Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 4 Jun 1968, p. 6

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ALPHA PHI Fashion shows rummage sales and proceeds from the lord booth operated at the In ternational plowing match last CHAPTER PRESENTS CHEQUE fall all helped to raise the $200 which the Alpha Phi Chnp ter oilleta Sigma Phfl Soror ity donated to Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie Shown pre FOR sealing the ctha to William Bell chairman ot the Evil furnishings com mittee are FROM LEFI T0 RIGHT Mrs Gerry Williams treasur FURNISHINGS er Mr Bell President oi the Chapter Mrs Roland Dobson Jr and Hospital Administrat or Cameron Exam incr Photo Few Women As Candidates MONTREAL CF Mrs Therese Gasgrain president of the Quebec Federation oi Women said Thursday at luncheon meeting of the Club Richelieu that women are as ing their impetus to the political arena Although nominations will be closing shortly there are only two or three women candidates for the June lederal elections She said Mrs Gasgrain expressed her disappointment mat no one paid much attention tothe anniver sary in March oi federal voting rights for Canadian women We women still have long way to go WANTS TO TEACH VICTORIA GP Being the only woman in Victoria and one oi the few in Canada to hold commercial flying licence is not good enough tor Christine Ang lin 20 She wants to qualify as an instructor They just cant raise the rates any more so in structors arent paid what that knowledge is worth she says and this wont change unless the government gives subsi dics IODE 21year Member Named National President EDMONNN CP When Doris lessen joined the Impe rial Order Dauhters oi the Em plro in 1947 she thought shed be too busy to stay member for long Today 21 years later she be gins term as national presi dent oi the Timemember or ganization Wile oi Dr Gordon Leggett oi Islington OnL she is known in the order as an expert on its constitution and has been hon ored with municipal and nation al llia memberships But few IODE members know she also has earned Dominion at Canada rifle badges ior marks manship Petite and blonde she says she learned to shoot because her dentisthusband is gun col lector and marksman GAVE UP SPORTS Once an avid curler skier and tennis player Mrs Leggctt has had little time tor sports since being elected to tha IODE national executive committee in 1952 She joined the IODE at the in sistence oi neighbors who were organizing chapter When first went didnt expect to stay in it said was just too busy But it seemed in few months was regent ot the chapter From the start their Work and what they stood for ap pealed to me very much think what admired was their pa triotic outlook and their idea that we were assisting the youth oi our country to become betta citizens llaving boys oi my own thought that was worthwile project The Leggetts two sons are both dentists and Mrs Leggett describes herseifvas bit in duigent toward her our grand children Born in Brockville she has lived in or near Toronto since her marriage KEEPS OPEN MIND As lODE president she says her primary task will be to keep flexiblcapproach to the in ture and an open mind Mrs George Tait and Mrs Grant both oi Toronto became iirst and second vice presidents as the IODE closed its annual meeting Wednesday PATRICIA ANN BUBBIDGE was among the graduates at the Convocation oi the Atkin son School oi Nursing Toronto Western Hospital held last evening in Convocation Hall University of Toronto Misa Burhidga graduate ot Barrio North Collegiate is the daugh ter or Mrs Burbidge oi Puget St and the late John Burbidge CATHERINE MARY STEEL receiveda Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario at the Convo cation held in Alumni Hail May 29 Miss Steel will attend Althousc College 0t Education in the tall GRADUATION DAY MARKED LEANNE HEATHER IDE SON daughter of Dr and Mrs ldeson oi Davidson St has received her diploma from the Atkinson School of Nursing Toronto Western Hospital Con vocation was held last eve ning in Convocation Hall Uni versity of Toronto Misa Ide son is former graduate of Barrie Central Collegiate JEAN ANNE KING has re eeived aBachelomi Arts delt greo from University oi West enn Ontario London Convoca tion was held in Alumni Hall May to Miss King the dough tn oi Mr and Mrs King oi Blake St is iormer grad ulate ot Barrio North Collogk EDNA MAY WALLHEAD daughter at Mr and Mrs John Wallhead of Harding Ave re ceived Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing irom