ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUN CEMENTS SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES Eusgemmk Marriages and Death Birth Annoimcuncuta maximum words Cards oi 7113111305 words iaddittooal words 6c per word In hiemtxiani lop Verse Verse iper count has extra Comm Events BIRTHS BflYPllilif At the Rent viclt Itorln uoroiut bums on Sunday ms to corpont Ind Mn Vueinon srevtlert 01 um butrte dulhter inhonas Faith GRAY air and Ilrs nay Gray or 311 Grove Street I1 am wish to announce the birth or drnrgtr rer on Saturday June can at the Rout Vietnrtn itespiisl sister or Glenn itevtn Timmy Ind iirent IEREIIJTII Donald and loll litredltti nre tuwuv to announce the arrival or their son Andrew Dunlfl IIIIIIIN on June Till Tnyflnlo Genrrll llosallal weighs 10 lbs nunccs realgills ecud or we lOllIlrd Meredith in linrrte DEATHS IIAILIJNG Ian lrene Pence tuin zller leniiht Ilium the Royal Victoria Hospital iiurrie on Iianday ione lo less Edna irene unison beioicd nite or the late rercy snsrilnn and our slittr nt corn liirs sanderst Toronto my the Isle Vern Illrs liouud ienningsi Miss URI 1an Incl Olive lllls rnonins uohnni riest inn the remit hitlent Home 151 andtnrd sum lsmie tor rer vloe on Wednesday at pm Interlt meni Barrie Union cemetery TAYWR hlonlta suddenly on Tuesdlv June ii WEB II Grimsby Onisrlo Monti Dllcy beioied one at the late Roy Taylor our sister or amid Noel Daley nt Nipancc Frank llloyiflalrr Lionel and Veronica tilts La plant or Ihrrtc litsling at tho stonehouse Vhltcomb Funeral Home Grlmslzy Funeral inst Thursdty June ll lo 17 At st Josephs Chumh Grim VAN itilN suddenly the result or on ml denl on Sunday June 1963 Mleiuci Vnn it darling son at Andrew and iiynsie vn Ryn at Lisle and dear brother or Anges storm and bitty In his ilih yur Resting it thr rhornas runmi chapel Aluston tor inneri senIt on Wednesday morning at in an interment AliIston Union Cemetery CARDS OF THANKS CAMPSALL wish to thank Dr charters pr nlxier Dr Gripper the nurses ihflraufl oI Stevenson Memorial IIosulidl AIlIslon or their kindness to me Also my menus neinhhours andrciltlves for cards rioviers vislta and kind countries nihih oltlenL Mrs Maureen Camnsau sumsr Wcirsn to thank nu our Mead and neighbours who or Iered their rosin ond In countless wm made our sale nieces Ken IIN isobei ruck We wish to express our ennnus na Ibpreciatltm in on our triends nnd neighbours who were so kind in our recent bereavemenl All we ennuy Ia thank you all so much nubv Rice and runny IN MEMORIAMS MILLS InIovlng memory or dear husband and lathcr Mills who passed away Iilnc 1957 Aims gentle and kind chcr cared tor toss nit lust til31 rumcmbered Ann loved by or us Lovlnizly remembered by Wile and Family COMING EVENTS BARRIE WOMENS PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION OPEN TEA Wednesday June 12 L5 pm TRIINTY PARISH HALL Home baking Everyone welcome Bingo Wednesday pm ARMY NAVY AND AIR FORCE CLUB 79 DunlopSt West $300 JACKPOT Consolation Sal ADMISSION Soc in support oi the Barrie arnnch Navy League at Canada AN AF VETERANS In Canada BARRIE UNIT 365 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING gt will he held Thursday June 13 pm ANNUAL MEMORIAL SERVICE MIDHURST UNION CEMETERY June 16 196d 130 pm BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY snitle Sllow Legion Hall Collier St THURSDAY JUNE L3 Entries received to pm Show opens 730 pm speaker is IVAN VIDDE FIELD showing slides of tOii tario Wild Flowers at EVERYONE WELCOME CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 ted Id mumcnta and noti Imtcedlng obn on summary hlrl passed wary Three bedroom ranch style hun nbie Telephone Mitten BINGO Every Wednesday at p111 NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL Gill St at Bond ORILLIA REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE COMING evsurs BLIGHTY Cholkan CO LTD MIS REALTOR