Ileinlylannyaodmmu an ML mat to High lridayï¬JMAls onpueiial weaned mm ammonia new touts Your No in Barrie Dotrte Canada Thursday lune l3 l9 Not More Than to For Copy 24 Paper Hunt Convicts ifIn Montreal MONTREAL CF Police not up roadblocks Wednesday night in the search for Paid hiikulua 26 coniieted armed bandit who got loose from two penitentiary guards to bizarre escape that involved the kidnap pins of one of the guards Wednesday il9 escape occurred when ltlikutui was being taken to hos pital by ear for treatment of two ï¬ngers he had nearly sev ercdwhlle working at St Vin cent de Paul penitentiary 1Gilbcrl ltnutc guard hood cuifcd fo Mikulus was dragged aw in the escape provoked by an rmodI masked gunman who fired one shot at the peniten tiary car at Queen Mary Veter ans Hospital The gunman had lumped out from behind shack on the grounds Houle 25 was eventually irch unharmed but not before being forced to accompany the two other men who flagged tprti drove about is blocks and bought saw to out off the hpndcniis Belartgcr the other guard did not use his gun for £3 at injuring Houle RAN ACROSS GROUNDS penitentiary spokesman said that ltoule and the two oth ers ran about 1000 feet across the hospital grounds always with the masked man behind the handcuffed pair Abate said he did not see the Kunmans face because he was told as they ran across the hes Mtal ground Dont turn around or else when they got thin the taxi fluids and lttikiilus sitting in the front and the then unmasde third man in the back seat with his gun trained on Houie The penitentiary spokesman said the taxi driver was una ware oi the gun or else was an accomplice After the drive and purchase of the SAWMJIE trio went to an apartment building where the handcuffs were cut The two men left and lloule calledthe penitentiary from an apart mentJto still had not seen the gunmaas face The penitentiary spokwnan without revealing name said Mikulus best friend in prison was released week ago UN Approves Drait Treaty UNITED NATIONS CF The General Assembly cave its approval Wednesday to draft treaty to ban the spread of nu clear weapons hailed by its sponsors as mlor step or ward making the world safer The treaty which will be opened for signatures at once was mmved by vote of 95 to with 21 abstentions Canada was one of the strongest back ers of the treaty The wording in the treaty was changed from endorse to comme This enabled coun tries to support the treaty with out undertaking any commit ment to sign it HEAD0N collision on Highway 11 five miles north condition at Toronto General Hospital The accident occurr twoxuitiami Lake youths 15 year old man also from rainstorm hit the part of Barrie northern Examiner tKlllSTOYOUTH CRASH NEARBARRIE Critically Injured Passenger isllushedTo Torontollospital trip to Torontovto buy eatended fatally for two Kirkland Lake youths yesterday afternoon when their car collided headon with way 11 five miles north of southbound truck on High Barrie Dead are Michael Leblanc 17 driver of the car and ert Ba er assenger Roger Gauthier ltlgA third man Rob 25 also of Kirkland Lake is in critical condi tion in Toronto General Hospital At Royal Victoria Hospital in satisfactory condition gj are Gary Baker 20 and Jack Barrette 21 of Kirkland Lake who received cuts and head injuries Theywere passengers in the Leblanc vehicle Driver of the truck was John Don Harvey 21 St Vincent Street Barrie He escaped with minor injuries Barrie OPP detachment said the car was travelling north on Highway 11The collision occured at the Fourth concession of Ore Township at Guthrie at 440 pm The 1959 car was completely demolished and the rear wheels flew from the truck on impact The left front endof the truck was smashed witness Kent Melton said he saw the car flying through the air about tworfeet off the round Police say northbound car came to rest on the south shoulder of the road lha warning was repeated Constable Tamblyn of the Barrie OPP detach ment investigated Latmt To Man of Bands clairnod the lives of Kirkland Lake is in critical ed minutes before heavy Phntol measures lN Francs East German Visa anthem ees Take Effect 1179an AP East Ger many becari collecting than yisa fees today from West Gerr mans travelling overland to West Berlin as Britain the Untied States and France de nounced the travel restrictions West Germans previoust able to travel to Commu surrounded West Berlin with their identity cards but undcrfbe new regulations an nnunced Tuesday they must pay visa tees and will have to obtain passports by June 15 Unlike the visa procedure in many countries the process at the border checkpoint was brief and required no advance appli cation In the absence of pass ports the visa wore stamped on the travellers identitycards The East Germain also have imposed new taxes on goods shipped betwee West Germany érlect Transplants By 78 ut What Happens Then KINGSTON or When organ transplantations become rfected in 10 years time who vttl have the right to longevity in spare parts are in short emondi diamond Cinador of Toron