wt city Approves re Renewate Arena iSEE PAGE TWO EXAMINER memories JIGroulation was wwwmm um monomersunseen toot Your No 137 WEATHER it will be cloudy with scatter ed thundershmgeizsblow tonight 60 degrees marrow so For lurther details turn to PJL lice Po Copy PLAN rnnvra ltlllelEIII Trudeau talks with Martin éiopposnien Uses Parodies Frbm TeleVision Debate By THE CANADIAN PRESS Dull or not the televised de bate of party leaders will echo until voting day Tuesday June Within 24 hours of Sundays te Conservative Leader Stanlield and ND Lender Douglas were offering scornful parodies of Prime Minister lru deansphrases glrue said Mr Stanï¬eld the state has no business in the bed rooms of the nation But the nation hasnt enough bedrooms tawihere are no overnight solu tions to the housing crisis he told Toronto rally Mr Douglas said in Oshawa Ont the just society Mr Tru deau envisions will feature no capital gains tax no attempt to buy back or control foreignn vlgstment and no curtailment oi arms sales to the United States PM FOUND IT DULL The prime minister was on the side or many commentators and editorial writers who called the twohour debate bore ecsaidduring loray into sketchewan that the debate bored him personally that the rigid format was bad and that the same type of debaleWnllld probably not be attempted again room Vancouver In NllllEitpansion Uilhe owners of CAPSUL NEWS metal attempts to resolve the era premier of Saskatchewan lrom title to 1922 during Monday was nomlnationday and it signalled the home stretch of the campaign Among 961 candidates the Li rals dungeonde have entered eachfull slates Ethel Kennedy Makes Dusk Visit Tofllusbands Grave WASHINGTON AP Ethel Kennedy with four of her to children returned at dusk Mon day to the grave at the assassi gated Senator Robert Kenne The senators wife also had GarvieMins In Fredericton FREDERICION Lawrenca Garvie iii piled up Masvote majority here Mon day to retain Fredericton leg islature seat for the Conserva tives in provincial byelectlon The Fredericton barrister polled 8240 votes to 5305 for his only opponent Liberal John Page 54yearold chartered accountant Vancouver Canuckspf fihc ague were told today that they will be included in the head expansion of the National Hockey league ï¬esial Strike Moves Still Closer zIUlYLfAtWA iCPi Postal workers across Canada have given their union leaders overwhelming support to call nationwide strike ijhls summer it satisfactory contract is not wanted by the government Douglas is Praisedlor TV Debate LiChile lltewmmocraéeblgalger Douglas rode wave can ons or is on arancsrthrough the Oshawa area Monday we Woman Heads Grenada Govemment NEW YORK APJ Dr Hilda Byooe 46 practising physician and mother of twoieemago sons says that women are happy all over the Caribbean about her Crown appointment as the first woman governor of British Commonwealth country She will govern Grenada Strikers Bloch Entrances In stilt Plant savvy sac maroon be More than zoo men blocked approaches to the Algoma Steel Corp Ltd early today intbe wake of dismissal of 150 men tram the companysoold rnlll Want Unilingual schoolsln Montreal Residents of suburban leonnd have replace also nonhuman with Frinch campaign stopover in Regina Cl Wirepboioi with one exception nple There are 71 Credllistea albu cial Credit candidates and the rest are independents of various ilripa visited the simple white cross on slope at Arlington National Cemetery Sunday the day after his moral and burial Accompanying her and the children were Gen Maxwell Taylor former astronaut John Glenn and former Olympic de calhlonll chlamplon lHater John son ongt me fa friends my Some 20000 other people visit ed the Mowerstrewn hlllslde earlier in the day Some 60009 thronged the site Sunday Hope Offered Shipyard Workers QUEEEC CE Manpower Minister Jean Marchand offered ameasure of hope Monday to the troubled George Davis shipyard in nearby Lauzon with the announcement that ship has been ordered to leave Hali fax for repairs in Lauzon The announcement on CEO Frenchlanguage television pro am came federalprov unemployment situation for about 1000 men lelt jobless by the closing of the shipyard Sat urday Mr Marohand said the work Major Crisis Again Threatens In FIQHCQ PARIS GP Communist union miutant was killed today in clash with riot police in provincial city as student and striker turmoil threatened to plunge France into new major crisis in Paris Latin Quarter uni versity students rioted and built barricades and appealed to the trade unions and pcople of Paris to lointhem