IIsom IImu aware rnaaAnnlx rata 6831 storm um Inc He In linva one llnux Am um llTarnrl tNefl nNewr Wyeth Ipeeulmt Iuoeum EM INewn wule sooth INrm lyemu no LJurry Mam Irunmouu llDaistes In 10 ulna And an INm llle mm son mo aGet amn BMovll mm lBallle llnmt SportI 1uovlo nmer somean llPierro amen UNI Weill mo 1star ma lTommly tGome 1Hondo Pyle Ala Hunter TalI ICllvllalwlld West 10 To sea The wlzuu llAeddenul raauy XLRM For Your one Queen nu llum Ian woo not batty vlm aAcdaooll rally tPeoolo An Nun To su lnr viii lTiien £11m Ill Weather Sports lPlerIa Berton ll Holman canon oMovle Black Sunday SMavla IA Summer elm LPan the llMovh 4w Into Inul ouum ï¬ll Holt Poopul lDour emur PARTRIDGE TRACTOR SERVICE Presenla Homelllo XL Chain Saw mennuusn cl zllullolo 2114 Buflalo ChSTToronloi lzta ocpmn ltannroo BGduiu ll noun HM lm Alln Loggerum LIL Ind It TMIIIM Dolllll Boom OGlrlton lhdeflth iSnll Judlllnlnt ocannla cm Luau MM halorue Builalo up not lauh Donalo W1 unrmn nm unim Auulo so how ouci Van om 14ml Gama Mn lllhntuo oooaaooun Banal ANSWERING SERVICE ohmoro tArmwula Nmn 1Nem Maya our flvel 14mm mm mo 1lm Elli no am In oonni ll nuoe also ï¬t Lrm so orro Tell 1Ganeral IIorolul oaInmm com IvYau Dual Law of mm arn Your Mm llBllllï¬nkll muunarmr 11 more aNunwmm aatlnnloaj Hm Hera mum HI Am senior to Illtln You 4hour and Ta mm Weather Sport Iii 10 Linda And Mll IClnldlroulMll foxa tIlavla the tall lIItlma KW Follow man all lBnlrlu 81M Hula WNW Barrias Only Home Cooked Mesh as Bayllald mom THURSDAY KEPT MORNING AND AFTERNOON duo Iluo 1M awlnaew On no aoowotnuou auom World oamrley Embllltel mo lamn at ï¬muï¬umaaur 745loe rum Merl 1mm Dodo 1tlxt wen marom IInuu noun aleronnnty SGood Hamill and Grurlln oarymoon Rica Dluaaoat Arlnla use Ino Inomuola mo Main Kangaroo We Form or tea luau LUDtomtlablu tMeet no Illlell tin AlleporlQClimato Isillipe rowing lndlcationa the cow nomie cllmata la ripe tor spillover into Canada non lnllallan pressure In the oiled States are rldinl hill in the us and many manulacturert havn been raising the prior ol the its models at their roductl nap in mm nulom lleaand home up llaneel lo in durable Moreover laleat word Is that Congress is uulllrely to go all the way In approvlng President Johnsons request lor an lnllav tlon dampening surlax on per sonal incomes and corporation profits Adoption oil rush tax at fairly still levels would have rulmll effects in Canada less ening the lnllatlnnary pressures here as wall John Deutsch Queens Unl verslty cconomlat and retiring chairman ol the Councll Eco llch Canada old press conference last week Canada has come close to its current productive capacity Work Crews Find Dynamite Charge PORTARTHUR CPlA clly public works crew installing sewer Wednesday came across an unexploded dynamite charge that had been lying in tha For Inflationary Spillover oruwucrwnmin Employment and retail trade also Iourlh loom or attuned Mmeadlnx g1 xov gnrnenlaeould lead uitlrnately to hither price and costs loan economer hero real It primIndeed problem rcacllin major importance now la the cost may the Interest rates that overnmaatr and prime lamina rout to borrow lunda omens BONDS latter overament urn er antterm hoods yielding lnvextort alx per con year and acme at the char leled banks have had difficulty ralllnz lands on debentures litran more than ulen per cm