it COLLIER SI 7284401 SCENIC 100 ACRES In Coiling wood Blue Mountain area Springled trout stream and per noramic vietvCall Vivian Gar ner 7284605 EXECUTIVE HOME Three bedroom brick split level home wilh many extras dc signed for gracious living on quiet treelined street This home would ideally suit young professional and his tamiiy Oall Barbara GibsonI 7250464 or details PRIVATE YARD Enjoy your summer in com pletaly enclosed private yard with coloriul patio spacious loyor lends to levels at gra cious living with many extras included in the purchase price For inspection please call liar vey or Anita Sivilt 7230755 CLOSE IIO SCHOOLS shopping and on bus route This bed room bungalow otters protes sionallybuilt recreation room with bar and many other beau tilul qualiï¬es Priced at only $19900 For further information and inspection call Joe Dirra colo nausea wear END galow attached garage large lot Excellent terms Telephone Yvonne Rowe 7287241 for fur ther information ALL ELECTRIC Exclusive new pressige home for the executive who wants the ultimate in prestige and priv acy Located close to shopping churches schools and the hay Has all the liner ures de manded by the diseri nating buyer Recreation room tamin room with lireplaceseparate level living room bedrooms builtrin garage Substantial down payment required Call Ed Or Marilyn Jennings TIE0803 TAXES ONLY $160 Three bedroom bungalow with brcezeway and garage on large lot with Crer running through the property Full price $14901 For further parttciilars call Dol ly Mortell 7280674i will Lawrence or BarbGibby Gibson vhlmlnrl Newman HIrvAnii Swot EliVivian Garner liirrlnson Dlrracoln DaveDom iiortnll EdIlnniiln innnlniu Pal Carter Bill VanLeeuuen HENRY ELRICK MICHIE Real Estate Appraisals Mortgages to COLLIER ST mum vatmt mom 725nm viaom valloos yrsam mom nilnan yzaonoo stream radaide 728558 CORBY Real Estate Broker and Appraisers 93 Dunlap St Phone 72mm lit and 2nd mortgaged arranged on low monthly Payments We buy your present lst and 2nd mortgages MABEI MARSHALL mason liARGUlIRITE MOORE 72mm GRETA zlnAnA 7235171 iANl YOUNG 7254111 LAURANS KERR Ailistnn 457am 12mm GUIIBFJS IIIW5 us our 109 Bayfield St 7281071 Appraisals Listings invited ISABEL FISHER JOHN WHITE 7289770 PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER l29 Bradlnrd St 7255541 CLEAN beflroom house or late with basement miles southor nixrte nicely londscapcd good nation tar retired couple Reason roun nmuooai older tirpe brick bunniiow large kitchen It toot living room IMeee both Iorccd Air henttnr Napier Street illsoi lull nilc Vendor will hold llrst mort gm WWI 773253 niie Tulcphonu ownor PROPERTY FOR SALE nuiko moi USETHE EDUCATED COUNSELLING at you ILLS Realtor When buying or selling your homo Barrie and District Real Estate Board Inc Coulis co Realtors iriultr ill Owen St Barrie 7282485 Highland Park Village Go south on Highway 11 to city limits WICNE tracks turo ldt oil 3rd road after railroad Little Avenue and our model homes are on the tirst road in the letL We have hum under construction with model homes open tor inspection by appointment only rr BUNGAIDWS m117900 SPLIT LEVELS H900 DOWN PAYMENTS $3500 AND UP Featuring low taxes aluminum storms and screens and ï¬nished to NHA speciï¬cations etc EVENINGS Sandy Coulis 7764233 Gordon Coulis mms Walter Coutts 728m more lies REALIOR wMROSE APPRAISALS MORNAGB RENTAIS $22500 FULL PRICE $2I40DOWN PAYMENT NEW HOMES YES WE HAVE NEW HOMES with down payments as low as $2140 to qualiï¬ed buyer These homes are bedrooms Irshaped living and dining room den and recreation room area in basement Built in garage Located in Letitia Anne St area on exceptionally large ots mam All Rose Rcs mulls Russell Smith Res 7289996 Dick Hartley 72mm Bill Mackness Res Home Richard Rayeralt 7288851 CARSON PHOTO MIS REALTOR Sit WOW STREED IMMEDIATEPOSSESSION MAKE AN OFFER or this brand new