PONY FRONT EVERETT IS WINNER Chump fast nineyear old pony from Everett was an easy wiuncr in race at recent Cooksiown Fair Sharon Reid 10 is shown riding the pony which finished more than to lengths ahead of his nearest rival There were our en tries Examiner Photo Planned For Sept 27 BEETON Staff We will be holding our sulky races on the second day ml the fair as usual said Harry Cross secretaryman ager at the Beeton full fair which will be held on Thursday and Wednesday September 26 and 27 Mr Cross said there would be western show and dance in the hall the first night and con tests for 510 in prizes the see and night Night horseracing under floodlights is not planned Some appeared to have got this impression because of the new floodlighls but it was decided to have the races in the afternoon starting at Zoclocir he said INNISlll horas Vote Cost $27 Some 2000 students are expec ted to participate in the school parade Besides Beelon and Te cumseth schools Alliston Adj nio Bradford and West Gwllllm bury pupils also will loin in the march Tho Simcoc County block and white llolstcln competition wdi be among livestock features which include good horse and pony show as well as races There will be two classiï¬ed sulky events also single horn and buggy race and team race Ahievement Day for lll clubs of Beeton and Area will be held in conjunction with the fair and these competitions will include Still Undecided By The third vote on the liquor qucstlon has left lnnisï¬l without licensed dining room prtvliege has qualified them for liquor store but not definitely for the sale of beer The vote regard ing dining room licence is so close that there may be re count The allowing oi liquor store might be left in aheyance as this is based on likely profit on operations Spelled bil loLs accounted for much inde cision The estimated cost of the volaio the ratepayers is listed at $2700 and may increase it recounts are required This ac count was approved among the financial matters presented at the Canned meeting this week the tonal eropenditure amounting to $604591 for township affairs ROADS REPORT The roads department did not present an account for the mid monhh however superintendent lohn Cowan gave summary of expenditure so far this year He stated that the filling and widening of the thin line west to 27 highway was about com pietcd and crushed gravel would be in progress thh week Cal cium will be applied this fall and would he in fair shape by the time of the plowing match Ten sideroad south was about ready for the gravel top and sur face gavel and was secondary to the 10th line He had ex pended total of $18500 by the tima the above work was com pleted and another $40000 yet unpaid for surface treatments The biggest job left will be re placing the Tollendal culvert an old structure of over 60 years use that is only one car width wide Tenders are now being callcd for this work The new bridge and grading for the approaches will likely make rond appropriations this year with small balance The work at the nail crossing on the 10th line has left cross ing that was the scene of fataiity couple of years ago very safe place now The fill usedwas removed trom the railway hank and the farm adjoining DEMOLTSE SCEQOL The purchase of the old Strand property was agreed to for the sum of $2000 rider was add cd by Councillor Gibbins who moved that the building two storey brick structure of not too ancient vintage be demolished it purchased Councillor Gibblns claimed it would he waste of money to revamp the structure even if the township needed ernore space Connclllor Burton suggested that the building might be used for library and part for police office with garage at the rear However the voto was on recorded basis with four of the members voting yea ReeveCochrnne added decided Nay as he felt that demolishing the structure at once was not necessary Next years Council may have other ideas he sugi gestcd HELD DAY COSTS The report on the lnnlsiii Field Day was tabled and show ed tbat plus the $1000 set aside to cover the expenses of this an nual sports day in the township pack an additional expenditure of $42000 was outstanding Expenditures for general ex penses totalled $100100 parade costs totalled $46500 sports ex penses $37764 swimming cool tmt $155 Bï¬df and Rolling Pin contest $13362 advertising and public relations $165M mak ing total of $484000 Ad missions brought in $85400 meals sold $37050 grants and donations made up the balance of the difference leaving to tal oi $410 to pay after $l000 advance WY ESSA PARADE This Saturdayafternoon the Essa and Ivy groups will hold their field day at the vfllage th so or more floau entered in the parade which will pass the park entrance early in the afternoon The judges will be James Henry Dr Wilson of Bar rie and this iter