Butmoney is not neceuarlly scarce The total money aupply lsruunlng more than in par cent higher than year Personal anvlnga deposits in chartered bank also are lnpu cent more than last year Some other lacets ot the economy are also chum worry Consumer prices last month were 41 per cent higher thada elr ano Economlrla any ideal ly prices should not rise more than 1V totwo per cent yetr Unenlployment represented only it per cent ol the labor lorre last month down ram per cent in July and apparently returning to tha percunt lallrlotlastyear nu Whllo wholesale prices in July were only 15 per cent higher than in July 366 econo Hlollywood squint aDn Altn rum lFImlly Lou and an urnmu Widenth if my tNan Wrathr 7lea lelum mu ltullla room Doctora nouu call mlo lMew outrun lNm Weather Joana For Tommw llFhW Flnlall tGnlflnl Llth 11 yam oLItnlce For any hualnesa orprolesalon Night and DayEvery Da Reliable Frlelldiy Courteous Theres Always an Anlwar 39 Mar ground since 1958 The charge lay beneatha gas main and had apparently been lelt there when the was first lnld down tlwo telltalc wires were noticedzsticldng up lrom the ground Gas company demoli tionspeclallats and other experts were hastily summoned to the scene where test showed thecharge was in all working order The speclallsls removed the object oaralullyand work was resumed mlsta any this L1 ale meiir lnzlul laclor lor Canada in measuran economic treilda than US wholesale pricer which show atronger uptranrl Lnlmr income in June was 32656900000 adjusted lor nor mal seasonal variation ltd this was 99 per cent than year earlier HWY ll NOltflL 7234752 IJD oUnlwmly of AL LJJtalln tor Dollar am TnFFfl tcmlau memes onomoer Room lIm Allan Illa um unmo lNm tcmoou Playhoqu llDom Reed Iowa Hull ludlnlnent Lcandld Cullen ollucl noboy llMovla Ana Now lonaormw rd Ivawad Glml no alaocton oHmru Pitt Lamm Gin Hooan ln amulet Ilerry IIIsou 300 ZAmther World LT 10 tTa Tell The Truth nnraflrtrmn Court mo SATURDAY SEPT 21 MORNING AND AFTERNOth 7256471 Igno 9Jllpdvglu Lcool alcCool llDo Allen aWenero lnnbom loan Hohnll Queat 9Oonnea 251nuon lTho 5pm Gnolt 1110 lJouruey Lnuul Review IIruazruuu uo Hlnvle Son or non noon 7lullalo Ellis llWealllnl mo nnmunl lMovlo Oceans It aMwla 1A The so hit flOollrn Football 130 anux was cut lSunrisa semester um nom llllawkey tzoo jCluldh Carlo ac taln Kanzlroo JIso der llun uSchnltxel llouII am enmulu Inomt 5qu Human PlayhouIe too WW HA0 Got Children slim people Hunt Lumqu limo Hlnbad Ir asoomn MONDAY ears EVENING DNow Weather 1Fehny5quan Hountry nuac run 21 aauodu and he Culhane oamy llama 1Pcylon em Elly 00 Tl ICam uruett TEllll Valley llVuv Gratin lllLlD IPmd le Hmldl ltll Into ll Nowa Weather Wort oNm llPlerfl HEM 11 sirï¬rmw mo Ialupouxlu LOmmmnlnta mansion 94 um Lucy llsuoer norm ano erouu macr Lnuln or Oeunoueam imam Inol Wu lInroollxu mo lllom arm to We lPe Manon 141 ea ltdtaya aao mm is alrrmuuaultl onwltdluo mo llMmte lNewl Weather mm Sports 1novlo all On nrutrooe 114mm aerlon tno nYou Dout so 3an Dl leht 7conuuudrr hm Iltr Your Move llBullwlnkla Spam Haddenlal Family lIIooeymooen Home Hundred IlaIu hour we Holder luau VNewn Weather sporta llao Aut SPORTS HAVEN summon Your OMC Sarvlra Cenlra Hm DMC Snow Crulsara Evlnrude Outboard Motors Lawn Boy Mowers Salas Sarvlca Till Hohhot aDon Meuer ocnnmolu 1Cowb0y ln Mrlea ILucllla