oTTiwiieroirT 7V New Baii HP 16 anynudism condemns wan Publisher William Teller conen Manager QHMePherIonMemgingEditor slypnommrnrnn 31an Aberr To yChineSe Mind TilDAY ï¬lm Chinese consci responds when an appeal to his ByPEILTPDIAN WWW mi thegginemdflhmeï¬l who on in pa corners in tendon these were mete minimume the coined anie were so Iowan aberrantTheir feces were con toiled so violently thetl showed the flietogrlphe to Width trtend Ind heiold me they had the cherecterlstlc cut of teatime modeled with hysteria in Ihe paiholollui lease These men were out of their minds Their whole country seems to have gone out of its mind it resembles my paychlehlst friend said the condition that befalls men when they have lost their importance and women when th have lost their beauty the och is turbo leasing and lastl many are For China this shock bu tried for one century ever since the white man in the not attacked ddoated Ind llmbled tho Cblnere empire that had considered tour until then the centre of thomid Ever since the Chinese have been twiddle wipe outthe humiliation they siiilered and have been prepared to endure any sacrifiucxelal endralfnem no augges no ary asant feeisthis way all the time but he patriotism is cut in such fem auspiceran lAMINE ibeChlneee responded to such an appeal when Mao laa tung made it The long roller CANADAS STORY The FactOl Confederationl Square Before Cdnadidï¬s Jean Ostiguy errpresident of the Investment Dealers Association of Can ada examined the fact of Confederation in logical address to the Chambre dc Commerce de Montreal lle traced the growth of the economic power and cultural influence of Quebec over the ast 30 years as measuredby notre tar our stature within Con federation if in 1966 he reasoned Quebecs economy has progressed more rapidly than Canadas and if our stature is what it is in 1987 then the con gtution has notserved us so badlyafter Ostiguy noted accurately that al most everyone agrees that the constitu tion must be changed in order to reflect more realistically the changes that have occurred over the past 100 years But he said If the contract that binds us to our brothers from the rest of the country must be modified to make Can ada country as bilingual as possible to ensure ourdevelopment and our growth and even thersurvival of nation of six million in sea of 200 million English speaking people agree But we must be careful not to break too many win dows change too rapidly and substitute the economic wealth and ggrowthvthat we DOWNMEMORTIANE l0 YEARS AGO iNTOWN Barrie Examiner Sept 20 1957 Anny Day observed at Camp Borden with Open House parades demonstrations display of Weapon sand equipment Joint Atomic Biologicaiand Chenncal Warfare School showedmodelfof Toronto after simulated bombattack Barrie Fiyer coach Hap Emins signed goalieMarv Rutledge of Gravenhurst Arnold Bant ing Ivy choseiidelegate to attend Rural Youth of USA conference in West Vir ginia James McBride elected presi dent St MarysHoly NarrfeSociety Barrie Examiner became part of Tho son Newspapers Canadatlimited organ ization With Walls remaining as publisher and nogstaft changes Plans egan for new building and conversion to daily publication Rotary Club hon ored four Scouts home from World Jam boree at Sutton Cpldfield England Dori Miller Doug Morren Bill Hankin and Bill Wardle Town council passed by law to crack down on pedestrian jay walkers Post Office Squarefolcial ly renamed fFred Grant Square This was later changed by town council to Memorial rParkf and street onwest boundary renamed from Marks St to Fred Grant Street Dorian Parkers 7th inning hit scored Diane Exeli to give Barrie Flyers 10 winzover Newmarket Dixons in Barrie District ladies softball final Pitcher Dorothy Miller deserved shutout for locals Alex Lapsley won eight ribbons at first track meet at Bar rie North Collegiate New pro rietor FrankVarley announced start of rida gt night dances at Baystalrs LodgeMinets Point Alan Drury topped all athletes with points at Barrie Central Collegiate track meet withAlvina Norrenasecond Harold Bowen Midhurst namedex Confederation Other Editors Views now enjoy for Vlreo Quebec similar to Fidel Castros Fiee Cuba As evidence that the fact of Confeder alien is beginning to be accepted more fully Ostlguy cited Premier Robsrts announcement of last week that Ontario will follow the lead of New Brunswick and Manitoba by providing schooling insh the French language at allacademic levels Recognition of French Canadian rights throughout Canada is oneof the steps necessary to ke Quebec strong and active partner in Confederation And that asMOstiguy said lathe only condition on which either Quebecs or Canadas stature can continue to grow This is the fact of Confederation It is the fact that the Conservative party however belatedly faced By forcing his party and thousands of other Can adians to face it squarely Mr Diefen baker whatever his motives probably performed an unwitting service to Can ada comments The Financial Times Whether from conscience common sense or pure sentiment Canadians are at last beginning to grasp the fact of Grasping the central fact will not remove the problems which flow from it But it is the first essential step toward finding solutions for them ecutive secretary Civil Service Associa tion of Ontario Gerald Smith principal King Edward School