on Titanic Exam Published by Canadian Newppopm Limited 16 Blyfllid sum aunt Ontario Walla Publisher William Tailor General McPherson Managing Editor Invasion Jon is nitrad Television Debate Dull Proved Nothing To Voters PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau was stern and sometimes not too communicative Conservative leader Robert Stanfield was earnest but sometimes otf target New Democrch Party Leader Tommy Douglas was informal and luctd if not always convincing while Creditlste leader Real Caouette was dramatic but except for his favorite economics theme somewhat like fish out of water The Canadian electorate for whom this socalled great national debate had been stsged is probably no wiser about the leader and art to whom the fate of the nation be entrusted on June 25 But for the voter in search of clarification about relative positions on the important issues there may have been something of value Politically the debate was for the most part restatement of views already pre sented As trial run for new form of electioneering an electronic version of the confrontations between politicians which used to be Canadian tradition it was finally uninspired and often dull The format was too rigid to allow for the kind of direct exchange which could make it fascinating communications experience as well as confrontation of real political significance For most viewers its main value was in the comparison it provided of the leaders themselves liere it may have started some readjustmenls for the im ages that came throu did not alwa match the images ch have been veloped ltfr Trudeau heretofore seemingly uninhibited individual wasnt at his best Despite his claim that he approved of the debate idea he really didnt seem to enjoyit or take advantage of it and sometimes was loath to give adequate ans llfr Stanfield who previously had seemed suspicious of the medium was more at home than in personal interh views and scored some fectlve points Both he and Mr Douglas showed the beneï¬ts of thir long political ex erlence while Mr Douglas scored most ten with his unique personal blend of sweet rear sonableness and concern for the average Canadian If an attempt must be made to assess the three main leaders on points Mr Douglas would win the prize Of course he was under less handicap from the possible imminence of power but this does not take away from the pertinence of much that he had to say It may have been significant that the best scene of all was the fadeout with Mr Trudeau and Mr Stanfield appear ing once again as interesting human be ings as they shook hands somewhat like men who have just survived an unplea sant ordeal DOWN MEMORY LANE 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner June 141928 In letter to Board of Education Principal Girdwood was disappointed over de feat of money bylaw to enlarge Barrie Collegiate Institute He suggested port able classrooms would be necessary to relieve congestion next fall Ratepaye ers were in economy mood as they al so voted down proposal to spend money on renovation town hall Simcoe County Court opened with docket free of criminal charges for firsttime in many years Billingsley elected re sident Barrie Bible Seeiety Boar of Education received resignationof 301 teachers Kathleen Perry and Elizabeth Wallen Miss Wallen is going to another school Miss Perry is to be married ltlilk producers settled price dispute Vl Barrie dairies War veterans of Sim coe County planned countrywide picnic at Couchiching Park Orillia Barrie dele gates to committee were Gordon Long man Maurice Esten and Oscar Shank At provincial schoolboy athletic meet Barrie runners Arthur McLean ohu Morrison GordonSarjeant Jack Donnel ly and Wallace Hedger scored points Jarvis Cabaret had grandopening in Barrie James Keenan music store offered bargain in new fivetube radio at $125 There are few towns in Cm tario with such fine showing of tulips as Barrie Every crib in Royal Victoria Hospital is full right now with 10 new citizens having arrived Lacrosse is having revival in town Police Chief and Mrs Alexander Stewart attended soccer match in Toronto atitlapie Leaf Stadium between Glasgow Rangers and OTTAWA REPORT orchestra enga Ulster United It was estimated that 10000 autos passed through Barrie in 24 hours of weekend heading for life koka and Georgian Bay St Pauls Anglican Church Inntsfii observed 77th anniversary Original building was re placed in 1014 Jubilee Nighthawks for season at Minets Point dance pavr on Charlie Pouch ers rink carried off first honors at Al landale lawn bowling tourney Ar ticle in railway magazine recalled when steamer Samson exploded at Barrie station in 1067 Barrie was then northern terminus ofold Central Ontario and Hur on Railivay With locomotive at station Engineer Jack Bracken and Fireman Bob Gibson were having dinner at nearby Queens Hotel Between coursesGilson left hotel to place more wood on fire on engine Beforehe got there boiler ex ploded Fortunately no one was injured but bell was buried into bay and large piece of boiler crashed through roof of hotel and landed on table in dining room Pertinent Paragraphs Dope Problems in Colleges Increasing llea1ine This is doubtless due mainly to themarked increase in the numbe of dopes who enter colleges Its due to the current price of candy that many person cant savemoney by quitting smoking Civilization is sufferingfrom grow ing pains says historian Some fear tlilie suffering ma to