storey home bedrooms living room dining room and kitchen Driveby itrit lsrsitueiod at the corner or horny and Wellington Asking $22500 with 71296 mortgage Cull Russell Carson 7756td1 $9500 Fulliprice boys this older two bedroom home Ital cash onlythree blocks lrom downtown east end Call Russell Carson 7266481 Norm Synnott 7211553 Russ Carson 776mm Bill Hamilton 72115325 Rupeit MeGrath Eimvale 739R72 Ed Genge 72mm FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor 79 BAYIIELD STREET 7261405 MARY STREET bedromi older bungalow close Dunlap 51 Very clean condition $12250 cash no balance OAKLEY PARK SQ bedroom 1st mortgage WELL TREED LOT SHANIY BAY ROAD ybcauiiiul view ol Lake Simcoe reasonable bungalowVendor will take back EVENINGS CALL 72mm Frank Wainwright rooms 72695 Der Mills 4876716 7266682 Toni Foster 7285 7281207 Stan Hammond Prank Nelle Mike Magus Leo Cavanagh SHELSWELL and WILLSON MLS REALESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER CENTRALLY LOCATED Two storey brick home has large living room with lireplace separate dining room modern kitchen Upv stairs has our large bedrooms and four piece hath Large lot excellent condition Priced at $28900 MLS 273 Call Mrs Lang 7235761 SERVICE STATION AND RESTAURANT Corner property 131 187 on No 11 Highway South Showing excellent income Good motel potential Price includes good cobblestone bungalow separate Irom garage Also includes all restaurant equipment Call Margaret Tar bush 72532 No 6168 100 SQUARE FEET of luxurious living in this three bedmom home Has beautifully finished recreatinnrroom 43 17 outdoor patio nicely landscaped master bedroom has two piece bath ensuite large living room dining room kitchen two bedrooms and iour piece hath makes ï¬lls delighttul home Calllack MacLRren Ior lurther details 77484950 No 548 119 Dunlop St East CAMPBELL PHOTO ups REALTOR s2 loader RES moses HOW 10 SUCCEED WITHOUT EVEN TRYING Own an apartment building We have brand new Plex tor sale Featuring cable TV buried service wires retrigerator and stove in each apartment washer and dryer in the laundry room Gas hot Water heat and hot water Good central location near GE Can be bought with reasonable down payment Call Fred Taylor for inspection 716 Brick bungalow with extra large lot and circulardrive bedrooms modern kitchen combined dining room and living room Full baremeot has ï¬nished recreationvroom with fireplace Charlie Read 7284517 Hugh Plowman Don Campbell 7250243 Doug Campbell Fred Taylor 705 hon Ao Paul Penman Ira3313 Smith Campbell Art Fry 1495814 ano Marshall ROGERS C7 CONNELL Photu SRealtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At the FivePoiots HOME WANTED URGENTI Our client wants 3bedroom bungalow with garage in Barrie East mom 7260243 4556313 7234357 Phoue 72855st End We also need or abedrooin bungalow In Allapdale or Barrie West End Phone in conltdence 7136568 218 BRADFORD STREET sen BUNGALOW With high elevation giving sweeping view olthe Bay here is condortnble oilheated home with excellent Inodern wiring and guaranteed dry basement Centrehall plan the main floor has living separate dining big bright kitchen and bedrooms and bath Upstairo has an OVerllow bedroom and storage Would ideally suit older couple Substantial cashrrequired to settle an estate but the price iarlghtl Now vacant quielrpossessioo VENINGS CALL CHAS ROGERS 7233582 TELEPHONE 7266M 727614722 72617423 GARAGE DIRECT ACCESS TO BASEMENT REAL ssrAre PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER to simmered Morison Funds Available71 thud41135 randt style COMPANY roam us BEALmRS Prawnrung WELIJNGTON amt1m bungalow with attached garage is ii uatad on DIN landscaped lot iiu Dsbcped living dining rm kitdicn with eaiiogarea bedrooms recreation room tastelully decorated To inspect coil Mildred Moore EVENING GAIL GwRIXIKOSSAIZ MARGARET are one mm Rm EMORY 7261158 mom mm 1214111 mat