Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Sep 1967, p. 11

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ms nu SAL Gallons 200 Barrie Fail Special Cl Oil Free pluaienneuuioneleyery BA OIL FURNACE Modsrgwdrailoandlocludlngoiillsiw BRISTOW 84 DUNLOP ROBINSON HARDWARE have good selections at colour leiavision lets riereohifi re cord players lltIlM AM and FM lransistorr Bl DUNLOI ST 726le WRECKING lo Homes vb Stores Maieriais coming in this yard dressed lumber windows doorl etc located at Highway ll Concession Oro Operated by National Budding Demolition teiapbnna 4871301 NORTHWAY RUG CO LTD The house line bloadiooni DOMESTIC AND iMPORTED BEDADIDOM Rollloam iii aiua and prices 65 Collier St Phone mlall Corinna muaehoid ol rillAlum or ule Telephon mow auilr PUMP or sale only used one week telephone 7266351 LIVINGRDOM nus need brvld lnorn lrxll Telepho mitt WIAan lioor irek tori rul good condition telephone no ml lor iltrther intonation ANTIQUE son and tools tar aalr lelephupr mtnls roe limiter inro nAnv amount or pail Lloyd belga and while in emilent eon aillo Telephone 7151668 FT MEAT dIleI counter Ix eelleni mdition will ina chliles 1th 15o mechanisms flatter POP owl mm USED lonczn rp nilaired ruinsce2or nlefoornwiek with controls roadsoodiugnejeiiahone Planning and Healing noclul USED IOIICID Alrhuflaeel of Ialn Inlood aoadiuon For Ilh git particulars talialphm as ml good condition oars alter pull PIECE DRUM bun with ped II mare arid Milnrlmix with one eymoal New never been iaaed 100 Teiepbom MM ONE com table all stme table Slfl one duld bed ml ax eellent condition telephone mom EERKKL FROZENAIRE 12 single deck dllry our Excel Jeri condition seermce or quick sale mm ALliosr lew electric stove lit eln old Glass in oven door Ill malic ror thriller inrarmation telephone via756a Two DOUBLE isms one iron one wonders Gum to eleetrio slave IIElvy duty elephone norm evenings or cc telephone 71+ gloves etc reasons or boys skates ail 1727mm condition Telephone WEDDlNG DOWN alza mils noor length hill skirt Also identi enl blue bridennllrl dresses um 11 and la Reasonable price rele phone aillow norms Till aquarium ice uIIl complete with all nee equip ment New condition saor lice lor quick Illa Telephone KidI701 usEn mm au oli lumare for sale in excellent mention about rive year old apply at Luise vln heel amt amrerwmra liech mm SIGN FOR SALE 10 I2 ELY white cardboard lnsempl Apt to Rent finite or Sllnr eta AVISlime it BInII amber bulinw 0H1 spans imam Clarinet large wardrobe dinins mom table school nests chest of drawerl old hoor plus menl line or Irliioiieg Antique Cellar zoo Dimlop west resmi day or evening NEWSPAPER MATS Sin is la ideal lining chicken crops attlcs garages etc periect lnsulsior only in each Avpiy Barrio Examiner TAPE RECORDERBr Philips model rm and soil rurner snatched pair tereo microphones Nu ARIA hi rt speakers Telephone muml MOVE CAMERA Bolrx la nun linvie omen Swltar lenses emit Cell 4630 duyl willm evenings CONBOLI dlridng room table and nix chills ror sale rationally laud gin good condition responmy prle Ed phone 7W CAMPING EOUIPMENT lmr women or rent by week lieena responsible nasty only Telephone 72m ROCKET TRAILER deeper One only ieit mom on llst price TiiionsHwy No 21 mouth or Midland Open Welles Thiars evenings FRUITS 8r VEGETABLES MELBA Wealthy Macs out basis el 55¢ his in Sanford New MONZY coma or iul your own numerals croot lot you st allrte Hwy ii mom Mammy caries ror sale early reds best on the market Tale phone mu Ora BOATS AND MOTORS none 1w root lihzerlls Larson delurs to hp electric Johnson noat equipped withmarry extras Heavy duty trailer with spare tire included Telephone molar Now Arm used boat trailers sign horsepower molars one horanpdwer and one it horsepower rnaior Na reasonable oners mus crl Apply codr park Llius Lake Barrie CAlllN caulasil less motor or on oleepr three in cabin cons it new It 72645546 ARTICLES WANTED wwwmm oldrirenoeeandaniolsplot sleeteiopnooemlaa warnail nun creed an nunre Wilmerl1 nose too it nrv phone mm daytime WANTED