Portrait oi nightmares iisusriiiiiro To refute the charge and insmuatioosothisirieadsJoto appeals to God to Weigh his rooral integrity and punish him be is lying Job atzllLJobtelladhisllia Wagonsmanme crty caring for widows and orphans feeding and clothing WEEltiY MEDITATION Religion Offers Man Life Destination BY REV JOHN ARBOUR The Word Religion is term which almost automaticah ly brings IINI oi dilierent reactions to those who hear it Some react warmly and some resentlully some are agres sively pro rcliglon some are aggressively anti religion Very few are completely lndii erent to it Yet despite all these altitudes towards religion very few people have clear idea at what religion really is And yet how can person be truly and meaningfully religious it he doesnt know what it is all about Perhaps an example would help to clarify this term ima gino yourseli in high place looking down on long stretch oi road it ispiich dark but you can see on this road man who is ivalking right down the middle of it You can also see at the other end car mov ing towards this man The car is travelling without lights and its engine is very quiet This man is travelling some where he has goal But if he is to continue safely to his destination if he is to remain healthy and happy he will have to learn the acts of his situa tion he must learn what Is real in his present environment and thcn he must adjust his actions accordioglo what the facts oi reality demand of him He Is real the road is real to ignore To be soon and mature and reallch man must seek the iacts of reality and accept the demands they make From the time we were children we have known that the law of gravity is part of the reality of tilts world and that it places de mands on our search ior hap plness You cannot step out at ten storey window claiming ignorance of the law oi gravity You still go down You cannot do this saying dont want to go down refuse to go down That wont keep you up As well as being utremely dangerous this is extremely childish Now what docs this have to do with religion Well God is fata lie is real God exists whether we know it or not whether we want it or not it mu the handy helping the trnibl ed MJldazfl Rather he was indiflermt to his wealth never vengeiul toward iacis We would consider it in fact that God lovescaoh sane ii knowing the tacts he one of as It is fact that the deliberater chose their demands Son became man and died for us it is fact that our destiny is eternal and not to be des cribed in terms oi sixty or sev enty or eighty years it Is fact that we are made to know the happiness that comes from loving irom loving God and each other Man Is essentially loving being it we accept these facts we will be happy if we ignore them then wewill destroy our selves more stirer and more devastatingly than the man who would ignore the car in the sit nation we described Religion Is the business of being fully mature fully real istic To be religious is to live with all the facts to live in the whole picture Religion is not one aspect oi your life not just one part oi it all Religion is the business of living his enemies and had never or away from Mother Job 3124 31 Clearing himself cl enry Possible dishonorable LEIROY By MRS MAURICE iLElD Mr and Mrs Gordon Young and sonbava moved lrom Tor onto and are now tenants in the home of Miss Norma Wilisoo Mr and Mrs William Marks have bought the house formerly owned by Donald Atkinson Mrs ingram Mrs Stewst Donnelly and Mrs Frank Corie er atleadcd Wl DLstrict annual last week Mrs Susan Paul is now in the Bond Haven Nursing Home at Bond Head Babies baptized on Mothers Day by Rev toan Huntley were Daniel Wayne son oi Mr and Mrs harry Lelts hell Ewart Kelly lace daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Comer Karl Allan son oi Mr and Mrs