Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 6

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nureu wow OFFICIAL hrlisinr Princess Margaret poses with her children in the garden at Londrms Kensington Palace in this official picture just released Lady Sarah Armstrong Jones It linds the picture toklng session amus ing While Viscount Linlcy who will be six in November con PORTRAIT OF ROYAL FAMILY ccntratas on the photographer tCi Virephoto ANN LANDERS Suggest He Learns Legal Responsibility Dear Ann harden About the worst thing thatcan happen to guy has happened to me Not once but twice am 17 years old and two girls have been going with have told me within the last week that they are pregnant One girl 516 real sweet kid but very dumb and nobody would want to spend the rest of my life with The other girl is lit has been around lot and while have taken her out several times so have 50 other guys have one year of high school left sodont suggest marriage to the sweet became wouldnt think of it filind please dont tell me to talk to my folks because my mother would have heart attack and my dad would kill me used to think your column was square but am beginning to think your column makes lot of sense Please tell me what to do becauselm fading lastDabble Tmbble Delr lr Your parents are gotng to know about thisei ther from you or from the par ens of one or both girls believe it would be better it you told them am not suggesting mar frlage but am suggesting that ryou learn what your legal rea Lponsibilities are andliye up to them hope tltis letter shakes up few thousand guys out there who are playing game with live bombahells How Labout paying some attentionto my square advice fellas ram nusmnss DearAnn Lenders ihopc jyou have room in your column rlor lesson that might help some of yourreaderr make declsion It has to do with rela tivesin business which of th huntin our 1253 Several years ago my has band and his brother went to work or their lather It was flood business but there was so much inlighting and aggrava tion that my husband decided it wasnt worth it When my huslt handannounced he was quitting to start business or his own everyone said Youre fool Youll regret it Your brother will inherit everything Well they were half right Ills brother did inherit thingulcers migraine headA aches and nervous condition of the eyes lily sisterinrlaw kid hastold me 50 timm that she wished her husband had quit when mine did The old man has become more tyrannical and utterly impossible through the years Even though he will soon be 69 he has made it clear that he intends to rim the busi ness till they carry him of on stretcher think they will carry all his son first My husband and have not had an easytime but we are comfortable and happy We enjoy good health and tile is funl dont know where we got the courage and the good sense to get out when we did but thank God or ithlr and Mrs Content Dear Mr and Mrs am happy for you and sad for your husbands brother and his viler Not all relatives in business have trouble Only 90 per cent Conlldentlall to Would You Cut all Your Font To Get Rid or an Ingrown Toenailh well it makes about as much sense to LIIVOICCIIIE father of your tour children because he bought hismother $250 coat without asking you Youve let him know howyou feet naw forget TIIE BAlllilE EXA LOOKING BACK Churdh ll SATURDAY SEPT it 1961 Archives prome liliD PtllCES ransomer St Thoims Anglican Giuldr 9me Bay will be the letting tor the marriage of Bette Ella Ferris of Barrie to William Wal lace Ainslie at Acton Out The semiony will take place Oct FASHION FORECAST Tickets are available at the Barrie YlifYWCA for the Ys Mencttes FashionForocart to be held Wednesday evening in the nuditorlim of Central Coi legiate Clothes keyed in travel willybe shown as well as neu ral lashlons lot the teenage set me ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Herman Hayes RR Barrie are entertaining this allerooon and evening at an open house reception The on casion marks the couples 35th wedding anniversary Guest are being received from until pm and from until oclock in the evening WINTER IN mama Mr and Mrs Robert King oi Sophia St West lett the city to doy en route to Florida They will spend the winter months at Fisher Miller Trailer Court one North Beach Stx Daytoaa Beach INDIAN SUMMER TEA mlnsier will entertain at an Indian Sim til 430 pm Thane oi the tea is an added attraction GUEST FROM SCOTLAND Mrs Iiuaidr of Buckle Bonslfshlro Scotland arrived homeland Mrs Reaioh will spend the next six montlu as guest at her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs John Ewan and family ol Femdde Dr BARBECUE PARTY Mr and Mrs Stan Peryer and Reveal Collier Uniteds PaSt Era Editors Note Early record books now In the possession ol the United Church ol Canad Archiavrs located in Victoria College Library Toronto pro vided subject material or the article irriucu by Norman Clnrkc of Barrlc In series nI Irllclcs to be publishizd on thn womens pag es of this neWspaper writers will tell what III was like in the city and Slnrcoe County century ego By NORMAN nonunion Collier Street United Chuich Barrie has availed itself of an otter by the United Church of Canada Archives located in Vic toria College Library Building in Toronto to send down all old books and records of this Church for safekeeping