terminal ncs Perced To Welsh Training Dociors By Pannier moaozsou rl openended conunit Winter carers panic Will ilkMinister whomAntlers hibcblckoftbohndtha cotmselforihaodatCommit anemones ac iormcr in mnmldlomlnkter the menu This is an merit Mr Macaulay who buaynbcen he very highde law nar nadcrtlke lie probably will lose money on it here is one great advantage of the position however ibla is that the counsel to 1th commit tce will wind up with as good knowledge of our ï¬nancial structure and tax laws as any one lntha province knowl ge whlc Id be great asset toid flï¬aulayll he still NEW LOOK AT FOREIGNIPQLlCY summitMme LETTERS TO THE EDITOR mm BARR BROWNING Dear Sir Our family stood with hund reds of others today at Centen nial Park and watched with sadness the horror of the drowning ot the nine year old Creemore boy We had commented earlier on the num berof chlldreriswimmlng in this area off the park Afierthechild hndbeen taken to the Hospital Emer gency we looked around for at least one sign which would for bid swimming in this area but there as notovon one to be seen The signs say Swlrn at Your own risk This is real puzzle to us since the water depth drops off very quickly appears polluted and motor boats zip up and down within close proximity to the swimmers who are primarily chlliren Capable swimmers are usualiythose otthe older age groups who are able to transport themselves to better swimming areas when ever they are Recently bit for discussions on the recrea tional needs of this area for speciï¬c age groups falways find it very amusing when someone says to me that he or would like to live in Bar rie because recreational oppor tunities are available for all seasons and in all areas oi re creation hfay ask where have been to elg would you believe that the cityof Barrie with population of 25000 has only one outdoor swimming poolSaturday afternoon there were so monycbildrenlhere to swim liratthey stood no for one and half boiirs belora they could be admitted can arrono These ofcouisc are children who could afford theadmlsslon and who could get there either by their cats What abouttlre others who could not pay We are surrounded by water The greater part of the water front property is privately own edor available at $125 per own effortsor bypar OTTAWAThe wasteful feder al government has been forced to welsh on its obligation to help the provinces train more does tors Governments of course have no money of their own when they tiy to attract votes at elec tions by promising goodies to the electors they must subse quendy raisetbe money to pay for those goodies That money can only be raised from the citi zens of Canada every one of whom pays taxes to that end indirectly if not also by direct tax on income In extreme cir cumstances government will budgetfor deficit then in stead of raising the required money by taxes it puts off the evil day of higher taxation by borrowing money Todayihe Liberal government in Ottawa has reached the point where for political reasons it cannot announce higher taxes an because of its lack of fiscal integrity it has just about reached thelimit of its ability to borrow money No money no election prom lses Today we dont hear talk ab higher oldage pensions or highecdoans to build homes of subsidies to assist farmers All these would cost money and 0t tnwn not ercly could not promise to spend more both now faced with the disastrous pcqultlement to cut back its meats Such thing has hap pened before only in acute eco nomic depression The Pearson chlcke are coming home to roost One of these is the Health new sources Fund TbLs was prom ise by Ottawa to contribute 500000000 to matchcontrlbw ions by the provincial governs merits over the period 19671930 its purpose is to facilitate the building of new medical schools and other training requirements to make good the shortage of doctors and other medical work ers This shortage is apparent now it would become so serious immediately nationwide medl care plan is put into operation that the plan would almost cer toinly be disaster This is the unbiased conclusion of medical planners The Health Resources Fund should yield an average of some $40000000 year to the prov lnces Last year about $33 000000 were distributed $10 000000 to Quebec $9000000 each to Nova Sconeand lint itario $2000000 each to EC and Alberta andsmallcr sums to other provinces But this year creditpoor Ottawa cannot meet its obligations and commit meats SHARP CUTBACKS On March 20 Health Minister MacEachcn wrote tonrovincial health ministers saying the government has been examining many alternatives in an effort to redirectederal expendituihez add there will backsYet based on Ottawas promise of per capita alloca tion Ontario alone had made undertakings on programs to train more medical manpower andirequlred $29000000 from Ottawawhich it now will not receive Ontario which contritr utes 49 cents of every tax dollar collected by Ottawa is being curbed in its plans to train the doctors necessary to make med learework Nevertheless Ottawa has gone ahead in building mom moth theatre in the capital while the provinces are ex pected to halt their training school building program This theatre will costan estimated $43000000 which some say will soar toover $60000000 when the frills are includedand the land valued with around 2000 seats in the main theatre plus ancillary facilities this works out at between $20000 and $104 000 for each theatra seat Meauwhiln