am Suggest Name Change For Ottawa Suburb OTIAWA CPTha St Jim Baptiste Society in Eastview suburb of Ottawa has suggest ed theclty should be renamed Vanier alter the late governor genernl Jolie Belanger presideilt the Easlview branch of the Frenchspeaking society told Eastviuwl qityucounarll Wednes day the name Eastview does not really mean much Mayor Gerald Grandmaitra stud earlier this year the present name was outdated and suggested changing it to Wlllrld Laurier in honor of the former prime minister The council decided it would comider the SL Jean Baptiste societys suggestion when committee is formed to deal with the subject Eastviews population is about 25000 mostly Frendlg OTha Dulles llllleta lzzllo moo llSwtllnt women ISTtlllK SPllllEllS Saan anointM Amman when the Stork depart tlma lortha WelcomoWaIiou Hosts to arms with for baby and helplul IMO Inatlon tor the new mother But alnae tin atom out numberttle Hostalmwu coma Wagon made spam to help out Bo stalk spotter In uu llimlhood on as apprae help and to will the not motllava To report stark alghtinumzll serum sizes nvaNlNe oNm ï¬lialn oFllmslonu 1llolta HFettleoat Junction 7llon Hone Attack llHlxkey llsalnt lomoe 7zoo lMaanlx cnovle Hell Bent For Lizrum Gorilla limo Leather lllllloilllos tRouno Tabla lIn Pew lalovla Dream wile DGlcasun llMovle 11 anlru Charml mm llltlaclea munsDAYsaer EVENING mew OMovle DNewr Weathll Oat on Hot Th1 I41 Root one amtn 1That Glfl Lbun illrun our IDfl oAnu Illltun ample no was Htshinz eWorlo souta llDeuuls luenara Ten senorl Th Hell lIsuper Heme anmuooe Lemy Probe ocummn Stflp llllal Line lDoux Garraway to sMlke Douala lCammunleate Lsecret storm 51 Love Lucy llSuper Herve lo lnamey Boomer lhulh or Oouaeuuence LMovle Smite Hand with 11m Devil llItl About 11ml 500 alrall Master tPerry Mason LilliImam IlIerlcho 530 10 Lind And Sen Jscautlnl 7Ngwr EN SMy Three Soha LNeway Weather Span 7Movie The munch llPlena Horton dllfl zNewa lNewr Weather Sport Hurlila null IIul Patrol erlnll Arttr 900 INews ahom Pin INews Weather Chilllfll DNohelbeetura Sports may Grltllth llVlsn TUESDAY SEPT 25 MQRNING AND AFTERNOON an Lsuldln unlit Homenualionml my haeverly ll llh 31mm 1Dltellrla taking on Thin taleet no aIlller vnuitlve uMovl The Elmer IlMllu Douala Illa tAa one world Turns zoo znm oI our aim Have Man Splendorcd Th tPlssworrl 7Newllrworl GanIa zao LDMW tHouae Party Inmm Glrl SPeoole In Conflict IIeany Mason axon LAncther Vorls aTake to lTo Tell The rmla 7Genelll noralul Snlzlzlstlltes Court Inn LYcu Dont su omxe ul Night 1Conarnander Tom romonw oIls Your Move 1Wlndow0n Tn llPhoto Finish llBullwlnkla World TUESDAY seer 2o EVENING nooketohlv INeuu Weather snot 5P9 LTD Be Announced LNewa G00l Mommx LNQW wllufll led Spam TNrylfll lMflmlflolnIAW DPtz Whlsufl llletlfl llMerv GUEle lzlhl IDZIWK SNowa lllIlaLlaa am WW um um fldweltem Hayride tjlgolwmrlmglm In lllllerv Grtlnn lalra no 11 Pinol tDahtart 1Garrlaonl norms Llerr Lewtr llfcknmon stllo Layman zNews Weather Sport lThattllrl 44ml Anstasis lrglnu Nun 11 It Glrl JNewr Weather Sparta moo zDun Martin snun For Your Lila 1hour Company Jannlx llMelv GHHLII lllï¬ll Home Hundred you szoo LPeter Guam 3th Dick 4poch any 1Wond 01 sports llZflflo sso zmnzer lllan flBuus Bunny sgllnmy llHDW one awlonaw On no World Lemme Semeate 1114le 701 zToday tNom 1Wlndow On no World