These are avail able lor consultation as needed Included in the collection are number of Record Hooks cov ering the Barrie District as it waslhen known This included the Mission located in preent day Simcoe County and in addi tion at one time or another ex tended to include lBruce Mines Muskoka llama Sharon and Mt Albert Nermarket and Aurora Kleinhurc Osprey Homing Mills Lloydtnwn Christian ls land roe THE EVENING this of Paris designs Balem eiaga lla hi light trivitha diamond tase Croor from Van Clout and Arpels AP Wirephoio on the There are also various types of records covering Collier Street Church from whichare taken certain excerpts any IlUMDIt Dry humor appears in such cn tries as the last item in the Recording Stewards Book Meth odist Church Barrie 13551875 The meeting was adjourned to March 19165ti ivhen nothing of importance was done worth entering From the same book we find that the arinual income of the Minister was paid in English pounds one year and in Canad iandnllars the next Appropriation toihe Rev Mr MoCalium for years 185758 £193 is shillings three pence For years 135MB $163 This included salary childrens allowance table allowance lirawood trav elling expenses moving expens es horse keep Barrie Financial District Meet ing Book September iasoiaos 1897 Barrie District Minute Book 18861889 The childrens Allowance formed part of the ministers in come Payment was made on the hasisol $30 for an older child The names of the children were listed by tamil these twohooksvand in add on their birth date shown daymonth year The childrens birth dates ranged lrorn 1346 1335 ORIGINAL IARSDNAGE In December 1895 the Trustee Board decided tobulld par sonage to replace rented house on ihewest side of Mulcasier Street The Trust inspected vacant property and houses fered to them vacant lot thesouth side of Collier Street was offered at $8 foot Dvo ane houses also werefor sale on Vorsley at $2500 the ther on Dunlap Street at otio Fin ally the Trustees put through the motion éThat Mr Atkinsons lot adjoining church pcvocrlv purohaed for thesum of $1000 with lewdissenting voices the motion carried At the same time to Commit tee reported the results of their canvass as $2070 which could be increased to $2500 May was That the Trea surer he requested to borrow $800 from the Bank oi Toronto on note endorsedby Mem bers of the Board gt May 20 ltl9ii it was moved that Mr George Balls tender at $2o75 he accepted to erect building according to the said plans and specifications September 29 tons Building completed at cost at $236664 or total cost including extract at $4014 May is raw The Trustees ar ranged tor mortgage at $2500 at per cent for years This house at 102 Collier Street has been used as Parsonage now called the muse since the time vrcromaw 51an the Christian Guardianof February 5th 45 the Rev Samuel Rose tells of his visit to Barrie Ilhirteeo years ago in the month of December last as the sunwas hiding itself behind the westernvhllls 9sbout 25 inches ol snow onvthe oavoichthis rising littletown now stands looking Indians who were accompanying me from the Mission where had been laboring the past sum men might encamp for night There was little then to be seen but weeds and snow Now there are about 100 houses court house and jail one Episcopalian and two Methodist churches with stores and straps in abundance The Methodist missionary trod the soil betore the enterprising settler and when the emigrant lelt his native land with its sanctuaries and churchgoingballato seek home for himself and his fam ily in the wilds of Canada where he expected to hear naught but the grow ol the boat and the bowl of the wolf how pleased he must have been to hear though ln log cabin or under the shade of tree the voice of salvation The above was written in the Victorian style with the main words underlined Mrs Louise StuaEt has been elected pre cm at the Canadian Association for lie tardad Children at its andual ennlerenoe in Quebec Mrs Stuart has been vicepresi dent for five years iCPWim photo new Sizes 820 toe COLLIER Sl BARBIE 14 doors cut City 729com The womens group of West Presbyterian church mer Tca on Oct at from un is Memories and bake raia Friday at International Airport on BOAC flight from her son Ken ol throttles Rd were where and my companions the configures WANT ADS Catt Audrey Caution at man Menorahbum we seem diagnoses licCarthyJudemmhud munitan HOLIDAY IN WA lira Margaret Inches of Bir tm Ave and her dlulbta lln Allen Alsoop of Prone St lea the city today for ten day holiday cruise on arrival in New York via Amelust Ak lines they will board the cruise accents boimd for Buy UNIVERSITY STUDENT Drake Richardson son at Mr and Mrs Jdm Richardson at Park St has erudiad in he course at Applied Salaam at University of Western Ontario tendon HARVEST THANKSGIVING coltee how will follow morn ing and evening Harvest 111mb giving services at St Georges Anglican Church Sunday Ilcv Cathcnrtof Woodbridgc former rector of the Barrie church will It the morn ing worship Freud will take the averting service COFFEE PARTY Mrs James Sincer of Glad hill Farms Ilwy in Is enter taining at colfce party Thurs day morning at ten oclock to which everyone is welcome Guest of honor will be Arthur Evans Progressive Conservative candidate or the Octnbu elections CENTRAL UNITED An open meeting will be held at Central United