EXAMINER TELEPHdNES ï¬rsutation M39 Classiï¬ed Advutlsinl W414 All Other mm inch Your No is Pnitirr Minister Trudeau sports hislntcst headgear His here Monday the Conservative and New Democran parties are livefaced and gt national policies on theconstitu tion The Conservativeparty is talking about two nations and special status in one part of the country and is trying to make the rest of the country forget about it he told an outdoor rally of some 3500 He said the NDP has adopted twouauon policy and has blamed the Liberals for not giv ing special status to Quebec But in the rest oi Canada the NDP was saying it did not want more power for Quebec Mr Trudeau speaking in the aiding held in the last Parlia ment by former Conservative justice minister Davie Fulton said Conservative Marcel Fa bault has advocatedratw na tion policy But he added Conservative Leader Stanfield and Mr uiton have said Mr Farihault is not authorined to speak for the party Both the Conservatives and the NDPhad nunpolicy with nonespokesmen If the NDP continued on its present beaver hentedi to him hi Prince Gigs as he addres eend The prime asteraddressed more than 19 rsons at five outdoor meet and one ins door meeting literior British Columbia tr The prime tier ended day of camera which in cluded five ai nights Prince George be spake inoloors hit star is at an cake breakfast ibnï¬cmnp by saying that the lials areuot preaching that mng Wm be roses and $65 However neit $15 they preaching doom spam Do the campus kirk 01 lege at Castlegar Trudeau said the federa Rowen must do more for HERES suspicious wife se callatther dis lice Encoun ering rett secretary she intrbdthierseï¬ and added Im so glad l0 you Miss snapely My in has course it would soonbea none party he said WW mm told me so litflesbo CAPSULE NEui llnnounce Research the is OTTAWA CP Research grantstotalling $699365 for in the social sciences and humanities ereannounced to the Canada Council Want Charges ii DETROIT AP Sixteen demonstrators staged we lnoutside the otfice MayorJeromePr Cavanaghdeman a1 cilanges oi policemen involved in ski prosecutionon or gainst Police with members of the Poor Peoples Campaign march on Washin Quehec Separatists Open Talks MONTREAL CP Quebecs three major separatist pa which claim combined membership of about meduat eventu roundviable negotiations Boom Boom Will Coach New York NEW YORK AP Bernie Boom Boom Geolirinnone the National Hockey Leagues alltime great players today named coach ot the New York Rangers Take Over Powers From SW lllrica CAPE TOWN Reuters South Africa takeover certain admlnistrative powers from SouthWest Africas administration including education of nonwhites it was announced Monday Former Tasmanian Governor Dies LONDON AP Sir Ronald Hibbcrt Cross 72 governor of Tasmania from 1951 to loss and Britains high comrmssloner to Ausirit in during the Second World Wnr died Monday in London Va us am errrhi deauscamii and at of it heapoi dwltha smile for getting sdrked up ass Liberal rally at Knm loops BC CP Wirephoto Argentine Heart Recipient Dies Antonio heart oirva union leader Serrano never regained con by Dr Miguel Bellizlr vivors out of 20 transplant oper atlons attempted well to the end and his death was caused by neurological relapse said spokesman for the Modclo Cllni connections terriers sciousness alter the operation The death leaves only six sur Serranos new heart worked omingTQ Fall BELGRADE Reuters The Serbian interior ministry today all manifestations meetings monstratlons and processions in Belgrade after students took over part of Bel grade Universt in two days of demonstrations An early momlng announce mcnt said certain irresponsibie elements were involved in demonstrations un and Monday in which as persons were injured and morethan 500000 Dinars $120000 dam age was done to private and public property Monday night the some irre plosive in tourist agency in the city centre the announce meut asserted these actions public order fornia Democrats were making their choice today in the final presidential primary contest be tween Senators Eugene Mc Carthy of Minnesota and Robert Kennedy of New The last one was the big one for both contestants iththe winner virtually cer to Stanï¬eld Accuses Liberals Glossing 0ver Probiems Conservative Leader Stanrield slogans to gloss over the prob lems of regional slowgrowth lnces cnammrmwu CF Monday night accusedthe lelt eralsuof using gimmicks and oreas such as the Atlantic prov The people of these regions will not be takenfnr fools he told aparty rally speech forthe