tGleaaou 1100 zPenonallty JGood Mantllll lAlld Gflllflh 7Hnneylnoon ltoea emmt Annla azoo oanvlo more mums Boy an ZGet smut Illlmde uurnutntsx at on ILriwreoce wear ltSeaway 5no ZMouxe at run 11M l79llNuwr Walther Swfll iPm Football llno zllovlo lKNnosl thovla rm Malnllteent Seven talovlo IooIstcau Brother om Football lllr 1D lel Boon LN PD ll Newa Wu har Sparta erre Berton Htar mu moo liHockey Death Valley nay More In Space Channel swam Lsuncray illSuper nemx alo zm rat 1llncketsltlv am Hannah Kansan llseonllxel Hausa ma DUnlvenltv of the Mr 1Dlnlluz Ior Dollars moo 2Pad Boon Wilton manloin Plumper Room noun Allen mo lluo 2Hollywoad soum snn Alien Time lDlok vu lee 7me Gama saIr and Mn llqurlm qomurolIl Im meanly aLuuomon an tNewll 14inqu Theres No nunoess Like slum nunom QNNMD Today lltttle People laud Hum nrlnlu Search For llonwrmwi Health not itflt Emily Nlm Tenolon At Table min gt ï¬lm IIrousla FMMW met Smell or Succel Bewitched 3alerv Grltleu 111131 Probe Hunting Charge Draws $50 Flne mlilaillliegt AFTERNQDN ARMSTRONG out cel Hflomm Harold hisky 51 of Dubuque van Km Iowa wasytined $0 and costs Wednesday when he pleaded guilty toa charge or careless hunting laid alter his brother tMeet The ltllllell 7l7uxltlve law yin sh andkilled flues Panther mg suo MATIC aMun rmm angle FRIDAY am 29 MORNING AND Sflfl 10 zwiuoow On The ZCuncentratlon vorln oaeverly Hulailllex Hummer Semester 7minute llollywn0d Complete Car Care TRANSMISSION SERVICE 205 ltllnets Pt Rd 72H CO LTD Formerly vulgaran nun fillIE HOUSE ocartoou Playhouoa llDolma Reed lomo Help Junlelnlnt tCandld Camera rlï¬lcli Bnhhl nvo SUNDAY an illoanle AND EVENING Somethina Money will tFate The Nation zInsum ItClmtlnental LHymII nook Mlnlattln 44ml Up Alnd Live DCarlmm Pwhouse 54km of mm tmogme zGmtesl Show Swm 34mm 1Movle meeti Tree 55 BY oolm Wm moomlnonoal Min 41 1mm ignore Man ZFggdï¬ï¬ï¬‚iv tFoothail 35 90mm relIon VJLllrlnl Word mm lllllir Space 7Jlscovery v51 zoo saver You Wen maul um ltFoothlll nlIoclrey Ilsmnum Izmo Hathedral PM The PI Mm 1Alllo Race LN llllorneut or Truth 7Supnl Comics lillfl Dltlllan Album llCnmera on crude km gums 125 mo thovle rImu Answ Stuntman lIuollilAmi Phlnvlo Hunt rs llMlk Dougla lzlo LAa The World Tuma 1Newl tNews 2PrmnnlltÂ¥ nod llamlfll lAnoyhrlmtu Iuoneymoon llocl DTugboat Anllla Ilao auouywood Soures lno Allen rlmo 41on VanDyke 1hmlJJGarne 5er Blltl M11 ll urnre Considerqu mo lJhnald or Truth yrDu France mo JChrlsmhel ruo zAgrlcultuxe vsA tWord or Life 7hllton llsacred Heart xao 1Thls la The Life luet Go 1Ltnul 7Cartonlu lDCarlmn Playhouse num ltleellan shotgun blast whfle he and Risky were hauling him near Ihe Arra onggar age dum km my Armstrong isallout 15D miles Mound 1Ngwlywedaungl north of the Lakehuad DIIAnilyorattyUn 230 1Doc cln Dlallnl Ior Dolln aIIouse Puty 7Dream Girl i3 um nt opper In on Carlton hredtrlcka kilompelllmm llEd Allen 930 gt 24m LatInna lN ILuue Donala Wmunllcata asemt Storm 94 born Lucy usuou Heroes on LBamey Boomer Home or menuencu eNovl um sneuuun or monsoon some 1124 Mother Cl acaptalu xxuraroo lLSchnltzrl House mo 4You And Emily your 30 LPuhlle aNows Weather LlPlern Boflon moo no it Nrwa 333er Weather Sports Tomorrow run aJolmuy Carson lStcrdl For 231 Beltway Elam nmmillhhr gamma WE Peter Dolan otMoneton more am an sGulalnr Lixht uuwlnlrl Brendon at Qutntln New