cans in our SOUTH BEND Mt lWAP he at Andy Grenateliir Vlohostmbloenoeearrwiilrun we can he vary helpful with our PRoFESSIONAL EXECUTOII SERVICES Member Condo Deposit insurance Germlion Any man who drives all concerned with how do very well to consider saving on low mileage fr For Sue From stuD Muggfls an wewa to mil weledront Cabaret known to sailors the world over is closing inst Sinu the Aralrlsraeli war last June mode it not line oltyot the north end oi the Suez Canal the cabaret have been locket aodthe city tr close to becoming ghost town The cranes towering over the qulyside are idle lkeders who once hauled over leather goods and jewelry with tourists have closed thrlr shops nie old lilo ended when lsrae ll troops advanced across the Sinai Penimula New oiqu much at the length at the 110 mile waterway Egyptian and Israeli soldiers see each other across the narrow strip of water hlps and tankers have gone except or 14 irelghterr trapped in the waterway Need Candi PartSIhtllvrsIlmoxtenflreiy entire see more ships once docked here every day More than 25000 penile have earned alivlngirvmthesuendthe canalrioce thecaneiopenedim couple Die In Car Crash MISSIMUGA Ont OP Normanlltill 54 or Streetsville and his wile Margaret 61 were killed Tuesday in twocar col Iislou on sidemed south Highway 40L Thomas Murphy 41 ol Brampton was the driver of the other car He was uninjured Police said no charges will be laid Wont Consider Recommendations moonm Provincial Treasurer diaries lino Niughton mid mudy recom mendations of thocorter royal commission on toution will not be considered by the legisla tures select committee appoint edlmirldaytoxtndythore port of the Ontario Committee on Taxation The terms at reierenee are very precise Mr Mac Noughton said They are to ex ernine recommendation of the Smith committee report He said at the int meeting at the committee that ii recom mendutlom ol bothreporu are considered youll never get the job done an automobile and is at he invests his money would Grandviews outstanding I968 FORD demonstrators SAVE OVER limit first mason JUNE me is BANANA Power mm 5900 OFF SUGGESTED RETAILPRICE 1968 FORD DEMONSTRATORS George llecs former QCon servntive cabinet minister muncth on banana Just party leadership convention ltlr Hees was campaigning ior Fred Craig oi New West THE PRESIDENTS CAR 968 THUNDERBIRD LANDAUv door sedan 428 ClD V8 engine automatic power steering power disc brakes power win dows power driver and passenger seats power deck lid release power retracting antenna rear window defogger limited slip differen tial stereosonic tape system tinted glass whitewali tires deluxe wheel covers note horn Midnite aqua with black vinyl roof Lie 9546211 SALE PRICE can or AXIE soo door hardtop iormal VB aut omatic power steering rover disc brakes deluxe radio whiteualis wheel covers Tahoe turquoise with matching inter ior Lie 964MB I968 FORD F100 Pickup truck styleside long box big en in chrome lront and rear bumpers body side moulding heavy duty rear springs special 2tonepaint Lit 74C SALE PRICE epithelial 1967 Four naucavwnootvl 19 mm was soon cusrom sort passenger V8 automatic power steering power brakes deluxe radio power rear window 2way tailga lime gold with harmon ng inleri 000 miles Full year 5000omile warranty Lie 53165 1366 PONTIAC SAFARI door passenger wagon V8 automatic power stee ing power brakes deluxe radio electric rear window presidential blue with match ing vinyl interior Lie MEX 4661M passenger vs automatic power steering power brakes custom interior de luxe radio 2way tailgatep Brittany blue with matching vlnyl interior low mileage one owner vehicle Lie see poms Laurentlan passenger wa goo V8 sutornot power steering power brakes elec tric rear window deluxera dio maroon with red inter ior new max $2299 1968 FORD LTD door hardtop V8 automa tic radiopdual rear seat speakers power steering power disebrakes deluxe seat belts remote control side mirror oversize white wall tires wheel covers it track tape recorder 74305 1968 MUSTANG door hardtop 189 V8 aul omotic lloor console power steering power disc brakes radio deluxe belts white wail tires wheel covers dia mond blue with harmonizing interior Lie 9612M I968 FAIRLANE 500 door vseden Vii dutomatl povéer steering eluxe remote side mirror white walls wheel covers Li 96mth Read this entire ad caroiuily no out standing savings can be yours NOW Thanks to our Spring clearance oi 1968 demonstrator models Pick out the car you ieel best suits you then act prompt ly as none oi those will be with us long at those prices Come in for demon stration drive All are covered by inll iactory warranty Hurry This is YOUR chance to own 69 at price substan tially below list Vlsll usoontry these specials SALE PRICE $3838 SALE PRICE $3458 SALE PRICE $3175 I968 FORD GALAXIE 500 door hardtop fostbeck VB automatic deluxe power steering power disc brakes rear wrndow deiog gcr deluxe seat belts re mote control side mirror gtwbitewali tires wheel cov ers vinyl trim lime gold with matching interior Lie midi radio SALE PRICE $3582 1768 LTD COUNTRY SQUIRE 10 passenger Station Wagon 890 011 engine automatic power steering power disc brakes heavy duty riveted brakes luggage rack deluxe ell Royal maroon wtth custom interior Lie X52029 more WAGON passenger Vii automatic whltewolls wheel discs ele lrlc rear ndowzwoyta gate Brittany blue with SALE PRICE matching Interior Original owner vehicle in good condi tlon Lic27319X 1953 CHEVROLET it door it passenger wagon economical orcylinder auto matic deluxe radio ï¬nished inebony black with harmon isr line tires Lie lzing pearl white top and red interior Lie 14015X 1967 Dodge tVplon Custom cob custom radio returingriuliy heavy duty equipment rRucKs 1965 llercury Aton Long box styleside completely recondition ed real workhorse 472323 1955 Mercury F550 Cab and chassis ve with heavy duty ape ed transmission heavyduty rear end This unit could be con verted to do any tub Lie than Gratuities For USED CAR LOIIgté1IESSAflRD Mulcasteertreet Ehth 7231361 like party leader Robert Ston iield who ate the trait at the minster constitu GP wircphoto NOW HDMECEMENT JOBS ARE msv WITH SAKRETE® READY to use so oorLr end mien mils our SAKRETE atan MIX Bil llld IS bi hip ieltlunnmil steps our SAKHElE Special Sakiéte Mixes tochooso SifliMklmrflflhndllib fromall you have to doisadd tho walerJdealiurslopuodslart pro jectx beflllsc theres no waste or gumrorlc Theres sizettnd mix for every job FREE BOOKLET Yvullbfllmilï¬dhowcas Malawi smmd mimlFind ï¬rth mm mm time no lumber growth supply dulere too Andmlkosureyntllflynnxsop olli vlzobonkleton melm provame preteen Its uIIy IllustratedInd no instrumentalistan my creams united nose am an am too Toronto is Out Eulld attainm apex Will the SAKREIE carom air so me 45 In bags or our Lay Block with sixrsrzunnuuumnsmazso nant Sakieta on display at BALI PlANlNG Mllt co no 48 Anna St South 7282496 LSakrele on display at noosmsou Dunlap St East HARDWARE 71824 Eakrele on some at 429 Blake St BERTRAM BROS lib 7260254 lssltrete on displays 49 Essa Road HANDY PRO an Stroud ALLANDALE UMBER 7161466 HARDWARE