Three prizes will be awarded An IvyThornton ball game is scheduled for the evening as well as an oldtirne ball game with long list of sports and mcnwmnking filling the alter noon barbecue will be served for the evening meal PARK ACCOUNT Architects Pentland Baker and Poison who supervised the work at Centennial Park render ed their account for the sun of 51223 which they stated was their final account in this town ship centennial prolect Work is still in progress at theparlr with fencing andmaintenance being carried on WANT CAMPING REDUCED Ray McFadden one of the sea sonai campers at lnnislil Park came to Council to protest what hedatmedwasaï¬pscent raise in the costs of trailer camp for the coming year He suggested that unless many of the annual dampers were advis ed by this weekend that the rat Medonie Changes Garage Location MODNSTONE Stall change in plans for new town ship garage to allow room for future expansion has been ap proved by Medonte township council The new plans calls for the building to be located atfeet east of the location originally planned The council which is headed by Reeve Dalton Jermey anth orizedthe appointment of Mel Bell as temporaryvroad fore man do showing of sheep beef and dairy calves swine corn and potato clubs We expect to have one of the best showings of indoor exhibits in years said Mr Cross EXPECT 10000 Mr Cross said early interest shown in the air has exceeded that of other years and with good weatherhe anticipates crowd of 10000 About 0000 at tended the twodsy event last year We hope to make our centen nial year fair something special and the cooperation has been wonderfuli he said amid not be new as suggested by ameeting of the Parks Committee may of them would not be coming back Conn ciilor Bmon in replying to the protest claimed that the raise did not amount to 25 per cent on an allover basis and that the Committee was merely endeav oring to keep the park out of the red We added new set of flush toilets and did many other improvements but we are also down considerable in our reven ue this year Mr Burton said He felt that the advance was necessary to keep abreast of costs slight reduction in the proposorl increase was agreed on VALE Stall cen tennial queen contest will be one of the features at vsrlet Lbow which is planned at the vlls Iran on Friday evening 0cto be as one of the insures of the Flu Agricultural Smittys 1N7 fall lair ibe president Cecil Truth and members of the societys ex ecotive have worked for months in preparations for the fair which they hope will be the but in its long history in corn memorntion of Canadas centen nial gear The beauty queen coo test one of the special events Emphasis has been given that the of the fair larng depmds on the cooperation and the advance interest shown her reflected exceptional enthus iasm General feeling is that all that is now needed to make an outstanding fair is good weather PREPARATION DAY Thursday October is preplr stinn day when the midway will be in operation and many of the exhibits placed Rules provide that notice of entries must be made with the secretary Mrs Tinney by the opening day The president hir French in commenting on the coming fair and home show said in order to make our fair more attrac tive we have added home show Thirtyeight concessions have been sold In the arens Will Pick Fair In Elinvale Contest Tom displays will be very at tractive and am quite sure Ill will coioy seeing them ColUnxwood Collegiate Band will lead the school children parade which is to be held on Frlds0ctober at pm Scbpo contexts hem and lshow Ind baby coolest will io ow centemld plate of arranged for Saturday at 1130 pm will be led by Drillis Silver Band and will more may at tractive floats beauty queens modern and antique Frank Archer is chairman in charge of parade arrangements with blei Rowat Norman hos and Graham also on the Committee Following the parade livestock lucldgurg and horse racial will bs bel it the Mr minds John Wsplas onetime noted horse race driver whose sons are now among Canadas best will be chairman in charge of the races and members of 113 committee include Reg Bertram in barn and Dr Windrsm The horn racing is billed to start at 230 pm CLOSING DANCE The fair wfll wiodvup with centennial dance at the arena on Saturday night wish to thank the directors those connected with the man sgcmenl the exhibilom those Late Season Visitors iStill Numerous Tit Orr Lake Park HILLSDALE Staff While the busiest season is over Flos and Medonte community park at Orr lake Hill has mum vhitors dinEng weekend when the weather is good Equipped with swings slide and teeterjï¬ters the park has particular appeal for family gatherings and children The closing in of safe wading area at the lakeahors has been oom mended as well as rules which ban boats from