Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1968, p. 2

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llAItlUE RESIDENTS may have thought it was an Indian uprising but the motorized canoe which halted traffic on city streets this week was publlcity manoeuvre or the Shaba Shrine Club of Barrie The Barrie club will be join cd by thousands of Shrinera this weekend as they con verge on the city for their convention Examiner Photo Shrir1ers Parade Prbmises To Be Citys Most Colorful Alhal Layton Illustrious Poten tate of Ilamese Temple Tor onto will load what promises to be the most colorful parade in harries history in Rolls Royce onceowned by King George tvlhe Shrincrs parade schedul ed to begin at 130 pm Satur Tobacco day will move from Ross Street to Collier and Mulcastcr Streets through the centre of town tn Farltside Drive There will be salutinghase at Central Col legiate and after the parade the bands and drill teams which took part will perform for the Farmers Tijeek Skilled Help Skilled tobacco workers from the gtUniled States are being sought by growers in Central ammo The Canada Manpow cr Centre in Barrie is setting up temporary office in Allislon to handle the flow and growers who have not yet placed orders for American workers are being urged to do so before the office opens July said counsellor David Jones yesterday There are few skilled work ers in this immediate area said Mr Jones Tho demand for unskilled labor is very light Growers do not have the time or inclination to train new hands and one unskilled man working field can ruinthe my Not that local tobacco work ers will be out of job All skilled workers are being sought but it is felt that there are just not enougn around to fill themed Farmers must de cide what they need nowsaid Mr Jones as the procedure for sécuring workers from the Uni be initiated says Indians lBetter 0ft Aid Frank Hersey Childrens Aid Society board member said last night that Simcoe County lshould look to Sudbury for isolution to solving Indian prob Aid Hersey noted that Simcoe EConnty CAS had six Indian chil dren in its care in comparison lto Sudourys 12 for the month of May stressing the immense populaiion difference of Sudbury Mr Herseyrsaidit was able to provide anployment and lmodation or its Indian farn It seems that Indian fem lies in Sndhury are better able Eta look after their children he said Don Jackson CAS director seid that Simcoe Countys so ciety had high Indian count this month because family breakdown which olved six hfldrcn Aid Hersey said that despite Ithe current problem past history indicated that Indians were bet iter oil in Sudhury and earn 1a much better Mr Jackson in his report to ltho board said that there Wore E10 children in the societys are for the month of May He lsaid that in every aspect of the was work time was slight ncrea find that child Jaw hectinn for May was 129 rooo manner Fronts of beef 39c lh Sides or beef sec in Hinds ot heel 59c lb HamburgPattlel all beef lbs $225 Bread hate $100 Short Rib or Blade noes 59c lb Grocery orders mooor over 10 discount no colon si reason within the next three weeks The harvest begins in earnest August Mr Jones suld1hatnt this stage it uld be impossible to assess thé number oluworkers needed with any degree of ac curacy There are close to 100 tobacco farms in the area cov ered by the Barrie centre which takes in Monn Mills Mansfield Utopia Alliston and Everett Considerable difficulty has been experienced in the past few years by farmers in gtting sufficient help during the har vest season The average for mer has about $45000 invested in his crop and the tobacco must be picked when it ripens One days delay can mean over ripening and great loss to the farmer Cropsharveslert in One tarip each year are valued at well over $100003000 Fresh Meaty PORK SHOULDER 39 public in the block extending cast from the Five Points Main purpose of the woven tion is to install ztocandidatcs as Shrincrs These candidates all have amassed at Masonic dc grcrs which enable than to join Shrine Club The ritualistic in stallation ceremony held in com eraifCehiral Auditoritnn will run for two hours from 330 pm followed by reception and cere monial feat in the arena The feast is being catered for by five Barrie church groups As gucsls at the convention there will be the complete divan ruling body of ismalia Tmrple from BuffalnNew York The Oriental Bandsfrom Hamilton Ottawa and Sudhury will be hcre in addition to the Ramese Temple Concert Band from Tor onto and the larnnusShriner Keystone Klowns Athnl Layton will lay wreath at Memorial Square and then proceed to city hall Willi mem bers of his divan to receive the keys to the city from Mayor Eenlley prior to the parade There will also he sherry party for Shriners candidates and wives Club at BIG PRODUCERS The Aluminum 91 Canada recently produced its 15000000th ton of primary alu minum since it began opera tions in Shauinigan Qua in 1901 padNbEDAPPROX 90 Les BABYL BEEFVFRONTS GAS Tontiave New Home By July 11 The Simcce County and City of BIrrIcChildronl Aid Society expects to take over the space In the county building now occupied by the health unit by July The property tom nIlttse of Slmcoe County