NEWER Guest Speaker of Soroptimlsts Miss Grace Nichol stands to speak at last nights Installa tion Dinner Scaled beside her alter giving Bliss Nichol in troduction is Barrie maple member Mrs LlewellnMnc lnnes Miss Nicholls had to speak with no microphone and little light irom the candle on the table in trout oi her by which to read her notes THE VENTURE 1113 skit ct GoodieIlow and right Mrs thing to mother Missing is that won Hector mock trophy was portrayed by members belt Miss Margar Amy Wood not out their roles of two generation each writing letters about the same SOROPTIMISTVENTUREIl Candlelight And Lightning For Installation Setting Candlelight and Hg tn in were the only illumination last nigit alter the rainstorm that ielled trees and hydro wires in Barrie lett Soroptimist and Ven ture Club members momenta Ily in the dark at their installa tion dinner at the Bayshore Moocr Hotel The candles which were to be used or the installation cere monies came into use early when the lights went out at bout 730 p111 Dinner was fin ished in candlelight and the ladies carried on with the meet ing as though under normal circimstances The Barrie Chapter of the Venture Club presented skit that won or them Hecbor mock trophy tor the bestskit at the Eastern Canada Region at Conference in Oshawa earlier this year Participants in the skit were Margaret Goodiellow who re presented lite of long ago Mrs Amy Wood who represented liie somewhere around the 20s and Miss Gecrgeina Noon who portrayed young woman oi today Theoriginal skit conveyed the message thatthings really havent changed so much over the years afterall Mrs Phyllis Gethons was commentator for the shit Three erasoi Venturevgirls were basically the same said the actressmwith iiiuir closing line of letter home Have to do now ltbiok were going to me campfire down by the in letters were signed littledifteiently Loads of love much love and the point was movineg made Mrs Almalee member of Soroptimists nnce 1046 was the th ï¬rst member not the Barrie Chapter em to behonored with Llie Membership The qualiï¬cation iorsudr membership is to have been member ior more than is years and no longer qualiï¬ed or ac tive memberehip and to have uttered outmnding services to Soroptimist in not time Since her retirement from sc Live memberflilp with Suboptim léis Mrs Lee haebeen adive in SeniorCitizens protects in Barrie and area gt and has been called in by ofï¬cials as consti tant on nlor Citizens Housing in the were linean been active in the past icw years in Red Cross work noting again as consul lant in Senior Citizenmatters Smnlmist and Venture Club members paid tribute to Mrs Lee agreement oi her carryz lng out the lite membership in saiption with loyalty and sin cerity and iriendship Guea speaker for the evening was Miss Grace Nicholls Toronto lnnnedlate Past Sec reoary Soroptimlsts Internation alAssotiatton Mseriuholis spoke in candle light and the glow from the dim flame made her reminis cences oi pride in the Barrie club more powerï¬lled She said am proud to be Simcoe County citizen in summer Later she spoke of the mean ing at Sornplimisis Why club she asked retbrlcalll Because together is the strong est word in the English langu age She again recalled pastex Record perience when she represented Soroptunlsts in presentation to the Queen Mower Elizabeth She related the Queen mothers comment know Miss Georgeina Noon who portnayed daughter oi tu day Examiner Photost Soroptimisls thins The new executive was in stalled later in tile evening They are Sorvptimist Club Ex ecutive Past President Wil da Culbert President Jean Earlsh lst vicepresident Mar ion Wallace and vicepresident Kay Stewart recording secre tary Flora McGregor corres ponding secretary Edythe Max well treasurer Phyllis Gethons and directors Llewella Maclnnes Jean Pratt Jenn Christie Nan MacDonald The new executive iorVen lure Club are Past Prmdent Amy Wood President Georg eina Noon Isl Vice Presi dent Sheryle Huey 2nd Vice President Mary Etherlagoon Its giving ng Secretary Anne Humphrey Corresponding Sec rehaiy Pet Bartram Treasuec Germaine McFadden and Dir ectors