Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Sep 1967, p. 12

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is TB seam mumm11mmiah m1 carrier wenrHlIR Sunny Ix Cooler weather covers most of the province todaypskles will be sunny with the odd cloudy period Saturday should we Might warming trend with clear latinny skies The overnight low ncorded downtown at the Exam fher Office was as degrees The tcmperature at 745 aim was 40 Memes TORONTD tCPl Official yrhrecasts issued at 530 am flaws The disturbance which brought heavy rains to waulario Thursday has moved westward Quite cool weather now covers the prpvlncavln the 1aoutlnglemperatures are mostly gin the to this morning In northwestern Ontario high ppressura area has brought clear sities light winds and sodegrea temperatures Today will be acool throughout Ontario Satur day warming trend will raise tompfinhocs little nearer trooprial Toronto torsion Windsor bake St lair Lake Erie avassrtiiern fake itinon westmi take Ontario regions Sunny with cloudy periods and cool today Clear and cool tonight Sunny and little warmer Sot day Winds northerly is to 15 ay light tonight and Salon Hamilton Northern Lake yliuron Niagara regions Con fderabie cloudiness this morn Ing becoming sunny with cloudy periods this afternoon Mainly ear tonight and Saturday Cool todny and tonight little warmer Saturday Vinds north erly 15 to 20 today and light tonight and Saturday 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Friday October at 12 noon sharp for CLARENCE NOBLE At Int Concession 10 West 1r Gwllllmbury next to litghway 10400 miles north AND miles finest of Bradford Sale of 00 head of choice Rol stein cows and heifers stockcrr all milking equipment hay straw grain full line of all nmodern farm machinery and gl some household effects including antiques Terms cash No reserve as the Eiarm is sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer Watch for full list October AUCTION SALE Saturday October atplmfl pm sharp it for JACK MURRAY it AtMLot Concession lnnisfil olawushtp one mile south of Churetiiil and three miles west in Highway 11 OBtwo milcs tnorth and one mile east of the pgtmokstown Cloverlea follow the service road Select 70 head of choice beef cattle and full line of farm machinery large quantity of IIE straw and grain also some phousehold effects Terms cash No reserve as the farm is sold fJElREY OOUGHIJN auctioneer WAKXII for full list October AUCTION SALE Thanksgiving Monday October at 130 pm sharp for LEWIS KELLMAN Lot 20 Concession Sunni 11 ale Township miles east or rentwood gsale of as head of choice Here lford cattle The list includes pcows fresh and springing 1calvea stockers yearlings and ozyearolds Hereford bull and fisome fat cows Terms cash No reserve as Mr ellman is going out of the cat business and his farm is for Warmcr On Saturday in Ontario Hui sbworawolng drumming becoming partly aunn ibis ransom Clear Idrool tonight ay slushy little nannar Winds mnberlo Saturday Sudbury North Bay Geor glen Bay Tlrnagaml Cochraae regions Sunn with cloudy intervals and coo today Satur day mostly sunny and warmer Winds northerly it to 15 today light tonight and southerly 15 Saturday Forecast Temperaturesl Low tonight High Saturday Wlnflor St Thomas London Kitchener Mount Forest Wingham Hamilton SL Catherines Toronto Peterborougb Kingston Trenton Klilaloo Muskoka North Bay Sudbiuy Eerlton Sault Ste Marla Kapuskasing White River hfoosuneo Timmlna WORLD BRIEFS FUNERAL FOR YACHTSRIAN TORONTO CP Wilfred Reese Bloch II Toronto Inw yer and yachtsman who died Monday was buried Wednesday in Mount Pleasant Cemetery hfr Bloch served as fleet cap toin and rear commodore of the Royal Canadian Yacht ssssaawaaaasasssaasssa agasgaganaazaaéacnsaga eral Canadian and American industrial firms DRIVER JAILED TORONTO CPI Harvey Gardner in of Ajax 0nt con vieted of criminalrnegligence in the death of another driver was prohibited Thursday from driving anywherc in Canada for the next seven years lie was also sentenced to two years less day determinate and two year less day indeterminate inreformatory PLAN GREECE INQUIRY TEL AVIV Reuters The International Federation of Newspaper Publishers decided Thursday night to investigate the state of the press in Greece under the new military regime ANOTHER EXPO MILLION MONTREAL CP Expo 67 cut its 42000000111 admission between pm and pm Thursday The identity of the visitor was not known By pm mu admittances had been racked up for total of 42001123 since the fair opened club He was dliector of sev burion regions Scattered light is to 25 today light tonight and FALLING temperatures are forecast today for most oi Canada except Saskatchewan AILISMN Staff The his tory of the town of Alliston goes back so years before Canadas Confederation to 1347 It was in this year that William Floodier and his eldest son John set out from Tecumseth