coun cil has indlsatod that health unit headquarters will be turo ed over by that dateCAS of ficials exmt the accommoda tion to meet their needs for the next three years They will move in by the end of August But the CAS properly commit tee is already window shopping for future occouunodation ideas Looking into 1m accommoda tion the committee headed by Barrie Aid Frank Hersey has visited the new CAS building in Suibury In report to the CA5 board at its meeting last night Mr Ilurscy praised the Sudbury building and rccommendedthnt the board study the plans Ald Hersey said its main st traction wns price He said for ililies could be provided at $300 per square tool it simi lar building was built in Bar rle He explained that the build ing in Sudbury which Is twice the size the local society would need was built at $275 square foot Aid Herseysaid he was in pressed with tho floor plpn lay out which included complete flooring and ccillng fixtures bo fare partitions were installed He said this mcans that it is possible to crcate new office space on short notice and at low cost The servicing area for telephone cables electric cables and other facilities is carried in space about two feet betwecn the two floors oi Ihe Ibuilrling He also commended the open 1i1ingsystem of Suobnry in comparison to Simcoecountys system of micro film and cur rent liling Judge Marjorie Hamilton at tending the meeting advised CA5 board members to get the proposed takeover of health unlt quarters in writing so the build ing could not be taken from them before the three year term expires Police Report Twollcc1denls city police investigated ltwa accidents yesterday Eva Johnstono in of Flor ence Ala was involved inan accident on Rodney Street yese lerday when the car she was driving collided With one driven by Mary Margaret Logait 38 170 Kcmpenlolt Dr Mrs Johnston was travelling south on Rodney Street when she collided with car backing from driveway Total dam age 10 both curswas $650 TWo curs collided on Mulcasl ter Street causing $350 damage yesterday at 556 pm Drivers were Easl lred Brown 41 Centre Stijeet liceI ton and Ritbért Sheppard 55 40 Sanford St Barrie any examiner WANT ans sauna jun2414 Ideal for theBarbacua Includes Rib Chocka Binds Steaks BOLOGNA by the piece 35 lb Freshly Sliced seclnnao BUTTER PEANUT Bdnie Creamery Blue Sfar Whole CHICKEN lb tln torso CUTTER lct tittilMn TY News Ifll nasal EXAMINER MAY JUN Worden Presents Oxidrn Cheque Receipts from the recent 0x tha hope you have giventheni tam walk to Elmvale totalled $5911991 and total expenditure was only $500 Warden Alex McAuley reported to Simon County council at its June meet ing at Barrio today The warden rcporledAIhat the chairman and coordinator Mrs Joan Ives of Stayou ask ed that all bills and receipts be said Mun Peeps Ranking second Ioharrie his Coilingwood with 523 finishing out of Hi to raise 81138562 Stayner ranked third withjato finishing out of Miami rais ed 600 while Drlllla was fourth and Midland fifth The village of Elnivale last over 1000 people raised $158 rent to the county treasurer while Penctang raised srsease Jack Coleman and this was ap proved With 1500 walkers starting of whom 000 finished Barrie rais ed thrmost moeny $2515746 Orillla had no finish our of 300 for tho nearly double distance and raised $60m Nearly all of Midlands 400 walkers finished and raised $6000 The warden proscnled the county cheque to Mrs Mary Poaps Oxfnm representative as members of the county coun cil applauded Mrs Foaps in acknowledging the cheque prais ed the magnificent effort On behalf of Dxfamof Can ada want to express my most sincere thanks and gratitude to tire thousands in Simcoe County who labored to make this cone tribution should like to think that stand here as the courier for thosc tides of humanity who cannot thank rsonslly for McKenne of Tomato director of public relations for Oxfam of Canada said the ven ture In Simcoe County loan in the province Oxfam standing committees in the county plan to heepinloucb with Oxfern and report further on their work coatinuintzor ganizotlon will aid in future fundraising projects for the same purpose the warden re ported was un clan honors Royal conservatory Of Music SuccessfulCandidates Successful candidates In em attentions In five grades of theory It the hoyal Conserva tory of Music inharrlss have been announced Successful in Grade Theory may and form was one alelrnbaraer with pan grade Honors to Grade atheismhar nwny and counterpoint were cbleved by Frances Iflndleand in harmony and history by Mary Keogh pass In bar runny went to dinban Carla wright Ifrst plan honorr in counterpoint went to Eleanor think andAhonorlhtnhgJndn Me ndycn pass ory went to June Melenbacher Patricia Appleton earned pass In Grade theory her many and history with lint class honors In harmony going to Jane Sriglcy and Mary Md liner and honors to Hcslhrr tlciadyen Susan Bedett ind Gregory Beer First class honors in history went to Helen Brydgcs honori to Barbara Cartwright and pass to each for John Prince and Margaret Daiiey Grcda theory resulted in by far the largest crop of first wlnne They were Joan Muhammad rflitnrfieou Judyvlfilcllancy Vic CCUIIl WI Ifnda Ifcast Donald Meirm