lorrtihira Stand nuances Dishes Mann mfierd hind shop mo or rat caslr loi old sans rues mmliure doth harps clocks aeaim books The Antique Cellar mam AUTOMATIC an mailer wanted in buy lust be in aood eondliioa telephone Dim Dtvdidl M769 BR Blflalhno clam limml wanted mall tile in soon edition with or criminal alloirio new Apply Cariy Dorie molar ulna OLD thinned desk with book can wa drawm below fun Also health oil Iemv him Aruudeli Davis Dr Newaunt mom Private DOGS Gt PETS PUP at Bernudl or me reg lrtered lo wash old cholco of II ier melt and reinXe ielephone MM or nuiNArm lemllr la lnnnitir old blend and nlclly marked Moving losers uie Phone Suyner mm FARMERS MRKE DEAD STOCK Dead or crippled cattle and horses Small anilnaia removed tree For fast service PHONE BARREL 1257151 Collecti or tor NiCKS DEAD STOCK ZENIIiIrSlmriNOrCEARGEir hours day days wool ilk Fouriead Onlar cease No Locos Nick Mootagu Prop FARM MACHINERY CHARLES china Farm Supplies is Service Case New Rolland Davrd Brown Boattv l7 BURTON AVE 77367 CASH TRADE TERMS FARMERS MRKT LIVESTOCK FOR SALE NOLSTEIN heirers or sale due icon Apply Allen Quinlan lair phone mus WILLJloImn nulrtweil brvklll Iiea tents of horses or the win ler eiepbom Holt REGISTERED liolatelru rum and due first weekin October ll Campbell and sour strand 0N Yonxalmm hug for sale and hlil old Illephnrla HORSES BOARDED Pasture and bond available for homer Experienced handling Tela phone 61617 mailman RAM ror rile rfl lstered yen old John Miller gewemre nntario telephone rot is wnANurlo pirr ror nla leir sharia name Dexleynr Mirror nl telephone lyy REGISTERED yohnhhe bred and en sills choice meatrs stock cl alelijerrilrd Mayor all Manor telephone mom RABBITS and cases one vmila Flemish Giant doc and several ped illeadl New Zealana wluler and reds lisp aIverII cusrl Bellian ship elephon Baore new FEED SEE GRAIN oar BTRAW assailed nos Tum min telephone Barrie W9 we Apply relcphon AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE BernGra ham Motors us amronn sr Barrie 7784061 our name means great deal nfljff RAMBLER 1965 ECONO LINE With heavy duty pacilage Well maintained Al condition lucence WE ONLY $i295 MOFFAITMmCURY ill Essa Road 7285558 rsrz oLnsuonna Starlira er tlble belt oiier lull powerczgllipr ea irlephone muss arter pm 1982 mun GiIIx convertible cylinder in top condition tele lionn lost aELAln CHEVROLET sedan ifiuAcpslamdilfidio gator and body can on in Burton Ava Barrie mleprP 1963 CHEVROLET door V5 standard radio BX consent eardrum Telephone no olulely eiiiilwed many extras mitt 257 hell Lhelon rram llvAmlI nionu oanbe nude or will siurrge Phone mam between and pun week days pussymam ADs vomwaanu Al motormw bai tery suitable Mllwlm maximisell 44mpm loodhody tires and radio but uiier telephone mason tor mitter intomatlen WILL BRING ncsquSL rm pnolvamliii ed Telephone iiiills rm otnaliaalLE Staflirevconver tibic beat Mier full tether Eiliiiv lies pm lril mnoit needs miar worlt Labrcilorlva Cm FORfiAIIc Io iii no cannuc sully poured momma M0 iurrrioltphoao us creel at eL margin mu seam Eries nae its sunsetad lati mam do Taiwan rat WC Court in II Thundeer molar Surme curb HIM We slum Ml nectar accentlac new or unr hlnkd lmlltnl Apply lb liaison We up TRUCKS FOR SALE IN mAIIONIL lonl when emspeed llulntoe new arthody Corral niu dim tr lies ln iarutionai mp truck lite lac Iultaihonll aim truck lacl my Wu lntefliltionli Tandem in in NI mono VII mo Dhmtld usually ule ll use loot Cadillac with eondu nlnr Hart Mot are no puniop Ciaaerleai Barfl manta LIKE NEW mum in trust Iisiwat I11 at MM In tea believe uh phone IKI WhgflflAL reu mwdwlrlon axle mm and tailor mneetlnnl also our hherl in DENNt shine sold to 2° work 7294009 Ur 713MB SNOWMOBILES SEE DARCY Bombardier Skidoc Sales For The Best Deal Bell Ewart 45621 THE LIVELY ONE Bombardier Skidoo Sales and Scrvica BAYVIEW MARINE Lukelhiiie Dr Barrie mam AUTO REPAIRS TME Equipped it Stalled To Service Any links OI Cal Our Expert Mechanics Aha STILL ON THE JOB To GIVE RELIABLE SERVICE TO SMALL can OWNERS Mofiatt Mercury