the University of Western Ontario at graduation ceremonies held May at Miss Wallhead loss graduate of Royal Victoria Hos pital School oi Nursing Barrie has accepted teaching posi tion on the faculty oi the Roy al Victoria Regional School oi Nursing MISS JOYCE NETTLETON daughter of Nettleton Wesley St has graduated Irom Cornell Uni versity Ithaoa New York with Master at Nutritional Science Degree U7 and Mrs to vii13s with the installation at oiliecrs ther weepresidents are Mrs Ra ginaid Brophy Claremont Ont Mrs Dougv las Jennings Toronto and Ruth Park Toronto Mrs Harold Hudson Toron to was reelected secretary and William Atkins Tolt ronto became the new treas urcr Provincial viccpresideuls are Mrs Duane Hull Mrs II II Hoyt Fredericl Mrs Phillips Charlotte town Mrs Hayden St Lambert Qua Mrs Morrison Hamilton Mrs Purdie Brandon Mrs Walsh Regina Mrs Niawchas Edmonton and Mrs HgtBaneroit Vancouver COME UNDER COUNCIL Chapters in Newfoundland and the Yukon come directly under the jurisdiction of the na tional council other oiiicers elected in cludcd War memorial secretary ItIrs Morley Keegan Oakviiie Ont Echoes secretary Mrs Edgar Bray Toronto Citi zenship and world affairs seere tary Mrs Skippon Sar nla and standard bearer Mrs Frank Stewart Sprytield NS ova scuoor Graduation Is End Of The final raduation ceremo ks of the Royal Victoria Ilflfl filial School at Nursing since its ception in 139 will be held to morrow night It 330 pm to the Barrie Distflct Central Coi IogiateAnditorlum The old school has been re placed by the Royal Victoria Regional School oi Nursing in gradual changeover that has taken place in the last two years Miss Catherine Brown will in main as director at the region al school Although the girls will be grad uated Wednesday they will re main at the Royal Victoria Hos pital until August when their practical experience will be complete Members oi the Inca Graduat ing Class are Miss Betty Marie Breitenhach Delhi Misa Caro lyoa Joan Brownlee Midland Miss Judy Aileen Erunton Scar borough Miss Margaret Anne marlabols Perkinsiicld Miss Saigon Bar Girls Ignore Shutdown SAIGON tRouterslSaigon bar girls some oi whom make more week cnttataining lonely Americans in South Vietnam than government oiticlais earn month have flatly refused to swop their tight Jeans and swea ters tor baggy army khaki They told Labor Minister Pho Ba Long We love our work We would rather stay at home with mother than join the army or train for jobs in factories or shops Saigona crumbling bars dingy dance parlors and seedy tea rooms were closed down by the government otter the Viet Cong attacked the city in their ofiensivoi in February But the girls still go on working Many of the bars are now op erating illegally Behind the fa code of closed and shuttered doors are Saigons equivalent at the speakeasies moonshine Vlinuor voluptuous girls and turtive assignatloos The girls who say theysup port dozens ot relatives with their earnings make much of their money by drinking Saigon teatiny cups oi colorless taste loss liquid It costs the Equiva lant at $2 The girls keep hall and the bar owner the other holi They latch on to the obvious ireo spenders and coldvshoulder others with the stock phase You ehcap Ch You no uy me Saigon tea SCIIOOL HAS BARS Every jail in Uttar Pradesh in india will have classroom for educating illiterate prisoners All prisoners serving six months or more will spend two hours in the classroom daily STATUS OF WOMEN SvecondClass Is Lot or TORONTO CF How do we tell girl pupils theywill at ways he secondclass citizens group of women teachers asked the royal commission on the status at women Monday night Its rhetorical question of course Florence Irvine told public hearing We dont tell girls that We encourage them to try for the best future careers they are ca pable oi Iiut when look at my Grade girls wonder it they realizathat although they may he very capable they are going to reach dozens of dead ends Mr Irvine presented brief irom the 29000member Federa tion oi Women Teachers Asso ciations oi Ontario that said women areexploited by employ ers whokeep them in second ary and oitcn iowerlpaid jobs The teachers had too hound copies at their illpage brie with them for distribution among the as women and to men whocame to the public hearing held in northend Shopping centre They were step behind Wendy Stevenson 21 who stood outside the meeting room sell ing Ior 25 centa eopies at brie to the commission irom the Young Socialists and com panion briot irom the League for