packed and shipped AT CARNIVAL These pretty misses will look smart anywhere this sunoner in cut ton lashionr they made themlt solves Marion Slautiert in TURN MilAD These young ladies appeared to be trying to attract the attentions at dapper male in dressar TRINITY ACW Potluck tin daisy prim shill will mat ng hat wonders ii Debra Malia would like snack uhilo she stands on the boardwalk in her pullorntd poncho with matching kcmbioi and hair they made themselves Rosella Eitehie presents him with bouquet oi paper roses and Marnie Paulin holds his hand While Trudy Exell looks on Supper Ends Seasong Trinity Anglican Church Wor men marked the closing meet ing of the season will pot luck slipper Monday evening in the Parish Hall Delectable casseroles and desserts altered wide choice to members and their guests Head table guests Archdeacon and Mrs Read Assistant Rector Rev Fletcher Stewart and Mrs Stewart and Mr and Mrs Rob ert Byers President Mrs John Milchin son asked members to introduce their guests aiter which briei business session iollowed Rectors en Robert Mitchell accepted cheque on behalf at Trinity ACW and gave brief humorous speech Thanks were extended to the Advisory Council The Shriners Banquet on June 22 at the Bar rie Arena was discussed and plans to assist were iormulated CAMP SPONSORSHIP Following the reading of letter train the Captain oi the Chmh Army in Toronto by Mrs Piggoit as ng ior as sistance in sponsoring boys ior summer camp it was decided to smosor two boys attendance at camp The Senior Citizens banquet was reported and Mrs John Seal was thanked for her eliic ient convenership of this pro4 30¢ Mrs Fred Long reported on the kncclcrs for the church which will be installed lnvthe near future Members were informed oi the plansior the Christmas at Trinity bazaar by its convener Mrs Allen Fisher This annual project will be held Nov 10 and each group oi the ACW will be chnrgc of various tables and tc As in past years short end will be ioaturc Mrs Wheeler reported on the catering ior wedding and Mrs Potor Donaldson re ported anotherbalc hadbeen included in closing President ltl raccoons iclnihded manager that Trinity ACW was now six months old and she extended thanks to the members ior their cooperation and support FLOWER ARTISTS Mrs Edwin lneson introduced Mr and Mrs Robert Byers ot Harris Flowers two flower ar tists whowork as team creat ing many artistic window dis plays and floral arrangements Mr and Mrs Byers demon straled the art at flower arrang ing and gave their audience an insigit into achieving similar bouquets Draws ior thefiorai arrangements were held and lucky winners were Mrs John Seal Mrs Greenacre Mrs Sparham Mrs Harold Trapnell andMrs John Bury aiuk Mrs Blair thanked Mr and Mrs Byers and the meeting convened by St Annes group was adjourned Activities will re slune in September School Codrington so Scth hand his whilepompons at the hem add the extra touch Marion is mm Johnson SL and Leslie attends Maple Grove School Both are grade 7students nn gins were participants in last nightslaahion show and all are grade students at Ex aminer Photost Active Women Need Protein KINGSTON Ont GP In creased intake of protein in the diet may oausewomen to icel better and be more active study by the University oi Mani toba shows Dr Moorhouse associ ate proiessor oi physiology an nounced results of the study Wednesday at the annual meet ing oi the Canadian Federation of Biological Studiesa He said the experiment studi ted the habitual protein intake at group oi men and women between the ages oi 75 and Q5 While the protein level was shown to have no correlation to the physical oharaiseristics at either the men or the women there was physical correlation among the women Thus it hhe women increased their protein intake they became more active and felt better but when the intake was reduced the process was reversed to an interview later Dr Moorhouse said that until more research is done no explanation could be given for theppparent response Wives influence Husbands Accepting ExeCuiive Positions NEW YORK APlThe little woman oilen can have big in fluence on hcr husbands execu live career Handy Associates New York management consulting iirm says study oi 2100 top management executives indi cates that wives are playing an increasingly important role in the positions executives will or will not accept John Handy company president said that in one case man turned down lucrative lob oiier because his wile didnt think the new title carriod as much prestige as his old in another case an executive was uttered johinva Midwest USr city atairnost twice his currentaalary The man and his iamiiy were takentothe city so that the wilemight look for homerand study the community The man didnt get the job however alter the company dis covered the wife showed no np parent interest in thecommu nity but spent most oi her time shopping or china ï¬The wife is not of great im parlance at he