castle NB andrNeil 7M0V1 White 0ESalllt John NB will ï¬kflfkdl the yearp lllldhurst and An en Mills appear in court heretnday aOut leita Illlien Horton lï¬wrdrgï¬z Protw MI and MI dnllreid NFIoystolcll 4sowulm Brothers m6 or ull Engan an an Hm Mm Mra GeofreyIGorell orIlur alleli Sash vialtedlatt week waDanDAY an 2i marzch AND AaralmooN WltllM nd Mrs Ha Foy WED llMwla 11me Hum rm 5i KIM 1n shadltw tGuldina um Zwlfldflw on loan Wm Homeotrattonr Hm fsmlNf lEeverly Inuonue Eï¬ï¬h M1593 LWI 7Datellna Ham 1m Hollywood flMovla 1toohy rim onus Quu or aircrewmy lfl aCood ltlolnllll mm lAuny armour Laoueymon am oruraol Anni um aIloltywoorl soum ann Allen um AJle Van Dyka 7ruouy Garnet Lou and lure IIluurlm conï¬dential In Sign The TEURO NSI CP lFDur man were charged here Thurs day with possession ol stolen parking signs owned by the city of llnlilax Rlcllard MacCldlumof Otta Another World lTake JD 4To TellThe Truth 1General Homltll DJlaletutea oClIIt tNewa 5m wlia oIrnlrensteln LPemr Manon TFllntatouu ilCombat no 20 Land And Hur no 7News troo amooat Junction LNewl Weather Sparta Latwt rust Manuel zCaptaln Salimbird tPaper capers 7Kln1 Iron llCathodral chum sun tIIncI Jerrya cluo 7Mkelsllln llltaltan younul mail 1411 Answer uumo Unto My Feet oluarlm Boy llthtl ï¬mle Nandld Camera allurle Bo lllliovle When The South Mala MINESING ay runs mucu Minmlng pee wee hail team Won the Einala ainst Antent Mills Sept 13 acoreheingflg Winning pitcher wasTorn lllirlrs Much credltgoeato the coaches ol theleeaaon Mr and Mrs Stan Noble Minesing hall only act two gameal Through cllun MISS loll axlo 144 alum 7lnvnders PJvnsldo azno zlvlovlo oilslECIALlSTlN WALLVTOWALVL BROADLOOM SUNDAY learn at EVENING lllllell clupmn oioo zQuartarhack clue 1Etm Name Only ltMartlan lilouluu A1leter Weller litmy rum szoo Hourtry Calde Heleoritr Gama llszlt Ban Menu Ben 1090 zIllen Chap am 1449 Show lNewa Small IManlreea dlllkulom Imooulslo we 114mm Plan zenersow on 31 it New 46 oriil Weather Sports lmnvle Goodbye am am 314 SlllItVlll LJll Sulllvm 1rshlovle Mutiny on Tile noumyl am zlroruumlnLaw azno zEnnznza SBflnlflMJ 700 Menu Acres alassle Sympalhy of the community gas to the relatives of Mrs Walter Downey who passed no way in Royal Victoria Hospital Sept 19 where she had been for the tfour tbs LARGE STOCK or REMNANTS Ilao JZStmIgle For rues 2Newa Weather PM worm llmmn Junlla tMovle acaptaln Karlaroe Chicken nony Ilsolunuel noun zoo Lam our ot um lIme may Splmdcf mural INewlywed Gama 2lo aDoclon auouae Party 74mm Girl oeeoplo Iu conrllet IlPmy Mason 3100 ZAnother World ITllfl 30 LTD Tell The Truth 7Gonerol Bonita DMImLHtBIl Court 330 1Yflu Dont Say aDoxe or Nllht 700 mlndtl Tom our Your Move lIlnwwlnm tmo aw Dlsnty sma Century 9Tnllrlnl mo ANcwa Hugh your Barrla Examiner cairlarhaanot arrived hy mm pleura phan 7232433 And Copy at an ExaminerWill Bellellverad In Your Homehyrl mm TLHEltE ISN0 CHARGE FOR THISSERVlCE LIVALLEYN TAXI leVEYOURSELF as ANDrlzuéKs It Merll mu 115mt Muale mall HLvmn nook ado humanly oI the 7Dlalln For Dollar FOR THE BEST BUY lNNEw on use numeroan CALL gt John K1Frank5 tannin Pontiac llulelr we mu CEDARGLENlNDUSTRIAL innlily zit um lane at Meal Blow minora oloronta May llLtttloNPwpla uxlo ZJlon drum mumm Tornormw tsearch 1112mm and tom 25m ludnment Humid Canter lUnqlb doom Contraotora division howeriBroI or or