momma moms sans Warm cm Bradiord Police Whai Is YohrReactiotr To Shooting Oi SenRObért Kennedy Wednesday JOE FERGUSON Fonetang 51 cant say much except it appeared to be put up °job GORDON OKEEFE Wind sor Somebody must have nudge against the Kennedy ian1ily No Agréément Yat Qn County Buildings Great changes are taking place in the streamlining or county goverruncnt nnd Simcon County cant help but be involved it was stated yesteday by ward en Alex hicauloy ln Barrie for an Emergency Measures Organization meeting allowing curtailment of its pro gram Walden McAuley was asked if there was any progress to1report on negotiations to sell the county block in Barrie to the provincial government as phase of the latters program tbivard sssuming lull responsi bility tor administration of jus tice The proposal is still being looked into he said stating it was possible the property com miltce headed by Nottawa saga Deputy Reeve Edgar Cur rig might have report for tho next meeting of county council on Tuesday June 13 However he said no agreement had been reached as yet NEED MORE SPACE The provin ci at government wanted more accommodation lor administration at justice than thercounty found it practical to give since it had requests tram dillcrent departments of itsown lo increased space Thisin cltlded the roads department recreation services and library The county also wished to con tinueto provide accommodation for the Childrens Aid Society and district health unit havcrheen asked tor more lor our strvices andthc slums coour Oxfam Raise $60000 The total amount raised by alkers for Oxlam in Si untyWfls 3600001 Otiiclalsa trounced today that 0000rcsi dents in the County participate ed nJune 18 the money will be presented by Warden Alex nchulcy at tho Simcoe County Council to ordain olliclals it has been estimated that the 300 Urillia walkers earned over $5000 Midland earned 542600 and had 400 cntrnnts in the walk Essietanguishcne had 125 and earned $l600 Barrie had 1500 and earned $26257 and Stayner llEd 275 and earned $6600 tmam coordinator tor Simcoo nty Mrs Ives said approximatelyssno would be to pay lor administration and printing oi publica lions She said that Odom lunda wcrEcanlrlhuted to all charit able organizations and is used to support world wide organizations inadditlon torth shown interest in making bid rest incrirticsnt theiend ol the MRS ROBEnThiacDonaid oi Guthrie Two in one lam ilyi It terriï¬c just ter rihle KAY COLLINS Bradlord St Diagracclul disgusting it makes you wonder what the worlds cooling to justice administration needs more room too said the war den The only otter made so or by the province or county buildings is far short of the rap proisodyaluation said to run close to 2000000 lt new county centre is to ho establish edas proposed during discus sion at recent county council meeting capital funds would be needed tor ï¬nancing The noun ty would like to realise most oi the money tom the property sale In additionrtoits county block in central Barrie the county sl so has garage property on Tillin street 5an ol this prop crty also was proposed it new site is to be established The county has 45am prop erty justwcst of Barrie oppos ite highway 27 near Holly and development of this site as county centre was one alterna tive proposed Eimvale also has tor consideration if it is ulti mately decided to move the county aite STILL UNCERTAIN Asked about this aspect Wars den Mcnuley said the situation was too uncertain yet to make any commitments We do not know whether we will be moving out at all he said suggest ing the provincial government might decide to mova some of the administration of justice la cilitios elsewhere and leave tho county sufficient accommodation or its own hécdsi Walkers to discuss the walk oliicials ad vised next year load and walk should be better organized it was also noted that the Oril iia walk or 03 miles wasvery hard due to poor road conditions Got lnterastadl AreYoullored BaConcornodl Join Trudeaus Tenn and the Young Liberals 7288022 7268292 DENNIS SUTTON city pal ice ofï¬cer was shocked when heard it cer tainly la tragedy GILBERT NOBLE Dunlop St its disgrace to civil ization Are we cannibair or what are we As one example it was men tioned tbagovernment might de cide to replace the lZSyearold jail with new regional prison If this building were left for dis mantling the space could be used tor much needed park ing area it was suggested other lacilitiea also might be vacated and ion to the county At the present time the situation