Van derltooy oi Bell mart Kim berley Anne daughter of Mr and Mrs Peacock Paul ltiol calm son at Mr and Airs Mc Dowell Warren Shaun son oi Mr and lllrs Pinkney and DeborahLaurclnc daughter oi Mr and Mrs lien Ferguson are on three week vacation going by train to Vancouver Mr and Mrs Groso are home aitcr spending three wecls in Vancouver with the lalters sisters Mrand Mrs Allan Jack and Priest Is Criticized For Faith Healing TORONTO i0 com mission on the extent and has ture of spiritual healing within the Anglican diocese at Toronto the car is real it is fact that today criticizeda priest for fail he is on the road it is fact that the car Is coming towards him it is fact that his body cannot sustain the iorce of col iislon without harm He must for his own happiness learn of all this and he must act ac cording to the demands that reality places on him ignorance will not save him We would consider it childish and Immu ture ii knowing the facts he refused to face them Not want ing it so cannot change the ing in his charge of the cure of pain in his parlsh The commissions report re used today by lit Rev George Snell Bishop oi Toronto said the priest Canon Moore Smith surrendered his leadership of the parish Into the hands at the incmerieuced and untaught However the cornmissloo said the ministry at St Mathias was marked by many come mendable qualities characteristics and There was real love and de OBITURRY WILLIAM JOHN BELL votion to the cause of the church and concern for needy humanity The priests worked through thcnight turn by theirreligioiis omen they tion for the dying girl The jury also found that church had tried to cure Miss Globe with prayer and rites oi exorcism of the bishopthe day alter the verdict try at St Mattliias church said sight and discipline iocussed largely in his own unresolved conflicts allowed the parish to become the more tool of those untitled to assume such respotr sibillties However he cannot be held entirely responsib His obvious iailcrHo provide adequate atten lalthrhealing at the Canon smith resigned rec tor of the church at the request The commission which also investigated the healing minis that Canon Smiths lack of in needs had been apparent ior many years He became mere straw figure swept on the cur roots of chur system which makes it difficult for bish op to maintain an effective pas toral concern for all his clergy gtCanan Moore Smiths patent search iar anetfcctive and meaningiul ministry should have been recognized and the right ald afforded He he came victim of circumstances and an instrument iorgcd in the hands of ambitious and domi nant perso FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH St Vincent St Rev Dyk as no GOLDEN TEXT Ea 5suNiiiii scoot reason oyiiiiredisueuier PM 345 Lin Snaday School techs Job asked God to an answer Job 3151 40 Proverbs Mark Dccatlve Ill have spent two week vacation with Mr and Mrs Matt Bell llilss Norma Willson Orlitla ids home on two week vaca fllL PLEASE All church copy chan ges must bein to The Examiner offices by Thursday at pm lUTHERAN CHURCH THE GOOD SHEPHERD 220 Steele St llcv Joseph ltiolitoria Phone 7280484 Sunday school iris am Divine Worship 11 mm Rndion Church of luthernn liour rv ms is run LIFE room or PRAYER Alliance Church STEELE and COOK STREETS BARRIE 7284142 Partor Rev Black Blhle School Classes for children teens and adults 11 ImBlhie Studica In the Book at Romans ramBible Studies in the Book Di Daniel Special instrumental and Vocal Music special invitation and welcome to strangers and visitors CIIIIIIE Pilllli CHURCH OF CHRIST Grova Cook Sunday Schedule Sunday School 10 min Assemth 11 mm WESTMINSTER Nursery Facilities Available Visitors are always welcome Iranrsaammnnmn SATURDAY move hurrh vtï¬irertnrg THE RIGHT SERVE 11 mm PM Burden for all an Nursery use