Ottawa offers only $1000 per bed toward each badly needed new hospitalln Canada Not only our1 finances but our priorities are in shameful mess What do Cana illans need most dancing girls in an Ottawa theatre or doctors in everycommunity land be sharp cuty heroes the on Emir Ironing is Hayfield Street Barrio Ontario Authorized as second class matter Post office Depart meat Ottawa and for pay ment of postagein cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscription rates daily by carrier 50c weekly $0600 yearly Single copies me By mail Barrie $2600 yearly Ontario $1200 yeartvrnotor tbrowoif £15 year Mail out side Ontario $14 year Out aldeCanada British posses sions 515 year USAand foreign $30 year National Advertising offices 475 University Avenue to 640 Cathcart Sb Mon Iml Member of the Canadian Dally Newspaper Publishers Assn tlon the Canadian Press and Audit Bureau of circulations TheCanadlan Press is cluslvely entitlodto the use for republication ofall news dispatches in this paper cred itedto ltvor The Associated Press or Reuters and also the local newspublished foot Recreation is beyond the reach of those who cannot pay and thus the tragedy of today where children were swimming in an area which should be completely forbidden spoke with our alderman to day who said that the city can not be responsible for non swlmming intha park main tain that the city is legally res ponsfble to place signs in dang er areas but the moral rcspon siblllty of carrying out these regulations lies with every ponslble citizen arbor can as today swimming in dang er area it is not enough for our city fathers or in fact any one to discuss the needs of any age group in recreation until we have examined our goals and see if we want to provide these facilities because they are need ed or because we really care for those who have been deprived One of the nicest occasions rc centlyjin Barrie was the ser vice for shut his at Collier St United Church because of the care demonstrated to these people We must care for these little children who are deprived of most enjoyable activities be cause of poverty or low income This of course could be greabchailengn to our Mr Roberts whols an unusually ex pert finance manager lie stat ed reccntiytlrnt the Collegiate th Board could manage very well the school budget without too much difficulty and an even notice the reductioan Fantach Mr Roberts bud get cut by 334000and noteven noticed If that is the case perhaps you could find few thousand transferred without difficulty from other designated areas and apply it to help clean up CANADAS arom r05lt our swimming areas provide more clean swimming areas wherc the children would be safe or safely guarded put up danger signs where needed and in particular Centennial Park Whlle he is at it he might be futuristic enough to look at winter sports and provide funds for municipal area which could be wlthin thareachof the finances of the lower income have many more suggestions because our angry and be cause care for the young people who surround us on democratic king of his dynasty th years oil or the parks and recreation board for this drowning because think that we are all respon sible to degree butwe must not let these things continue to happen Let us as ordinary citizens ask ourselves are we really satisfied with what is available andthen consult with the tape proachable in high places Surely we do not all need to see enough toget things done ask seriously where can children swim where can little boys flndo stream to fish in how good are our courts etc etc ct member 91 you ask that all cannot at ford cottage is boatior have finances to go to camp am willing to assist in fur ther research and discussion to seeMbat can bedoneAra you as concernedLlf so please speak up now as your opinion really counts Let us save the lives of our children physically morally and emotionally antithrough it all spiritually MAXWELL STEEL 31 Tomorrow Banner Day In Aviation By BOB HOWMAN Tomorrow is banner day in the history of aviation because it was on June 14 1010 first Gap taln John Aloock and Lieutenant Arthur W3 Brown of the Royal Flying Corps became the first men to fly the Atlantic nonstop Along with number of other aviation pioneers and an as sortment aircraft Which would make fine museum ha today they had arrived in New foundland totrytn wina prize of 5210000 that had been offered by the London Daily Mailrfor the that flight across one Atlan tic The contest had begun in lotsbut hnd tobe discontinued Lduring Vodd War Alcockand Brown assembled their owlnengine Vickers Vlmy ln field nearQuldl Vldi By the time they were ready to balra off on June 14 two unsuc cessful flights had been made by other airmen it appearedbr be race between Alcoek and Brown with their Vickers Vim and huge for those day bomber that was beingiassom bled at Harbour Grace Alcock and brown managedto get off the ground on June it at pmlilld ran into trouble at most lmmedpteiy ihc propel lcr at their alrorlvcn radlri gen erator was sheared off andlhoy were alone over the Atlantic without contact with the world The sweather forecaatwns wrong Soon they wereflylng in great masses of dangerous black clouds and theyhad no protection in their pits During the nig craft stalled and went spinning donot blame the cit coun drowning to get stirred up tennis old institutions violently as at ï¬ssion his ego lie been his sin norm aspired to lead government in Ontario Does tth mean