the swimming area Closing time for the park is 10pm ihe picnic tables and benches barbecue and equipment con tinue in use Pedestriantraiflc only is allowed in the park which has wide footpath through tall cedars pines and maples from the Orr Lake road down to the waterfront New surfacing of the road with crushed stone from highway on to the park distance of about half mile has been appreci ated by motorists The large circular sign flied onte and Fioe Park has been Planned lit Totienham NTTENHAM Stall This South Simcoe village with its own municipal services is pro cording with plans tora new lagoon system for sewage treat uicnt We site has been drop en for the purpose north of Mill Street and it will be developed to service at least 2700 people iottenham has its own water system streets are kept in good shape and town services well maintained Reeve Fred McLean heads the village council commented on by numerous vial tors Dogs kept under control are permitted in the park but signs warns they must be kept outside the swimming area Visitors have commented ire quentlyon the beauty of the nearby pine torcst nreas min Iained by Slmcoe County under the supervision of lile depart ment of lands and forests Some of these can be seen from high way ill west of this Medonts township community Cookstown Fair Finances Good 00me Stem The Agricultural Society is in excel lent shops financially and this will help make better fairs for the future said Albert Gllroy secretary stating the recent fair was one oi the most successful at the gate in years lie raid full financial figures wont be available for some time but uplslnsdthey were even better than last years suc cessiul fair We had more ex hibits than our own centennial Queen DISTRICT who have contributed time money merchandise and only lance given in so many ways and the cooperation of business people and individuals said Mr hencbin his presidents ms Honorary directors of the Flo Igrimliiurli society include Anderson Cooper Bert French Mrs Jones liar vsy Rowley Mrs Harry Wade and William Clement vehicles News Mimi EXAMINER FRIDAY comments 61 Baxter To Hold Big Celebration man stun Starting with Friday night dance Dam lets centennial celebralionwfll beheldonScpt930snd0ct Muiholandl cutest trom Stroud will provide the music for the opening dance pcewcel baseball tournament centennial parade horsehoe pitching tour nament and monster encore are planned for Saturday The par ode is due to start at 130 pm and the cuchre will be held in the evening It combined church service is planned or Sunday Oct coorsrowu wruusnsnrcsrvs Trophies Mm Rield of Stmttord re celves the Gilroy trophy from Albert Gilroy at Cookstown on behalf of his Royce lllebl and his Country Cousins first prira winners in the western class of Cookstown music con test Night Floyd Sillito also BARRIE HuronA of Stratford received Russell Webb trophy from Mrs loan Roberts Cookntown for Perth County Playboys winners in oldtime class Baker Photoi DR VElN THEATRE STARTI fair in 1958 and the largest at tendance since then Annual meeting of the Cooks town Agricultural Society is held in January when full reports will be given Mr Gilray sold the parade we particularly successful feature and he would like to give credit to all who helped Springdala Christian school lost with pupils in centennial oostiones was mong first prize winners which be felt deserved special credit The centennial quills also made display which received more than usual comment also olsrmcr COLLEGIATE some EVENING scnooi RegistroIion ni Cenrrnl Collegiate Tuesday Sept 26 130930 11Iursdny Sept 28 730930 Classes Beginning October 3rd Courses for Academic Credit at the grade and 10 level Mathematics Science Commercial Technical Courseswill be arranged in Eng interest warrants VNon Credit can Archaeology Tbeginntng canon 17 Artlioiiyainting Auto body Auto Mechanics Basic English for new Canadians Bookkeeping elementary and advanced Drafling mechanical iish French History and Geography where Display Art show card writingadverhstng sketches Electronics Business Law Machine Shop Power Squadron Sewing elementary int Typing elementaryadvanced Weldihg basic course Woodwork eroiedlate tailoring The Board islanxions to provide any suitable courses for which adequate class numbers and instructors can heprovlded Interested gtoupsare in vitedto discuss theirevening school requirements with the Evening School Frill ipal BDickson 72671840 Ramsay Superintendent of smnairy Schooli Dickson Principal Night helical WITH THE WAVUUT EXGITEMENT THATS TUHNTNETTN AMERICA rum marrow rywaw THETRIPOLlTl linoleumillslilillHUlSUSANOLNERshuu vanadiumhintHitcottiNSauARlHURUREITUSSWMSAMWMAN usr TIMES mnnARlHURDRtiTUSS PLUS THE MYSTERY 0F THUG ISLAND T0NIGHTL ms MILLION EYES or suMuwu eLus THE TALLWQMEN national