AROUNDSIMCOECOUNTY iiiws or cursors By runs it CAMERON Recent visitors with Mrs Gilchrist were Mr and Mrs John Cqu Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs William Ca pei Nancy and Susan at Oak ville Mr and Mrs Beaudotte oi Saskatoon spent eight in their trailer ILBEN Jam esons last week and alsovislied Mr and Mrs Mel lamieson and wins Mrs Gordon Caldwell and Mrs Duncan Cameron Off to university are Sandra Campbell at York Gary Camp bell at McMaster Hamilton Gil Sampson to Waterloo and litur Ny Mclirthur to Guelph ANNIVERSARY capacity crowd attended the 40th anniversary service at Guthrie Presbyterian Chchh Sunday Rev bouts De Groot who served as student minister on the charge 19 years ago preached the sermon ilarry Siessor of Barrie was soloist and the junior choir directed by organist Mrs Robert Camp bell also assisted Over 150 of the people present stayed for the luncheon Among formcr members present were Mr and Mrs George Dyku and Eileen oi ibmnto Mrs Alex Graham Mr and Mrs William Cooper Mr and Mrs William Crumb of Oshawa Mr and Mrs HorryGreen oi Gananoque Mr and Mrs Graham of Lee troy Mr and Mrs Murray Cold weil and family Mr rind Mrs Norman Gilchrist Mrs Pat terson and Mr and Mrs Hewitt oi Orillia Mr and Mrs Jr Parry Mr and Mrs Reg Parry Meuiord Mr and Mrs Reg Reed Stroud Chmp bell Mrs Campbell George Sinclair of Barrie Mr and Mrs Norman Graham and family at Ancester Mr and Mrs Alex Graham and family oi Gnrrle Nick Vnndcnncy oi Willowdale ML Clara Black and Roberts Spence oi Etobionke Rally Day will be observed at the Presbyterian Church Sept 24 By MRS HOWARD CAMPBELL CONTINUE TO SPONSOR The citizenship theme was me named to Guthrie Womens tn seitutc Sept 19 to two ways first by having person from Holland tell of her familys den cision to come to Canada is years ago and scoond by hear ing about the citizenship court ceremony in Barrie ut the Court House Mrs Kooi Mrs Newton Bose and Mrs George hid Wol all contributed it this interesting and stimulating pro gram Lire motto Bad oificials are elected by citizens who do not vote was commented on by Mrs Love Three letters were re ccivcd ver the past three months irom KiePing the child sponsored in Macao The time has come for the renewal of this sponsorship and motion was carried that the see he paid Information was read concern ing the increase in this type of sponsorship and by the next time it will be SM KiePing is in Grade Primary and her hob bies are stamp collecting singa ing and joining in Sunday School and youth groups and the letter that comes tram the welfare de partment in Macao recommends To GOOD HEALTH Babbling With Warts MayCBe Harmiul By JOSEPH Gr MDLNER MD Dear Dr Mother Will you discuss plantsr warts My daughter it has two on the ball of her right foot and would like to know more about them Im ghted that you spelled it rightplantarbecause most people think it is pianters warts The name means that the warts are on the plantar or bottom surface of the foot thats all Naturally these lumpy warts being walked on become pain ful It is doubtful if plantar warts are dilfereot in behavior from other warts but because of their location you cant ignore them They hurr Plantar and other warts are thought to be due to virus and it is considered wise if person havrng them be careful not to spread the virus oil bath toom school shower or other floors Use of slippers or show er dogs is think sensible precaution As to heatment there are several meihods burning the warts oil with acid in liquid form or in otntments Vitamin injections linseed oil appli cations Xray treatment ï¬eryntherapy use oi extreme cold ultrasound eiectrocau tery Dabbling with such warts yourself may do more harm and cause more irritation and pain than having the want removed by dermatologist sknspeclalist or by your reg ular physician lsualiy one or perhaps two treatments with electrocautery Xray cryotherapy or ultra sound wril eliminate the nut sance There is no positive guarantee that more will not appear but then again they may not My advice is to have akin specialistrsiee your it Will nitroglycerin ta bl that we still continue to sponsor this girl Neutysevcn memberre and six guests were present at the home of Mrs Norman Camp bell Two at the guests Cor rlnne Wiggins and Carol Annette were til Homemaking girls who had achieved their provincial honors and were presented with Wt cup and saucer Motions were carried to en able the purchase of copy oi the ilistory of Ora Township School and to send donation oi $500 to the district secretary of Kemponfelt to help in the fund of that district Concerto ing the flower display entry at Barrie fair and the staging of flower arranging demonstra