WlNNEItS Obihc lluronia Numismatic Association dis play competition yesterady THREE STAYNER members oi tiie Huronia Numismatic As sociation look over the wares were Mrs Noreen llowcratt senior display and Greg Kline oi Barrie junior with his display at bills oi the ot an Oriiiia coin dealer at the seventh anniversary meet ing of the club in Barrie last night The meeting ivas held elf arr new ran mars mums FRIDAY sarimince 1m Name Chairman Of Business For New Georgian College hieCague chairman oi the board oi governors oi Gcor glen College at Applied arts and Technology has Announced the appoith of hi Wayne hin ningham as chairman oi the hilsiness and applied arts divb sion at the college world FROM LE Stove Wiggins Stroud president Noreen Hotteroit Barrie and Greg Kline Barrie at Loyal True Blue Hall on High St FROM LEFT Doug Ford Bill tto back ground and Doug Walker éTalk OilBogus Money Highlight or Meeting flounterieit money was the ma jor topic of speech by Steve Wiggins president oi the Hur onia Numismatic Association yesterday as the club celebra ted its seventh anniversary Speaking from the lirpage oklet titled The Counterfeit Elector distributed by the Royal Canadian Mounted Pol ice Mr Wiggins pointed out the things to look for to identify the bogus bill from the real thing The booklet was sent tolhe club in lieu oi an RCMP speak 5r who was unable to attend Mr Wiggins emphasized that person who knowingly passes counterfeit money is liable to prison sentence of It years The meeting also featured nine VOTERS 1LISTS now BEING PRINTED fsxaminer unpioyoes Mrs Ross Corner leit and Mrs Es telle Medians oheclc voters coin displays by members and guests and there were two deal ers on hand both trorn Oriilia Birthday cake and notice were served during the evening One oi the most promising testures oi the meeting was tournout oi eight young collecx tors This compares to nor mal attendance or tivo or three youngsters There was totii of close to 40 personsat the an niversary meeting large number at outertown members participated coin auction was held at the end oi the meeting Mr Wiggins was highly crit ical oi the government five per cent sales tax being applied to coins sold in the club The tax lists bikini are being printed by the commercial printing de partsneat it is expected that is eventually pricing coins out of reach of the collectors and threatens to killthe auction of coins completely he said The clubis considering practice oi trading coins oi equal value rather than the outright sale of coins ii the tax is ehargrdkit should just be on the trade dit ferancenot on the iuilpriee oi the coin each time it is sold The junior and senior of the display competition were Greg Kline 14 of Barrie whose display of Bills of the World non the junior section and Noreen Howeroit winner at the senior division with her display oi Centennial Money 3000 more voters wfll be our ible in the riding of Simcoe Centre than the 30000 eligible last provincial election also reported during For the past nine years Mr Cunningham was on the run oi the Southern Alberta Insti tulo oi Technology Calgary where he was head of the com munlcatlon arts department and public relations olilcer since 1962 He was born in Ottawa where he received his primary and secondary education Ha gradu ated irom St Patricia College with Bachelor oi Arts Degree and has taken post graduate work In English llteraIure at the University oi Ottawa and in communications at the Univer sity Washington while at the Southern Alberta institqu oi Technology he told atcd summer school in Eng lish for overseas students and waanslrumcntal in developing diploma programs in iouroai ism library arts graphic arts administration and television stage and radio arts its also served as chairman oi the Calgary local employment committee and was member of the English Council of Alber to the Canadian Vocational Aslt sedation the Canadian Public Relations Society the Canadian Education Association and the National language an organism tion set up to study the teach ing of English at technical in stitutes and community colleg es Mr thinningharn will be res ponsible tor the business pro grams at the College So far more than on students have applied for admission to the five courses being oilercd at the College this year Formal registration will be on October and with the classes beglnn log on Oct Loan iiNDGENEBiiL WANDERING COW It cow was reported wander ing on Patterson Road near the CNR tracks yesterday but was corralled beiore any damage was done RVH MEETING The Royal Victoria liospitnl Board meets this oiiernoon at ram in Loldlaw Residence SCHOOL BOARD regular meeting or the Rar rle Public School Board the iirst since beginning oi the school year is slated ior Tues day nigiit in the board rooms on Bridge N19 is lit Barrie Starting Monday the Barrie Duplicate Bridge Club will play Monday and Thursday evenings at 745 at the Barrie Master points will be awarded the winners in each section There will be $1 entry fee charged ior Mondays game with the proceeds going to the bridge olympiad fund Results of the Wednesday evening sessions are as follows NorthSouth position Doug Pos kitt and GoidrMcEltdzle Mrs Ralph Rowe and Menezes Flohr and Mrs John Woodstock Mrs Evans and Hamid Binghani EastlVest position Mr and Mrs Ron Armstrong Len Rowe and John Lucas Mrs Artltiore and Mrs John woods MrsFrank Hersey and Mrs Emerson Swain Barrie Council Tax Credits Bylaw Monday City council will consider bylaw that would authorize municipal and school tax cred its or elderly persons in Barrie at Mondays regular meeting HitBy Car Botlniured sovenyearoid cyclist Mark Gordon of 186 Duckworih Street received head injuries broken left leg broken shoulder and abrasions yesterday when struck by car at tho intersectionof