Ltd 81 ESSA RD 7285558 PERSONALS RHEJEANNE Stylist INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL $1350 PERMS $750 Wicks Beauty Salon 45 DUNLOP 7282980 IA You have ddnflnl problem and want help hbdnl arn ulna mien masLs naAnlNGs no you want your or tunrials by card11 so ona mom ior rppolnlment DH 00 Warm the action is Join the Brut Dwell Liberal movement Well niak great team vim lav Dunlap or call 7183541 to HELP WANTED MALE HELP MEAT MANAGER Required tor slaple Leaf Servica Extend Ease Hordhen Oui prer yne manager is gone irilo business lor hints mes Apply in person to in 50m Manager alrpie Leaf Services Gro eery am Demon PRINTER WANTED compositorrresemln or rmail corn menial printing plant Willing to learn onset lithography Sioody work aood wages tor the int min Apply Simone Litho 167 Dun lap street west near Anne street RAWLEiGli BUSINESS now open In Barrie Trade well established Excellent opportun ity Full time Write magi Dept 1428189 4006 Richelieu Si Si Henry Mantras in person in Personnel oificcz 191 JOHN mam tth pru West Bend oi Canada erj Retail pp For young men ages 13 to minimum education grade il leisEl for retail management with coast to roast chain VExtellSIVOeX pannibli programvaiid supervised training EXCEIIEIIIOPWIDIIIY faryadvancatlicnt Employee benefits include pension plan pmiit sharing paid vacations willingness to accept periodical expense paid transfers Apply stating lull particulars home age marital lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP FARM BUILDING SALES mammmva Beaver laxillier Co Ltd Muir or an accomplished talisman to generate sales oi farm building up in the Newlnarket area Responsibilities will include fol lowlg leads whether obtain ed by he reprueiiistiva him rail or by Beaver branch do velopnlelit and dollar oi tales initiation oiprocedurea ior cra dit and financial and mi ricu of tho ereclion oi the strirc Ml Qiiaiiiailons should includa strong arm background know ledge oi farming methods and problem Benlmeralion will be salary plus conmission with excellent euning potential The lawm nierlt will be required in own late model car AWill Personrlal Manager BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED Box 1450 SHERIDAN PARK Ontario interviews will be held locally MANUFACTURED HOME SALES REPREENTATWES Baaver lumber Co ltd requirl eslili accomplished salesman to generate sales of maniliactured homo units in the Barrie area Responsibilities will include loi iowup oi ieadr whether obtain cd by the representative himseii or by Beaver branfii develop ment and closing of sales ini itialian oi rocedures or credit and finish ng and supervision oi the erection oi the basic homo package Remuneration will be salary plus commission with excellent earning potential The inuimb cat will be required to own late model car Apply Personnel Manager BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED Box 1450 SHEREAN PARK Ontario Interviews will be held locally UTILITY LINEMEN Expanding Jiydra litiiityiro uircsexperienced Linemcn for be verhaad and underground distribution systems Opportun ilics foradvancement are ex ceilent Apply in writing to TORONTO TOWNSHIP HYDROELECIRIC COMMISSION 3240 Mavis Road Ccoirsviiie Ontario Attention NICHOLLS stating quailiiutions and ex perienca EXPERIENCED MAN for used car rocondilinning and new car eeanup Salary open Apply to irvilre service man ager Art nose ChavOlds Newmarket Ont BUTCHER SKIPPER llequlrea immediate mm withii or er lnnvali street EMILQEMOI LOCAL ACCEPTANCE company rel giflghnranner trainee Telephone AUTO MECHANIC Wanted emorionce on import necessu co mama ntao hlr sehuis at nmnan or senuretlmd min to IflCk Incl DIIlns at station in Barrie nipenencebrce telred but not necoasa mlssl tourism andrya tritium EDINcGLE MAI or couple parblime are or orsei minules ilnrn liarlie sellcontained heated ao commodatinn supplied Old Neieied mim mm EXPERIENCED herdslnsntor 17 married New house hen rind milk supplied Top wager ll mlil Telephone Clanpbeli Lauollnlia rakers roller med etc Ind asphlit workers requir