Juila Anne thurrt Jane Ritchie Steve Spanlr Barbara Ritchie Stove Spanis Barbara llrlxht Nancy BelL Dlant Craig Jane Belts Patrick Kidd Iriflefrlddtp Elizabeth on Mar arty Thomas ghégglrd Iltsflulhzjt cry Eileen Smith Susan Ritchie gale girlie Deborahnafclan or Mary undead and Karen Crows Honors went to Faye Grant Geogeunoothh Japan IDrum mn lor Jennifer tannnx Wright Margaret Downey and Gallimlak Iasses were attained by Japice Spring Mary Wright Woody Woodger David Mich wooden Kelly Gllpln In Grade theory first clan bosomwinners werojA1s Croft Joanne lAsSage Shirley Howard Micheal Minna John Forster and Margo Hamilton Amanda Bethune won honors and passes were awarded to Peter henrdsell Ehfe Falls and Ross Langman Lists School wards report on recvnrhcndatidnk BARN DANCE Mr and Mrs Douglas Frallck oi Painswick are opening their nowbarn on Friday night In the form of barn dance They havenoblaincd the services of Mr rowning of Painswick to provide music and ladies will bring lunch The Fralick harn was burned in April and new quonset type replaces the old structure PLAN PLAY The Littles Hill Players are holding meeting on Friday at 7210 pm to discuss plans for their fall production of Moo ique murder mystery play New members are encouraged to attend The meeting will be held at5 chn Stin the Unib ed Electrical workers Hall for setting up of awards for el ection of trustees to the new Simcoe County school hoard slated to start January 1969 was made to Simcoe County cmincil today Besides the city of Barrie and the impending city of Orlllia which would elect two trustees reads the report recommends our wards whichwould elect three members each The other two would be secondary school representatives for Catholic rate payers MUCH DEBATED The new system which Is com Ing into effect by provincial leg lslation alter Simcoe County Council earlier placed itself on further study has been much are vay much concerned about the effect on the cost andon the drsnccrntic rights of rate payers said Sunnidale Reeve possible candidate for 1069 war record as favoring delay for debated in county circles We Lloyd Pridham mentioned as MARINE ronrcasr TORONTO CF Marine forecasts tor Great Lakes issued ataao am EDTtodeyg Lakefinial Winds southl my to to 15 knots becoming west to northwest 10 to 20 this afternoon Partly cloudy Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds nbrthwcslerly 10 to knots Partly cloudy la MOTHERs WIN den who went on to say he hop ed for the best it cant help but costmore and seriously doubt that it will be as efficient commented 0rd Reeve Kenneth Gillespie Tos sorontlo Deputy Reeve James Wales earlier went along Midland Mayor Leonard Selts proposal for at least four arcas for Simcoe County one of the with rgest in the province AREA TOWNSHIPS Vespra Oro and lnnisttl town ships wero recomended for one ward listod in the report as Word for the election of three trustecs ward would Include Coiling wuod Sfayner Eknvale Cree more and adloinlng townships of Nottawasaga Stmnidale and Flos The rccammcodcd Ward area would include Midland Penntang Port McNIcolI Victor ialiarbour and Goldwater with the towngrlps of Tiny Toy chcdash Mcdonte and0rillia Ward Ono would include Ins sorontio Essa Adlala Tecum sethland West Gwllllmbtny with the towns of Allistnn and Brad ford and villages of Beeton and Tottenbam EQUALIZING FACTORS In his report to council Reeve Fred Macbean of Tottenham chairman said Bill 44 provided for the setting up of such sy stem We have met several times forthe purpose of assisl Barrie occnd Han sortcountysoérrd Ingln arriving at falrand reasonable determination in the establishth of wards as would appear to be legal require ment said Reeve Macueas reporl from the education com mittee Equalizing factors were bas ed on 1961 reports to the depart ment of municipal affairs Tlfa revised factors are upected sometime in August raid Reeve MacLeans report which added There will obviousth some changes but at this time it is difficult to forecast what effect the changes will have on the determinations made At future date we will pre sent further study and report to county council Reeve Macy Leanconcludedr gt SHARKS EXCEL Sharks excel all fish In law power Biting pressure has been torn Name The Pink Elephant comEST STARTS THURSDAY JUNE ill Ends July 31 Grand prize 24 cu ft Universal Freezer Wilmer to be announced on Bryan Barker Show at 545 pm Aug 12 1968 draw will be with no obligation from any Barrie Second Hand 7N Storesalesman All ballots must be mailed to Barri Second Hand Store or put in ballot box supplied at stbrepln case of duplication draw will be made We reserve all rights Statf not eligible to enter contest 55 Dnnlop St vDErAitIMENTSTOR BONUS rat wfdélwgrfh made daily for Pink Elephant Ballots are real Barrls oolwolll OUR 17 you are In the store on Friday Jline 28 or pmdwhanl your name is drawn you win dvnw you still win $2500 in coupons and $2500 inlcoupons will months jackpot which could be as high as $7500 BE in out srons FRI JUNE28 gt local noun was aavssnaos angstroms riparian 00 in shoppingjcoupons lfyon are not in the store and your name is heodded to next octout Spelt

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