beginning exec utive level spokesman said but becomes very important under certain situations when the executive is moving up later on The emphasis on the wifes role is largcr in smnlicr or rural communities than it is in the big cities the spokesman said in the smaller areas the so cial setup is such that the wile hos topnrticirato more actively tntho social io oi the company and the ommunlty than she does in or an areas Mrs Clémmens live and his wile READY FOR THE SUN Dale liandii oi Codriagton St Selml stretches out in her printed poncho and whlte shorts ready ior relaxing day at the bead but Cathy McDowell also oi Godrington St School looks ready lo ramp with her beach ball in color at shill that ties attire shoul Except In Haspitaiity Services dcr must to quick dnnyos on hot summer day Cathys matching hairhand will keep her curls out oi her eyes loo Both are grade students Student Models Forecast By STARR SMITH Fert and pretty was the word last night or bevy oi young models irom grades seven and eight who strolled down lbcia shion runway at Stccle St Pub llc School The occasion was the annual home economic iashion show put on by studean irom Steele St0akley Park Codrington St Maple Grove and Johnson St Public Schools The evening took the iorm oi an open house with young lad lesiromr the schools putting on the iashion diow with inshlons they had made in home econom ics class under the direcltnn oi Mrs Dunlap and serving tea and candles they ad madc themselves The girls also did all serving and ac as guides ior guests In the fashion show claborate scenery set the mood for sum mar days theme Scenery con sisted mostly of lull size back drops also paintcd completon by the students Scenery heads were Misses Marnie Paulin Codrington Si Sch Lynn Livingston John son School Brenda Eurbidge Oakley Park School and Eileen Smith Steele St School There was little reliance on props and the ones uscd were imaginative and appropriate male mannequin with his iemale match set the scene ior summer days of old theme and huge beach balls gay beach towels and colorful beach um brella made the girls look at home in their casual beachwear Shiits capes and big floppy cotton hats will be on the style PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Miss Starr Sirliill or Mrs Audrey Couison at new STROUD GUESTS Mr and Mrs Arnold held at lied Rock Ontarlnand thoir daughter Mary of Montreal were the guests oi Mrs Fred Wright and Mr and Mrs liar old Reid Strand last weekend The Raids were returning home from Miss Reids convo cation at McGill University where shorcceived her Bach elor oi Nursing SPECIAL GUESTS Mrs Epiatt was hostess ior caries party at her Dunlap St home yesterday morning in honor at Dr Rynard Pro gressive Conservative candidate for Simcoe North in the IIP coming federal elections Special guests of Dr Eynard were Dr Ken Cresswell and JackGar ner Barrie city alderman and campaign manager ior Dr Ry nard Attending guests VETELMIS Maxwell MAS Apple ioa Miss Pat Appleton Mrs Eplelt Mrs Durham Mrs Lloyd Cook Miss Coins Mrs Walkingshaw Mrs Hook Mrs Williams Mr and Mrs Davis Mrs Schuclt Mrs Beaver Mrs Miles Mrs Brown Mrs Hares Mrs Harris Mrs Bail Mrs Dawson Mr and Mrs Godden Mrs Calibers and Mrs Vis WEIRD OFTEAS Bill Bell Liberal can didate ior Sirocco North was whisked from tea to police party Wednesday speaking to ladies in the Barrie area The inlorm a1 gatherings each lasted about as minutes and enabled Mr Bell to renew acquaintances throughout Barrie Among the hostesses were Mrs Feldman Cook St Mrs Veitoh Baycrest Dr Mrs McComh Steel St Mrs DcJardinc Cum berland 511 Mrs Archer Campbell Ave Mrs Locke Marshall Ave guests included Mrs Bowler Mrs Cooper Mrs Butler Mrs Gordon Mis Moore Mrs Ellison Mrs Clark Mrs Patterson Mrs McNabb Mrs ll Pennock MrsJ Warren Mrs Blalkie Mrs Williams Mrs Leggett Mrs Condor Mrs Velsman Mrs Dun smore Mrs Cohan Mrs Love Mrs Boucher Mrs Scartht Mrs Andrews Mrs Peeler Belle Mrs Chonns Mr Mc are more independent socially in the big city because their so cial lilo doesnt depend on the company one study said it louIId indica tions that the wile was bl at most importance to her hus bands career iishewas the wile oivthepresldent or one oi the top company executives it her husbands company was lo catedrin the southern US and ii the company was located in the Midwest or tnany city of room Snclahnotcs are intended to covcr the general social life 01 lb cityDlslrlct weddings parties travellers and visitors are all items of interest to readers oi this pagc Your help insupplying this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Ex miner 7295537 and ask ior Starr Smith or Audrey Coul son at the Womens Dotan meat Fodden Mrs Dunsmore Mrs MWalsii Mrs chal Mrs Davis Mrs Giroux Mrs Shirley Toporowski Mrs Sara lley Mrs Dalton Mrs McChesney Mrs Forbes Mrs Doyle Mrs Me Guire Mrs LaChapoile Mrs hlclnne Mrs it Look ance Mrs Koeslag Mrs Black Mrs Hope La gmuir Mr Mrs Mcliitciu