ANNOUNCEMENTS ATTENTION for an interview BAXTER CENTENN Pceuce Baseball Tournament Ccnienniai Parade Horseslioc Tournament Dutch Auction Eufltre 010000 Draw DEATHS LI Muir Edward Sudden on September 20011977 Manley lllwml Doyle of Muckn rotbu etly or Uolilitltrr In his 4qu mr aelpvrd husband of Irene helchelo um rrlhcr oi Din Strum Iieudre Jill endanyn son ol Blimnl and the ilk iirs Doer wt victorIa Harbour derr brother at uertrlce litrr Warren IIIoIrls Kenneth Patricia Mrs vireul nametine Mrs White Norah rails Iieel olive Mn ner nltel Betty Mrs Iuckerl lemon and Eugene Iur Doyle Lv our at the rennett runenl Homo 152 Brndlord sI harm or vine on Saturday It ism wliilrm nnhu Sud deniy rt the Royal Victoria Ros pltal Barrie on Thurrosy Septem lber al 1067 William Arthur Kel rry or at Maple Avenue In hid mi yur beloved husband or no rnceGiemte Predeceued by oril brother Alllri Keny nesting at the sterkley humat Home so Worsley st nan1e Static In In chapel snurdny September 27 at pm interment brute Union cemetery IIIsonic relvies qu be held at the nines1 homo ï¬ddly evenlnx AI 730 under ruspma or Km Dodge 7130 slum PAD At the horn ol nil nephrw Dottxlrl Bremen Felluwick Ontario on Thursdsp September 11 1967 Edgar Matche Dt Envision In his 70th year Be Joved husband or the liteIrena Brewster dear brother oi Herold ot aurora Lolm Ind laina Mn sham Moore both deceueo nest trig rt 17 Hughes runerel Home Coohtnwn our service on Saturday gfptcgibelr 73 at l2I pun lcnienpent rus Arlg can cure em erisfll noumson Kathleen Eiluhetn At Princess Margaret woth Tar onto on Russoy September 21 1057 Kathlem nuubolh Month to tielovrd ire oi nicer Wllltam Robinson at 111 Durknorlh Street Barrie in her 51st year Dear Pnulhcr or Bill 111 narc Kinsslon uid Kunrt home Delr sister or Olllliu iiuluister nrrmpton ostlsix It the Eternity hintn1 umc lo Womey Street nrrIle Eervlco In the chapel on Saturdayv Seoicmber 71 rt pm interment narrle Unlon cemetery CARDS OF THANKS tllcilous We wish to extend so are thank you to all the turtl Mild member itilnds pl tn the communuy end all Glorges Anglican CIIMHII or their kindness vlslts as and Ilowurlblktngilnj do on received on our nennlr In Ieccnt tbs at derr husband her All the nurses student Drs Guy Crossland cue or trying God called him to real The strong rind ado Ii wltl greatly 10 1e oonud Nicholll Ind or owns uy snare thanks to my mend or loveLv cards and gills him received durlnl my my In npypi Victoria hospital innIn Chr BLIGHTW BINGO Every l$aiqfde at 130 pm NEW SOUTH WARD COMMUNITY HALL jGiII st at Bond onlLLTA RUMMAGE SALE1 TRINITY PARISlI HALL Friday Sept 20 130 pin Auspices TRINITY WA WANTAD INSERTION RATES SAVE YOU MONEY 2Iwonn MINIMUM Time $l20 ITimesf $288 dee 36 $504 Times Save 144 Stiles For Pct SILVKRTHORNE Secretary September 29 30 Oct FRIDAY SEVI 29 CENTENNIAL DANCE iiulhollattdr Orchestra SATURDAY SEPT 30 SUNDAY our PM CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY SERVICm Lunch served otter service and barn beautiful view situa IIIEDONIE7100 acres good Owner roxiousto sell Reason it ms MRI mm no men m7 REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS VETERANS and dependents All exservicepersonnel and their dependents are invited to take advantage of tree Legion Service Mr Wall Service Bureau Ofï¬cer from Toronto will he at Legion Branch No 1317 on llionday Sept 25 1967 at 1080 am to give skilled advice on vetmns benefits Anyone with questions on War Disability Pension War Vet crans Allowance burnedout pension treatment or hospital care is urged to come to the branch IAL CELEBRATIONS 1000 am 130 pm 100 pm 700 pm 030 pm Booth on Grounds BINGO Wednesday Sept 27 p7rt ALLISTON ARENA 14 Regular SlIarctlIeWoaltll Canned soodsjatnes 010 255 IACKPUI MUST GO Door Prizes Proceeds to Charity Auspices LOYAL ORANGE