REALTOR IKEDIED Inï¬ll MAN cm uflmvn Our 6009 MILLER 67 DUNLOP ST mm new mom rum CWlAGE NEAR lNNiSElL PARK with access to the lake Fea turing indoor plilnbing heavy duty wiring Iully Iitruished and lowdown payment Miler will take back first mortgage on easy term Listedprice spawnrnr appointment call Harvey Weber 1190 BUNGALOW wltb bundled garage on extra large garden lot lull basement with cold room and extra bedmorn All lawn luriiiture and tools includedSAsking 517500 For further detail call Ken Miller ACRE ESTATE yr mile lrom Barrie leatures charming storey bedroom home with superb viewp discriminating useol wood accents the wdrnithand personality or this prolesslonoily land scoped custom built country haven Us property has excellent VLA possibilities and we arepleased to present It at 3731110 Please direct your enquiries to Peter Mpotoo no ACRES Scenic property hills Ircu and stream close to Barrie Price $20000 haltcashl Telephone Percy Ford 99 ACREIARM good location on corner lotln Essa with older hune and bank barn 85 acres workable remainder in bush Nil price just $21300 Please direct your calls to Sammy Beohnm COUNTRY LIVING Iloderii bedroom bruitbungalow with toil basement piece bath aluminum stormsvaod screens brdad loorn and drapes rancid Taxes only ms Vendor will hold ï¬rst mortgage so dont miss out on this one Call John Cole for lurther details no ACRES Located on paved road within miles of BarrIeAEx cetleot view and good production land Owner anxious tosell Call Gard Spencer tor particulars Peter Mouton John Cole Robert Flewclliog Harvey Weber Percy Ford moon mam Mounts 7mm mssos 72643154 m5 43MB M96112 72S IBIII Sammy Benhom Gordon Spencer Kenneth Miller Les Lovegrova Emory Miller BIDWELL ILS Realtor 33 COLLIER ST Wle BIDWELL more ELAINE INESON 7284154 CATHERINE MILNE pronto tum LAKEFRONI COTTAGES SIMCOIi 3bedroom collages lolnish ed conveniences ideal sle bathing or children sheltered bay 80 irontagc asking $12000 cacti Reasonable down pay moot Only minute from Critlra Contact Ed Wood Ora Station ARI2428 EXCLUSIVE SIMCOE Eight Mile Point New modern bedroom cottage or home piece bath96 lakefront ID rrii notes lrom Orillln 15 mm Bar ric Contact Ed Wood Cro Sta tion Iwmo BUILDING LOTS NEAR SIMCOE Only minutes walk from pri vate sale sandy beach year round access few nicely trced lots leittrom 32200 to $3500 Contact Ed Wood iJio Station 4872429 ll KEITH 177 REALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bahcock Barrie 725095 Colbouroe Stroud 43813111 McLean Elmvnle lulu II MacLeod Barrie 7284759 Snow Stroud 4357115 Wood are main Spencer Thornton 45199le VFiIzsimmins Chhill 4552620 Ed Green Barrie 7284124 Tom Fitzsimmins Churchill 4567520 181 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHONE 4873333 PETERS qus LTD Realm VLA Brick home oilvfurnace and ha hroom large kitch en dining and living roam 3bedroOms large barn 10 acres with aespring 29A Owen St mend $15m now bedroom brick bun aslow in Angus per cent mort HIE at S79 month TE honn nil7m doom non HOUSE tor rate it Sophia street West Anolv 715a IB Sophia Street West PRIVATE SALE roar split less than one year werlooklrl hay double purge oven or veiyay modern kitchen wi breaklast rm ruiniiv room with Iirnplace sliding patio doors banmod nothing bedrooms 11 barbs mics room 702nm to per eont mortmc COUNTRY 1le raOthIlly new bedmom home locate1 on in brow or Illil providing scenic view ad Surrounding country Ipiecs bath all tumors living room din in room and kitchen Finishedrec roomwltb ohm nnd pool tvlile built In stove and inner Grounds beouutuliy Ilndscaped Plug large garden ndclrcullr dera priced tore slam Cull Dick Duper 7343711 Reprelenting rtawii RtllBstIia broker too to tree Eric TRY ILAMJNER WANT ADS it Mortgage funds available TELEPHONE 7234430 MANY MORRISON mom IVAN BIDWELL loosen MARY VAIR mloso TRY EXAMINER waur Aps PHONE 7282414 MLS Realtor