Kranabetter Mrs Mrs Hanlon Mrs Gab riel Mrs Byers and Mrs McM an SCHOOL REUNION ilhc Anton Mills School reunion will be held this Sunday begin ning at 130 pm Any former pupil or teacher at the school is welcome to attend light lunch will be provided BAPTISM service of baplism was con ducted by Rev Renshaw greatuncle oi the baby Barry Michael Cyril Patrick son oi Mr and Mrs Patrick Duiierin St Ba ie at Flairbank United Church Toronto June ilhe childs godparents areMr and Mrs Watton Burlington Afterwards relatives and iriends attended christening tea given by Mr and Mrs 31 Dicklnsou Toronto Special guest wasriiiar rys greatgrandmother Mrs Zirrunerrmn oi Palgrave Ont ourorrowu aunsrs Sheppard 00 and Mrs Sheppardfihaul and Sara Ben Mr and Mrs Zim merman Susan and Ian all oi Niagara Falls and Miss Chris tina Anderson at Don Mills were guests at the home of Mrs Anderson Clapperton Stat the weekend RESTYLING REPAIRS STORAGE FURS Belore You Buy We Invite You To Compare WIGGINS FURS DuniopSt EBarrie 7234895 Fashion Scene Fer Summer scene this summcr ior these girls Grade eight stu de nt worc summcr dresses suitable ior school or drcssup in the now cst prints and plains with sim piicity as the key in the prcr dominating slecveless line shiits The youngsicrs seemed at home on the stage and modell all their iasbions to best ad vantage ranponnr ran nouons The pourers tor the evening were Mrs McKay wiie oi the superinicndent oi public schools Mrs ll Cockburn Miss Flora McGrcgor Miss Joan Clayden Mrs George Cameron Mrs Ron Mercor and Mrs Ran McNie Commentatnrs ior the fashion show were students Misses Pat llcinhart and Judy Slurrup of Johnson St School Sandra Coal son and Janice Tracz oi Oakley Park School Mo nica Light bnurn and Carol Myers Cod ringion St School and Sharon Farrar and Liz McAdam Steele Si School Ions Chapter Announces Plans For Annual Ball The Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones Chapter of imperial 0r der Daughters of the Empire have announced the date at their iiith annual ball in the Barrie Armoury Qntoher iii The dance committee have decided to have general theme using the IODE colors red white and blue and crest along with screens and banners to decorate the hall The IODE emphasis will be changerirom past years when they used definite settings ior example the Spanish and south of two previous balls The armoury which holds 1000 people will be another change this time precarious from the Embassy Hail that only holds 300 The chapter will have to sell more than three times the number at tickets to reach capacity crowds However with the exception of last years ball the chapter had to turn down prospective guests on their waiting list he causeot lack of space The dance committee will meet ag July 24 at the arm judge ior aread and da merchandise BINGO Ladies Auxiliary Branch June 14 July 19 cannon Gnocnnr HAMPEB CSHARE run wannrn IJACKPOT on rnrzns 02 FREE DOOR PRIZES Admis eards $I00 Proceeds to helpbring hospitalized veterans on adtiys outing on July 20th Sponsored by Ladics Angus Legion THE BARRIE EXAMlNEli FRIDAY JUNE it on Employrnent Possibilities Dim Barrie urpioymem stalled are loLlouiog the same down hill graph has as the tight em ployment situation ior Camila with the exception that employ ment onwriunitim look darker berc ior women than for men Miss Elizabeth Graves oi Barries Ca na Manpower Centresald yesterday that the demand for women even less tinn the demand for men here However she said the one ploymont situation as in the lust oi Ontario is poor ior both men and women Miss Graves said the only do ntand than is at all noteworthy is that ol summer waitresses in the Barrie area with even that occupation rationing consider ably lcs dennnd than in pre vious years Miss Carol Anne Moiiatt and Frederick Harry Levin will exchange wedding vows at an atternoon ceremony in Central United Ghurch Barrie on July 27 at three oclock The bride swmrmarsimmmmm St The dtuaton at present seems to be movng ina vi iour cirdc she said till production in iadories is lower ed then oiiico help is not in demand to carry out clerical and secretarial duties She said oi students tlts dream They are having real dliliculty finding work dont now when in going to com rota SMOKING PM WNDON Ont CF Mag istrate Menzies Thursday ruled that smoking marijuana cigarette constituted possession the drug when he placed Rt tricia Bmdcriclt 1° oi Tim mias on probation ior six IULYWEDDINGVOWS elcct the daushter at Mr and Mrs Robert Mantt of Barrie The bridegroomelect is the son of Mr and Mrl Robert Lavin oi Ohatltam OnL tPhoto by Pareto wantioamoruuoowmtomww Get on the light beam Gilt him on his day with smashing coordlnate Sport Jacket and Stacks Add handsome sport shirtgand turn him loose on his dayits Great Look its lrom Gord Roach Mens Shop it should be tor him on Fathers Day The colors larciighier and brighter and the stylings sureto please nrtllnao Where Style Mich The Milo outpaces