ASOCIATION NEARLY NEW SALE Trinity Parish Hall Collier St OCT andi All To PM GOOD USED CLOTHING HOUSEIOU ARTICLES Con Mrs VWoliendeh 1502 Co lllrs Amy Vair 3430 Co Mrs Brydges 4435 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE RAWN Real Estate scorei ms BAYFIELD or rooms SPECIALIZING 1N RURAL PROPERTIES MERLE bedroom home on acres with fish pond and hever tailing stream $19500 OUTSKIRTS 0F BARRIE New bedroom brickhome hill basement fireplace den car attached garage situated on scenic is acre lot $20011 MIDIIURSI bedroom buo galow with breezeway and at tached gs ireed Id acre lot $3500 MIDIIURST zliedrnom homel wiul attached Sarage nicely landscaped 101 Only $7000 room bungalow fireplace elecI tric heal acre lol$12000 JARRAIT 120 acre clay loam farm large barn good hrirki house vllouing stream located on paved road $7500 MINESING 10 acresflhouse tedon paved road 0149003 barn ample supply of water $7500 PRETTY VALLEY 90 scenic acres overlooking valleypsr tially lreed ideal building rites 511500 ESSA mWNSlIlP30 acres with 15nues pt cedar bush springfed vstreams only miles from Barrie 59500 0B0 TOWNSHIP 10 acres nicely trend with year roiuid stream excellent building poten tial$z500 VACATION PROPERTIES 01m BEACH lag cottage with fireplace and guest cahin75 it frontage on Lake Simmeoon veniences 316500 INVESTMENT PROPERTIES BAYFIELD SE NORTH High way Irontage $125 per 1001 HWY 26 27 North of at limits 100 acres with 2000 frontage MOTEL Service Stabon and Restaurant located on inaip himwny Excellent possibilities able down payment 0R0 BEACH cottages Willi conveniences alwaysnrented during summer 314000 EveningsCalls LEO CAVANAUGH 7201217 LARRY TORPEY 7260715 BILL RAWN 7160990 chassvrmno nus WILL BRING RESULISI We onbcautitully KIDNDIKE PARK New oi highway frontage $30 Per It CAMPBELL PBUN ILLS REALTOR II HIGH ST moan RES 110703 150 2mm 1N 0100K So acres excellent land working it home with all coovenleocu live Iarma with Inter larder pres Ill ltva good drilled we ponds strum Main noun ll modurt Morey lrldr 81000 bathroom toll hint basement oil turliue beautiul home Some realgood timber owner has flooding otter of 025000 tar timber Listed price $77500 with 1m Giulia head mm Don Campbell 48720 Doug Campbell tatom Smith Campbell 7107335 Hugh Plowman 7700410 Ron Allan 66530 Bud WrLson 720001 Fred Taylor 731317 EMORY MILLER moron irontotem nonunion s1 Dunlap suites mini SEWER SLIli HOME modern collage at Algona across Lakelrnds Avernie from randy beach Has lovely Iotcllen living room ï¬nished versndrh bedrooms bathroom and utility room new garage Landscaped grounds Cottage turnirhed with really good lumiture Priced right at 0111300 tor null or 07000 down rod terms to still buyer will sell readily See it now Call Duel ron Swain moms SBllIlDETALIED With apartments Full price $9700 Terms can be arranged Good investment Call Harvey Weber Lid0616 MANY PINE APPOINTMENTS rttrintlcd In the older housu are omen in this Boyï¬eld SI location Eight large redecorated rooms include bedrooms living dining and iamin room In excellent condition Your large iamin will appreciate this well Inaded borne 11y pleasure to show this properly it your conven ience Call Peter Manion 7W ONLY SIX MONTHS DID Owner being transferred to tilt West This lovely mNiern home with living room large kitchen bed rooms tplece hath wiIh vanity is close to our line and schools Electrically heated Only $3000 down payment balance on one mortgage Call Karl Marshall 7259917 tor inspection Gordon Spencer 7255348 Rita Scaodrett 7204805 Emcrsao Swain 7760605 Pelor hlanton 7286500 Klinlicth Miller 4351314 niarg Wakefield M05465 Harvey Weber 4303015 Lcs Lovrgrove 05112 KarLMarshall 7209917 Percy Ford 7207930 Robert Dwelling172051107 vEmory Miller ROGERS CONNELL Photo ill Realtor DUNUJP STREET EAST he Points