ed immediately steady employment aetier than going me wages tele phone rzaosrs INTERESTED in extra pochdt my it you have ear and can spare hours in the evenings and talret interested InvirlUm lab you own or one Mr Pails mom uriiitr my axamlvaa wms ans room 7231414 Correspondent havturualhiuvivhshifirhahh an aptitude toward or experience in sales work Salary commen auraie with ability and experience Qualified applicants apply in person to Mr shearer sales manager West Bandoi callada Ltd 191 Johnslreei Barrie Ont PRODUCTION WORKER Required by awarding local industry pulp or production work Fiveday iohour week Full range of company beneiits Appiy BARBIE Grinnily status and education iocalSladlnans Store luvs Or nun all By ushered plums Walaga Beach Bill board was canted Moo from lines recalled ram the couris hahiln the hall durin the summer months ho eve anvill reporle that to date the village had received MM in line inane Mrl Nobes report Olivievl Community till was proceeding with the reuovalion of the lorruer Dollre otiiu In that building It is to be made into an apartment for the bail caretaker Council hld previously voted 51000 lb ward this project deiegaliolr train the Area Public Scbodi Board discumd with council the need for rent ing section oi Oalvlew Hall aa tergporary school room it was agre details should be mailer for the school board and the billboard to decide E=== I0 HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED NEED EXTRA MONEY Showing our beautiful lino oi Chiistmaa cards to irieods neighbours relatives is one at tho easiest and latest ways of earning extra cash You dont nced experience because our big illustrated catalogue with over loo item shown illiull colour helps you to get plenty orders Write today for Ciuirilnar cards an approval and free catalogue Monarch Card Cd Dept Cannon Hamilton Social Writer required for paritlmc position for the Barrie maminer Applh caals must be good atEllgiish zmmmur and be pmilcierrt ly pisl Approximater so hours per week Apply in person or in writing to II MEPIIERSON Managing Editor The Barrie Examiner Hayfield St Bflfril minimala usnled as flankedan slalilrrAppsylrI Im Elly um bpplop alreet Gnu on woman for Rural help daya we Shyner molar Im issuanth womn orlrikd to lIIyerIEOC all NY nusre innliner WOMAN wanted for paritllne help mini bu pIunant and able iddea withfinale Cali Mikel Milk Al land lelunhnna mum gar ln lenien BABY SliiER WANTED 1N ANGUS AREA Telephone toosoil ior rur el lllllIIXI liraruns womn to leap noun during November Decemner as pins mo children are expertirl new friend live out Write box aarrle ratminer relerencer please WAmisss renulred 2i years or over experience prererable but not essential ply in person rho Motor Hotel mom ernilslnElt required in my own home ior one oreschool and and kindergarten child Paimwllck pros Telephone 72 mel prli ADDITIONAL ex rirnced IlIIl dllficf wanted till 01 Dllldlflltr liberal basic usury plus commis flolli llioaslnlyterie hogdylhHWEIOIT ervow litr1 Handy PIIII Alcoh DutyJr nl reoulrcn immediately ior small of nee nequuemenn shorthand type irvg tiling elementary bookkeeping ability to inlet thapublic and work without supervision Excellent working eoprlltloru with all the usual oenellts Starting ulnlY mom Reply In writing Klvllig illII panic Hills of education experience with references WIIHI available cm or telephone or III IDPIIcltinn infill in M11 Steele Slmcacrflarric Dn emney Measures Organization courtly Building Elrrie Telephone mini extension 21 EMPLOYMENT WANTED woum rloflyplnp Jobs in my home nights week Reasonable rates Cali relsay ammo normals couple mid dleased but not yet pension age inteuigenl comeminu non drlnkers reek position as house gen security slilardsl or care crs or golf club estate small apartment or motel write to Box no Barrie Examiner MALE FEMALE HELP COOKS and DISHWASHERS for flailtime employment All company benefits excellent working conditions Telephone 7233461 or apply at Waylare Restaurant SCIIUOL MUS DRIVERS ENTRY malebr enule in the Angus