in search of mill alto and after exploring the streams of Adiala Mulmur and Tossorontlo they crossed over into Essa and on lot comes rich selected the site upon which Alliston now stands The location proved ideolvfor mill because in addition to water power there was valuable timber landaiid rich soil The Boyne River Later in the same year Mr Fletcher and his son erected log shanty the first building on the Alliston site and pmbably not too much unlike the later log building now on exhibit at Itiverdaie Park hora FIRST INDUSTRY The following summer this pl oneer who from Yorkshire England and first took up land in Tecumseth in 1321 erected sawmill on the nortlt side of the Bayne and thus established Allistons first industry In 1819 Mr Fletcherbuilt iorge frame residence which was the centre much social ac tivity of community for years William Turobuil pioneer mer chant established the first gen eral store about 1056 Located on the site where the Windsor Hotel now stands the store serv ed the people from wide area After his lumber mill Mr Fletcher established second in dustry for Allistnn in 1353 when he added grist mill Among the employees was miller nam ed Grant who was the father of the first white child born in Al lislon Margaret Grant born in lost married William Banting and became the mother of Allis stream is now known as the came to Canada and Manitoba Rain is expect ed in the northern Prairie rec ions and Maritime Figures tona most famous son Slr Ircd erick Banting codiscoverer of insulin ROW NAMED in 135i the hfetfiodistr yrbo had been holding seniors at dif ferent homes built hall on site by what is now Victoria street west year later on Or aoge Lodge was formed with Jainu Banting as master The name Allhton was believ ed chosen by his Fletcher after his birthplace in Yorkshire Eng land Action was taken in 1555 to form village under this name and in 1851 post office was opened in the Fletcher home with Mr Fletchers second son George the first posfmster street name in Alliston honors this pioneer family The Alliston Star the forerun net of the promo Herald was started in 1062 withMaloolm Mcv Carthy as editor The first Pres byterian church and first school were built in that year In 1071 the Alllston Star be came the Alliston Herald now edited by Dave Willis keen editorio1booster for the town and district Three years later Alliston become incorporated as fullfledged village with its own council George Fletcher was the first reeve and his coun cillors included erlly James Aitkin John Strachan and Richard Chnpcll with John Gilbert as clerk and James Dairytreasurer BECOMES TOWN Alliston continued to develop and became town 70 years ago with John Siewattihcrfirst mayor and Dr Sutherland the first rceve The year was marked by disastrous fire which hunted hrgevscctlon of the community copy of The Alliston Herald reporting the fire is on exhibit at South fimcoe Museum at Riverdale Park is used by firefighters at the time examiner Hons Or THE WEEK long with pick and other tools Plan on the map indicate expected high temperatures today tCP Wirepboto Anti new Goes 20 Years BeforeConfederation Cement sidewalks were intro duced in Alliaton 6t years ago Before that there were mostly footpath with son board walks The first CPB train entered tha town in 1906 1vutown officials who pol in long years of particularly note worthy service were Hip well treasurer from 1895 to 1941 and William lockbnrt clerk from 1897 until his drum in lain The Memorial Library which was built largely through the cf forts of the Womens Institute was opened in ml by Sir Fred erick Banting The Stevenson Memorial flos filtal in which Alliston residents ave rmictrcivicpride was open ed in 192s Its origin was made possible by the support of the late Ibhlaw native of the Burns district and Morrow CBE Mr Loblaw cr ectcd and equipped the hospital and also contributed largely to the cost of the first street pav ing in 1929 Mr Loblaw died in 1933 With Mr Loblaw lllr Morrow contributed much to the building and equipment of Stevenson Memorial Hospital at the time of its founding 13Acré Recreation Park BRADFORD Staff Hav ing celebrated its own centen nial as an incorporated music ipallfy to years ago Bradford residents looked forwan to Canadas tooth birthday on July with special interest The official centennial project of Bradford and its West Gwil linibury neighbor is the drivel opment of its 1km recrqun park with two bail diamonds and playground facilities Grass planted art year has been them ing up well and new trees have added to its beauty RESIDE RINK The park is located beside the Bradford and District Commun ity Centre which includes the hockey and shatins rink and cur ling club facilities bin or Joseph Meg and me of his coon have been commended for their lead ership in thoparlr prolect and other enterprises Reeve Bruce Stewart Deputy Reeve