9ollingwood Rem Mel Mc Kcan chainnan of Simeon Countys social scnices corn xmitlee has announced work ed to start on com on oi new county home for the elderly at Coliingwood late in June Reeve McKcan discussm details of plans for ise WORK TO START SOON 0N COUNTY HOME the third county home for the elderly to be known as San rd Manor With Crccmoe Reeve Willred Vnrdcn Ex aminer Photo ESootch Settlement fHad First County WI BOND HEAD slam wtine Cookstown and Thornton have the oldest Womens institute branches still active in Sirncoe County the first to be formed was the James Mills branch at Scotch Settlement west of this éoutb simcoe community it as shown by old records First Womens Institute was formed at Stoney Creek in 1397 in few years later branch was formcd at Scotch Setticv ment Our Rond Head branch is at as old as arty of these id Mrs Alice Green Needs muir historian for the unit now headed by Mrs Herman Har vey with Mrs William Suther land secretary native of this area Mrs Grccn left the district for some years and then returned to brake her home at head Head in 1952 She exhibited extensive re cords about Bond Head history and about the Womenslnslitute when asked about its history OLDEST RESIDENT Mrs Greens records on the Hand Head branch went back to 192 when Mrs Jr Aber ncthy was president Mrs Abcr neihy was foilowcd by Mrs James Bradley president from 1923 I0 1915 who at 91 Bond Heads oldest resident Mrs Stone who follow ed Mrs Bradley as prcsident holding oiiice from 1926 to 1973 now lives at Bradford and her successor Mrs James And rews 1979 530 resides ncar Alliston other past presidents lnclud Mrs Fred Amey 1930 33 Mrs Armstrong 15334 35 Iilrs Charles latt 1935 35 Miss Margaret Cummings 1931 39 Mrs William Ritchie 1937 39 Miss Sawdon IMO 41 Mrs SWltZBI 1952 43 Mrs Palmer 1943 45 Mrs Wall 1945 46 Mrs William Sutherland 1941 ï¬t Mrs Kneeshnw 1952 55 Mrs Bert Broderick 1955 56 OTHER PRESIDENTS In more recent years the pro sidents have been the late Mrs Brown 1960 oz Mrs Alvin Smith 1962 64 now resident of Barrio Mrs Stoddart 19M 65 of bond Head Mrs James Bateman 1965 67 ol Bond Head and the present in cumbent hire Harvey Mrs Wilbert Trotter heads the Cookstown Womens 1nstilt tuc thn oldest branch in the county with continuous record or activity The Cookstown branch was formed early in tour and assisted in forming the Thornton branch in May of that year Hoilcindl Marsh Crop Otitlook Much Better SPRINGDALE Staff 0n ions carrots and other crops oi he rich vegetable growing area of the Holland Marsh are much ahead of last year when planting was delayed by exces sive moisture it was shown by survey of crop conditions Celery started in green houses has been transplanted and doing well lettuce and radishes also have thrived as well as rhubarb earlier but the largest commercial crops of rtbe marsh are onions and car rots Tomatoes are mostly grown in greenhouses There are few tatoes grown in some sections the marsh but the chiet po tato growing areas of this part of Simcoe county are around beetoii and Alliston great deal depends on fu ture weather but right now the crops are well ahead of last ar said Dave Rupke of upke and Sons gardens in discussing crop conditions Plants were helped by ample rains which fortunately did not reach the flood levels of year ago which ruined crops in some of the low areas of the marsh and retarded growth in Other parts Rains year ago delayed seeding as machinery became bogged down There were still some holes where machineryhad to be dug outlast year but these are grad ually being levelled said Mr Rupke who said there were much better hopes for large crops this year Of course you cant tell until harvest time he cautioned An inspection of the marsh showed spring planting complet ed and most crops up Two crops are raised for many veg etables including celery Stretching from Highway 27 to Lake Simcoe the marsh is approximately nine miles long and its varies in width up to nearly three miles Part of the marshland is near the town of Bradford where much packag ing and shipping is done Springdaleis located in the heart of the western section the marsh DOWN LAST YEAR The overall marsh crop last year was about 20 per cent be low average Most growers were pleased because in June of last year the outlook was considered poor dueto exces ARTS AND CRAFTS STAYNER Staff Arrang ments are proceeding here for the Simcoe County Arts and Crafts annual summer show and fair which will be held at Stayner Collegiate auditorium July iii to 10 sive rains and flood conditions Water levels in canals through out the marsh are well down train year ago Potato plants are up as high as three to five inches on some farms just north of Alliston an inspection ow Potatoes have been off to good start inallsections oi the county Most sprhig grain crops are well advanced although yellow