EVEN no BEST can mints CHCAGD CUBH third base man Ron Ssnio has trouble coming up with grounder oil the bat oi New York liieta Al Weis in north inning Wed nesday Santas throw to ï¬rst baseman Ernie Banks wasnt in time but Banks throw to catcher Randy Hundley was in tirna to get Ed Charles who tried to score irom second AP Wirepholo lalh to advance any runner who ranches second hm with iii mooer VI In situation outlned as Staoky closed the So ellbhouse lot so mlnulel following mum second lmight onemo lose at Cleve Webster Signs Bruin Contract LAKE Ont CF Torn Weboier oi the Memo rial Cup Champion Ninzsra Foils Flyere Wednesday signed twoyear contact with Berton Bruins oi the National Hockey league Terms were not die closed The rightwinger native oi Kirkland lake Ont won the Ontario Hockey Association lun ior scoring chunplonshln last year with the Flyen lie gath ered lit points on 50 goalr and assists PLAY WON CANARY GP Bornssil Dortmund or West Germany 1966 European Cup winners will play Calgary Buffalo Kidren in an exhibition soccer rmtch here June 22 Lew demcm Urges vRebuilt Grid Slate TORDNN MW llay man general manager of Torom to Argonauts is the kind at guy whimwufli talk tootbali to anyone me His suggestion Wednerday that the Canadian Football League look into the possnoillty or lull interlocking schedule in or 1970 wasnt even on tho agen do of the closed twoday CPL Friends Start Watkins Fund TORONTO or Friends at Tod Watkins have ened nunmmranwiyflryf widow and torn daughter The fund was organized by Tom Jones who formerly played with Ottawa Rough Rid era and Toronto Argonauts of the Canadian Foobbali Lea and Art Powell former go who now is member at But islo Bills of the American gleague gonernl managers meeting here lie wantstlu nine teams to play homundhoms series with each other Weve been moving closer and closer to nationwide league one league and it seems me this is the next logical step Hayman said in an inter sw There could be reglonai standirxs and playoff as we have now and the Gtcy Cup ï¬nal would still he an EastWest Home This seasons echedule calls or eastern clubs to play 14 minrlnteoloekinrgamer and three against each oi the Enree other teams in the East ernDivision Western clubs play our lnter locking games and three against each or the ion other WFC team But the 11169 schedule being drsited at the meetings may not follow the name pats tern Oil commissioner Jake GnuV BASEBALL Broom By THE CANADIAN PRES American league Pei GEL Detroit 621 Baltimore 29 21 an Cleveland Minnesota Boston Dakiand New York Caliornia Chicago Washington 10 Wednesdays Results Detroit Boston Chicago Cleveland 1N Oakland Washington California Baltimore diinnesota New York 7N Notional League Patti St Louis to 21 583 Philadelphia 25721 543 Atlanta 21 519 In Angeles 28 25 519 27 25 519 36 Cincinnati 25 14 510 Ghleago 25 55 500 New York 22 27 443 Houston 21 19 420 We Pltwburgh 19 27 All Bits Results Wednesday New York Chicago Atlanta Cincinnati 10 St Mill Houston Pltmburghj Los Angeles Philadelphia San Francisco International League PoiGBL Toledo 21 19 593 Columbus 21 i5 bouisvitle 23 to 561 11 Rochester Butisio Richmond Jacksonville Syracuse Results Wednesdhy Louisville Jacksonville Columbus Richmond Ruiiolo Rochester Toledo Syracuse daur wants to correct the imbal ance between the two divisions adding two games to the EEC rohedule to bring it in line with the West 1heoretlceliy complete in tErlocitlng echedule would be de th siroblo Gendanr said Wednes day night But its not up ior discussion at these meetingsulhe plan would be governed by purely economic teeters The closed geuunl league meeting whirl concludes Friday will also decide the silo oi the 969 Grey Cup game This years classic will be played in Toronto Nov 30 Vancouver Montreal out To route have submitted hldsior 1969 game Several CFL general mana gers expressed only cautious léiterest in Hnymsnl rugges on Rogers lehew of Calgary stampeders tears the cost of un dertaking lull interlocking eduis may be ptohlhl beiore you become upset over another messy delrosiing job or tackle another sticking ice tray or pry apart packs oi traiedoverthevlackrol storage space and endless irips to the store see the new NOFROST refrigeratorfreezers now on display at your local appliance dealers Theyre bigger better never irostup and never require delrosiing ever Fortrei is the wrinkleshed ding ï¬ber in these Shirta Sinks and Shorte Thoroughbreds Alli ARROWJSHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS Great iorspecteringi in endurabla Forlrei and cotton Permsiron this is one shirt you wont lose all your heckioraiongilme White only 14019 anhyeï¬o PEHMANENrLcnsAsE DRESS SLACKS For pariah performance everytlme make the scene In these Fortrel and wool womedelockr Executive our belt loops Assorted colors 32 to 42 Fair 1500 ARROW TERICOTAl SPORT SHIRTS Makeyour selections from every favorlta color and pattern Fortrel and damn Permairun shirts that break every track record forspeedy dripdry care 143410 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