cunp holders are time mounts to about an hour in the morning and ran Ln ritemoon Phone SNI Greer mammtion co us Blnir 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONSALE Central Ontario Jersey Consignment Sale at Fairgrounds Barrie PMWEDNESDAY OCT 40 Head Registered Jerseys mostly treshor springing young cow and heifers Many irorn leading R0P herds Central Ontario ARCHER GOLWELL Auctioneer SANDERSON filnlrmall For catalogues write secretary Central Ontario Jersey Sale 290 Lawrence Ave Toronto 11 slEN viewed till workdaua rary Board and pot ii municipality did not vote favor oithr pro ed countys Iem they not be hid in the distribution oi booha Rinali Kabul that in the put in new had been applied ior Depleted would amount to no so worth of building In the vlilrle NINETY YEARS hill Flora Rodger celebrated her 90th birthdly Sept 21 After dinner with her iamfly Mrs Rodger wearing yellow gown and orchid curlgt received the congratulations at her many friends and neighbors Flora longhorn was the rec olid of 1x children born in Mr and Mrs James unghurrl trig does beautiful bandworil Simone CouulylJames and his wiichiary Ann armed on the pmperly where the Wasagn Beach Golf and Country Club now stand Flora aliehded echoul at Saurlir and Wytvale and in mt married Robert Rodger and moved to Midland i1iey hld four children two at whom are living Mchla of Weston and Donald oi Wasaga Eucb Mrs Rodger has two grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren After the death oi her husband in mi Mrs Rodger moved to the Beach and liver with her Ills ter itlro Rita Armstrong She is it regular attendant at lho United Missionary church enjoys read log doe beluiiflll hander and makes her own clothes Two heautiiul hirihiiay cakes were made and decorated for her by her niece Shirley Fisher at Poierbord BEACH HAPPENINGS Mrs Kay Pringie is in hospital in Owen Sound undergoing eye rosary Stan Tait River Bil for long an employee of Elton Cu Toronto is now associated with Canadian Tire Corp Ooh ilngwood lisitanJaJ ml Miss Margaret Rylher were lira Norman Ldiick Port Credit Misses Mabel Conn and Carrie Sniih Toronto TOURISM lira Mariyle Lynn and Helen OGRAPHL REQUIRED Gillies represented lluronia at the yearly convention oi the Can adian Tourist Association it or held at Manor Richelieu Mur Bay on the St Lawrence River 90 miles east oi Quebec City The days overaspent at lectures and workshops all to do wllh tour ism and in the evenings many excellent speakers amusing and informative were heard After busy summer at the beach the leisurely meals with fine loud and superlative service were enjoyed The Huronia rev presenlaiivcs flow via Air Cain ada and Quebec Air to Murray Lilly Coming home they rode Tooncrville Trolley type oi train irom Murray Bay to One bec City From QLstec City they travelled by liapido to Mon treai In Mantrcal at highlight of the trip was cocktail pariyaboard The Biueudse ii The owner oi the Biuanosd is commissioner of lhc Expo board and has it docked at the fair and Mr Oiand is this yearavpreriderlt alCana dian Tourist Association Two days were spent at Expo NORTHERN CWL The annual Regional executive meeting of Catholic Womens League Northern Region was heidin Barrie Attending were members at the executive re gionai canvaners presidents of the councils Mrs Caughiin regional chairman introduced the new spiritual director Rev Father Downs Port McNicoIl and the new execuiive Chairman Mrs Coughiin Barrie Secy Mrs Pcaihw Orillia iraaa lira ONeiiplheipstonz pub licity Mrs Helen Gillies Was agalllaach education Mrs Eugene Smith thergrova cit izinship and immigration Mrs Robert Ciifian Barrie social action Mrs illulvibiil Uptergrove weiiare Mrs John Walker Penatalrg Girl Guides Mrs Sheila Brown PortMo Nicoll spiritual Mrs Jua Larv lor Moonstone past pres Mrs Jupp The tail regional meeting is to be held Monday Oct ii at Port McNicoli II ing with Mars in Sacred Heart Church at 745 pm From there members will retire to the school auditor ium at the top of the hill ltis hoped to have speaker on Ill dian