former Nova Scoe Edward Island He ridiculed promises by Prime Minister Trudeau toset dlaAtlantlc alfairs and for Marltlmes aid plan styiedafter the United States Marshall Plan aid to Europe after the Second World War The problems are much too real and much too serious to be ROME Eutersi Police day allowed only students It riting examinations to enter 3750 have on oma University Campus after for shes betweenyextremisfs stu nts fiafciiMonday nigh twlng students who seized verslty buildings Fridn tents W5 out 1500 police formed an banter between the two ns and the lnvaderswcra back persons were injured and ers arrested when police 7tudents to abandoniheir tlon and forced them out buildings The arrested were released later nlverslty buildings were 514 Friday by the leitwing expressing solidarity identworker demonstra ance is or Tiu and Flor It was ranunusually powerfiii ï¬a premier ashe carriedbis election campaign into Prinee up federal department to hanv ht with about 300 rightwing ovsmentsp and to the dealt with by glmmicksand 51o gaus such as new department or is recalled Marshall Plan Mr Stanfield said ence where demonstrations and fights broke out Monday One student was reported in jured in clash between app factions at Turin lint army The Examiner TODAY Ann Lenders7 City News2 Cilssifledlzi 13 Cmnl=s Deaths12 District5 Editorial4 Sportsdo ll lhehlroS TV LiailngH WeltherVB Womensti sponslble elemean planted ex ms ANGELES an Cali 38 Hurt In Belgrade Hot and peace the snfcty oi citi zens as well as social and per sonal property has been brought into question it said Reformseeking in todaysttli held the philosophy department building of Bela grade University after the two days of battle The students raised red flag over the building and said they intended to occupy it until their demands are met student guard was posted with orders to admit only studean journalists and members of the university committee Police used tear gas tire crackers and truncheons to brca up student march to ward the city centre after pro test rally Monday emerge as the final challenger to VicevPresident Hubert Hum phrey for the Democratic presi dential nomination The primary was to pick can didates for notional and state oiriccs in the November general Election But on the presidential level it was strictly to pick the delegates who will vote at the Democratic national convention in Chicago inAugust for their White House nominee Charge Liberals Sabotaged Meet MONCNN CPl loyal on sniallhand oiNew Demolt crats in this railway centre was asked Monday night by party leader Douglas to keep the faith regardless of unscrupulous Liberal tactics The appeal to about 850 sup porters packed into hotel ban guet mom came few hours atter an appearance by Mr Douglas at the Canadian Nation al Railways Atlantic region shops flopped Barrie Hould as the NDP candidate here and railway union representative saidlater the affalrrwas sabotaged by railway supervisors withvTriberJ al patronage jobs CNR official had reiused the party permission to allow Mr Douglnsto tour the ram bling shopsduring working hours gt Studeni Rebellionffgg Spreads Across Italy before the police broke up the iightingihe outbreak started when some studcnu tore down black anarchist flag and red Jigsrandreplaceddhcmqvithan ltnliannntional flag in Florence about 1500 stu dents and workers carrying pie tures oi Chinese leader Mao Tseetung and North Vietnamese fings marched through town Nigerian Peace Shift To london LONDON OP Attempts to revive shuttered peace came paignrfnr wartorn Nigeria shift today to London amid popular agitation for Settlement An African report that more people have been killed in to months ofitlia Nigerian clvil war than in three ears of Viet nam fighting is whihly cited IF YOU SNIFF DONT DRIVE TORONTO CF yearold youth arr cd Sat urdaybccnmc the ï¬rst per son in Toronto to be charged with being impaircd by glue sniffingwhile in control or car Police found two of three occupants of the car with their heads in bags and 15yearold iuvcnilc intoxi cated from the glue lumcs Henry Biernaeki 16 was charged with contributing to juvenile delinquency and being impaired while having care of motor vehiclo Will Endllnnual Licence Renewal ionoimroei Transport Minister Irwin Haskctt an nounced iotbe legislature Mon dayhe plans within two years to end the system of issuing midlife km ply ii uestlon from Donald Jackson tNDPCttrniskaming during debate on the depart ment or transport estimates amounting to more than $13 000000 Mr Haskett said licence plates will