during all services THE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 8t Vllcuit at or Rev Robert Unlock mam FREE METHODIST CHURCH 100 Bayileid El Rey Carl Bull Juno 1000 Sunday School moo in Dalton nut toekins 780 Mr Ernestshioar rpnldng hymen present The Bible Message Wednesday 315 Bible Study PRESBYTERIAN M0541 Rev aura hiactieazln an an Organist Mn Norman ruck FAMILY WORSHIP 30 AM FIRST BAPTIST Ciiuiicii CLAPPERNN at WORSLEY Pulsar Rev Harold Aliaby BA BD 050 Bible School 1100 All THE ENTREANNG molar 700 pm Youth Servch Report at You Pcoplol Convention Thursday 130 ram lraycr Meeting You In Welcome at First Baptist NT A171 causal Roman Catholic Humansrm SUNDAY MASSES no min 1015 mm 1130 am SUNDAY MASS pan EVENING DEVOTIONS Wednesday at 730 Our Mother oi Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 7304115 lnl 600 pm CHRISTIAN SCIENCE the speaks to you Christian Science Eadie Series CKBB SUNDAT MORNING In SCCIETY 159 Collier Street Church Servch Sunday School 11 rAJli Testimony Mull 2nd Wed each month PM The Anglican Church of Canada ST GILES CHURCH 05 Cook street Rev Rot WimSUNDAY 050 aln Holy Communion 1100 am Holy Communion Everyone welcome TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next To Post Oiilco Pentecost Whitsunday B100 InnHoly Communion mo un Hnlv Communion Sun on School Nursery moo urniron common 100 timlVensuril Arcanecon Read All AM Welcome Presbyterian Church ST ANDR EWS OWEN AND WORSLEY STS REV KEN HERON ANNIVERSARY ii AM WONDERS IN BA BD ORGANTST MR VAN HEMERT SERVICES THE CHURCH 101 pupWonder in the World Music provided by Pro Muslca Choir catnicn scaoot 945 min Junior to Sc niur ESSA non Corn Barton Ave Allaadala Barrio REV BELL NLA Organist Mr Bert Churchill COMMUNION Church School 930 am years to adult moo am Nursery Kindergarten and Junior Church 1045 am Nursery to Primary Visitors and New Resldentl HERALD 0F TRUTH PM CKVILTV Evening Meeting 700 pm Visitors Welcome Welcome Thursday mo pm fi you would like to read about Churches of Christ begin with your New Testament MINISTERS Wesley Jones Dale Hideout 545 Grove 7264003 Pastor WORSHIP SERVICES IO AM and 730 PM The Back To God Hour Toronto CKEY 50081 mm Every Sunday Morning ALL WELCOME ing night into day to meet the needs of their worksday pari shioner The sevenman commission headed by Rev Maurice Sidney Flint former director oi chap laiocy services tor the dcpart meat oi relorm institutions was appointed Oct 27 1967 follow ing coroners jury investiga tion into the death last June 21 of 13yearold Katherine Globe of Toronto in the rectory at St Matthias church in downtown Tomato The jury inund that negll gence on the part of Canon Smith and his wife Violet was responsible for the death of Miss Globe The girl ward oi Canon Smith died in hEr hed room oi meningitis Medical evi dence showed she suffered from severe ear infection meniagi lis and brain abcess Service was held at Knox Presbyterian Church Fins on May 14 iorwilliam John Bell who died following tractor ac cident on May 11 at the home of his son William Bell was born in Flor Twp on June 1896 son of the late James hell and the former Janet irving Except ior ew yearsgn Barrie his entire lilo was spent farming in Flo Np until his retirement to Ehnvale in 1967 He married the iormer Mar guerite McGinnis in 1984 member or the Session of Knox Presbyterian Church 1e also belonged to Coronation Lodge 466 Elmvale Mr Bell is survived by his wife son Donald oi Grassland daughters Marilyn Mrs Ross Cole oi Elinvale Myrna Mrs Tadtton Lacbine Qucd 90 Eran suns Brian The jury found that the cour Stephen Cole rothers George Bums 525k Sidnï¬y Elm pies Judgment was so clouded vale sisters Lena Mrs James iliir5siiiitriiii Czechmmaï¬on Is Big Boost gt Bonney Churchill Phyllis Mrs fsraarrono GP Tom Livingston Elmvale