affairs Itinall By mas ncwuLL Sympathy of the commilnity is extended to Mr and Mrs Glenn Bidweil andPanl Mr and Mrs Gordon Bidwsll and Mrs Bessie Bidweil In the death of Jelfary their son and grand son failaired crowd attended an niversarysarvico at Edgar Unit ed Church Dr liyaard was speaker and soloist was Hany Sicssor Tea was served alter the service With Prevrous Batik Ekperlerice Great Opporluliiiy forAdvancerlianr TELEPHONE viisari BANK roa aamlumaur MONTREAL we TRY orrru Irrrusarsamunmur Melanie ligga Arum mumarmuwll all is Florence loin be married In One hmlhar Allan predeceaseir him He was the mini oi Vera Mil Walter lililrnw Toronto IIIth Mn Vern me One brother Allan ptedb ceased him lit pm the brother ialaw oi Vera Mn Waiter lliil mall Toronto Marioris lira Vera Taylori oi iildwn Ari sons Camry Pallbearers irrcy Rancid Ayecl George Percy Dixon hill iltnhui and Tony swells NEWS or CHURCHILL By MRS HUNTER Billie Allen was able to return home from Barrie hospital Mr and Mrs Ted iiiliock and family spent the weekend with Mrs Hiliocka parents at Powao Sm Mrs Joseph Farrier altendcd historical meeting of Strand Womens institute art week MM Farrierr mother was pre sideot of that branch many years ago Mr and Mrs Grant Shields oi Winnipeg have been spending three weeks with Mr and Mrs Alex Shekel and other reis lives in the am prior to leaving for sixmonth holiday in Ari wna Mrs Shields is Mn Shank ella risier raaclniits Mrs Clara Geddcs is lecturing three allernoonr week at Erin dale College Univerity oi Ton onto Allan Stewart is again principal of the norlhwul Gwiii inbe public school Mrs Allan Thompson is initiating lhe little ones to school life at Deiroy and Mn Glenn Terrell is member of the stall of the Prince of Wales School Barrie Recent visitors who attended the 40th anniversary oi Guthrie Presbyterian church and were gucstsrof Mr and Mrs Andrew Graham were Mr and Mrs noun hula lilac Young visited her sis ter in Toronto last week Mrs Cecil Brothel Thomion Ind Miss Willa BrodediJt Vans couver called on friends here and visited Mrs JohnCopeiaod in Newmarket hospital Mr and Mrs Ernaid Dovall and Bobby Aikion Mr and Mrs Garlid Feavér Georgetown spent Susie day with Mr and Mn Nixval Young rlioaiio Rosa infant roll of Mr and Mrs Evan Wilcox was bap tiled in the United Church Sull dhv min by Rev ii Dahlia PRESENTATION Sunday evening Mr and Mrs William Watt cntortained the ab tiers of the United Cbiirdl their wives and Rev and Mrs Dahlia After delicious bullet ripper Mr Dahlia presented Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith with Bible to wish them the best in their new home in Barrio lieith Knoc shaw entertained with some pic tures of the British Isles Ber muda Vancouver United Stats and local centennial celebra lions Mr and Mrs Alvin Smith have moved to their new home at 213 St Vincent St Barrie miscellaneous showertvas held in the basement cftha Unit ed Giurdi in honor oi Miss Betty Reynolds is hridclobe DAIRY PRINCESS Bond Head WI held theirSep tamber meeting in the hall with in members and visitors pres ent Mrs Bateman opened the meeting There will be amon sler auohre in the hall Oct at Mt for South Simcoc Dis trict thitutes Area convcnlion will beheld in StaynerLNov and 10 Mrs Phillips gave talk on the Tweedsmiiir Hisc tory Mrs Harveypresented gill to Mrs Smith prior to her moving to Barria it is pian ned to pucllasc copy of that Histary oi Simeoe County for the library no that 4H meeting for thevprolact Club Girl Enter tains has been held Leaders are Mrs William McArthur Mrs Hodgsoli and Mrs John Lloyd Mrs Wilcox had the pro gram theme agriculture and Canadian industries She inir0lt ducedliiiss Marie Fisher Sim ooe County Dairy Princess who spoke ontbe duties Dairy Princus and gave the speech she had given at Toronto Ex hibition Mrs liarVey read poemA delicious lunch was served by hostesses Mrs Smith Mrs fiDixonvand Mrs Arnlilrong also so MEMBER The Uliitad Church Women mot at the home oi Mrs James Balcman with an attendance of 25 Mrs Miller was in charge of the