REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Babcoclr Parrie 7205095 Coibourne Stroud 4761887 McLean Elmvalc 10114 MacLend Barrie 7704759 Snow Strand 4363116 W00doro 4877428 Spentrt Thornton 45097 Fitzaimmina Gliiill 4502620 Ed Green Barrie 7784123 Tom Fillbimmiils Churcbili 4562620 181 EGLINTON AVE JIORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 03 Dinllop St Phone 7287419 1st and 2nd mortgagee alranged on tow monthly payments we buy your prom lst and 2nd Wilma MARI7L MARSHALL 77d IARGUERITE MOORE ILLNESS announ Km All PEIFJI ouanmmï¬loNgm WANT ans Mortgage Funds Available Highland FRANK NELLES PiloloKLSRullor 19 RAW STREET 7314 IMMEDIATE POWON OWNER MOVING MORTGAGE lovely bedroom borne carries interest principal and taxes Well or only 86 monthly lududlnx Lrecd arid nhnlbbed lot mood cunent patio 20 is ï¬nished rooms in basement Nice qlclct street close to public separate schools and bin 0W OF TOWN LISTINGS WANTED We have several buyers cr homes with small acreage Anything ran snail lots in 10 acres WHAT HAVE YOU Please call us ior rec appraisal at no obligation EVENINGS CALL 7260961 Frank Wainwright 7756698 Cec Mill 7206662 Torn Foster 7mm Stan Hammond Prank Neils Mike Magus Leo Cavanagh HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY ram 1115 REALTORS MIN 4875115 73574 as anfleid sues men Free Customer Parking OWNER HAS PURCHASED NEW HOME East end location close to schools and shopping bedroom 146 siorcy large lot paved driveway Full price $14900 with $5000 down For lurihcr lninnnalion call Cliii Goodhead EVENINGS CALL males MILDRED noon mom name noosmuean 45mm 72mm mu oommnlmr mull GRANT bIIcAilTHUR mlsse cur aboan liberal 011an moo nwnm Kossan MARGAREI noon was nrrn scANnnm CAMPBELL PHON lllLS REALTOR 87 HIGH RES 7207189 7760241 ACRES wiih creclr milcs north of Camp Borden on paved road room brick home in excellent condition lull basement with new iorced air oil iurnacc nicc flower gardens shrubs and shade trees Suitable for VIA Call today or inspection ROOM APARTMENTS lull basement with recreation room lull bathrooms nice lot near Medical Arts Building could be used as single iamily dwelling wiul proiessional oillce For luriher information call oliice or in evenings Charlie Read Charlie Read moan Hugh Plowman Don Campbell 720 Doug Campbell Fred Taylor 71705 Ron AIn Paul Penman 7284MB Smith Campbell Art Fry 4495014 Doll Marshall SHELSWELL and WILLSON Mrs REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER YOULL NEVER REGRET iheday you liually decided to look at this beautiiul iour bedroom house whose charm begins right at the front door Included are such items as hrnadloom in lovely living room ï¬replace in the family room with walkout doors to patioov erlooking wooded lot two iourpiecc bathrooms and one two piece vanity Many exlras hell Jack MacLaren 7234950 MLS 2610 STOREY ASBFSlOS SHINGLE SIDING HOUSE with living room dining room kitchen bathroom and two bedrooms on main floor Two more rooms and large ball upstairs Half basement Forced air all lurnace heats ior $100 per year Large property Pos sible VLA Call Margaret Tarbusll 7268214 or all details Shown by appoinlment only No 6250 idi ACRE DAIRY FARM City limits 400 lbs quota daily eight room brick home 35 100 dairy barn with steel stabling and waier bowls implement shed is 02 and 12 as slab silo Good water supply Call Everett Lougheed 7261472 or 14235202 No 1368 119 Dunlop St East 7261422 or 7261423 EMORY MILLER 726188 REALTOR 67 DUNLOP ST COUNTRY LIVING Lovely bedroom bungalow with living room kitchen and piece DalllCllSE to highway with plenty 01 trees on large lot Sec lord Spencer tor particulars PAIRSka Lovciy bedroom splitlevel home with garage 75 200 lot Brick and wood construction Priced at only 5770500 Please direct your calls to Sammy Eenhanl COUNTRY LIVING Modern bedloom brick bungalow with lull basement piece bathaluminum slamssndscrecns broad Ioom and drapes ranain Taxes only 9125 Vendor will hold first assertiage so dont miss out on this one Cali