FAST END FRAME BUNGAIDW OVEMAJOKING THE BAY $14000 Situated on wide lot handy to shopping centrehoses and schools this small home ls now being altered tor the ï¬rst time It has an Lshapcd livingvdining combinations big kitchen bed rooms and attached garage Telins are excellent Owner will accept $1000 Its down paymmit and take back one mortgage for the balance Early Oclohor possession guaranteed Call mDAY for appointment to inspect or lurlher particulars EVENINGS CALL Council 7209765 Rogers 7203581 Fred Eplelt 7M9793 MGIBCII 72841 HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY 90 Bayï¬eld Street PHOTO MLS REALTORS 7206453 Mortgage Fluids Available Free Customer PatIrth EVENINGS CALL AI Phone on CURLY noonmum mats illwnm Moons mom MAIIGAiirn e2 IIiooiu 7202774 KLOUSIEIIMAN 77116 GLORIA KOSSATZ Home Lot Gommrlmm Hum 1111202 170an Hm GRANTMIcAIITHUR mom SHELSWEIL and WILLSON ills REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE aromas up Dunlpp St East mm or 7mm ElwinROOM MIKEY BLAKE ST HOME Just newly mod ernized ous living room with natural tieldstune ï¬replace separate din room lovely large kitchen with lots at cupboard space family room utility room heated sunroom 0n the second loor are large bedrooms and smaller room plustpioce haul ntll basement with iorood air oil heat Large treed lotwilh paved drive and double garage Exceptional terms maybe had ltore Call JadrWilIson or any stallmernber No 11067 RETDIING SOONI Then call today tolooir at this cosy bun galow All on one floor on basement no stairs to climb Modern Kitdleo living room and dinette have view of the bay 1vn heri roorns bath with vanity large utility room double garage Lovely landscaped grounds with roll trees Call Mrs Lang 7705761 N0 lidOI 0m oroirn norm ergnrct hrbltsh 7164714 Deed Atklnson 72110795 Noun iirlkes 7751139 7705701 Gladys sinclrlr mini 7mm Keith Mciluter roast 95795 netell sneuwe 74951 ll wtilrpn taddost tin menu Lourheed slayner mam Norman shelsweu minis BIDWELL Real Estate Photo has as COLLIER STREET PHONE 72o4430 OPEN HOUSE Saturday and Sunday PM TO PM CHATELAINEAWARD WINNING DESIGNS Horneswilh fresh new glamorous look Flairlor design and de tail Innovations in make lite easier housework less chore Spa practical floor plans Farnilyrpoms witil cosy fireplaces andsidlngglass patio doors Bathrooms with long vanities exv tracupboatdJspace and large ndrrorsKibohens with loads at cupIards and counter space and roomy brealdast areas VISIT THE MODELS NOW Situatedat AND 50 SPRINGHOIJME ROAD gt Foriniotrnation phone Elaine Ineson MARY MonnIsoNia man maul bums mam FRANK NELLES Photo Realtor WITMA BIDWE smear 112 GREENFIELD STREET Brand new execiitive homein Balrieviaw Heights Featuring Waivrlsho extralarge bedrooms Ismily room with Iiréplace 7oar garage This home is electrically heated Open House Saturday and Sunday SALBSMIAN on om PM gt vavamiics cam and lainCK corsair 77mm BOB aAUNohiia Eamon tsmor FRANK mun nooer tutu humus 7201405 cnc talus cm 0175710 POSTER 72min CARSONVQ 11 PHOTO oils REALTOR 58 WORSLBY STREET TELEPHONE 7200481 Norm Synnott 7237531 Russ Carson 7266161 Bill Hamilton 7205515 gt Rupert McGarih Elmvsls7attizz Charles Hepwortb 7250012 gt summon Ann $10000 nansonuns down payment mod bedroom blinuiow living out three bedroom bungalow IIIr dinlnl room brlhs not ion crescent ntllcltcd guru huhLined landscaped lot 510ooo oreltipn room brurdiuom ext $15000 down balance on III at unort oer pent mortllle nulprl in am Terms to roll Wblte emt taxes in prior only Molina mlml 71 ts OWEN ST insists PROPERTY FOR SALI Choikan Co Ltd To Collier st 7284401 VANCOUVER OODRINGmN 1100 square Ieet of luxury living large living and dining area modern kitchen prolesslonally wished rec room and pe washroom large lreed lot Tm can bu arranged GROVE 51 EAST Well kept hogalow on