Laura Cooper Marie bGavin Mtrgaret Goodfellmv Beauty Revolution Among The Men HALFAXCP rrn bus band brother or male acquaint ance still just goes to the barber shop for hair cut then he hasnt entered into the topspeed phase of the socalled peacock revolution among men That phase lstho hairstyling salon for men Across Canada new shops are springing up to tend the locks or stronger sex and at the rate the establishments are grmving the men are enloyhrg the extra attention In Halliox there are only three shops for mens hair styl ing But this say the stylists is motor improvement over ï¬ve years ago when only the barber shop existed for the heads at the house WOMEN SPUII BUSINESS One of the Haliiax shops does only basic hnlr stylingusing slightly thinner variation oi the straight razor to give mens casirol wellgroomed cut thatis slightly blunted and in the words of one stylist here looks about week old One shop in addition to slyl ing the hnlril isnt just cut any moresells hair plcces ior men They arent callodwlgs in the male hairdressing trade You can buy lull hair piece or just small sectional pieces in just about any required color Hair stylist Joe Graves says Wives are our greatest promo tern The ladyol the house hearing about hair styling ver sus barber shop becomes en thralled and propels hubby to the nearest outlet Hair coloring too has stopped being merely iemalc preroga live Mr Graves saysa number of his clients in the 40andover age bracket come in tor color ing job to cover up traces of graying hair There are younger men oc casion nlly too says Mn Graves but the bulk of the cob oring in es comes lrnm older men The hair styling patrons here fall in the Zoloithycars age bracketperhaps theyre lit tle more adventurous one styl ist says But older men also come in torlcolorlng and to purchase hair pieces lheh air pieces areprlccd be tween 3300 or partlnl toupoe to $700 or lull hnlr piece and must be tended at least monthly weshcd and set and tilted again to the head at the wearer Magistrate and Mrs ster also to the Gray SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES ENGLAND AND SPAIN Ilr lad Mn Imrill oi Doodle Rd have recently returned iron cation in Endnnd Ind Spain The Por rlttr met her sister and bu bud Air and Mrs hand at their home in Inndon DIM and the two couples toured Eng land tor week and Spain or two weeks Mn Farm and Airs Rand visited their broth ers grave at the air one ceme tary Hrrrogste Yorkshire Mr and Mn Porritt returned to Barrie Friday mLIERED WORKSHOP The Wednesday Night Club an organization tor retarded youths were the guests of Mr and Mn Harry Foyston and their daughter Carole at ban duet at Mineslng Anglican Church June Bowling tro phlcs were presented by Mrs Gilbert Idghtloot Miss Lloyd Gillbank and Mrs hic Carthy all oi liarrl lleclp ients oi the trophies were George Jones Dorrie Carol Foyrton Mincdng and Judith Dickinsonp Shanty Bay The trophy winners are all members oi The Sheltered Workshop in Barrie 30th ANNIVERSARY Gordon Foster were entertained at doth anniversary party Satur day given by their two dough ters and their husbands Mr and Mrs Roland Dobson and Mr and Mrs Tom Bookey The couples best man and mid oi bonor oi 30 years ago Mr and Mrs it Hodges attended Guests included iriends and re latives oi The Fosters three tlered chocolate wedding cake iced to white with pink and white roses was served alter build dinner PIANO RECIIAL Original compositions were played by their young monies are during the piano recital by pupils at Mrs Booth in Hillcreat public school barrio Saturday evening hanging in age from nine to 16 years the young musician composers in cluded Inn Veileh and Misses Ilsa Eerie Brenda Broley Peggy Caldwell Susan Clarke Arm Downs Sand ra Gougb Laurie Hamilton Sondra Thompson Marcia Vcitcb and Mnry Jane West other pupils participating in the recital were Susan Pen cock Chnrllcne lllorrls Daye Women Not Equal In Practice Werker Tells Royal Commission TORONTO CP Canadas Bill or Rights is lust bunch oi words on paper that dont mean damn thing iactory worker told the royal comm slon on the status at women Ibi