Codrington and St Vincent Streets He was in fair condition at Royal Victoria Hospital this morning The boy apparently rode into tiiepadr ot car westbound on Codringtoo Street from between two eastbound cars He was strudr by the west bound car driven by lrvioe Girard 44 of to Anne St rash of minor accidents was yesterdays heavy rain OPP Reports Accidents Two accidents totalling $11m were investigated by Barrie OPP yesterday The first occurredat 230 pm atthe intersection of Highway 90 and the Ninth Concession oi Essa Twp involved were the autosof Murray Tracey42 of Utopia and Lee Clifford Rob son 42 of Egbert The Robson vehicle sustained 5450 damage Three persons inihe Tracey auto were treated or injuries and released troin RVli They were Mrs Charlie Llseum RR Utopia treated tor bruises Mrs Robert Tracey 78 Utopia treatedior neck injuries and Randy Lawson Utopia also treated and released No charges are reported laid The second accident occurred at 440 pm on Highway 27 south of Harris it involved the Vehicle of Gary Gills t7 oi Bar rie Damage to the car was estimatedat WI MrGliils was uninjured St vinccht Street The session will begin at pm APPEAL DONATION iiiurray Mills iormer Bar ria alderman who is now liv ing in nursing home in Tor onto has sent substantial don ation to the Barrie United lip pcai Ross Stephens appeal chairman announced today OFFICIAL OPENING The niiicial opening oi Flash Muffler Service will be held Sept 26 mm to 10 pm Waiter Carruthers proprietor oi the business and well known area businessman announced to day MINOR HOCKEY Final registration for Legion and RCAFA minor hockey will be tomorrow from am to pm downstairs at the legion Hall on ColiierSL Legion minor hockey is for boys years old before May 31 RCAFA hockey is for boys is after May 31 There will beno admissions after tomorrow GUN NInIIr Gun Night featuring movies and equipment will be ncsday at pm at 110 Brad lord St Refreshments willzaiso be served CAR FIRE Barrie Fire Department re ports one false alarm and car tire yesterday The false alarm occurred in the afternoon at Barrie Plurnbio Supply Co Ltd on Vittoria whenthe alarm system cable was out The wiring in car caught tire last night at General Electric Will Discuss The bylaw permitted under recent Ontario Government leg islation would provide tor credit oi ooevhnli the taxes oi ratepayercss years or older to maximum of 5150 The credit would be registered against the property and repaid when it changes hands unless sold to near relative who also qualifies Also on the agenda for Mon days meeting is bylaw to prohibit and regulatethe dis charge at firearms in Barrie appearance beiore council The First time presented it was sent back because it contained no time it was rehirncd because council feared it would prohibit target shooting by gun clubs such as cadet curps Another bylaw tabled earlier would authorize the dedication of part of Robertson Park tor road purposes Correspondence includes re quest by the st John Ambulance for grant five notices from the committee of adjustment and request from the Royal Can adian Legion toproclaim Re membrance Week THIS VlTAL YOUNG RELIGION manyvpatiis ONE GOD many colours ONE RACE manycountries ONE WORLD Then use three million stimuli ihl world today who that it uniï¬cation oi mankind one will at one or our an my an womani Inhoh PerhapsBahai is who you on hunter iormoti Input nun is lots Ioedfla onto held by Uniroyal Centre on Wedy it will be the bylaws third penalty clause and thosecond HARDCN lTllii CLOTHES your ii LOT or run Perhaps Mom wont in sudi good frame at mind when these boys arrive home with ripe and tears But its county Delegyqtes At ACOnvention Need for more new homes to take care oi the elderly is be coming major Canadian social problem it was pointed out at national social convention at Ottawa at which Simcoe County was represented Reeve Alircd Cage of Pene tanguishene chairman of the county committee for the homes for the aged headed the coun iy delegation which also includ ed Reeve Earl Brown at Roeton Deputy Reeve John Reedy of Port MeNicoll Deputy Reeve Eugene Smiih of Essa Warden George MocKay oi Coulson and Fred Hunter of Barrie There was much useiul dis cussion about the best way of meeting the requests ior more accommodation forthe elderly said Mr HuntEI who is Sirncoe County clerk third county home for the elderly is now in the planning stage and con struuion is expected to start at Coilingwood next spring Present homes at Beeion and Panetanguishene are built well filled most of the time and iourth county home has been suggested as probable need within thenext five years on less the need for such accom modation is met some other way The Simcoe County delegation returned last night from the Ot tawa sessions Another county delegation hoadcd by Reeve Gordon Vat son of Crecmore is due to leave tonight for Vancouver to attend the Canadian Good Roads convention Reeve Ralph Hunter of Allistoo Reeve Fred Baxter oi Adinla Reeve Frank Coughiin of Pius Reeve Keith Langford of West Gwililmbury and the warden are other moms tiers oi the county road commit CE SOFTBALL FINAL Newmarket Argus Camera and Lakeview Dairy will meet tonight at Quecnsiarlr in the sixth game of their bestoiseven Barrie Fastball League final series Newmarket leads the series three games to two Game time is set for 330 pm probably not even entered their mink as they engage in the age old boys pastime of climbing trees hanging upside dowu and swinging on bran chesTIie boys are lrorn left to right Jimmy William l0 Debert Swan and Kevin Kirkpatrick io WANTS YOUR TRUCK RENTAL BUSINESS LII LL 7266525 so new Quickly wt Anal JOHNSON 107 DUNLOPE Opposite The Queen ThepeOple Who brought you Kwai Exodus and The Robe invite you to another WORLD TELEVISION PREMIERE 17Trevoi