showed films of summer trip along Alaska Highs way to Yukon Great Books Ciub formed in Barrie instigated by Macklem and Bobier Mrs Sarah Maley appointed chairman Discussion groups will beheld at library hall Mrs Suzanne Emmsappoiiited pro sional Barrie Skating Club Married on same day by same minister Rev Mr Beynon two Stroud couples Mr and Mrs William Lamb and Mr and Mrs Samuel Broley celebrated golden wed ding Cookslown Fair held 99than nuai exhibition with new accommodation in buildings Minesing club coached by George Miles won senior softball title beating Barrie Legion in final Members of Barrie and Orlllia Chambers of Commerce toured Edgar RCAF radar station welcomed byWing Commander Harry Bryant CO Bill Long resigned as assistant coach Barrie Flyers due to business commitments COST OF SENDING LETTER Sarnia Observer Marketing estimates that it now costs $249 to send out business letter That figure includes the average salary of the executive andrhis secretary vacations and illness overhead taxes pensions mailyhandling filing and of course the price of the stamp That leads us to think aboutjall the letters we get wed be just ashaï¬py not ones to get For instance there are that begin No doub ev small count you have with its hasfles ped your attention We regret to in form you thatunless arch surmounted by an embat Tomato log patient devoteddsloeee le perfumed miracles of work and bravery for Mao Trotting in some ways it paid off Their standards of living were raised from what they had been Despite all dlfficul tied the Communists in China eradicated famine But the pressure was unre tepped by another increase And as if that were not enough ell leisure had to bob Titian byunfilled oc on uce tion Communal is more like religion than political creed it aims at remakia people Those eesiut to re Ire the young so Commist tbeo holds and the young titer ore were used intensively by Maoto spy on their elders to harengue their elders to be cheerleaders lhe lied horde are only the last phase of long process it all finally becama too devnld of fun The average earnit monomer so itll be new in when film of Comm Tommi it be relished by that oI We baseball pleyer but Pearson After he he tailed in Ill innings be For many others it will be enenlirely new genie or even no game at all John Dideabe her and his loyal rl will be th mm the Tory ccnepifatorl have becometheini TrDiefElmaelltherewlllbe an position as leader of the 0pm Mon he will shed its salary of $15000 plus its earpiloweooe of $2000 year taxfree which helps to pay for his familiar paleblue Buick with its pree tige licence plate hunter sooo Atheism lIay Parliament mwuim uccuiama who ever the year has made sever al begins to Halifax to urge Bob Stanfield to enter federal ten politics So long did Weiiy the confidential murmur And an annex to Parliament fill theres the at conser vattve Perry headquarters led by action director Jim John voice doctor of philosophy and former newlpsper editor Some or all of these an likely to be rationed by Camp followers ï¬restorm oi the new guard over the party 0d enough memory tells me some of the longtime advocates of Stanfield for leader within the Conserve tive caucus were the early canisters of the first dumleef movement hi the winter of iotaes These include the gallant veteran and former deience minister Doug Hark ness the first of the three min isters who resigned from the McCulcheonl teulIeld movemait alert that he was even on by the Nova Scotll minister in the then Diel enbaker cabinet the late George Nowhn whose son now sits for hie constituency and likewise supports Stanï¬eld Other among the early Sten lieid supporter were PEle Heath Macouatrie the hilio rllnconsclence of the party Jean Wadda the daughter and widow of oldline ToryJfla and now an MP herself God Bald win the New Zealsnd born lew yer from Peace lliver who is the respected Quiet Parliamen teriea oi the Tory beck benchee Ind Gordon Fair weaiher forrner attorneygen ml of New Brunswick who was onset the promising but unpromoied stern of the Dieien Chinese has had nowhere in He will have to vacate Stomo hide for too long The invasion ml the comfortable furnished o1 on private world by public burns in Radcliffe Perk our authority has been too meme vlded free for whoever fills the and tooprolunged and the ardl post ofDppositioo leader and any Chlnue cracked wna wnnh remain 8600 month on him the system cracked React the market WI ll lugagalnst the crackrip Mao til115 flamed by lull Tsotung simply murmured era but generous and fa reseure tinned the yourst sighted gift by committee of loose in modern version of private alumni which be are vlously beneflited Conservative glispefldmflilaisnglddipiflghï¬ George Drew and Liberal Lee who are the purest ofthe pure MPemn What Dlef yield hieeuccer llltillï¬yï¬gnï¬ 553233 eor non Stanfield biu inherit we have been the most hurd villi the new as year be will hit psychological ï¬ud least draw II teller1 MP able to adjust really to the dies lllllie lump from the 000 tissues of their dreams in wgaaugilnzfiavvigascgflhln MMde manual wry become ou in influence it not in sltlo nLof the efeoblker loyal to Maybe House Leader lithe Dlefenbaker cabinet and Sena PMflNT viii lefl Second Fiddle To it Steel Guitar Sonny James Minnie Pearl baker years DRIVEIN THEATRE DAV till Nlll Sergeant Deadheod