Wednesday posed this ques on at the conference of the Ca adian Federation of Biological clences member of team studying unology at theUnive sity oronlo Dr Cinader said in an nterview later there is very lib le ethical difficulty with resent transplants but in the ext decade this situation will hange Right now it is just matter easonabta selection of donor acceptor fair selection of aticnis he said The real roblem comes 1am Cioader asked how should recipients be chosen when there are only so many spar parts The industrialist the presi dent the scientist Who has the right to longevity gt He predicted most transplant problems will be solved within the next 10 years and than you really have stickler because power and money will then have given you more than they have before Blaiberg Still Fights For Life CAPE TOWN AP Heart patient Philip Blainerg fighting liver complication whidi has ten him seriously ill is holding his own bulletin from Gioote Soliuur Hospital said today The bulletinsaid his can on was undergod adding that one had been no deterioration and possibly slight improve ment Airliner Crash CALCtifllA or Pan American Airways jetliner groping its way through mon soon raills bit short of the runs way at Dum Lian international Airport early todayand was de stroyed by ï¬re Six of the 63 persons aboard were reported killed An airline spokesman said the dead included five passengers and one stewardess Survivors some badly lniured included nine crew members and 48 pas sengors Five company employ ces were travelling as pasteu gers flight control tower duty of flcer said the fourengined Boeing 707 approached the air port in moderate to heavy rain lie said it undershot hit the ground burst into flames and within minutes it was burned out Some of the passen gers were trapped in the wreck age TODAY Ann Lancers7 city News2 Classiï¬ed16 17 16 Comics22 DeathsIS District5 Editorial4 Sportsin 11 Theatre5 rv Listings22 WeatherB WomansG itiE PRES skirtedth Com rvnttvo loader Robert Sta his arrival at Va eouver tomationol airport Wednesday it open woday impugned to anon on Demonstrate lAgainst Demonstrations nan rnnis nonstandard of people marched through the streets of Paris and other French cities Wedntsday night in open defiance of govern ment ban on demonstrations But only in Strasbourg in eastern France near the Geo man border did riot police in terfere dragging away students squatting in the street outside the university There was noneoi thc vio lence sccn previously in the week which caused three deaths and led to government ban on open air meetings untilgeneral eletclons June 23 and an Po watched from dis tanceas marchers called out by students and laborunions walked quietly through Montpelt lier Bordeaux Marseille Caen Poitiers Dijon and Besancon in Paris members of the March 22 Movement oi Daniel Danny the Red CohnBendit marched around the suburban Cite Universitaire buildings housing iorelgn students They were protesting the ex pulsion of several foreign stu dents aceused by the govern ment of fermenting discord and ban on the movement and six other extreme leftwing groups Propose Conï¬dential Peace Talks To Cutout Propaganda DAY LEAD Talks nsh too ngii PARIS AP North Viet nam appears to be edging to ward confidential talks with the United States on Vietnamese peace issues although it is still conducting diplomatic holding operation in the Paris confer ence Ambassador Xuan Thuy oi North Vietnam is consideng proposal by v5 Ambassador Averetl Hhrrirnan Wednes day that both sides reduce tha propaganda ii tp ut following each meeting they held here The public release of formal statements would be ended under the Harriman plan and spokesmen for each side wound give only general descrip tion of what had been sold in the closed conference room 1iibeITCtISj Titeeight ialks so far hcld have been followed in each case by release of the formal state ments of Harrirnan and Thuy iProiest French hebelst Visit LONDON CPt Conserva tive members of Pahliament today protested the Labor gov ernments decision on let Daniel Danny theiled ColinBandit info Britain for two weeks to ap pear on rndiotelevision pm gram Students in Revolt Tho eritics feared he would incite British students whose scatter rebellions have been pale imitation of the Continental ones Discuss Shortcomings can CANADIAN mass has eraera and omissions of the libeiai government were digniï¬ed Wednesdayby Liber in Toronto Prime Minister ilrudeaii was asked about an old pledge for 10000 grants to uni versity students tile said he fears many stu dents withoiit jobs wont be able to go back to university in the fall but his government could not afford them iinanclalhclp in Montreal Senator Maurice Lamontagne sold research in Canada is insufï¬ieient unbai hated and uncoordinated it needs improved federal dir lion through ministryvof sci ence tinib lfe potean arm out it Wife as llil official party walks past the pipers CP Vlrephntot in Edmonton Transport Min ister Hellyer raid the governï¬ menthae not given enough1ot tentlon in housing problems