continues uncertain as negotia tions are discussed $80000 REVENUE While the county councilwas pleased to be relieved of the costs oi maintaining the jail and certain other costs assrnned by thaprovincoi in thrir justice ad ministration takeover the inclu sion of the registry oliice was blow Net revenue from the ol ticehad reached around $80000 year and this was lost at thth the change meant an ov erall saving to the county another point which didnt he ccive too much initial emphasis was the change in status tor the county council through relin quishing all its authority over administration of justice The change transferred about 30 from die county payroll to the province with general pay in creases io most cases and sub stantial in others can You she ran roar fï¬ The worlds tallest minaret is the Qutahmin south of New Delhi ind and is 230 leet high 5quva on PICNIC IdealJor the Patio Backyard or very candidate night at Stroud Corn nrunity Hall at 030 prrrtoday unov shrugsou sus pected this but then have suspicious nature Its hard to hem consists nun herlaod St Shocking aim plysh0cking toast GENERAL INSTALLATION New otllcers oi 441 Wing Roy aI Canadian Air Force Associ ation and of the ladies auxiliary of the branch will be formally installed in ceremony Wednes day evening in the High Street club rooms XLY TO BORDEN Civilian pilots from across 0n tario and northern ILS willfly to Base Borden Sunday tor tours lectures and social tunctions The fly in is an annual event at the base and hundreds ol planes are expected ROTARY SPEAKER Lord Athol Layton wellknown wrestler andiilustrlous poten tate of Rameses Temple Sheba Shrine Club will address the Rotary Club at Barrie Thursday in ltliramar Gardens BELL lN 0R0 Bell Liberal candidate or North Sinicon in the June 25Federal election spent this afternoon canvassing for votes in0ro Township At pm he was to addressa publcmeetiog in the township public hall McCUTCBEON IN STROUD Conservative rcand id in York Simcoe Wallace McCuo cheon will attend moetthe MADEL AT WY Progressive Conservative can didate Eilwood Madill will at tend meeting at lvy commun ity hall tonight at prn Mr Madill lsa candidate in the rid ing of Duï¬erin Simone Peel MANY CANT SEE There are about 420600 blind SPECIAL not exactly as tllustraed Cottage this sturdy table assembled and readyvto paint Built with frame material is yours ioronly 1855° Pressing Hunt for Bank Robber Brldlord oer nu today that thquaup againstwants their search lor the loan bank robba who stoic large amount at money last lridu tram the Royal Bank at Clruda in Goob town Police have loliowed up leads which have taken them all cross Ontario not still have no clue to the Identity oi the ban dit and they have not yet locat ed the stolen car to Security inspector rtba Roy ll Bank Ii Canada John M014 ltd ltoronio said today 10 very Argo Imoun of been taken but would margins ï¬gure or money rtolsn It is believed however that the mount is well over $10000 Move lileeiing 0n Golf Property To Ciiyliall The lormation oi aways and means committee to lnvestignta the possibilih oi acquiring the 80 Icro property on Sunnidnlo Rd owned by the Barrie Country Club has attracted to much interest the meeting has been moved to City Hall Fri day at prn Previously Aid Dorian Park er announced the meeting would take place at Lalrevlew Dairy Restaurant She announced today that Simone Centre MPP Arthur Evans would attend Aid Parker said there had been on sid orahlo interest shown by city and county re creation groups in the meeting She stresses thc mceLing will not necesarily form any derm ito plans or acquisition of the property Insulators Hit Reward Oiiered IRMA $1000 re ward has been otlercd lor inlor matlon leading to the arrest and conviction of gunmen using hydro inaultatorr or target practice Stuart Walinnshaw general manager at the citys light and poweLJmmmission announced the reward Wednrsday alter shattered insulator caused hour hydro interruption last weak He said that between ran and March 31 this year the com mission has replaced 83 insula tors at cost oi $6000 All had been shot at and shattered bar Tina $161080 Reservoir Tim announcement that the Shakespeare Company will loc ate in Grillia this fall has prompted the Oriliia Water Light and Power Commission to build new $161000 water re servoir near the plant The commission approved construction of the reservoir that wdl have is 2000000 gallon storage tank and boost water pressureto homes in the higher section at the town at meet ing this week contract