John Cole for further etai 7284 71mm new 72604 M41 7257300 7737357 COllAGE NEAR 1NNISF1L PARK with access to the lake Fea turing indoor plumbing heavy duty wiring inlly furnished and low down payment Owner will take back ï¬rst mortgage on easy terms Listed price $8900 For appointment call Harvey Weber Pctsi Manton 7106500 Sammy unhom 7263704 John Cole 7200017 Gordon Spencer maria Robert Flewclling 7235033 Kenneth Miller 4851314 Harvey Weber 4366015 Lea Iovegiove 4496112 Percy Ford 7287030 Emory Miller 72618 ROGERS CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST Al the Five Points HOME WANTED URGENTI our client wank 3bedroom bungalow with garage in Barrie East End We also needn ur ahedroombungalow in Aliandaia or Barrie West End Phone in confidence 7205560 210 BRADFORD STREET Phone 7205560 ann buncacow GARAGE DIRECT access To aasnnnur With high elevation giving sweeping view oi the Bay here is connoriablc nilheatcd home with excellent modern wiringand guaranteed dry basement Centre hail plan the main floor has living separate dining big bright kitchen and bedrooms and bath Upstairs has an overilow bedroom and storage Would ideally suit older couple substantial cash required to settle an estate but the price is righti Now vacant quick possession EVENINGS CALL FRED EPLEII 7289753 CHAS ROGERS 7M8 ACOUTTS coj Realtors Owen Si Barrie 7202485 Park Village Go south on Highway 11 to oily limits or CNR tracks turn Iclt nit 37d road after railroad Little Avenue and our model homes are on the ï¬rst road to the lelt We have homes under construction with model homes openior Inspection by appointment only auncamws 431ml SPLIl anm moo Down ravnnurs $3500 AND UP Featuring low tailes aluminum storms and screens audtinlshod to NBA specifications etc nvnmncs JnA Sandy Coutta 7214 Gordon Cdntla 7257275 Waiter 30M 7731311 SS5343 BOWEN acres oi beautith tread ohier storey bedroom home air all best 35 cherry 12 apple 58 WORSE STREET pc tiled bathroom McGrath WI DAIRY Rupert McGrath 7206401 Norm Syunctt was Bill Hamilton 7785325 Ed Gcngc OPPORTUNITY This is it work months of the year then travel Have look at these 2bedroom cot tages Iully lurnishcd renting 300 weekly each Also main bcdroom cottage and store wills takeout restaurant service For further details call Ioe Dlrracn lo 725051 BEDROOM DREAM Brick bungalow beautifully landscaped 0n quiet street close to separate and public schools Complete recreation room with unique linlshing Many many inure extras To inspect call Will Lawrence 728 4390 BARRIEVIEW SUBDIVISION Move into this completely lin ished multilcvei home both rooms double car garage and paved drive Luxurious living at only $143 per month princ ipal interest and taxes For more details 7208692 Mjrlon Newman MODERN STOREY This lovely home has 4hcd looms full basement and at tached garage These are only some oi the features For In spcctlou phone Marg Wakcticid 4495465 SOMETHING DIFFERENT Have look at this Its brand new all electric and has beautiiul setting ravine lot tress lots of room for chil dren well located or schools churches shopping etc Call Harvey or Anita Swift 7280155 We have the key Marion Newman KINAnita Swill Ed Vivian Garner MLS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST WILMA BIDWELL 7266321 ELAINE INEON 7204294 CATIERlNE MILNE 7260040 Tastefully Finished Doctors Home Mnlti level Family room Recreation room Attached garage Garbage disposal dishwasher Built in stove and oven Broadloom 674 first mortgage Moderate II payment required CALL ANY OF OUR STAFF CHOLKAN CO LTD 10 Collier St Phone 7284401 PLANNING ON BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradlnrd St 7235541 RES Realtor WHITE 109 Hayfield St 7231071 Apprnlslils Listings invited ISABEL FISHER 77326 JOHN WHITE 7280770 RAWN lieu ratio Broker SOS BAYFIEID ST 728945 SPECIALIsz IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Larry Torpey Fanmm Elli Rawn 4260990 Dick Draper 77208078 ATRY EXAMINER WANT ADS ROSE manure nomacls nanrm Illrccbedroornbungnlowwilhiuubesanont