tion both have the approval at members At the District annual held in May at Edger each branch received name of an other branch in their district to have as special guests during the year Clowes Womens in ethnic are to be invited to at tend tho October meeting of Guthrie Canvassing for the CME will again be undertaken by Volunteers The Area con vention is to be held in Stayner Presbyterian Church Nov and in Centennial costumes will still be in style for that day Each branch is to find out how many have been members oi Wt for so years not necessarily con seurtivc nor of the one branch Mrs Vic OBrien would like to receive the names and Mrs ll Kcli choroid plan to honor thess women To conclude trs citizenship theme the Centennial Hymn written and composed by Ken neth Moyer and Rex Le Lachcur was sung llostcsses for the eve ning were Mrs Cilit Home and Mrs Bert iameon The Octob er meeting will be the repon slbillty oi the convener for health and home economics Mrs Rosa Bradley and roll call good way to relax By nrns CAMPBELL Mr and Mrs Douglas Wilson and family spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Wilson at Sundridge and attended Sund rldge fair Saturday Mrs John Campbell and Mrs John Mason attended 4H Homemaking Leadership School in Barrie Sept 11 and 12 Mr and Mrs Coulter and Bon nie have moved from Ottawa and taken up residence in the lower not oi the Raven home We welcome them to Guthrie Mr and Mrs Mel Jamieson visited relatives in Parry Sound recently Mrs Stephensonspent few days in Toronto the week The Junior Guild met at Mrs Lewis stoddarts Sept ta Plans were made for an Autumnba zaar exhibit at Barrie fair and ior Halloween party or Guild members andtheir families at Guthrie Hall Oct 28 Mr and Mrs George Carrrp bell and Mrs Mason attend ed the baptism oi George Alex ander infant son oi Mr and Mrs Alien Name in Dublin Street United Church in Guelph Sept 17 Ed Kscnyen is attending Mc Master University Miss Carol Annetts went to see play at the Shakespeare Theatre in Siratford with group from Barrie North Collegiate Dear Dr Moinerx carry various prescription pills and capsules in an aluminum case 15 there any danger of alumi num poisoning from this deteriorate seldom have to take them and they get pretty old4VG No sir no danger of aluml nurn poisoning from the con tainer Yes nitroglycerintablets can deteriorate it you get relief tram old tablets they are still all right if you dont discard them and purchase fresh and smaller quantity since you use them so infrequently Dear Dr Molnar My doctor tells me have mesentary gland infection Could you explain more about th as had never heard or it will it clear up or become chroniC or could it require an operation ilrs KRM There are lymph glands throughout the body Those in the abdomen are located in the mesentery or tissue which sup ports the bowel These glands cah become inlectedtniectious mononucle osis tuberculosis viral infec tions or other intentions affect ing the bowel areisamples oi possible causes The glands become swollen and tender and usually fever goes alongwilh it With proper treatment which at times may mean clearing up the under lying cause as well the glands generally return to normal Such meseuterlc gland infers tion is morecommon in chil dren and when there is acute abdominal pain ihe symptoms can give every sign of being acute appendicitis in such cases surgery is sometime the wise course lest it really be an appendix to had condition And then the appendix is found nor NEW PLOS By MRS WANLESS Mrs Herold Smith attended tbowerdn Toronto for her daughter Doreen Itllu horns of Mr and Mrs ilill Utappeii Recent visitors included Mr and Mrs nay Hall Barrie with Mr and Mrs Walter llsll Mr and Mrs Morley Pearson Ind Bradley Thornton with Mrs Clarence Atkinson Mr and Mn Harold Waniesl and Susan Eg bart guests of Mr and Mrs Archie Waniess Bartholomew Guthrie Mr Gordon Clark and Miss Susan Bartholomew Barrie with Mr and Mrs Cline Rhwn on the occasion of Dale Rawne seventh birthday Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and family attended family dinner party at the home at Mr and Mrs Lorne Dean to cele brate Mr and Mrs Grenville Deans silver wedding anniver sary Now ilos ili glrisheld their first meeting on Sleeping Gar ments at the home of their leader Mrs Sam Allen Eleven girls were piBSEDL MIDHURST CUB SCOUT NEWS tea and bake sale was held last Saturday by the Womens Auxiliary oi Midhurst Boy Scout Group at the home at Slew art Midhursi for the purpose of raising funds to purchase camping equipmentThree cubs mummde can and looking atilr the tie pond for the children ilve gang girls in the area served the tea room and refresh