Fred Cook and Councillors Kenneth Tupling lred Dow Tom Evans and Davey hiayor flinganl is currently serving his Bib year as head of the council Reeve Keith Langford hands the West Gwilitmhury council which frequently work in coop eration with Bradford while otbg or members include Deputy Reeve Arthur Wright and Coun cillora Orville Hughes John Fen ncll and Robert Sturgeon Until he retired in January Herbert Hughes former county warden was member of the West Gwii limbury council for flycars FIRST REEVE Ten years before Cnnndas Confederation through efforts led by Sir John hlacdonald who became the first prime minister Bradford pioneers were working toward incorporation of the onc tlme mill community and Thom as Dnitfitl boom the firm reevc of the vilioue in January 18511 It pioneer Mr Driffili was Bradfords first blacksmith hnv ing started his shop in 1831 Lot er he opened hardware and general store and as business man of vision he took bleeding cars rnmcrrnus rosr PETERBOROUGH nt CP Mrs Sceley assistant professor of social work at the University of Tomato has been named first principal of LadyEaton Col lege Trent University role tenant getting the common also as so ate insets or Other Bradford pioneers of the slow period included James Drury merchant whose family bontred today street name in the town Gordon on oilmaker and James Camp shoemaker The community received its name from city in England Mr Driifill and other pioneers having come from that Yerk shire centre to this vicinity GRAIN DEALER Bradfords first train dealer Gibson Cook whose business helped to make the community shopping centre for nearby fanners also arrived borne years before incorporation Be sides operating Bradfords first grocery and feed business with large store he also operated Bradfords first telephone ex change His grandson thelate George Gibson Green also oper ated the phone exchange and was town clerk for some years De uty Reeve Fred Cook also is eaceodant When Queen Victoria signed the bill which passed both Brit ish liouses for the union of the four British North American provinces as the Dominion of Canada the residents here celebrated as in other communities re the new British country Some may have doubled Lord Cornurvons words at the time We use laying the foundation of great slateper baps one which at future date may even overshadow this coun try But many foresaw great gossibllltlrs and when tbc bill echme law on July 1367 there was much celebration with parades ceremonies and speech us as the Queens proclamation was read and reread ONCE RAILWAY CENTRE At the time of Confederation the community of Bradford had railway service for 14 years Records showed In the year be fore Confederation 1366 that one passengers boarded trains at Bradford The railway brought Brndford an era of prosperity making the community basin ess and travel centre for midi of presentvdny South Simone Lake passenger boats brought others from various places round the lakes mostly via Hol land Landing In the year 1367 grocery stores sold wines rams whisky and other liquor at what appears Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister ofFinance toreceive subscriptions for loan to be issued for cash as follows year 21 month 13 bonds Issue price 9000 Yielding about 501 to mat Interest payable December is and Joni 15 Two and one half months interest payable Decrmber 15 1967 Denominations 51000 55000 525000 today toibe remarkably low ISSUE OF OR THEREABOUIS r$525oooooo and on or claim nun DATED ocroasn 1967 ac December 15 1908 urity mom and 51000000 prices Gin wis advertised at lbshllitngs per gallon for tho finest win the bestklsmlallcl rum and chant sac em to ammo tarp basket full of The Royal Mail Line for Brad ford Ind Cookslown with George Taylor contractor advertised timetabla which said Passen ers for Barrie or Toronto will in time for trains at Brad ford fbose travellinng Brad ford to Bond Head will arrive early in the day DISASTROUS FIRE tfast Bradford residents today remember the devastating dam age to the nearby Holland lifarsh in 1954 Just as this is often main topic of conversation now the late Isth century residentsA spoke about the disastrous fire of May 23 1811 Starting from bake shop it read in almost unbelievable fas on and fan ned by heavy west wind spread destruction which destroyed iao buildings Many people lost both their places of business and 1homes and there was neither shop nor grocery store left sinn dtng for residents to buy food or clothing new Bmflord was built after this disaster and the village conlt finned to develop directory of 107273 reported the popula tion at 2000 with hicii Stow enson the reeve Mr Stevenson later moved in Barrie Prices of 11185 are shown by accounts passed by West Gwlll fmbury council which included 191 loads of gravel at five cents per load for total of $995 and of foods or stone at the some