mmmlhecwumu with modernised interior and iomcd and 8000 pine trees Icrcs at when makes this good buy Possible VLA ARIAIIRonRummn illuscIISnilh ReamMR Bill Manknm Rec mulcth Royalalt CARSON PROMMI REALTOR Nlzan AIDONA nnacn Modern bedroom home garage on large lot in nice illii particulars call Rupert McGiBth 7206151 NEW TWO STOREY HOME 7MORNIAGE Four bedroom brick lecturing pc tiled washroom on main floor kilcllcndllung room and living room and floor has bedrooms and asking 821500 kla hilvaan oiier Call Rupert Excellent dairy arm Elmvale area lugs Cali Rupert McGralh molar scuoois Several smoolsioc sale in no Township Various prim Call Rupert McGrath Elmvele 739R CHOLKAN CO LTD MLS REALTOR io Collier St Barrie 7734401 Angus 4495681 VSlIerurne 9254440 Wassga Beach or 4495601 BIDWELL PROPERTY FOR SALE HENRY ElRICK MiCHIE Real Estate Appraisals Mortgages 49 column 51 mass Harry8 hiltth Appraiser itd Brigneli 7mm Paddy Miles mazes ms Realtor GRIESBACH 7289844 Lnddic Grlesbach Bette 51mm any INSURANCE MOVINGI Dont lorgettc trausicr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage oi any kind scc STEVENSONS IS DUNLOP ST 7251801 MORTGAGES on approximately load Kudcn Dick Hartley mm 738851 WHORE midi 7289815 4371517 area For FARM milk contract excellent build MEDIATE 1st and 2nd Mortgagaloans Anywhere on ALL no us COMMERCIALEPROTERTITSD 90 0F VALUATIONS You Need Money on eououeai emu condom ilomc Lin muman while nun Write or Phone 7260981 Mortgage Funding SimpslilISears Russ Canon 7266161 72541773 FOURPLEX Excellent returns on your in vestment Well maintained Good size rental unit For in formation call Vivian Garner 7287505 BEDROOM ERICK BUNGALOW Close in parks and schools has large modern kitchen liv ing roomdintng mom combina tion 4piece hath plus completely finished recreation room lhc we landscaped lot wills stone paiio tensed in back yard and the many rose bushes around the property will in spot in your lalnliys heartFor more lniormation call your irlendly agent Jim Higginson 7258764 EDGE OF TOWN bedroom bungalow nicely kept easy terms bright checry rooms Phone Yvonne Rowe 7287241 YOU CAN AFFORD To own your own home In Angus where Toronto people are locating Avoid high taxes high down payments and high prices Angus has all city con veniences We have homes for all Call Ed Jennings 7280803 THE HELPFUL COMPANY OFFERS 2ND dc 3RD MTGS 24HOUR APPROVAL Low cost up lo 20 yrs Tele phone Mr lViigan lo 10 pm today Prompt Investment Corp Ltd 62 Richmond St Toronto we We will even lend you money on Eur mnflirucélbaauln M0111 SERVICE COTTAGE REPAIR JACKING COTTAGES insulating and Winterizing Scptic Tanks and Tile Beds Docks Plumbing and Electric Heat IIURST Hawkestoue Telephone oro 4075700 SEPTIC TANKS $27500 FULL Lover bedroom modern cot tage in good year round area close to Barrie Beautifully fin lshed interior partially insulat ed Could easily be made into permanent home For further particulars call Pat Carter 436 3791 toll charge SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25 buy sire house tank within 25 miles of Barrie Hitslneoa KEN WINTER co navenoun in Barrie Telephone 7250737 EllMarl In on emu alu Vaaiee STAN BRYSON harmonization SERVICE ca mammals Street rnonc mass GARDENING Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7284430 nauv MORRISON moss IVAN BIDWELL moan MARY vara 7181060 PETERS WlLES LTD SMALL FARM $19900 bedroom brick home good barn 10 acres of land on paved road miles to Lake Simcoe NA Owen St 7232410 BUNGALOW FOR SALE years old rug brick 1400 square feet glamorous living space 18 ZS broadioomed living room plus dining area and glasscd in layer kitchen and butlers pantry two spac lous bedrooms and crafts room Oil heat Best water 1mm 136 drilled well One acre maple shaded lawns Located on highwiay sculli at Barrie Full price $25000 Cali HELEN MORE Allistnri 4357303 31cm new all roam bu claw on Concession lot 10 lull iii no anus mulls oi Strourii chdy1or omnlm rolenlwaa assrm wu Inwdllc nnw bedroom brick bunslow comelele