liltilhi ti tml Illxh WEATHER liaion Strany Thunday Low Wm Wow 70 For further details hint to P1d Not More Than It For Copy 14 Page SEA Av OFFER Is AIR PMSTATES Rejects Workers Demands moors on cranes vote Canadian troops on United Nations duty in Cyprus voted Monday in the armed serv ices ballot Getting his ballot is Sgt White comman der of the Hill Top outpost of North Sydney NS Sgt White is absed at Camp Shilo and his family lives in Winnipeg officiating officer at the elec tion is Capt ifcquina of Erantford Ont Ships Medicare Wonit VRaiste TcaxesSeverelyi mTTAWA Ci research worker for the Canadian Tax Found on says that introduc tion of edical care insurance even all provinces were to part pate should not mean se vere increases intaxation David ii Perry writing in the cmrent issue of the Canadian Tax Journhi also estimates that with Saskatchewan and British Columbia atone joining the plan nu lulyll the combined cost to them will he $501n9l00 and the federal treasury will have to rry It the driftc ty of makingrirm estimatesuf future medlealcare insurance costs because of the unknown numher of provinces participatn ing the rising cost of medical REGINA UP Medical services and the uncertainty of federal and provinan tax poli Iliï¬ He says however that the es timates given the House of fCommons last year appear rea sonable They were that the total cost with all provinces participating would be $835 5000000 in full year based on loseus fiscal year or 51 ion 000ot0 in the first full year jofvoperatioo 195970 my tiplied hythe population of the participating province The Under the law which comes into effect July thefederal government will pay to each participating province onehalf of the average percapitacost of providing all insured services in all participating provinces mat provinces however have to pay dition Only Saskatcthan and RC have indicated they will begin Indtan iViedicht Plan Lacking care for Canadian lndions and Eskimos was labelled inade quate Tuesday by the general well of the Canadian Medical Association The 7th move made during the associations annual conven tion which ends Saturday was direct attack on an attempt by the federal government in March to curtail medical care for the native peoples schemes the plan lolly To quality province must offer publicly drninlstered plan for atleast so per cent of its population risin to per cent after two years he plans must be portable mong the provinces Mr Perry says administra on costsare likely to run to live er eat of the total costs the cost of administration in ad in line with similar private iie estiniates Saskatchewans total cost would be $28529000 in the nine the end March dlfand gottewafs sham woiild he onthoafrom dulylto this fiscal your next 513561000 or 51 per ent By THE CANADIAN PRESS With less than week remain ing in the general election com patgn the issues are narrowing Prime Minister Trudeau nies day again abjured the big moneyspending election prom Conscrvative Leader Stanï¬eld reiterated and refined his prom ise of tax relief for homeown ers paying high interest rates And NDP Leader Douglas promised New Democratic Party government would climilt nate tuition fees in the untversl ties and higher schools of learn ing gt Mr Stanfield sharpened his criticism of Mr Trudeau for not disavowing Liberal Party elec tion advertising labelling the Conservatives as supporting the twonation concept And Mr Trudeau challenged the Conservatives to state clear and honest policy on Quebecs constitutional status He said Marcel Faribault is the real Conservative leader in Que bec and that ltir Faribautt sup ports the twonation theory Mr Trudeau flew raarosslhe Prairi provinces Tuesday and arrived in Toronto for malor pitch to voters today in the countrys secondlargest city Mr Stanfield in Eastern Que Montreal to Quebec today for motor rally Mr Douglas stumped Regina and Moose Jaw Tuesday andis in DauphinMan and Winnipeg today spent Tuesday preparing radio and tel on recordings in 330er was KILLED Indict Watkins STOCKTON Calif AP The San Joaquin County grand jury indicted Clifton Watkins ti c1 gsmï¬m CAPSULE NEWS former Oregon gt State football player Tuesday on charge of robbing Stockton liquor stor Watkihs was wounded and vii brother Canadian football star Ted Watkins was killed police reported in fight with clerks at the store Watkins was tweeter For Robbery armed but that one slugged clerk Fred Larsen with hot Larsen grabbed gun and in the ensuing struggle he and Ted Wantins fell through plate glasswindow aneralkius was fatally shot Clifton Watkins by this time was outside where he was shot by another clerk Louis lluerta CliftonI though wounded es caped and drove to Sacramento bec travels from oieaaiste and Camellia Stanfield 13M Spar Over Quebec Montreal and will be election raring to tbeopen today gt At the end of long travel day Mr Trudeau told Fort William audience niesday Jim convinced Canadians are not brterestcd in party that wants to buy its way to power withthair taxes We dont build future on wild promises we have to butldit on realitiesE He mentioned specifically Conservative