has been awarded to Canadian Gunnite Cm the only one that does this type of constructinn The present water tower on Banner St will remain in use Adcheiitire issue of $34570 will hesent to town council torapproval General manager Stuart Walkinshaw said it will be required or the construction ot watermain to the Shakes pearerplant The Shakespeare Co makes lishing and other outdoor crorin ment on exams warn ans PHONE 7282414 mm nova arr swav room IT on While temperatures climbed above themdegree mark yrs terday Ilwight churn front and friend Daryl Dirk got way lrom it all by fishing from tho breezy banks ol Kem penlelt Bay ncar the railway station Examiner Photo Accusendrn Testifies Andrew McCullough 66 oi Victoria Harbor charged with criminal negligence in connee tlonrwiih the Dec 31 shooting at James Mick 25 of Collingwood took the stand in his own dc tencc yesterday in Simeon Conn ly Court McCullough told of asking Mick to leave his home semal times beloro the shot was fired The mcn had returned to Me Culloughs home alter an unsuc ccsslul attempt to get to tho Four Seasonerotel bar beforo closingrtime McCullough said he returned ahead of Mick and let him in after Mick pounded and holler ed at the door QUIET DOWN ligured by giving him beer he would quiet down and go home said Mr McCullough than Then McCullough went to get 410 gauge shotgun to scare Mick nit Earlier he told court he had loaded the gunin front of Mick in Van eï¬orltd scare him on As he was walking toward the bedroom where he had put the gun McCullough said Mick ed him twice Atter the second punch Mc Cullough said he had something that would make Mick leave Ho picked up the gun PUSHED HIM pushed him with my left hand as he was pushing me Then the gun exploded Mc Crrllongh said Crown Attorney John Murphy ask cocked the gun push SAVED MANY LIVES The Royal National Lileboat institution reported Britains searescue boats saved 1099 lives in 1967 more than any other peace me year since rc cords began in 1052 into is airlote for Trudeau+ tis winter Ganada for LL LIBERAL Sim¢oe North Nofl said McCullough ilt want all wihtont being cockedl asked Mr Murphy Yes said McCullough Theo McCullough put the gun on the kitchen table and went to neighbors and asked him to help and call police and an ambulance McCullough said he told the neighbor that he had accidental ly shot man alter the neigh horsawltiickonacounh and went to call police Earlier in his testimonyMr McCullough told court that Mick was obnoxious and aggravating when he was drinking lie was more so at this time when he kept asking tor beer said McCullough Closing arguments by crown attorney Murphy and delenso counsel Halg of Midland were to be heard this morning Most Taxpayers In Flos Will Pay Less Taxes In 68 Most Fins township ratepay ers will pay 21 mills less taxes lastyea as result of ï¬nal rates approved by Flos council at its June meeting Reeve Frank Coughiin presided and all members were pfesent The overall residential and farm rate covering county pub lic school area township and collegiate purposes was 7042 mills down 71 from 1967 it was shown lrom ï¬gures approv ed in the tax bylaw This includ ed 137otor county purposes in comparison to not last year 193 for township against 1757 1509 area school in comparison to 11070 and2220 torElmvale District High School in place of 129 COMMERCIAL DOWN The commercial rate to the same area was 7810 miils which included 1376 or county 0209 township 1677 public school area and 2476 high school This commercial rate last year wasv7035 nulls Separate school supporters in Elmvale area will pay on rate of 7503 residential and 0830 commercial while lor Phelpston area the rates will be 7163 and 7525 The commercial and residen tial rates for lhelpston sired lighting are 100 in comparison to 190 year ago ORR LAKE ARE Orr Lake garbage collection willrcost the ratepayers 768 in comparison to 236 tor the area served vdrile the rate for the beach garbage collection area is 267 in comparison to 236 as ago Besides Reeve Coughiin membersoi the Flos council include Deputy ReeveEarl El liott and Councillors Ross Ush er Alex Finlay and Tom Mao Donaid Robertsoncierk readtho correspondence Floswunnil decidedto ask supplementary budget appproval of $20000 or resurlacing roads to the beach roadjbttdget of 5118000 has been approved by the department of highways wgrch pays 60 per cent sub 51 jeciq this wee Humour nor msrohr BAKERY tunes TARTS on With buttery rarsrn fill ingnrade from our own special recipe Onl 639 Regular 45c