doy Cbnisline Bennett solderer an production line with Conti nental Gun 02 complained that her company did not grant fringe benefits to women to the same extent as it did ior men She said that her company paid hospital and insurance ben etlts tor the families and mouse or the male employees but not to married women The mumption is that married women will be protected by theirvhusbands oomributlons The Canadian Club at Zonla international said the attitudes toward women oi Canadas top pretensions should be scruti nixed The briei also urged that the commission direct inquiries to the presidents at large nation al companies banks railways and the Bell Telepiwne Co about their personnel practices and salaries for men and WDIIIEII ARGYLE 030 by MRS BAETHOLOMEW At the home of Mrs Laure Roe June open house was held on the occasion of Mrs Roes 80th birthday Guestsat tendedirom harrle Orilllo Rethbum Sebright Toronto Niagara Fallsbondon Wood stdck Guthrie Oro liawkestone Foxmead Greet ings were sent irom Dre Rynard and Scotland Approxi Lnatfly 110 signed the guest Mrs James Duncan Mrs Lloyd Bartholomew and Mrs Murray Bowen Missï¬ Sandra Duncan and Reta Roe joined the Drillia WJ ladies on their trip to Port Credit to see the St Lawrence Starch kitchen last week Victor OBrien has bad sur gery in Toronto hospital Sympathy goes to the Ulster and Bell families on the passing of son and brother Lloyd Lib and Prophet families in death of brother Hillard Pro phet Mr and MrsLloyd Bartholo mew nttended the YPC dance barbecue and bullet supper at Wildwood inn Port Stanton last week THE ORIGINAL Station Scott the jaded Jean Keller and men have sneaky plot for keeping women ï¬ghting over them They do it by going to war she said INCREASE IIIEIII VALVE Men make themselver in short supply thereby raising their calue in society Thistkeeps mmcn jockeying for partners and gives men the balance oi power As result Miss Keller tonne treelance actress said the male group becomes in cranslngly arrogant spoiled and corrupt John Kaye l7 manager in Toronto electrical iirm said women dlsuimlnnte against men by denying them work as housekeepers IImrsenork has or long set pattern of lob discrimina form at labor denied to men Hillsdale Presbyterian Church was the setting or the marriage or Mr and Mrs Douglas Gerrlor shown bove Rev Eaulch oi iiclnted at the ceremony The hrldc is the inrmer harbors he sud Its basic 15TH SEMIANNUAL Gunther BrlltowAna Downs Kelby Good and Ehloeflleb Altbanondudonoithepro commame Iedwlthabouquetol roses trcmberpuplls ammo SHOWER Mr and Mrs Norm Shann lun and Mr and Mrs William mtlcnden of 0m Station were In Drilllo Saturdag evening to attend bridal our in bon er of Brenda Link The shower wurbeld at the home or Mr and bin Mel kittenden AI MIDLAND Mr and hire hank Coer at Stnlbury and Mr and Mn Will Ilm rlttenden of 0m Station visited Midland Hospital Sunday evening to tea Mrs Anne Cook sister and hire Elizabeth Cook an aunt OPENIIO SE 01113 aim exam Dr Rynard Progres stve Gomervatlve candidate or Shncoe North riding will be on hand to meet the public at on open house Friday evening in the PC cornmltiee rooms 25 Dunlop St During the open house from until oclock coiien will be served MEXICO CONVENTION Mrs Kay Rhoudes Cf last week returned from Joint out oi town meellng oi the Eastern CanadarCenlrai Con uda and Western Canada Chap ters oi the American Social oi Travel Agents Inc in Gun alo lara Puerto Vallartn and Mex ico City Mexico Each year Mrs Rhoades attend an out oi town meeting with her own Central Canndn watcr but this spring the chnplers combin edliorthe iirst time Wlll YEAR lttr ind MrsA Vance Shanty Bay Rd celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary to gather Saturday at on open house in their own home Mr and Mrs Vance received guests with their daughter and son in low Captain and Mrs Ken brown About 150 friends and relatives came to congratulate the couple Captain Brown of iered the anniversary toast Ten pourers tor the nttcrnoon includ ed Mlss Culbert President oi Soroptimist Barrie Mrs Browne President at St Giles AC and Mrs Vsnces sis ters Mrs