DOWsnap GIVE OUR SERVICE TRY 7268366 RAWN Real Estate Broker 308 DAYFIELD ST TORSAEI SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call Larry Torpey 4250715 Bill Rawn 47268998 Dick Draper 42de PRIVATE SALE Darn it bedioom brick bunnxiow with kitchen 11v in room and dining area both and rinsedtn Iiul porch lull basementr tintshed recreation room Good resA idenilal urea ocupancy July Telephone 7154253 LOTs FOR SALE Rankin AREA lo hm tots no In aiaoo on blouse 31201 Write Box C54 Barrte Examiner niUSKDKli Deer Lake wooded lots lkoshore $2500 rear satin recess in take Term mun Orliuz INSURANCE MOVING Dont lorget to Lraiister your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage at any kind sea STEVENSONS llfl DUNLOP ST MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS RUSSELL CHURCH Mobile Homes Ltd General Glendale iravelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE moose TRAVEL TRAILERS TRAILER Fort BALE in loot Iolttlng travel inner stove nd inc box my be burn at 75a Elylipid street TRAVEL TRAILERS TO RENT OAMrrNG new trailer ror rent moo per week sleeps tnitinx re ltlons now write aox va radii Examiner living name phone dntelsi required Private CAMPING rem Trailer for rent $5500 per week stem taking reservations now Print Tele onone mono envoy man nation in perin nnentiv turned roller It port Severn hilly equipped good bench and llshinit alum July in27 asp nerneev Telephone 72siio itter om ilnnanv to him MORTGAGES WANTED WANTED in inortnnc moon on valuable property road princi MI Reply in monthiy nutrients Telephone Lid1501 Iflflr pm FARMS WANTED SMALL cannon irrni vvnted noonoiv noni buildinal house nno barn reliable water supply wiuo to no TIIIII st Barrie minor REAL ESTATE FARMS FOR SALE ACIII ct gotcult psirim Prunflnmhi en also ma ban no told of unuï¬en Cfn Cal to pom row but mu LAup sunvsv momma went pc Kkkulmcl land Survey an DOM 5L Burt mus MORTGAGES HOMEOWNERS Well Trade You FreeBrocliUre ForThe Coupon In This Ad 11 COULD BE worms UP maloooooo Toyotl Complete the coupon beiow mutt ittnurnuiwuundyounmzs Bructh that describes the Avon Delta and untrue mum Ann bommnar you an II the Nutty rm mun you luv rbtmed Inilwrholnalu slum mri onnA realmsnos borrow much sloped tetra in ion is vein to may Let help Ilfl Ind WIN mo Loan Wane SAMPLE PAYW PLANS Cult Montmy Alarmfl Advance hm Ind Rita n1oo um is 100 Hi IMSi 33500 34413 WI um com is The IDIWO DIMIlle are 017 ISyw automation pm Id mr turn when tom mid be rennin in not only nnrrnn legal Acid Inspection lee wlh Wanted pom the proceeds at the loan 1n ion my gravid rt nvtime Avon Delta Realty united to photon Street West Barrie onurlo Blush send me your race biodiure on andulortnaxa Mona Nam Andres City Rhone now it you wish insole inte ininrrmtlon or service Use As reference ADV Avco Delta Realty Ltd AIIINTFORTHE BRIDE AND GROOM Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for terrific furniture and ap Gardening Time Is Here AdlNowééthch The Cash Growl is nnt amt mushcit rumor run it in REAL ESTATE REAL ssrAis MORTGAGES musician In and 2nd Mortgage toms Anywhere mi Au dorm suits Arm coitan nornrin 90 01 VALUATIONS it You Need Money Emma Doruflnllml Comics mots IAN Ibu up Write or Phone mm Mortgage bidding in SimpsonSears ID DUNN IT umber Ontario Km Iironn mun no you OWN Marinas cub Ivllhhll to web Illic II will even lend you inane on our module haul No In Ihtoiitu moan HAMMERmm NEW room moment to rent ivxu towau nutnet etc Telephon mists onan apartment brunt retrtxentor nod store nineties Avlhble June East end Also bedroom apartment AVIIIINI iunc IS klcehono 1756141 mo Imam nrirnent Mn and rotriaminr manned nursing um iru truuuen only onied Ind mmuiihll sand art Adult only Telephone ML emuooda turolabed npertnenu to rent puking he Mmmnd wlter supplied nullole atety Telephone mm ammo rettnnnLuneo innt mot milbi on hehorn ope ortv nnvte