With his newrcsponalhiiity for housing policy he would break red tape and translate good thinking into action Conservative leader Stanfield and NDP leader Douglas were not to be outdone in treatment on biiieiaI pooformances Mr Siaiiilieldvsaid that with only in days left heï¬orc the June zsfedeeal election the Liberal party has not issued clear pair icy statements on housing infla tion or economic growth REEUSAL AN ISSUE triideaus refusal to discuss the issues is in itself becoming of mater issue of this 03 puign Stanfield told Vancouver news conference lieshould put aside his rhe toric and tell us his policy Oth erwise it iselaat that the iust society simply means that things will be just about the same and that is not good enought ColinBendit was in London on ownweekwisa He aaidhe will seek to set upa Free French resistance movement to de Gaulle in Britain and hoped British students would support iL But while French students and workers remained calm politicians exchanged angry act cusationsin the first television appearances of the election campaign Premier Georges Pompidou in prepared statement said the Communists were toblnme for the recent riots Even inns rural FRIENDS KINGSTON 01 Some rats have an eye for women In fact rats behave differ entlywith different people Dr Eldon hoyd professor of pharmacology at Queens University says rats and mice form opinions about hi1 mans He told the Canadian Asso ciation of Research Toxicol ogy Tuesday that anybody they the rats like can give for large dose of drug to them before they succumb to it than others can He said int an interview latergthat female technician loved the rats and even ha names lior them He said when she stepped into the cage to give the ani mats drugs by means of stomach lube put into their mouths the rats virtually begged to be picked up iTranspldnt Fails HOUSTON Tex UP Silt goons vainly tried to save mansltfo Wednesday night by carrying out the worlds second known anirnalgtoaman heart transplant using the organ of 1254pound sheep But the 47yearaild man whose own heart previously stopped died soon after comple tion of the transplant at St Lukes Dpscopn Hospital Hospital administrator Nowell Stance said the operation was intended to keep the man alive until human donor was avail able He said the mans family agreed to the transplant France declined to disclose the identity of the man who he eaidvhad been in oomaniith advanced disease France called the ram beautitul animal adding that it was prepared for the tinny pfanl in tlievsamo way as human donor with its tissue mtohed with the mans for compatibility The operationthe worlds 22nd heart tramplantnas per forrncd by team headed by Dr Demon Cooley which mr ried out our other heart trans plants in recent weeks 0f tho four previous trans plants at St Lukea two reci picnis died and two are recover ing and described in satisfac bory condition 77CAPSULENEWS Say larael Massiné retainer AMMAN Jordan or Reports reaching Amman and Heirut said today tiiattsraeli forces arevmassing fora big new attack on Jordon There was no coniirrnaiio or commentiffein Israeli ZPeople Relocate For G0 Transit TORONTO cm As many 17 per cent of commuters using the GO rapid transit service may have moved to new homes or jobs near the rail line since the service was started recent study shows Loose Hostages litter Agreement ATLANTA ca iAP The director of the 115 bureau of prisons agreed Wednesday to demands of four armed convicts in the US penitentiary as the price were later releaLsedunharmed for the safety of 21 hostages who Expo Two Canadianslrom France rains for French authorities said today foreigners including two Canadians who had taken part in recent rioting had been expelled fromtirance during the last 24 hours Beam IProéeedtngs T°Extmdite LONDON The US applicatihn to return James Earl hay in the United States moved steadily forward today as the British government au thorized extradition proceedings tobegin Home Secretary James Calla ghan signodaniarder author ing the Bow Street magiatratai court to conduct the extradition proceedings against the do yearotd escaped convict ae eused of killing Dr tin ii tharKing Jr Chlef Metropolitan Magistrate Frank Mi nwas expected to eehedula haaringin abouta week The application was sent to the home offi after clearing It its first legal hurdle in the for eign ofï¬ce Court formalities and appeals could delay Rays return up to tains summary of evidence against hay in connection with the assassination King ata Memphis motel Apri iintrs our My youngest boy has trouble with eczema Gracious how did he get it He hasnt got lt He just cant spell it lt at contains information on the escapeirom thelttissourt State Prison while servmg sentance for armed robbery along with fingerprints and otheriden lion material The tin States is seeking extradition on both charges and must satisfy British judga thathoth would bo ctji Junder led within 931 dition the tw nun liay has hedn hold ore si he was seized at London liaoth rowAirport Saturday tryingltoyoatch planetto Brus solo