that the for mer for still as many peo pic suspect has an urge to re turn to politics or doc it merely mean he will add tax law to his high priced practice oceanime coser VLiitors to our province often remark on the cleanliness of our cities and our highways com pared to jurisdictions across the border Such cleanliness doesnt come cheaply Thedepartment of highways it is estimated alarm spends be AROUND THE warn Moderate Often Target and PratF lllt Mind ingenuity in When the cost of street shining and litter nich In menm Iddbd ihlllbeioiaibiiiialimhie With the department of lovJ balIIc luxury and ahead in the struggle with er mollywould not be expected to or mm yw mm ere are new items added the list of potential refuse 40 clutter up the countryside FLOOD 0P TRASH From cans to milk cartons to frozen dinner containers and now disposable bottles there has been an everIncreasing flood of articles to go out so be leftat uhave been yin to wlihlhls Both thehtgbwaysldpee normal and the department of lands and forests for example handout plastic litter bags at certain points And there is constant expcrl meat to try and steer the public towards cleanliness This year as one example the litter cans in our parks will be yellow in the past they have been green But iheyywera painted yellow in one park last year And it was found they were used much more than in the past but still it is recognized that all the experiment in the world will neverdo away with litter For Gun Of Assassin By puma DEANE Foreign Adahr Analyst Robert Kennedy was moderate even conservative in the score that he was advo eating reiormn which would conserve the fabric of society preserving as much it as is possible So were Martin King and John Kennedy The list of moderates assassi nated throughout history is probably longer than the list of tyrants who have died at the hands of assassins few exam ples spring readily to mind Al cxnnder ll of Russia refor mist cur murdered in ii George of Greece the most murdered 1912 Eleutberlos Yenizelos moderate bourgeois politician target of several as sassination attempts by the right wing one of tiles ledby the chief of police in ancient Greece similar type Ephioltes an aristocrat reform er murdered by extremist aris tocrats in the US apart from Dr King Medgar Evecs and Colonel Penn moderate negro leaders shot dead ikia assassin fs romantic Ho belongs to the philosopbiml tradition that has run mostLre ccntly through Ro ii se hymn Nietzclie and of course Hitler The vlolent activist of the current piotcsts who be Ileves viii action for its own lab in conflict for its own sake longs to lhattraditlon also Nothing lnfuriatesthe manof this temperament more than the moderatewho wants to cross bridges rathn than burn them The romantic 31 really shaped ues can just as Well be defending tacking themvlolentli M0 for its own sake is what charge terizes him force fascinates him egolsm is his overwhelm ing passion and if he comes to power he stifle all dissent be cause it would be SEEM And when Scrubu ried with loud voice be said Father tnto thy bands cum mend my spirit and havlnl said ihui he gave up the He gavcup illslife for us What have we given up for Him lie put His all into the hands of theFa or We ought to do the same He ever lives to make intercession for us we should ever ltveto make our lives count for Him down towards the ocean Both men birdie exert all their strength to get their aircraft ck on an even keel lhey flew low over the water uutil flier crossed the boost of Irelan at li25 am it had fly toLondon buttho weather medalists imposs lo and they decided to in domain pest bognearCllf don Ireland at 850 am and the aircraft almost dfda somer aaultas it buried its nose in the bog Fortunately neither airman was hurt They had flown the Atlantic distance of 600 miles in 15 hour 12 minutes Alcock rand brown zwere knighted by Kiv George and their Vickeor buy now is in Lite Science Museum atSouth Kensiugton ln London Three hundred letters cnrrled on th trip are prized by phllatellots otherlune iffeventst 77541 en intention to wAvvfntiMx PALMBREEZEH forces left Canada WHITE GOLDRUM achievement of power as vic tory in gunfight and he is not likely to let lupisellbe gunncd down in turn not without1 fight at any rate cadoeshavo folk hero who is an extremist ro manllc lover of force the cowboy uithe gun settling ar guments through violence Other advanced civilized soclo ties contain as much violence in their makeup no doubt tilt their children are brought up less violent fairy tales The frontier mythology makes ownership of gun sacred right This means that outs of whatever political persuasion cantonn themselves in Amer having to register ih armswith the police The Mid utemen for Instance canyfout manoeuvres with heavy caliber machine guns and even artil lery training against an in sion of Unltedliations troops vading the US from Mex Britain with thirty timee more people than Detroit by half the murders each year that Detroit has Advanced societies that control in on rm have many fewer murders than =America per capita Un fortunately gun control logic lion seems unlikeiyfto bebpassfle meaningful orm an Congress because theywhlo man is afraid of the negro How then can the sickness ol vio ence be tackled Gilt Dad with RECLINER cHAiR also good selection of Rocker Recliners by well known Sklar and Vogel Priced from CLARK Bayflclti st lllllllllll mm ll Itrxlilxl lltlltl UM VInIï¬nmrtl l1 IIII lull It