ments to the children on the patio Mrs illipenny convent ed the bake table So from many generous peo in Midme made the tea sums and proceeds from it will enable the WA to We ntmil cook kit kit chen cook kit and group first aid kit Immediately and two vein turer tents at later date Two camp saws and twovuiker shov etc have been donated by Galbraith Midhunt Door prizes were won by Mrs Coombea Midhuratrand lira Elsie Spencer Painswick The WA have planned rum mate sale for Nov to st Trin lty Parish Hall Barrie GROUP COMMITTEE At Group committee meet ing reports were heard from leaders and the program out line for cubs and scouts for the fall Cubmaster Rick Hubbard reported he had it cubs with eight new cubs in the pack Plans have beenmade to take the boys on hike Sept 23 Scoutrnaster Bob Byers an nounced Neil Blundeil would be an assistant scoutmaster and two weekend camps had been arranged training camp Sept 30 and Oct and the annual camporee Oct 1415 both at Camp Wildmon He also stated golden nrmw course would be conducted by him at his home for patrol leaders and seconds CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY SECKER You are the dealer both sides vulnerable and open with One Heart Partner responds One Spade What would you bid now withcach oi the following five handal partrs om era nurse cos waists 124th one KQBBB errors 4142 QAKJBM can 4K3 VKQar QAQDMKJI Four spades Once partner responds with spade you cant reasonably settle for iessthan game and the easiest and best way of getting there is by bid ding itdirectiy Only con firmed pessimist would think in terms at less than game after spade response Whether the basis for compob ing your chances is point count you have in highch points plus good distribution and trump iit wortir or points more or probable taking tricks you cannot reasonably expect to lose more than three tricks lump to three spades would not be adequate jump raise urges but does not force respon der to continue 20ne notrump This Month fies balanced hand oi the mini mum class which is just what you have it would be wrong to rebid the hearts with such weak suit Two diamonds Hands with better in suit and it is there fore beat not to conceal your see and suit While two diamonds is not forcing and may even be based on minimum hand it does suggest extra values and is hence preierable to rebid of one notrump which is clearly limit bid The band should not he treated as minimum open ing bid Three hearts The values bove minimum are described in this case by jump to three hearts Partner is not required to bid again and should pass with any hand where he strain ed originally to respond Our 15point hand is worth considerably more than that partly because of the length and strength of the hearts and part ly because the spade response helped to cover the chief weak spot of the hand However it is not worth more titan an invite tlonol rebid since game is un likely it partners values are such that he passes three hearts Three notrump Once you accept the premise that partner has at least points for his spade response you cannot stop under game The only question is how to describe the size and shape of your hand Three notrump fits the bill perfectly it shows balanced dis tribution at least in points and strength in the unbid suits At the same time it lays the foun dation for slam if partner has betterthanaverage iiand JULIET IONS DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA LAZLO lHE BIWWTI i5 ADVANCED m2 HIS AGE saw distribution generally play one HOURS 327 In Fearm Sndklie tier World ntsu mma Now she wants be know WHY you havent got enough of your allowance left to pick up her list of groceries pour caostonn AOMSS LLoam tiJvtuove semi 10Attempts 12 Shea ties mArilstn stand 14 Chalcedony 151mm clubs 16 Calendar Abbreviat ton 17 Kluge Bashan 18 Drones 19th measure 20Pelt 283irthplnca of Abraham pose 24 Without Purpose Help 293w windows 32 litangcneset sym as smart branch 85 Exdlmai tion 36 Acttnhun sym 37 Chinese dynasty 38 Contest of speed 40 Latin 42 anneal 43 Coneat 44 whim farm to 45 Male Alter Netlike Top Lurima this reply 5Vapor Stuffs Sloth Seesaw Sailing vessel 11 Ghettos 15 steal 18 Garment border mail but the swollen glands areI discovered 25 Unit 21 Thin mat tress 22 Jim bled type 23 WW otwork 84 Magic sticks SE Wonder 39 ulture medium 41 Hiding Place 81 News PEP 33 Scot tlsh land holder BLONDIE BUZZ SAWYER MUGGS AND SKSETER HOW CAN MOViE BE EXCITING ALL GOOD 6W5 AND NO BAD UYS WAIT DONNA THIS IVE GOTTA Oil KARL WHATA liOileBlE EXPERIENCE THAT SIUPID BUFFALO KEPT ME UP THAT TREE ALL NisHTr ITS ONLY FOOTBALL PRACTICE murreuso VF Norrie romeo mvou armor ccvouxmnem rr RECAlL aw worrisome