entrance nrden Ind outside am no tittitties Implied telephon mom in turmer Dir itemrs ulnar mome or bedroom Ipmcm balcony one child wel come On bus route Avnitbie iuiy roiennono mono evenings main or 7W7 Mooan werunent private bath room but nnd hydro supplied monthly to minutes trim Amie gammy ii poms Teleptiom BRIIND NEW modern nrtnientr nenr General Electric Illatile Immediately nnlin xiao with yur tens CIIl red rnyior reoresentlné mpbell flatter days no even roomsnzp room modern Illne live eooi eitctrlull heated enen bedsitttng room orlvte on com bur route neml prtv enmnce no smoking Telephone mom MODERN bedroom bath iiviol room dining room kitchen Dary thIrnr paid netricnnlor ye washer Ind liner included Child ren welcome Luce redutred cell ilixnioson melon iunNIstlian basement nonrinientE rent large 1mm msrried couple no pea so monthly heat and by dro Included Available June 11 write to Box Coi Barrie Examiner LOWER bcdro spurtnient Barrie can end no nrnto and pliaiine bargains smwct jGU JACKING COIIAGES insulating and Winterizing Septic Tanks and Tile Beds Docks Plumbingxapd Electric Heat HURST Hawkestone Telephone Oro din5760 PAVING ASPHALT DRIVEWAYS PARKING LUIS BARNYARDS Free estimates in the following areas Barrie EradtortiAllis ton Collingwood aodNewmap ket Also tree estiniales on ce ment work GARAGE EMORS PATIDS Telephone collect TSuBONE PAVING CO nit6545 Paiusivlclt Manieri Paving Italian Expert Co at Barrie Free Estimate Workgoaraoteed 7260081 134 ESSA RD SIGNS CodfltIERCIALv Truck Letterinn Prompt service most arrears experience nit25W BLACKSMITH PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITH 63 PENETANG sr nilloos Haridmiade shoes specialty Telephone Bob MOWER REPAIRS MADIGAN MOWER SERVICE For All Makes Air Cooled Engincsi Reel and Rotary Mower Sharpening HAHN ECLIPSE LAWN AND GARDEN EQUIPMENT 171 Burton Av 7mIl2l AUTOREPAIRS ALEXANDERS GARAGE Repairs done on morntrucks tractors and term machinery REASONABLE RATES Concession lust otl Hwy 90 reunion BLDG CONTRACTORS WILLIBON Construction runner Toronto contrlctor covmlng rii construction tridenesrnentry blade and plasterinl spline remodelling and new conlLriIctJurI Engineering Ind drsiiing services plan and permits supplied are ntlmltll TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS sitiNGLiNG mt no And brick viork wtrtnx olnmbnl stove supplied Av July uricpawn metro nmdtord eRuNR DEV These Skilled Tradesmen are Ready to Work Immediately PLASTERING PLASTBRING Cetlinxx Rcererilon Rooms Archwryr to years experi epee 12144111 lNSULATlQN KLOWWO METHOD Inllllluml Free estimates Gumleea work Telephone Scott Muir mam CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS Renovuons Hous construction by timeserved indu men mm IRONING IRONING $1 per bunt washing and ironing also 112 shirtl Pickup Ind chVlr HEW BUILDING CONSTR Maxwell Construetlnu luck caatln tnlcirtnr and thin isoszoi caution SERVICE LOOKING FOR inn cl nlnl tor homes ottiees str bloat Cleaning Service 7257133 DRIVING SCHOOL MODERN Driving School Learn to prive the Modern my For ID poinunent Phone diesels PAINTING is adapter interior manor Painting beenr expert Pnnerlna 63m Taping con on n51 irnnre pntntior interior nndexTer ior Very reasonable neis estlmates CIII Bite 71mm farmlandAmmo loud work Free Estimates phone 121191 Painting Interior nnd exterior Anywhere within to mount Barrie out Robert Ussliet radms SHINGLING good rates Tele ina raver trpurhtnz Cord Evans strand On tutti 416456 FLOORING SEAMLESS FLOORING may fduty plastic sRid proot never heeds wrut only type of floorvunaiiected by acidsualkaiis AL ROBERTS 4495843 SHARPENING SERVICE shrubbery cutting equipment Barbers shears and clipper blades is specie 143 Clridy Lane Anglia 4495607 McGeorges Subdivision SAND AND GRAVEL VElroy SAND AND GRAVEL Crushed nndpit run gravel Limestone products and till active 5D 726605 01 7266623