Socialist Action BRIEF BOOSTS NDP Misa Stevenson who withra iriendsoldahout 35 copies said no one attempted to stop the sales although one briei fea tures boost for the New Dem ocratle Party on its back cover Mrs Irvine saidthat the re sults of survey done on the type at men and women enter ing teachers colleges in Ontario show that the men are generally academically interior and have less aptitude or teaching posi tions It is disturbing that it ia irom this group of interior men that our principals and adminis trators are drawn she said Although women made up the large malorityol public school to only 915 Ontario public school principals are Females women out oi total oi 3459 principals Acceptance of their second ary role by women has caused this exploitation the teachers brief said It is the idea of playing gameone coach places you in playing position The teachers said that the de parlrnent of national deiencc contributes to this kind of think ing by its policy of reiusing to women teachers over age to jobs in national defence schools overseas although men are ac cepted up to age 65 ITS NOT SUITABLE It Just Is not suitable for department at the federal gov ernment to discriminate in this way Mrs Irvine said Repeated requests tor an ex planation had drawn only weak explanations and ex cuses Earlier in the hearing women executives from the Communist Party of Canada presented brief calling tor greater partici pation by women in politics Womens participation in par liticai lite has already been downgraded by thetime girls team high school the brief said Most women who participate in political liiesettie or role within group eiiort The very small proportion o1 Canadian women holding public otiiee reflects our backward at titude iathiscountryas corn pared with many others FOODS MORE WilhuutnwrnnuVW 341 BAYFIELD FAST TAKEDUT SERVICE sity on Saturday Their daugh An Erd Paulllatdu Christa oakvilla Mn Gall Marilyn Clothme rte ML Cheryl Nadinc Cole Greenwood Nova Scolds Min Miriam JoAnu Cranley oom Mis Linda Kathleen Dtmallne Hawkeatona Min Margaret Hope Donaldson Cooks ow Miss Gladys Marlo Drohan Co dar Point Misc Margaret Cath arloe Evenhuil Barrio Min Gail lorralno Hubert Brad ford Mrs Maureen Gall Haw thor Barrie Mist Jana Sunn Hicks Aylmcr East Quebec Mrs Myrna May Juneau Barrla Miss Lots Bernadette Kelly Bar rie Miss Mildred Dianne Mc Dowell Rosernout Min Louise Marilyne McLellan thtown Miss Ellen Dianna Moles Col llngwood Mk Hazel Elizabeth Mooney Don Mills Min Linda Kathleen Brampton Miss SuAnn Ramesboltorn Eo glehart Mrs Suzanne Patricia Schlppera New Liskeard Mn Dorothy Jean Smaliwood Bar rio Mias Margaret Yvonne Stone Uptergrove Misa Nancy Anne Train Htlladalaz Misa Madeline Elaine lruax Wyea bridge Miss Lynda Ann Wright Giltorri Iv IBE BARR EXAMINER TUESDAY JUNE rm The engagement has been announced oi Rosemary Ann eldest daughter oi Dr and Mrs Raymond Asquith ot Barrie to Charles Richard Rankin Hanna The bridegroomelect la the PLANJUNE WEDDING son at Mr and Mrs Roland Hanna ol Kamloops British Columbia The wedding cere mony will take place June is in hiolty Anglican Church Barrie Photo by Favcro swimwear PEOPLE AND PLACES Nunsas ousoumow Guests irom Barrie were in the audience last evening at Convocation Hall University of Toronto when graduation exer clscs were marked by the At kinson School at Nursing Tor ontovWestern Hospital Attend ing from the city were Dr and Mrs ldeson of Davidson St parents at graduate Leanne Heather ldeson and Dr and Mrs Swan Nev ldeson oi Freeport Nova Sco tia grandfather oi Miss ldeson and Mr and Mrs Allen ldeson oi Niagara Falls uncle and aunt oi the graduate were also present Mrs Bulbidge of Puget St mother oi graduate Patricia Ann Burbidge also attended Other guests included the grad uutes sister Miss Heidi Bur bidge Mrs Douglas Stephens ander and Mrs Norman Clark oi Barrie Mrs Harvey Hyde grandmother of the grad note and Mr and Mrs Harvey Hyde of Ottawa Mr and MrsvAlex Macdonald of Parry Sound Peter Clark oi Oshawa and William Clark inthdge WEDDING GUESTS Mr and Mrs Harold Pen nock undiainily otCumherland St were guests at the wedding oi Mr Pcnnocks brother Philip Pennock to Carolyn Severn on Saturday The wedding in Monte United Church wnsfolloned by reception at the Boulevard Club Lakeshore Rd ATTEND CONVDCATIDN Mr and Mrs Charles Lucas at Strand spent the weekend in Kingston Out and attended the Convocation of Queens Univer ter Miss Madeline Gail Lucas received her Bachelor oi Arts degree INT SQUARE DANCE Dance directors