Egii LONDON CPIkink an Immwahmm If but its martian cover 15 Lamainc rem oi Evcnthoihrentoipdaoam Wham Sir Ber nnrd level Damnationtarnuieiimiura Tamarm plrt oi the givergty oi mmaï¬mflbflknnmhï¬mym Manchester why rout IIECALLs srAnr Ind felln ngï¬lt Now ready to seekrnew grants But even the muddy nte dio unlikely that Identiï¬c pro or tar more powerful radio sen Jodrcli Bank turned into are is 13421 1112 item Examixor E59 REPEATING OUR SEIISATIOIIALOFFERI SAVE ON II SAVE MORE OII TINTABLE EXTERIOR WHITE HOUSE PAINT IN OALLONS GOOD ALKVO EsznInII WHITE tltiallons s1428 cmuu IIEST QUALITY LATEX or OIL IIIISEI 72 STUDENT BARRICIIDE REMOVED Remains of aw la remov one of the cars used by riot were used AP Tram via ed from the Inn of Sorbonne ing students to build harri cable imm Paris Univmsity in Paris it was capes Paving stones also Rememberl Handicapped In yEdTicational Progrqm ronomo or Handi magma without the stigma or necessarme he made to capped childrenwhether emo iallurer 4GaIIons sZIJIII aALLoII 26 36 PIasTiC iiiiff$200 CARTON OF 250 $950 Slricily Firsrgquhl Build Yuunniil MIIITIAIx To CMHO Sue $307 II In amid 5min Lats Add 1o mm with Nor SelliDGC can SAVINGSII LET us QUOTEON YOURCOTTAGE ousEOR BARN Ion GFT wooo STEPLAOIIEIIS 2x43s 50 soon our UTILITY 1555 SPRUCE PINE In Inlrlr loll BEDROOM HOUSES 3202221 Jans arm rtoxsm adiool system diiï¬ouii tionalli Physically or mentally Imist not he lorgottcn in plan IIiog educational programs in Ontario says commitiee re port tahled in the legislature Wednesday Every child in Ontario has right to stand with dignity he side everyone else in the human parade The committee headed by Madman Mr Justice Em mett Hall lot the Supreme Court of Canada and Lloyd Dennis otTgrqnto says in lLs report The handicapped child whether seriously or mildly al fadedmust be given chance to learn like any other liwe are truly tohelp the child who is diiierent we must beiprempied not with but hianIiicap or with his weakness but withhis potential and his strengths The committee urges erpah sion and extension of specialized armies ea percepiu handica rlIiIdren as well riiers emotionally disturhcdmnd others whose na tional origm or birthplace make integration into the geneml DVTEGRAIE INTO SYSTEM It also suggests children with special educational disadvan lages should be integrated into the genemigaiuoational system so that they will have matured and learned as much as their capabili said an Ontario Municipal These children are entitled to the same measure at opportu nity as their more iortunate brothers moisture The neg loci of heme now must be remedied and heroic elforts if compensatelor disibiilties grid nature and mishtuni Only in his way can dis oriminalion be avoided and an zlqlual opportunity he elman canine Mayor Is Hostile To Plan Giving MiltonLand oAxvnine or Il Mayor hiacLean Anderson Tuesday Board decision giving lm acres of Oakvilie to neighboring AIgoina Steel Strike Ends SAULT SllE MARIE CF rfllflgfl0311lRLdOzelélmer IIresat oma 00m ud plant ended Tuesday night when some workers returned to their jobs after an Illegal walk out by about 1000 of the plants 8000 employeeswas settled Firework stoppage was sparked by the tiring of 150 oolddeei mill workers who ille gally walked oti their jobs May 21 protesting thean of mine It mm into Idolenoe Monday night when workers biaocked entranma to the steel nl town beam e2 lie said the boards decision which also allows Milton to annex5m acres ofquImlIIg township games the flagrant governmen an proposed municipal pVIa consultant ye Mr Anderson said he was disgusted withltthe ruling Sewage eifluent tram Milton would pollute Sixteen Mill Creek which bisects oakvill he claimed gt But MiltonliayotBrian Beet said the new godsend was so landpoo houses were built st year and there was no plate folindustry Milton anviliejndusirieswhen the an nexed land hemmedpart of M1 ton Jan 196a he said My dunno PALACE LONDON AP For the first time in the 5tryear history oi the Royal Air Force airmen took over guard duties lromthl PREMIUM ZXIs raw ZXIS 5113 OOIISTNVOTIIIII 2XUS lo ll Is2w Standard mg Approval in MM 2x103 redcoated Brigade of Guards Buakingbam Palace Wednes day They also will pmvide the customarysenlricwat Jamesslï¬alace the Tower of London and the Bank of Eng land until the Guards return Julyw Compleie with All Hordwaral Pre hung In Owu Framel screwdriver will installl BOTH COOLS AND lNSllLATESl mitts liarlxontnl WIIIIII 15 iLUlIIlIIlllIl sIIIIIIII Cunadin No titlltlllflli IIIIILs mm 5575 $569 estg 5563 s557 Per 50le Curran Overhead Steel wuxg $412 OARAOE DOORS 2fx4x8 5720 12 sin35 $4x8 $996 352 $4895 Redtop Thermulihre Wit Insulation Balls EvrsIIM WALLBOARII $196 CurTIi Size Sun and Shade IIIIiIIIIIItiIIIduoI carpeting $5935 Black Asphnllvceated SHEAIIIIIIG aoAIIII s177 NIIUIIIIINIIiiSYSTEM Sue 30Ceppemiu llttllE liAllflEiltilillS 33 militants S197 3349 SHEATH NG PLYWOOIlp Theyre both Iamnus and becoming more so all the time Schanlay SliverWaddlna Dry Gin Crisp cool and wonder Iuiiy dry And Schenlcy Goiden adding successful marriala at our ï¬nest whiskies Invite This Couple to your naxi party WIIIICIaunJI liIO to mow Rails 142 EIEuTIIIo WIIIE TIEIIIECIIIIES 495 lifiiiiiiii Polyvinyl chinor 15x55 IIIIIIIIIIAss rAIIELs $235 Iu rANrLs $240 EACH min lilies ii la gt WHENYOU IIIITIIsETs ADVERTISE AN UNWANTEo CAMERA IqIIIIxMaflyifleCoIIulux FIBERGLASS LWITVHA 726x96 PANELS Inyrulnilly gt towCOST ACTION PACKED Open Weekdays 81m lpm Saturdays to pm FRIDAYS lo mm ad SERVING IIIIIIRIE omIIIAh AREA1 vm FROMvOUR YARD AT THE JUNCTION OF HIGHWAY Tl The Barri NORTH OLD NOLII HIGHWAY ANDHIGHWAY 93 BARRIE Examiner TWRITEPHCGIIIVOY LumberC Box 628 Borrie PHONE7280I00 OpenWeekdays am to pm Saturdays Ioip Friday to flaw INITMD or Show 51 wiser Apply on armll MlledTrutliIoldl 4000 far complain lain Plywood Also Availrhla In Minimum SOIhm 1m CENTRES TO SERVE YOU Just Phonn 72842414