ll Robinson and Mrs Moorey both from Tor onto in the evening the Tahoe entertained at tarnlly gather ing again at their home They were presented with special glit irom MrsVances brothers and sisters Belle oi The Ball large Royal Doulton ilgurine lrish daughter Mr and Mrs Orville Hill of lllllsdolc The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Frank Gerrlor oi Colllngwood The newly weds will make their home in Orlllla Photo by Lea Cowper Studio Ends This Saturday till Every Yard MAMMOTHW REMNANI t5 Collier sr 52 TABLE of regular remnant price on 12231771 weonssnu mun must tax er JULY wrnninc The engagement of Merger et ElaineBcntley to Theodore Gerald Ted Harmsen bu heensnnounced by the bride elects parents Mr nud Mrs Dewitt Harold Bentley RR Barrie The bridegroom elect is the son oi Mr and Mrs Hsnnsen of Kingv ston Ont The Wedding will Council OtWoInen take place July in Holly United Church at pm Miss Bentley la graduate oi St Josephs School at Nursing Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston Following the marriage the couple will reside in Kingston where the bride to be will continue duties as staii member oi the hospltnly jAnnual Meeting EDMONTON CPI Taxes and womens employment loomed large in resolutions on proved by the National Council or Women at its annual meeting this week About 100 delegates chdnes day adopted nine resolutions dealing wlth matters ranging from consumer credit to air pol lution One resolution asked that the position or the married woinan in the tax system be carefully reexamined bciore iamily unit is adopted for taxation purposes as proposed by the Carter royal commission on taxation Under the unit system husband and wiic would hear equal responsibility ior paying tax on the aggregate of their in comes WANT LARGER EXEMPTION Another resolution sought minimum exemption oi $100000 from iedernl estate tax for surviving spouse Widows with out children now are entitled to 360000 exemption and widow ers to one of $40000 The council also voted to ask Lho iedcral government to pra vide special aid ior soleparent families under the Adult Occu pational Training Act resolu tion asks that flexible study schedules be permitted for such parents and that child care nl lowance or care centre be provided Other resolutions ask appoint ment of iederal ombudsman consumer education courses at elementary high school and adult levels and lederally sponsored program of air pollu tion research Provincial laws for motorized snow vehicles and uniiorm code of salety standards to ski liits also were requested The council commended the Canadian governmentJor sup porting lbe peacekeeping iorces or the United Nations and urged Fathers llgy Silhouette coke it to continue to press or complete and comprehensive program or peacekeeping oper ations Why Women Enter Politics What makes woman enter municipal politics Alderman Edna McGowan oi Saint John 1021 and Con troller Margaret Fullerton of London 0nt said they en tered politics alter their chil dren had grown up because they felt too young to spend the rest of their lives lust knitting Mayor Carrie Gales oi North Vancouver said she was iollnwing an example set by her husband John iormer Pritlsh Columbia labor minis CI Controller June Marks oi Toronto said she felt the only way to get rid oi slums was to get active in politics Alderman Carole Ruddell oi the Toronto borough Scarbor nugh said she was elected to council as member at the New Democratic Party ran as member at the NDP which believer that party politics should be brought into municipal gov ernrnent was elected not as woman but as member of the NDPthe first person in my party to be elected in mm nrclpalnitice as party mem her Each of the women was in terviewad Tuesday atthe an nusl convention of the CBflhl dian Federation 01 Mayors and Municipalities rev WANT ans PHONE mom lldlclohs mm timeout and whlle cinema huticrr cream icingsndlllilngl omen witheoconut and decor ma non concurta unnueoe sun Coke Large moist chocolate VFlIlle€lk buttervcrcnmnided nnd benutliully decorsterile represent glitboxedsblrl complete with colllr inn do Features