beanie permanent it about two years as soon as we get our system mecha nized smalltag on the plate or windshield ivfli show the driv er has renewed his registrutlo NEW YORK Clit Police say Valeria Solanis tattooed young rtress who appeared in one of Andy Warhols under ground ilm epics told them she shot the trendseiting pop artist because am flower child he had too much control over my life Warhol 41 whose films sculpture and paintings inspired new currents in pop culture re mained in criticalcondition at Columbus Hospital today with 5050 chance for survival The artist who first outraged critics with his paintings of Campbell soup cans and out sized reproductions of Eritlo boxesithat sold for $1300each producer wasfsbot SEE PAGE TEN WEATHER Sunny and warm tomorrow Low tonight 50 High tomorrow 75 For summary tinn to page Not More Than it For Copy PARIS CF French union leaders are asking striking workers to approve ogrcemchk to get the trains and the Paris buses and subways moving again The government was up timisUc but there was no assur nnce the workers would ratify the agreemean The Banque de France re sitde operations after being closed two weeks Hundreds oi small and mediumsized facto ries reopened across the coun try signalling partial break in the paralysing general strike now nearing the end of its third week Conl miners also were re turning to the jobs with normal operations eXpected Wednesday But many the countrys ill dustrinl giants were stillcloscd with no resumptions of opera tlons in sight And until mall de liverles resume trains start rolling and public transport is restored in Lhe cities there will be nothinglikc return to nor mallylyio The Renault strike committee said H000 workers atthedle nault autii pinnt in Paris voted unanimouslywtog stayon strike Thomaiority of 2000 workérs in the steel and tool department of tingney eastern France also voted to stay out TRAFFIC JAMSEBUPTED Millions of Parisians finoded back into the city alter spending the threeday Pentecost week end iii the country Monster traffic jams built up at all entrances to the capital Transport Minister Jean Cha mant announced the agree TattOOed Actress Confesses To Shooting Of Pop iirtist was shot Monday in the movie studiohe calledva factory Mario Amaya writer and art dealer from London who was visiting Warhol was also hit in the barrage of five bullets but he suffered only graze wound in the back and was re leased after treatment Miss Solanls an surrendered four hours alter the shooting by announcing to traffic police man in the Times Square area Policerare looking or me The slight fivefontthree brownhaired actress had role in Warhols film Man parody of Swedish filmabout nymphomaniac man yesterday in hisiManhate tdn oftieetlleis shown hero Peugeotauto plantvat Yaleni Workers in Major Industries Remain Out Despite Union Pleas ments with the railway workers after an allnight bargaining session lie told reporters All the union delegates without ex ception told me they would rec ommcnd acceptance There still were no buses or suhway trains in Paris Trans port workers were scheduled to decide tonight whether to accept government proposals for backtovwork act Unionleadcrs said they were satisfied with the agreement calling for pay in creases ranging from to to 17 per cent but that ratification would have to come from the membership today sp to an announcement Monday of settlement by the management of the two biggest department stores in tho capi Ial employees still occupied them today and notice outside said We will not be opening todaythe fight continues Claims fKing iias GALT OIIL CF Roman Catholic priest Said Monday that slain fclirilI rights vleader Martin LuthecKing was known by the Fill to be Communist hevEdward Grace told Ki wanls Club luncheon that the FBI has knowledge that the late Martin Luther King was cnrdcarrying member of the Communist party and that Dr Kings assassination was cars ried out by other Communists Party members tidied Dr King Father Grace said be cause he was to have been in vestigmted by the Houseof Une American Activities Committee in Washington at University PresideniResigns BURNABY EC CPL More meetingswere scheduled at Simon Fraser University today following the resignation Monday jnight ofDr Johni Ellis as temporary acting presi dent Dr Archibald MacPherson head of the geography depart ment and dean of arts was nominated by the faculty to relt place Dr Ellis lie Isaidba would seek ratiï¬cationby stu dents today and then go before the board of governors for approval 49