predelt ceased by Margaret Mrs Richardson and Allie Mrs Bale The funeral service menu 3332113713 these mag Pattersonlt founder oi the Strat Lingsay iord Shakespearean Festival Pallbearkers were Caldler Hair iglgmggagï¬gstflgmaï¬ Le Do R0 Fm 3k noted to the festival by the are choslovaklaa government could be the nucleusoi tilmindus try iii an International basis This could be something even bigger than the festivailtlt crtsoii Andrew McGinnis Irv self said Mr Patterson who ing Locke and Earl Buie internment was at Eimvale now is mbcr oi the iesti vals public information branch 910000 churches that had more ciiecl on Canada than all of Ottawa ever did Whu is responsible for Canadaamoral decline Why lather curled mo outoi church PLUS SUNDAYMORNING 830 thin CKBB dill 950 Impact amt FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL mm manure wonsarr nova The Chair and Mrs Currie Message ltivais For Throne 11 Olnaplrlug Singing oWann worship SUNDAY EVENING AT me mu am She can threepart message Why Be Christian Boniness manit Thompson Happy Home Medlcul Doctor Dick The Peace oi Gad Poilca Sergeant Berry Transiormed Uic ANDThe Bible ordinance oi believers baptism Quartclta by two Currie families NEXT SUNDAY JUNE Former Barrie Pastor Rev Nullmeyu returns for Special Annlvernry Day Services Barrio Church 128 St Vincent Street aaevnoanuinaflrisiur Mr1howleAiistnnt Barries Friendly BibleBelieving Missionary Church Rex Humhard invites you to attend ospecial iv RAtlY Tuesday June It 745 pm Barrie District Central Collegiate rinstitute arm Ontario School and Adult Bible Class 950 sm5unday £00 aims itiiitcosi VIIIWAY CHURCHo militias PENTECOSIAL ANNE ST Aooiiwr THE CHURCH rowan ALLFOR THE CHURCH to the Church today What docs it mean PASTOR gt rev 1p TUNKS IEï¬irotianI MEICA by Maude Aimee Cathedral Quartet BURTON GRACE UNITED AVENUE Minister REV coon new Purdutl aA mam Mr toolinï¬rm Mrl Archer Caiwlll ll AM wonsuip SUNDAY SCHOOL Cemetery The festival organization had LiberalRaps Capital Bill Emma tn ronosvrotxeei rihebillJv creating regional ravemment oliicially released from Expo in effect came into Canada to of OttawaCarleton containslno protection for historical sites my Otherwise everything is free and no guarantees of bilingual Yaroslav Fric chief engineer ism in an area that is onethird in charge oi the equipment fea yElï¬mthSpeaklng Tim Reid Acabmugh E35 Sam the tured in the Czechoslovakian ex hibit at Expo 67 said his gov Qntnrin legislature Friday ernment decided stratford was In claiisebyclausc sl of In Rem wondmd how anideal location for the equip awaiting deyflupr the reg onal council will hold its meei In public when thereIs Neglirmle no provrs ior bilingualism in me senior nasiiions Mr Puttersoh frankly admit Either the chairman or the ted festival officials dont know chairman and car nly as yet how the equipmentwill planning director who to be used but he indicated many he iancintcil should be bilin klons will be generated within goal he suggested the immediate future Rev Donald ll Jay BA BB Organist Mrs mile Walker Choir Director David thtlclr ARCT ll OCLQCK sAanmnnr or INFANT stirrile Meanurn BEYOND THE OPEN U00 Minister any nitocron LA Associate Minister REV FINLAY DJ Organist and Cholrmast Mr Tuliord PENTECOST SUNDAY undo inspire qnol gospel message by Rev Riax Humhord Ania Aiu FREEADMISSION also watch as the Cath pres each Sunday on cno Channel Toronto 89 mm CKVit Channel Enrich prm iNTERNATiONAL SHUT1N5 DAY MORNING WDRSHIP vwonhlpl SermonJriiis come APPENiNs allots andchlldrcnnp ta Y1 Church School Depts for all ages 030 mu andlltwo am scum lo minim ProNursery upelo years during Worship Im You Are Welcome HOUSE or inicnosnia Tho Siinday Church School WIII mcct at 925 Him Church School ior all our You Are Welcome wAriii wnLcoiia TO ALL