WDTSIIIDMIE Ruth pinned corsageonhira Smith who is ieavingour com munity Smith is life member andhas been willilll Worker inlJCW Mrau William Sutherland thfll presented her Willi cup andaaticer Mrs Mil ler mod poem Mu ravi waslcapa ell re Lucky should of the chain ierrge oi the comhiiuiih and how niunarous organizations such as the Salvation Army rYMCAg YWCA and many others were ormed audhow they leach out to help people Iruuch was served bythehostesses Mrs HWiicoxMrsClgtrmyarid Mrs Tay axaullina waur in CALUMIIII Harry Green oi Ganannqile Mr and Mrs William Gurnb arid son Mr and lira Cooper and Mrs Alex Graham oi 0th awa is Best wishes oi lhe communi go with Mr and Mrs Claude Grubb and Millie to their new home on Highland Ave Miliets Point Neighbors and friends pro aelrlod themwith an electric pereolalor and electric fry pan prionto their departure note ironl Frank Fischer oi Simcoe Manor rccaiiing stories of TentCiiy Hotel tells at taking tickets on the dance floor for Lorne Jack lie has kept luiouch with member oi Ernie Bruces family popular orchestra lead er oi yesteryear Mr Fischer writes that he is still hooking rugs One of Franks mail is an addition to any home CLUB chenlcan Kiri attended the iirst meeting or Club Girl Em tertaina ntChurcbiil Commun ity Hull Officers churn were president Susan Saunicr secrt tary Janet McQuarrie and press reporter Wendy McQuarrie Flower arranging was the topic at the evening and leaders Mrs Gordon licQuarrie and Mrs Al Hooper led the discussion and demonstrated Diana McQuarria repor ed ip the CN withlhelH girls WOMENS INSTITUTE Womens Institute will meet Oct at 815 pinl Nola changpl of date Mrs Joel Pmssrr ot Barrie will be hostess and No hert Moran hiidhurri archth Simcoe County Museum will be the speaker Members are re minded to come in centennial dress FAIR CLEANING Innisiilpeopla have been pro miilant prize Winners at all lair in Silime Camry Adiiavemedt Day ior many Clubs was held in connection with Cooks town lair Churchill boys and girls won fair share at mini Farrier Bass with their team Belgians were tops in their class Ralph Cook Eighth Line Dairy Club loader claimed many prizes One novelty canted nial flower arrangement winch square was conversation piece Cleverly made by liaiphwaa centennialerrlhiem created with multicoloured double Itaclieldtl buttons At Coilingde fair Cooksiown ili Clubs won fan of the five top prizes ill the ode ucational protect contest Coolers town Dairy Club was iirst in the Inter Club Cali competition Will lam iii Kali wore judges rib ban and was busy in the ilv stock ring CHURCHILL PETS Churchiiinat only has interest ing people but clever animaisi While working at John Peel inn laltJuae Nancy Biggs and Tom Hill robbed crowa nest oi foli baby birds One Nancy brough hnlneto her mother who raised it on bread and milk dog aruI cat food Blackle as they call him has become iavuurite with the family and even visits the neighbors going as far as Lei rpy liigh school students who meet the school bus at the curl rink lvalrli for Biackir He acrobats on the hydro wire and clothes Iincs loves to perch all hes shoulder or hepd and is iovabia iriendiy crow The pet can be mischievous likes to help in the garden eats pota to bugs but dislikes worms The aucstiur nnw lacing the Bigga is will Blackic go suuihu The Vhiiasilic family hi the village were given baby rac coon in till spring At first they led him babys bottle and it wasn longuntii he took the wholebotile oi milk with pablt Iuifl in it Now bananas are his favourite loud but anything sweet pleases him The pet knows where the candles ara kept and when aliawad inthe house wade dies to tbeoupboard and uplngu gt the door ii no one is looking he climbs on the table and helps himself to sugar iromlhe bowl with bath paws Mrs Whiieiide sayshe naps on the couch but not for lung or IlBIs as active and playful as kitten Thu family are looking for ter home for theirpet coon lllllti SEA locus loo arsnlord at 7260502 uliisullll PMITO jcLosEo all

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