price Bradford people at the time also were reading about the trial of Louis Riel over his r5 bellion in the west Two assenger steamers tho Eiderprtse andthc loin provld ed regular service around Lake Slrncoe in 1900 Thebools came up the Holland River to Brad ford bridge for passengersEx cursion trips were then popular in that era before the motor car came to this area Long grain centre lliickle and Dymentvopcncd planing factory at Bradford in 1899 and it soon expanded to include staff of 35 Another Brndford ln dustry during the early years of the century was mattressmak ing Ceilings harvested dried and curled hundreds of tons of marsh hay and baled It for mattresses and packing purpos es Later he opened mattress inaldng industry here sale JBRRY COUGHLIN auctioneer xWAITZII for full list October gm year month 5M bonds due December 15 1969 Issue price 9025 Yielding about 580 to maturity Interest payable December 15 and June 15 burrion AUCTION SALE OF SURPLUS BUILDINGS at WASAGA BEACH PROVINCIAL PARK Dn Saturday September 23 1967 commencing at 1230 pm IE ST the following buildings iw1 Eofferedylflr sale 12 room cottages lfiroom cottages 14 room cote ages room cottages 55 room cottages room cottages room cottages room cottages above 43 buildings must be gdismantled before removal 14roomcottagcl sroom wattage 31 above bulldiogsmay be emoved intact and will he sold subject to reserve bid lion to be conducted at the dmg sues commencing at 8th Street and Mosely Street attformeriy known res Ritz Cab ginsl Village of Wasaga Beach yinctioneer Mr ArcherCoiwill Barrie Ontario IFor further information contact the Park Superintendent Be nrtmeot of Lands and Forests asaga Beach Iruvmcialvlark aWasaga Bench Ontario Tele pnnneroslzozsie LEMANL istriet Forester EPARIMENT of LANDS and FORESTS DESIGN No 481 tin11151051 SemaiSfi rt with theservice Stepping inside you findja lavatory toyour right stairs to the basement at your left and one step up the doorway to the dining nook and an easy approach to diningliving area The size of the dining nook mkes the entire kitchen area especially spacious and inviting Living dining room has plenty of wall space for furniture placement space saving fireplace location and chinar cabinet near dining area Almost the entire rear wall of the living room is window wall providingaccess to the ter race and garden The sleeping wing has two baths one for the exclusive use of the master bed VXBLE Ontario room Construction is brick venr ear with stone facing prune uvufs eso ur soon Standard blueprints for the Design No CIIfal cost $25 for the first set and $0 for addilt tionai sets Blueprints comply with the National Building Code Py The building Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Opt Encloscdwpleasb new for woolen ma the book entitled SUBURBAN AND coumrr HOMES Please make remittance payable to Barr xamlner NW4 of Canada and are obtainable by return mal Ontario resi dents miist remit per cent Sales Tax atrtbe option of the Bank 01 Canada has agreed to ac open as to maturity Proceeds of the offering will be used to rcdeém15350000000 of Government of Candda Six Bonds due October 11967 and5175000000 of Government of Canada HZ Bonds due October 1961 The new Bonds wiilbe dated October 1967 and will bear interest from that date Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of Canada Principal is payable at any Agency of Bank of Canada Interest is payable at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank without charge Definitive bonds will be available on or about October 1967 without payment of accrued interest and thereafter ifl two forms bearen form with coupons attached and fully registered form with interest payable by cheque Bonds of both forms will bein the same denominations and fully interchangeable as to denom ation andor for Withoutcbargefsubjcct to Government transfer requirements where appL The low Bonds are authorized pursuant to an Act of the Parliament of Co principal and interest are charge on the Consolidated Revenue Fund Ca any investmentfiealer e1 Canada and into an equal par value of bonds Yielding 000 for 26 years interest payable April and Octoberf Denominations $1000 55000 525000 $100000 and 11000000 Two and one half months interest payable December 15 1967 Denominations $1000 55000 515000 £100000 and 5i000000 ya month bonds due Aprilil 191i Issue price 10000 elding 600 for years months hbrchangeable holder on or before April 1970 due October 1993 The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or reject in whole or in part any subscription and to allot total of $525000000 plus or minus up to 10 quire minimum of $175000000 of the new Bonds Subérrlptionr anhiectte allotment maybe made to Bank of Canada Oitdwgdirough lglhle to act as primary distributor or through any bank iii ble do and both

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