in mass demon stration tonight against Presi dent do Gaullesgovcrnmcnt Several thousand Citroen auto plant workers headed toward the labor ministry shouting for recdom to work after having been turned ltnck from their plant by strike pickets The prefect of the Suchqu re gion Bernard Vaugon told newsconlercnce that the union member identiï¬ed only as Bey tot 21 was fatally wounded by bullet in Michael The prefect did not say who fired the shot The bullet was being xamined also on Sharp llghting between riot police and strikers broke out at the Peugeot auto plant at So chaux after workers had voted narrowly 2664 to 26i5 Monday for return to work The worst lighting occurred when strikers overwhelmed riot police car took guns from the car and set it alire Several shots rang out Authorities said that besides the dead man ll strikers and two riot police were injured In Paris university students ranged through the Latin Quar ter through the night and clashed with riot police Police said that so persons were hurt and 22 demonstran were or rested At Ftins near Paris the Re nault auto plant said that 3520 workers returned today but more than 60mlwere still of the job The main Renault plant on the outskirts oi Paris also was sun strllrehountl M0 Take W¢é1lt35 To Eirtrddiié Ray wNDON UrS legal Pets worked bodaymn plans to take James Earl Ray as quickly as prairie back to the United States for trial whildpc line on both sides of the Atlantic continupd their investigation to wlidthï¬ï¬ayhadbelp is his tournation flight But die complex legal mo of extradition could take waeitn or even months American authorities took the that fomial step toward extradi Brop Charge Against Brown HOLLYWOOD AP thoritieshave3dropped an as sault caseagainst former pro football star Jimmy Brown in connection with highfashion model found injured beneath his secondfloor balcony But he still may face charge of bat tery against police olï¬cer Deputy District Attorney Phil lips Mueller said his ofï¬ce would notissuc complaint be cause of insufï¬cient evidence After his arrest Brown hadlbeen booked on suspicion of assault with intent to commit murder There was not sufficient Prominent Rider Dies froaonro op Col ae until reoeht years died Monday He was the aidho of several willbe done under federal con tract and there will he at least another ship sent to Lauzon VRESEMBLED TORONTO iCP The man suspected of slaying Dr Martin Luther King used aliases based on the names of three Toronto men including Eric Starvo Gait the name under which he was first sought by the FBI lol lowing th April Aassassiuation in Memphis Tenn Eric St Vincent Gait Toron to warehouse foreman signs hi rniddla name with the initla StV but usessmall zeras stead nlpeiiadc ills signatur lookssurprialngly like Erievsinr vo Galt James Earl Ray sought by the FBI earlier as Gait was ar redad in London Saturday car winstwodlnnoasrportuin the of Ramon George books onhorsemamhip includ ing his most recent Driving and Herpes pimlished in 1965 Sneyd Metropolitan Toronto police constable Paul Bridgman the third alius used by Ray is coordl nating consultant teacher with the Toronto board of educahon Ray used Bridgernans name to supportan application for Ca nadian passport Mr Gait not onlylooks like Ray but he has searln the middle of his iorebesd and on the palm oi his right hand Ray hasaimilar scars He said hewas lnthe Mem phis area two yesrs agoadding that he travelled regularly to Floridarfor skin diving in the Bummer All three men have dark hair and are abouHhc same height and weight as Ray denca to convict Muellersaid Monday Thisjs aside from the fact that tbe woman would not sign the complaint The Germanborn model Eva Marie Bohn in 22 was in hospitalinla condition Mudler said his oliica will lie complaint charging Brown with battery against police of licer felony Brownrwas arrestedSunday night after neighbors in his West Hollywood apartment re ported light FOUNDON PATIO ti discovered Miss thnOhio semiconscious on the concrete patlo about 20 leet below Browns balcony Brown was rec Monday on 512500 bond Doctors said Miss Bohnicbln had dislocatedvshoulder and bruises on her head moudrand cheeks Deputy John Texeria 165 pounds said the flitpound Brown knocked him seven feet with swhig of his left arm when the otticer attempted to enter the apartment commons WHOSE suspecthr Hade Rayit also has darklulr weighs 174 andis live feet 10 inches tall Police have refused to give any details aboutConst Saeyd but photographs show that hole darkhaired and has superï¬ cial resemblance