large 21 lol 00 will tallr this lovely home Art lastit wont last long HOWS THJS FOR BUY bedrooms protessionsily ï¬n ished rec room plus workshop and sewing room House in close to schools transportation and on quiet rcsidentill street Only 917500 NICE STOREY and hall on outskirts with bedrooms all aluminum riding largo kitchen living room dining room plus one bedroom downstairs bed rooms up Asking price 011500 LAWRENCE 72600731 BAKER 7701790 GIBBY GIBSON 7060404 MARION NEWMAN 7760092 DEVEAUX ANGUS 495090 or GARNER 7737605 HIGGINSONV 72087 DIRRAOOLO 7280195 KEITH THANKSGIVING WEEKEND In your own oottageLAct now while prices are low 3000 71mm buys lakeirotlt cottages snd bedrooms $4M heal dock only $15 45900 bedrpoms shared baach water on pressure 46900 lols cuts cottage ar tcsiati wcll BEDROOMS Large solid oementhouso gas Iurnace also cottage on 101 acres 317000 GOOD WIS 20 acrcs $5500 just outside Barrie Lot Stroud 100 x150 $1500 Clelred lol cabin $1300 Contad Dotoiiiy Fituimvriinl Churchill 6562000 101 Eguntun Ave East Tomato Photo ills Realtor ROSE APPRAISAIS MORTGAGES RENTAIS 723237 NEW AND BEDROOM SPLIT LEVEL HOMES EXCELLENT SELECTION OF NEW HOMES Located on Harding Avenue Gllarlhrqolr Avenue and Qtndles Road and4bedrooms with or without garages Price range Irom 516300 tonlnm Down parment as low as $2700 These homes must be seen to appre ciate the value you recclve for your dollar Call now loran ap poinIment toinspect EAST END bedroom immenlocatod in the east end This is good prop erty for someone wanting larger house with gooddeep lot in the lower price range IAl nose Iles malls Bill Macker Res7700m Russell Smith Res 7285996 Mary gtVsir R6 7200366 Dick tley 7297 MLS Rosita 100 saylield st 7201671 Appraisals Listinls invited avanmas JOHN WHITE 72017770 JOHN COLE 7200017 iCORBY Mobilgflomes Broker the mzalt no Dunlap St Ist and and mortgages arranged on low monthly paymentsWo buy your present 13 and 2nd mottgsgernv thrown GRETA 2mm 7mm JANE r0 1mm LaunAns vAldaton usdsu lerii durum 72mm We Selloutaroma CALL BRUCE McLEAN 1Cooksnown 684m HENRY ELRICKA MICHIE Real Estate Appralsals Mortgagesx tIOOlLIEBST rpmsass llVWill Rise If You AdvertiseClassified Did Check Youriotastoreroomfearagei Soniebody WlIl PayFordeurDiscards csIIAwpnIAdvuoi72mm PROPERTY rm ESTATE REAL ESTATE AND 00 cm or muss NDRNAGB MONEY AVAILABLE Photo M15 Realtor EVENINGS conooei ll commas7m WALT courtsmull BAND COW7m Alll ootton Am 10h Indml in 02000 Tllwbonr 30¢ wonran nvo Ipnrtmenl awn Imam property Snltlhll lar prom or run business ml in location Also at noun ulaohono mam our brisk hours bedroom Iln our bedroom down Eeu brtb downstairs SPIciou vlnl room xItebep mmuun Mom laundry man can to lac oan Iobools rm muu lIIODRN lore bodmm bricr hunt lMlIl dinttil morn Indian rour piece bathroom rrrur Mercury itreplrce thinned loom Laue lrndaerped lot But end 711m nmmvz nourith pom pm Iopnng ere Simone 10 batter horn netrip pn Nanny bed rooms 115 brtlu Plus so acres and bullied bun All for In pï¬ce oi pupoure in town Telephon mm nxsounvs bedroom um range bathrooms nuuumi pruellzd llmlly roam who tIrrplrce mrdioon In till room nr room and hrlIr immin possession Telephone vinolso lIIathew nbrd nrrrle anamnemdt bedroom III1dr bunslow on proternipnuly Irnd aeoed lot Hanover strolled recru tIop room paved driveway lot an one ovnler Carrier 10 prin doll interest In per cult Nilt nunsre rtnr outnee to all schools p1 on bus une 720 lost BEAUTIFUL HOME ON LAKE SIMCOE mm oedmn split level baro lllflii oll IIImICl pitce bllh with vanity rnxrl rtcnr ilrrplncl in tune llvtngroom broadle throughnul largo lreed lot Sandy beam Ind boat Ilotlltles Attachcd rm Telephono totms print uIe PROPERTY WANTED BAvn Client looklng Ibr an older bedroom brlcir ndmc por 1ny In need or unto rcvltrs Will my mil call Fred Taylor