Church Tues day evening at 830 oclock with Rev William Fritz of Olda Davenport United Church Tor onto in speaker His subject will deal with the work among alienated outh and other the telly un usted people in the Inner Clty mum period will lollowat whim stroller oom munlty needs in Barrie will be dismissed Anyone searching for solution to todays social pro blems will find interest in the meeting MENS CLUB Men of Centraluniiod Chord will hold the first Mens Club breakfast of the tail season on Sunday morning Ray Marshall Shanty Bay will be the guert speaker New men of the com munity are welcome Breakfast will be served at am Centennial Bullet Aids Building Fund SLJitarylr Catholic Womens League have completed plat for Centennial II as joint project with the Knights of Col umbus to be held Oct in the of Hall Guests attending will be served train until pm with proceeds from the pro tect going to the Building hind of St Marys Olmrdt It was reported that hos pital visits were made dunn the month of August An award of $25 will be made to high standing grade 12 stu dent of St JOSEPH High School Ihll projects include serving at banquet and rummage sale tea will be held in Novembu Mrs Ernie rPekimoulx chair ed the meeting and Mrs Hoenslaar served retresbments CANCEL SEMINAR BRDCKVILLE three dsry seminar sponsored by the World Law Foundation scheduled to open Wednesday at Challeys Locks 25 miles northwest of here wa can celled Nenty live members and senators of Parliament had to withdraw hecausaof pres sure oi Parliamentary business The englgement of bliss Wendy Sharon Craig to An thony Paul irsub has been an nounced by the bridselectr parents Mr and Mrs John Craig of Owen St Darrle The An oldleshioned nosoday of pink carnation and white and mauve mumr centred the tea table covered with handmade lace cloth at the OldFashioned Tea Party held Wednesday after noon under the auspices of the St Georges Anglican Church Women The tti was one of the non protit projects planned to cele brate the churchs 75th anniver rary in Centennial Year As far as was possible all persons who had had any connection with the historic church in Allaodaie whether baptized married form er member or adherent were in vited to Join in the lcllowshtp and events planned during the monthlong celebrations PERIOD COSTUMES Carrying throufli the oldlashr toned theme antique brass candleholders added quaint note to tha tea table appoint Delegales Attend illiill Meeting The local Ladies Auxiliary of the Army Navy and Air Force Veterans in Canada unit 365 are hostesses of the Provincial Command Meeting which began Friday and continues todov in the ANAF club rooms on Dun unfit Delegates are attending from across Ontario The Barrie unit is marking its first anniversary and the Provincial Command its lath Birthday Provincial President lilrs Audrey Fcnwiclt or London Out is presiding lat the sessions Mayor Les Cooke will welcome delegates on behalf ot the City at barrio The local unit provided enter tainment during Friday evening activities This evening mem bers and their guests will attend gala dance party CHRISTMAS For that Christmas poriv roll with pmlurionll look lea or SOON an soon so mm OUR LUCKY CHRISTMAS DRAW holBoygraphyjavm supra Avenite tail5454 WEDDING bridegroomelect is the son at Mr and Mrs Jack Traub of with St Collicht United Church wul be the setting for the evenlh vreddlng Oct 21 at 630 ocloc Photos by Fav EIO St Georges ACW Entertain At OldFashioned Tea Party meats Tea conveners and ash tants wore period costumes with bonneis Unit one oi SL Georges ACW convened the tea directed by Mrs Stewart leader of the group Guists were greeted by Mrs French wife of the Rector Mrs McGowan ACW President Mrs Hugh Ellis and Mrs Bertha ilogon cochair men of the 75th Anniversary Committee Ten honors were performed by Ill Anderson lilrs KnightY Mrs Sim and Mrs George Spearn Tea hostesses in cluded Mrs Day Mrs Fred Keaus Mrs Little Mrs Matthews Miss Sheila Pros ser lindMlSICllailcS Smith Mrs Ii Mitchell was kltdien convener assisted by Mrs Smethursi Babysitting services were to charge at Mrs Ii Cain QUILTING Other members of the unit da monstraiad quitting and ham ber of completed quilts were on display as well as work corn pletcd lor the missionary bale At the close of the tea hits Bertha Hogan was presented with the tea table iloral ar rangement as birthday tolr liiililtlli llllllilSllilill 35 Donald St First Street Ilehlod West End Plaza Modern nl minuu merrily or runny rranoi nounmun Well trained lllll Inclan nzolsaznrzn NURSE Morning or Afternoon cturer closely supervised leaner and outdoor nations Varied proschool education at prnlrlmmo Includes all phases that will contribute to your cause interest Ind stimulate on or her Lous lnatloo Approximately age years Transportation rup plied at small in cam xmrsrlm yous omen nowx 7285330 WWI WHENA FRIEND as lovely flowering fro CELEBRATE flowers are wonderful delivery service anywhere wneu Youwawr ISVHOSPITALIZED Nothing is quite so cheering to aconvalescent plant We offer prompt Whether its promotion or an anniversary way to put her in festive mood Choose from our wide selection of varieties to take home or have delivered wbclw3orTl curiosity ttowritsiior ratcruous 728173 as at created by your prolerslonal teieilorist fondue

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