and NDP prom ises of guaranth incomes higher pensions and subsidized mortgages They would be nice to have but they were expen sive and Canada couldnt afford them now he said Mr Stanfield repeated in his Qitebee speeches the proposal he made in Toronto Monday to allow tax deduction for so per cent of the interest charges on mortgages costing more than seven per cent ycari But Mr Stanï¬eld concen trated in Quebec on denouncing what he called anlberal smear campaign to identify him with special status for Quebec or the cgncnpt or two countries in Can HouseOi Lords Defies Wilson Over Rhodesia LONDON not The House of Lords took deep hrcath clamped lts coronet firmly on ilts noble brow and administered sharp trick to the shins to Ho old Wilsons government Today the peersand political N0 HARD WORK EDMONTON CF Fred Newman knocked off brandy pulled on his pipe and told how hediivcdto ecle brate th 100th birthday lies day Tobacco whisky and no hard work He talked about his step children They worked hard They were good boys but they worked too hard Died at long time ago Mr Newman settled in the Edmonton area in woo after coming from the Ukraine Neverworked very hard Just grew enough to feed the family Couldnt have ï¬lled one more mouth lie had hobby Mad good moonshine Made it in the hush for years Movcd the still around every so often Mr Newman now resides at an Edmonton Tiursing home where he often tells not toworry nevcr did Britain generallyare wonder ingwhat Tuesdays moment of dangerous living is going to cost the upper chamber already meoaced with having many of itst storied prerogatives snuffed Oil By relusing to endorse Labor government order tough cnlng trade bans against defiant Rhodesia the Lords stuck their chins out to renewed demands from Labor supporters for aboli tioln of their ancient hereditary 10 Ann Linden6 City News2 Remember dear This is Canada tin hooking TORONTO OPt Changer ueditoard system for bank customerspams into effect ugust for about 1000000 pm pie in Toronto and Montreal The system can be used to marge wide variety oi goods and services It was announced Tuesday that it will enable Ca nadianbaok customers to use For Wage Parity With UiTItWA GP Slippercent wage increases for 1200 St Laurence seaway workers this year and next are fair and reasonable Prime Minister Trudeau said Tuesday ifis telegram to the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Trans port and Gcncral Workers made firm the governments position in the threatened strike of 1200 workers The CERT hassel strike deadline for Friday morning it the union docs not win nineper cent wage increase in two year contract The crownowned scaway au thority announcing plans to stop traffic on the St Lawrence Welland and Sault Ste Marie canals in preparation for the strike is prepared however to resume direct talks with the union spokesman for the St Law rence Seaway Authority said an approach to the union was made Monday suggesting they talk about oneyear or longercon tract in place of the twoyear one which has been discussed But he said the government agency would not budge from its position that it cannot offer more thanisixepcrccnt wage in creases year The strike would tin up all traffic entering the St Law rcncc Seaway at Montreal and at lronuais Ont where Lake Ontario traffic enters the sea WHY it would also halt all traffic between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie in the Welland Canal The Sault locks between Lake Huron and Lake Superiorrwould be strikebound on the Canadian sigc butnot on the American si TSSUES SETTLE senior officer of the Seaway Authority said in an interview here that only the wage ue remains out 40 issues dis cussed in ncgotiat for new contract eoncrliation hoard recommended in majority re port the sixparcent increases in two years but minority re port rccommcnded ninepercent each yeara demand the CERT adopted Bryce Mackasey minister without portfolio who has had special responsibility for the labor department said in Mont real the federal government would not block slrtke rnrNCH OPINION POLLS see SWing rams ilieulersii public opinionpoll published today forecast swing to theCaullists Sunday in Hie firstround of vol ing in French general elections The poll which appeared in the newspaper Le Figaro indi cated swing away from Fran coisMitterrands Federation of the Left and the Communists International Bankcredit Starts August In canada with the Bank of America Ear clqyls Bank itedKin dom and Smnitomo Bank Ill Japan Later the system will be extended to other hankcuslornA ers acrossCanada fOfememher hank sales force has already signed an es timated 2500 Toronto and Mont real merchants to accept Char hnd slight dropvln outright support for Communists it also showed lztpercent swing in favor of Ltemeleftvwing in party lead by former premier Pierre MendesFrance ltr per centage rose to 35 The survey was conducted hell and 13 tionSolres Societc Franco DEtudaselde Sondages The poll shuttled the Gaullists andlheir allies would win 395 per centof theyote whilethe lelt4wing federation wouldget 175 per cent This showed Tpercent