Frinlde Avalon Ill Princess Louise Made Big Hit By BOB BOWMAN There have been number or exciting Royal Visits to Can ada but surely none co red with the tour of britlstholum bin in 1382 the Marquis of bond and bl wife Princess 103m daughter of Queen Vic 11 Actually it was viceregnl visit because the Marquis of Lornewaa the Governor Gen eral of Canada but the Prim cese Soulseswll the star turn Their tour might have been stagemanaged by the master owman Barnum The GovernorGeneral was fedup with the delay in build ing the transcontinental railway promised when British Colum bia iolned Confederation He thought he inlghtatir the gov ernment to action it he went there but his real purpose was disguised as constitutional duty The viceregal couple arrived at Victoria on September 20 1882 and the capital went all out to try to prove that it cotde rank with any ancIEnt Duo pcett city ETDEOUB SIGHT Dr Margaret Ormsby in her history of British Columbia says Hideous monstrosltim made their appearance the arch at Point Elllce bridge intended to typify the city gates was supplied with towers surmounted by parapets its circular pcdiment bore the slo gun LOYAL HEARTS AND ENGLISH HOMES Fort street boasted pseudoTudor arch with two hexagonal towers and parapets as well as centre tied gable in imitation atonef Perhaps the Chinese citizens of Victoria did the only authen tic worir They built lofty Chinese temple from which flew banner reading The Orient Greets the Occident However Victoria also hoeeh lithe barrio Examiner re Boyfldd Street Barrie Onion Authorized as second class matter Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay ment of postage in cash Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscriptionratea daily by carrierytbc weekly 52340 yearly Sin ie copies 10c mail 340 yearly Ontario $1200 you motor throwotf$ year Mail out side Ontarioptde year 0uti aide Canada British posses alone 15 year USA and foreign 325 year National Advertising or tree 4251Universily Avcpu 040 Cathcart St Montreal 5477 1200 West Pen der St Vancouver Melnber of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association the Canadian Pressand Audit Bureau oi contiguous lt5 The Canadian Press ex clusively entitled to the rue for republication of all news dispatches in this paper cred ited to it or The Associated Pissor Reuters and also the local now published tiiereiii wo Withstand edthe modern as well as the old Some of the street lights were electric They would repia co the old gas street if they proved that they the rigors of autumn The newspaper Colonist had telephone connected with the railway station and it was marvel that voices in the sta tion could be heard distinctly in theoffice and even whistling and rinsing STAYED THREE MONTHS The viceregal visit was sup posed to last two weeks but the Marquis of Lorne and Princess Louhe stayed in British Colum bia for three months The Mar quis toured the province as much as possible and saw the okanagan Valiey lrlncess Louise stayed in Victoria and made herself at home She entered into the life of the community and enjoyed visiting the shape On one accla elnn it is said baker gruitly ordered her to come from behind the counter where she was examining some of his wares because he did not know who she was Before returning to Ottawa the Governor General wessbla to announcerthat the Kicking Horse Pass had been chosen as the route through the Rockies and the transcontinental line should be opened in 1887 sauces THE ll c0UNTRY wesreiru snow evtirurroorriisn mm sown Cont Sat The Immortal93 III£9078 Was ago77 hgs spam minus tamis who CANADAS FINEST ENTERTAINMENT cases ilsusau seal true Hilliiiili0illERBlilflNSlCliliNEii In PANAVISIM Starr of Oshawa and chief whip Reynaldo ltepp of Saskatchewan will be rep seed while other such as ErikNieken and on garys Eldon Woolllams will lose their close aoclatlon with their leader LETTERS ToTiiT EDITOR NOITV DEBATE Dear Sir ibedecielon made by Mr Eve has to decline the challenge by Mr Owen to participate in political debate on TV is re grettabla and will no doubt cost him number of votes Everyone is wdi aware of the fact that TV appearance is Jan mm effectLigoe sad for reaéh ln consist mee ng ï¬d by candidate where the audience is mainly composed of followers of that particular in dividual The statement made by the sitting member that he is not TV personality is puerlle and unoonvirxnng and one can only arrive at the conclusion that maybe he is somewhat timid at the prospect of facing hie op ponent caperhops be has no policies to oiicrhence the de clinature PETER MeDONALD BiBiTTiiooGiiT hath He said and it He not dot Numbers 28 You can trust God as never been known to forsake forget or go back on ills Word if ye shall ask anything in my name will do resist ASASINGINEW axiojounii Today at mo only Sui Cont aoolsos 82il LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 820 Torxone Valleyof MM and Evoiigellt Bolt Mcloren oleGuelpli at Codringlon 7Pulilic Stliool For Barri areas enleniiiul iusode For Christ Tonight Special Musie 800 pm Galilean Quartet From Guelph Presented by Northside neiiiiiiiiiiiis are Bustinoutilii Ove murmur ii ii an ilNlï¬lllSrTill ctsrlliiis arillis Slam at LostComplete Show at 830 SIGHTLESS GUNMAN ON MANHUNT TECHNICOLOI WlDtSCtE HARLEQUIN PICTURES PRESENTATION inimineysrnoiocoiaucu