with all 31095 down ruu price air Ill nuuall car son 11 Carson Real nuts meiel ornwnv nvnaanow bea roouu1 baths 1am closet 1am bev win ow dlnlnr room living room finished recreation room coded in patio paved drivuwcy an iariin corner lot Ditcwly REAR 51er less than one year old overlooking Ban Double are paved drivawa modern en with breakss araa tcmuy room with iir lsco lltdiiil patio dam 00mm bed rtgvms Ill rm relishes3 cullslh eer are Rom Mlle ï¬ller 7164151 GENERAL GARDENING Sodding and maintenance hedges planted and trimmed flower bcds tended 4362105 LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPE SERVICE Sodding bushes and trees sidewalks and iencing DECORATIVE TREE SERVICE Telephone collect 4357745 BATTERY SERVICE ATTENTION CONTRACTORS HUGHES BATTERY SERVICE has moved to 48 ELLEN ST at VICIOIIO from Fina Station aniield st REPAIR AND SERVICING To ALL areas or BATTERIES mCLllnlnctnnwcnonELs CALL 7287822 24HOUR SERVICE PAVING RACHLIN Paving Co Owned and Operated by Former Partner of George TsnBONE PAVING CO BARNYARDS Govt subsidy If you qualify also driveways etc Guaranlco in writing 15 years experience incal amortization and 15 GUIDE These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work On Your Job Immediately JOE RACHLIN Telephone 728375 REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES HOMEOWNERS WeII Trade You Free Brochure For The Coupon In This Ad rr c0011 as warm UP TO $1000000 TO YOU ComIeLc tn eounon below mail it to and well send you me Brochure um describer lhn Am nelu and alanine Loan Service homeowner you can ure Ill canlly lush vlluIl you have es Istrld in your hnllil occur on lane ionsrem loan at lea m1 estu rues lion much cl $1000 kl as ionr Is 15 years to reply Lei in Mill van plan our 7nd More nae Loan in com enre SAMPLE PAYMENT runs Cull Monthly Annual iivih Pill is an an In boo um 11 be above payments are based on yur term when la be repaid in lull Only normal lerai sumlssi Ind insceorlnn era will be deducted Iva1 the proceeds nrthe loan he loan may be repaid at any timl without mlch or bonuL To origre sham MM Arm Dena Really Lirnlied he nunien street Wm 11ama Ontario use no in your rim hmhure on and Montana inane Name you wish immed iale uliornuuon or mice Ilsa 1s rcrcrenee AIM Avcu Delta Realty Ltd LOTS FOR SALE charsmaintenanwell landscaped and in beauillui loca lion Telephone 4241439 MUHKOKA Wood his ilkeehore SIMILkIEeIr saoo tblakc T211115 3761701 10 scans near Iilrrie and la am Ifhmilo Box CH Banin Exlm Illl TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS REPAIR SHINGLING allmocmo Flat uoollnr Eaves lroulhinit Gnrd nuns Strand On larie 4mm TRUCK LETTERING TRUCK LEmnmG sum 471 all kinds nxnerienceo painter TeIc phone van7321 unit time or music PLASTERING nasrmmo Ceiunrs Recreation Rooms Archwlyl 20 yam expelI ence 77mm INSULATION nome man urination irreo minutes Guaranteed herb Telephone Scull Muir 77781361 IRONING mommin rbu and lroninE $350 iiz shirt Pickup and deliver 7260931 ah BUILDING CONSTR 11aqu gmmlona luxlnzefisoeszil JANITOR SERVICE columns FOR clean run ral homes oilices Elam Cielnlng Services 7207131 DRIVING SCHOOL M011an Drile School Lcara to Drive the Modern Wu For ec nolnunent Phone 7250315 CARPENTRY ALKERATIONE nmovauana house construction by timesew eraser men moms PAINTING BRADLEY interior Exterior reintlsu Decnr Expert Paeerimz Gimme Taping C011 Orb 46 House Painting interior and catch tor van reasonable lrce estimates can Eric 7204129 WW NW rm Esumstes good 1th re ohm 770cm Painting interior and exterior Anvwher within 30 mile oi uarrie call nobert Ussher 7204515 SAND AND GRAVEL Elroy SAND AND GRAVEL Crushed and pit run gravel Limestone products and fill DELIVERED 7266045 or 7756873 SIGNS cammncrahr rru Lettering Prompt service maslnr crhltamnn so your experience via1597 SMALL Ensm REPAIR BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Authorized dealer or Yardmun Davis Taro Gravely lawn and garden cg pmcnt 24 TORONTO ST Want Ad Scctlnn WY accepted until pro 7743 0R0