swing to the Can and their allies and 123 pepc nt drop support lorthelct wingtiedem on compared wrth the first round of the elections in March 1967 it also showed 05peri cent drop in support for the Communists to uper cent In Clouange in eastern France centre left candidate Claude Fargeoi and on aid were injuredneither seriously Drugs Dont Help Smokers Quit SAN FRANCISQO APiNcw evidence that smoking is harmv ful to bothwomen and men was givento the American Medical cranium2o 21 22 Comics18 DeathHD District5 the system with other credit card plans in other parts of the world The four Canadian banks today to robbery charg municipal court but the in ment takesthe case directlyto superior Court Hi5 appearance gcx cards Bank ofï¬cials say that if the rate keeps up the target of 12 000 merchants should be when bomb exploded as he turned the ign 11 key of his car Hoops our Association by several investigators todayalong with report that drugs now in use to deter smoking dont help date has not been set The indictment charges that Clifton Watkinszi took an un determined amount of money Tessie Do you know that young farmer tried to kiss me He told me that he had never Editorial4 Sports12 is Theatre4 sponsoring the planBanque lanadiénne Nationale Canadian Imperial Bank of Comm rce Royal and Toronto Domi on reaehed well before the sales campaign ends in late July Merchants pay $25 to enter the plan and agree to take fourto Al Alforiville near Paris left wing federation candidate Dieu donne Duriez said today he was attacked by three men armed Dies During Installation Ceremony GRAVENHURST Ont CPIJoseph Lawless assistant superintendent of Beaver Creek Correctional Camp six miles north ofhere died suddenly as he was being installed as president of the Gravcnhurst Lions Club Tuesday night Charges Govl WhatesMillions PETEEBOEOUGH CF The president of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce Tuesday accused the federal government or negligently wasting tens of millions of dollars becauseit iglt noted the annual reports of the auditorgeneral kissed any girl before Bessié What did you tell him Tessie said was no agricultural experiment station MacarthYAicles claim Leadership Is Stacked with axe handles while hewas bank customers sticking up election posters to sixpercent discount on their sale price in return for prompt payment from the books from the cash register of the Dlflta liquor and sporting goods ore The police account said =the Watkins brothersWere not WLislingais Weather16 WomcnllG this constituency tBaiance Oi Payments Shows Deficit OTTAWA UmCanadas balance of payments ledger showed ideliclts on both currentand capital accounts during the first quarter or 1968 reflecting the temporary troubles of the Canadian ldtfl ar ALBANYtAPLSenotor Ett gene McCarthy jolted state Democratic forces today by ov erpowering Humphreyfand Ken nedy delegate slates while McCarthy mortar scored an upsetrviotory in threeovay Sam race McCarthy added the delegates to his presidential bid his aides charged in Washington the Democratic national conven tion leadership had been stacked in flavorofVicePren dent Hubertll Humphrey The Minnesota senator iubi lantiy hailed the results of the states primary Jar one of his greatest victories was Pain ODwyer former city councilman and brother of thelate former mayor of New York Cit Adam Clayton Powell Is Nominated NEW YORK APiAdam Clayton Powellrthe ousted Harlem Congressman has again web the Democratic nomination for his oltiseat in the US House of Representatives May Establish merchant Marine SOREL tte Geneva Ilan IsSuggested To End War sins tlteu Thousands Gather lorPoorltatly in Washington wasiuncron mo Thou sandsj peopleghegancpouring into Washington today to show Que CPIA Canadian Trans immunityme be possi ity of establishing Canadian merchant marine Vihesday Unions Coéoperaie On Social Problems iWASHlNGTON iAPJThe United Auto Workers and onions at odds with Tenmstcrs the two largest rcpggted to be building all noes Transport Minister Paul Hellyer said AFhCiO are particularly concerning their support for in Poor Peo phat the gvernment do more to abolish poverty Theorganizers of Solidarity Day predicted 40000 persons would gather around the Wash ington Monument making to 51 days demonstration by far the langeatJanheï¬ix weeks ofrthe poor peoples encampment in the capital gt the ples Campaign and rtademands slots at stake HUMIHREY GETS ONE Delegates who said they were remaining pledged to the ideals of the late Senator Robert Kennedy won 20 while backers of Humphrey had one The voting trend indicated that McCarthy would maintain the wide lead in delegates Hi Thohsurprise Senate victor er can peace negotiator Averell llarniman said today the US wants to reestablish peace in Vietnam on the basis of the 1964 Geneva agreements which ended the French Indoehina war He made the statement tore porters just before ninth full Vietnamese vdei got Jinan ituw fereneaIXuan Thuy waves friendly hand she arrives at ternpitiona this morning to resume negotiations with delegation behind him eff stand big North Viet PortyLeader AP Wircphoto