to ltay Mr Gait said he had no idea how lisy got his name He was particularly purzled over the similarity in their scars The only document Mr Gait knew of that mentionedbls scars was an RCMP clearance as he was issued with lnloet on he was working on security proloct for Union Carbide here He still works to the co as warehouse foreman dont knowwhat tothinklI tion Monday am by obtaining provisional British warrant charging Ray with the murdi of civil rights leader Dr Macho lng Key an undedm alien But other lawyers said there is strong tradition against using this procedino as Substitute loi extradition The Examiner TODAY Ann Lindas6 City News2 Classiï¬ed12 Comics7 Months12 District5 Editorial4 spamo Theatre4 lV Listings7 WeatberPll WomensS Church Urges Better Housing TORONK i0 The Pres byterian Church in Canada Monday night urged the federal and provincial governments to establish departments of hous ingj chart to growing housing cris suburban Downsview toldthe churchs general assembly that governments should be encour aged to consider the human lac needs of the people living in thin as well as the shelter pro vi no arms HE usro be said Its bit more than coincidence Thelweight is right the height range is right and the identiï¬cation marksrare there Mr Bridgman has no identifi cation scars and pollcerefuscd to say if Consp Snoyd has any such marks ML Gait said he obtained ssport last November but added thatit was unlikely that Ray could have taken informa tion from ltr Police believe Ray was using the name Gait in Montreal last July They say man resem bling Ray and usingtho name Eric Starve Gait checked into roomlnshousoln Montreal gut and stayed until Septem or calving fora ass the Rey James Thomson of tors of housing such as the BYUN Draft Treaty To Ban Spread 0i Nuclear weapons ls Passed Ublllhiï¬b NATIONS rose on supporting draft treaty to ban the spread of nu clear weapons was approved by 74 per oentor cllUN members Monday after more than six weeks at debate in the General Assemblys main pohtleolcom mlttee Tho votewas in with 22 absemions Foru ol the UNs 124 members were not represerued and two others could not vote because they were more than two years in or rears in their assessments The drait treaty came to the UN altar yum oidebalto in the Geneva disarmament commit cc Widespread reservations Were emessediiu debate bercbut the 115 and Russia revised the text and wonwidor carport They also dungod the word ing in the poihtcaloonunittee resolition mm endoase to jcommeod This enabledcoun triesova rt the resolution Vanishing any tom mitrnent tosrgn the treaty at later date Philip Blaibag the worlds only hurt transdant patient to be discharged from homltal is re emergency treatment liver compilation in Groote Schuur Hospital hospi tal bulletin said today The bulletin said the enact came of the liver complication is not yet certain but his condi tion is causing doctors some concern Blalberg 59 is the worlds longest surviving heart tram plant patient having lived more than five months win another mans heart Nmor relapse mme as Dnmmohrisoaa Bars hard the suugeonrwho perv lonoed the operation on him wns flying back to South Africa let oneltweek trip to Holland for talks with medical speci alists Barnard is expected in Cape Town by air tonight First news of Blaibergs re lapse name with hospda Wlarkhromherg onto remained at the bottom of private swimming pool in Taronto Sunday or ten min utes but is alive today Maris 3514 aims we 0APE TOWN AP Dr rcsentniive on the lttvriation UN disarmament cornneucc ihldt halted the proposed nonpmllf oration treaty dining seven years of conferences in Geneva cXpresscd satisfaction with the vo When we get approval inploI Wit Rad the former lane dtanv lientcnaotgenerai that will the mlmination the job MAY VOTE WEDNESDAY fiha vote on the sarneiresolu two in the General Amenthlys plenary sssion may comeas early as Wednesday Approval of 66 per cent of members is re quired for passage there But it is anticipated thattbo Goneralï¬semblyrftrstwilLdeaL with draft resolution on Southch Africa This would have the assembly reoorruneud Mi ellaollctdynmh or en sure the immediate removal of South African decimation of the imam army not on to ope enoeTbe resolution has St hotly nn Pm 3mm bulletin early May which said he had transferred to thespe cialsleriirzed suite WhiChiie act cupin after hislan apesm tionthe third humanitaart transplant to beperformadin tJhe world showering to partly due to mouth to mouth re suscitation applied byJloll era also of rloronto CP lrep oto