Lorne and Betty IIay of Barrie attended the workshops held in canine tion with the seventh annual Toronto International Square Dance Convention held at the weekend in the Royal York Hotel Toronto Among the more than 3000 dancers were eight sets of dancers who had re Students Teachers Return Celebrate Pine Grove Reunion Pine Grove School Section 13 Vespra held gala raunion of old hoya girls and teachers May 25 at Grenial Community Hall About 50 returned irom neur hy centres to attend the pot luck lunch that was such success it willhe held again next year on May 31 Former teachers who attended included Mrs Vaughan theJormer Miss ula Reynolds toesrota MrsE Harris the former Miss Helen Patton 1m 1946 and Frank Beardsali 19311932 Former pupils who attended included Wallace arc and Charles Sheard both of Drillla Mr and Mrs Charles Manning Toronto Mr Bay and George Parr Midland Ahighlight of the day was the attendance or onetarrnly oi sev en Michael Agnes Mrs Bowling Evelyn Mrs Skel tonZella Mrs Dowltn Eugene Frank and James Mo Bride The event was endedhy artour oi the school Former pupils and Boyz euchre to meet the candidate be guest of honor at the party It May North celved instruction tram the Hays These included danc ers from Collingwood Alliston and Barrie Attending from Bar rie were Mr and Mrs Emory Miller Mr andMrs lien Mill er Mr and Mrs Harva VebA er and Mrs Ralph Gavin Mrs Minnie Moore and Mr and Mrs Sylvester Hoiderny Mr and Mrs Dick McCauley Mrs Joan Coulis Mr and Mrs Ed Taylor Ray Williamson Mr and Mrs Eigin Harris Mr and Mrs hill Courtney and Mr and hi Dalus Lee From Alliston verehfr and Mrs Fergus Kerr Mr aners Paul Kerr Mr and Mrs Nixon and Mr and Mrs Ernest Glimoure SUAIMEII SOUNDS The television presentation oi Summer Sounds featuring the Ross CaldwellSlngers and the Chart shown Sunday aiternonn will be repeated on Thursday evening at oclock Accompaniment was provided by the Barrie Collegiate Stage Band John Hart organist and Marcel Potvtn guitarist Pro ducer oi the show is Doug Gor rnway MEET TIIE CANDIDATE social get together and has been planned for Thursday evening beginning at the oclock in ivy Orange Hall Progressive Conservative candl date ior Peel Duiierin Sim noe riding Ellwood Madiil will arrangedby Essa PC Associa tion LAWN BOWLING Atlandale Lawn Bowling Club opened the seasons activities with potluck supper on Sat urday evening in the club house Later lawn bowling was toliow ed by bridge and euchre Mens Club President Jack Poucher and Secretary Treasurer Rank Viee welcomed the to members and guests attending Mrs Bill Newton president oi the Ladies Club outlined plans for the coming season The potluck supper was con veoed by Mrs Sid Roach and Mrs Frank Wice with the as sistance of owes club membera teachers noted the changes over the years The school Was boil in 1901 The tower and bell the flag pole wood stove and pump and surrounding ro of pine have all been replaced and new wing has been added to the school birthday cake for two former pupils George and Edna Parr now Mrs Normon ad dedto the days celebration Grace was said by McFadden WINDSOR GRADUATION Gayle Dorothy Gardner daughter of Mr and Mrs George Gardner Nelson St received Bachelor at Arts de gree from University oi thd sor at the spring Convocation held at the university on June Following the convocation the graduate was guest at bone or at champagne dinner held at the home of her uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Gordon Morris oi Detroit MichiganA mong the guests attending from Barrie more Mr and Mrs George Gardner David Mills and Mrs Agnes Mills RUMMAGE BALE rummage sale will be held irom to 9pm tonight in téha lviarrlo IMYWCA Groveo FELLOWSHIP PRAYER The Dalston Fellowship Pray er Group will meet Thursday evening at the home oi Mr and Mrs Roy Vance Crown Hill Rev Robert Itlliock will direct the meeting which begins at oclock All residents in the area are invited to attend Ephaim coon non orarans Skim milk is useiul tor dieters as it has all the proteins miner als and vitamins in whole milk butt not the tat WANTEDr STORKSPOTIEHS sectionaltam Aatork that Is when the stark departs Its tlmatartheWoicomaWagon Hostess to arrive with gilt for baby and helpiui inior mutton tor the new mother But since the storks numherthe HpstassesWeIA comaWagonneedsspotieu tanhelp out stark spotter In your neighborhood our Host asses will appreciate your help and so will the new moths To report stark slghtin call

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