ing has been reported in barley in some sections This has been diagnosed in most cases as frost damage and slow uc take of nitrogen due to hr lward weather conditions earlie The warmer weather helped of these crops to overcome his condition Weed aying has been main activtty on many iamrs intone tilt shutout DogfaceGurne liisum Pigmeat AT POULTRY FAIR mania nests Warmer Bylad The warm weather brought an influx of visitors to all parts at lnnisiil included was small cycle group whidi made right suing tour of various parts ol the towndilp However police cruiser iotlomd and the group did not stay ion in Township police were kept busy and some of the oilduty menliadtobeoailedintoleod band Thin motor vebicie no cidenla occurred on Saturday night Ono was on the lothline and when police investigated they found man lying on this road He was thought to be dead but turned out to be mere ly drunk vehicle was involv edln an accident at this point PARK FILLED InnisOi lakerhore Park bad record crowd on Saturday and Sunday with campers almost ï¬lling available mace On Sun day over 600 paid admissions for vehicles from outside the township were recardrd by mid atternoou Quite number at ratepayers cars were also in the park ROCKS TIIROWN No large stories too big to be heaved by any small child were thrown through the win dows the Kill store at Stroud Saturday evening The stones went quite distancean the store which mlght indicate they were tossed with healthy heave CAR PUSRED AWAY In another part oiStroud vill age onrvowneri by Hamil too was pushed back into the yard from where it had been lelt There did not seem to have been any damage done Craig Hunter who attended the National Poultry Associa tion meeting in Ottawa last week will be the guest speaker at luncheon held in conjunc tion with the Poultry Fair in London Ontario this wceh in discurshig the Ottawa meeting attended by representatives Cow lit liilistoii Has Fine Record ALLISTON Staff pure bred Holstein cow in the herd of Richard Perry Alliston drea farmer has completed fine record of performance test it was announced by the Holstein Friesian Association of Canada As 10year old in sos days at twice day milk ing1tfaltonia Tera Mabel pro ducedauoa pounds of milk containiugmz pounds of butter latwlth an average test of 382 per cent Inlour lactations Mabel pro duced 100741 pounds of milk containing 8914 pounds of but 21 fat withan average test or are per cent which won her an Red Seal Productlori certificate awhrd GETTINGFATIER LONDON Reuters Girls who wear miniskirts get latter in the legs the journal of the National and Local Government Officers Association says It says Measurements in France have established that the weari ing of mlnlvsldlts has caused girls to develop fivepercent more fat and sevenvpercent more flesh on the newly ex posed portion oi leg as protec tlon for their circulatory sys lems fromwosr Canada Mr Hunt er felt that start had been made in bringing marketing of poultry products to better we and thatout of the dis cussions might come some images which would Improve the poultry and egg produeets chance of getting their bistncss on more profitable footing Mr Hunter gave the national representatives at the Federn tion of Agriculture full credit for thclr uniiring often in bringing the marketing possibil ities into discussion so that way be found Ioihclp the many small producers who are not getting margin of profit from their work ROADS DISCUSSION Council members are to meet with the chic enginesalarm liloffalt of the department ol highways to discuss roads need in the topr and to go into this nastier of inkingoyer all tha subdivision roads including those which do not meet with DajstBrind Influx Of ViSitorsi the standards laid down for trik ing ove such roads Mkod if at this special meetingwould be open to the Write Reeve Cochlt raneatatedthatitwouldbea matter for the council to decide Council mernben can speak more freely at closed meet ing be statul TEACHERS SHORT lnnisï¬i school board ad vertising for teachers as the board is still short oi stall re quirements as wall as stand by teachers Local advmislog is appearing in the hope that it teachers move into the am they will know that positions are available in innlsiil The board does not Insist on teach or living in the township SKEWIIES APPROVED Sketch plans at the proposed additions in Central nndWnr nica schools have been approv ed by the department of educa tion and working drawings have beensent to the department tor 0K Tenders can then be advertised for with the possii ility of the contract being lot by the end of the month arson mews STAYNER Staff While an increase in tax rate has been approved rcsidcnilal taxpayers is Stayner will pay less pro perty than last year due to new provincial credits Mayor Elmer Doritys coun cit approved rate of 9251 mills an increase oi over three mills froml967 for residential purposes with commercial rate payers paying approximately liva mills more than last year Stayners rate for local pur poses was donn the county rate was fraction las due to the provincial government as suming most of the adminis tration otjustice costsbut ed ucational taxcs were higher big changels coming in educa THEBAIIIUE EXAMINER runsnav JUNE 11 19b New credits Will Reduce Tax to Stayner Homeowners tional administration shortly with one county board oi 18 members taking over all sec ondary and public schools in the county starting from Jan urary loss Eventually this will mean an equitable school tax rate across the county al though most predictions are it will be substantially higher for most ratepayers Reeve William More is Stay ners representative to Simcoe County council Areas for the election of new county trustees have not yet heen delined The council has approved holding tag day in Stayner on Saturday June 72 for Coiling wood General and Marine Hos pital CREEMOB Stall with the spring flower show over members of Creamorc Horticul tural Society are now concen trallng on the miner show to be held at Qeemore area on Friday and Saturday August is and 11 The president Ere Blochurn and mcmbrss been busy has executive bar Beelon wan loin Hay Competition DESIGN Stall Eccton Agricultural Sociciy is to op erating with the South Simcne Soil and Crop improvement the sociation In conducting field crop competition in day this year The best samples wfll be shown at theheeton failtair in September The competition itself will be similar to other ï¬eld crop con tests Samples of hay willba analyzed ior protein and display arranged to assess the quality of the forage inquires at the South Simcoe farm oiiice in Teeumseth intli catcs more than usual interest llarry Cross is secretary of the Beeton Agricultural Society which is now busy with ar rangements for the September fair Farm Policies Will Be Discussed lit Warminister WARMINSTER Stall Three candidates in North Sim coe in the June 25 Federal ciec tlon Bill Bell Libernl Dr Ryoard Conservative and Pcrrle Rintoui NDP have been invited to discuss farm policy at iarminster hall tonight Allthrce have stressed the importance or maintaining good farm conditions to assure sound economy and farmers ol this Medonte township commun ity are anxious to hear details on how the respective political parties propose to carry this out ANNUAL PICNIC BRADFORD Stall Annual picnic at the Ladies Auxiliary to Branch 521 of the Royal Can adian Legion will be held on Sunday atternoon August 11 lconsldend the blEhllxht Plan FlowerShowl iAt Creemore Rink with arrangements lor sane months The show is evrnt of the year for the society Besides Mn Blackburn main oificcra include Mrs Herman Gillespie and hits George Shep herd vice presidents Mrs JobnAdanis secretary and Mrs Greg Thompson lrcasncr Directors lnclinie Mrsi Ivan Alexander Mrs Dodd Mrs Ferguson Mrs Hayward and Mrs McDonald for two years and Mrs Dickenson Mns Hall Mrs Hamid Crawford Mrs Creed and Mrs Van Klavcren one year Mrs Jack ammo and Mrs Harry itinn are auditors and ar soclaio directors include Mrs McLeod Mrs Carnth ers Mrs Curran Mrs Wil linn Williamson and Mrs Boyce Borden Recalls Sicily Invasion Preparations BASE BORDEN Stall iha ltalian fortress island of Penici lurin surrendered to Allied forccs alter days of around the clock air and sea bom bardment 15 years ago it was recalled here by those retrac hlig the progress of World War The surrender on June 11 1843 which came alter final raid at 1000 Allied aircraft lol lowed the end of Axis rests tnnce in Allied forces in North Africa and Allied preparations lor the invasion of Sicily President Franklin Roosevelt in special message broadcast to Italy advised the Italian people to rebel against Mussol ini and got out of the vnr Civil ians wcre advised to leave the chief towns ot Sicily King George arrivedvin Al giers and made an inspcciion at British and American land and sea forces broadcast from Berlin said Nazi troops were drawn from the Russian front to bolsicr Nazi forces amasscd to resist impending Allied at tacks from the west June 12 1943 marked the second an nlversary ot the Nazi attack Russia Field Marshal Sir Archibald Wavcll was appointed Viceroy of India in succession to Lord Linlitbgow and General Aucb inleck was appointed India commander in chiel ownZorn AVAVAVLA flIflLALA gunman Avggggvgw OctOberk14th vldiieénséd carriers of the Deadly Sins riding likeoutiaws BA RRI IA of another day hlessed byihe Devilll DRIVEN THEATRE contraindications intuition if smitten weeks advanced reservations reqwred Complete tinfonnation at La Ronde 44 Expo Pavi ions All Theme Pavi IOtlS International Cuisine Expo Express Minirail lRuin Your Llfo lililliiiil ill ill litil wumwu susTERMINAL mn Mople Simcoe Sts Teleph6°72855471