Campbell lieI male 7M mm awnings szvulnl mooeilents wrltlnn you are thtnklnr at seutnr please call Iodry Brlrnetl msloo representing nrlesbren nerl Estate FARMS FOR SALE MINIATURE FARM Secluded setting on paved road midway between Everett and Lisle very close to the Pine River Mallowed frame house mntains bedrooms kitohcn living room dining room and complete bathroom There are several small out buildings suit ablo tor chickens or horses The soil is medium loam and quite productive Full price is 311000 Ior buildings and 10 acres With suitable terms arranged tor the right purchaser Additional ac reage can be purchased at $350 per acre Please contact Bruce McLean lit kastown 4504486 tor inspection or lurliierinior motion GIBSON WILLOUGIIBY Limited Realtor FREE FARM CATALOGUE LISTING homes Ianns and acreage Agents in over 40 areas to serve you Gibson Will oughby Limited Realtor call our Eglinton oiiice 302540 or write 40 Eflinton Ave To onto 11 111 Acne on lilrlrwryn men mue cut or Stsyner Good build lugs Never snort ol water close to warn Belch Srrilll down pry menr tat6m stayner marrwar sbiutr 76 we or lint elm land Ind initiators tor pm or horses Wm bedroom house ginmaxim Teleyirono LOTS FOR SALE IDW an PM Barrie Examiner INSURANCE Movnvm Dont Iorgot to transfer your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverage oi any kind soo STEVENSONS 113 DUNLOPST 7001801 MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHURCH General Glendale Travelux Parts and Service Cash or Terms up to Years 170 BURTON AVE 00860 REVISED Slang area or trrtiell no lor six months lelr phwm 7207111 ll P001 cams mobile homo tor ule1Icenoe good until Decem ber 1067 Telephone 72 BUS OPPORTUNITIES mom nd repair shop cor rrle to on heated large lot write Box amie an Private G15vBar1¢ Examinrr macs BAR tor terse completely ammo and wetrub Tremen dour potqu tn hear of indul ular me Ainthll tmediltrly Telephone rm Collloxwoad DAOITATION And restaurant or flier mileï¬hlrloxm Barriznon 01 wny V711 on aeebtnr car mire mm with all equipment eluded Itnmcdilto popem Tciephonl LidWM HIVEXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mull PRIVATE Purms rvrlirblr SERVICE button REAL ESTATE TO alur mm we bur IntMm am phone mania MORTGAGE Have you mono to hurt on lirrt mortgages Soc EMORY MILLER Real Estate pront 09 DUNIOP ST 131311 MMEDIATB 1st and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL lion null AND COIIHICIAL nomnu 90 0F VALUATION If You Need Money 77 Hamill and um of naming no rfu Dr mnflllll eamtrrl Illooi Improvements IAN worthwhill um Write or Phone ml Mortgage Funding SinipsdIiISearr 17 DUNLDP IT lemon court in Brolara Angelatlonllm WANT MORTGAGEI First or Second at low limplo uttered Up to 00 ot your pro potty value low monthly pay monLt Frip to Mom your to repay or any mortgage pro blems roe JL CORBY Real Estate 93 Dunlop St 7202410 DO YOU OWN biotin Rudy cash availabi to purchase um wr vvtll even tens youmoney on your morlllgel Donuts transu mndtnr motel MONEY T0 LOAN tor Iona rod mart Ienn mortnlu ivrllp has all Bom Mines RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT 217an anunoonl cottage chmlo heat 95 per month oriItunllu neicnme Avril bin Opt ls rur phone 776157 ilnusa Parr 11m In Graeme brdrvo pteee bani Avnfllbia grill Elephant mm timid and BIDRWMM71IIUW we and ot aux1e newly deemates Adults pretence but mttfln rider our school In child No petal Microbe CIII Bill mm Iiton mom representing it Clmn Roll milk WELL HELP YOU WRITE results the Want Ad Door 1437282414 RENTALS HOMES WANTED mots neu month our set mil IM lotl oarram bedour nut no to me am to brute Id Orto ï¬kn ll om rum in MY WANT or bId root noun adult and children in in attic ndtru oi Bum Plano to brawn tunu run up them any rel Mn mun APARTMENTS WANTED mmrsnto bedroom rouI mlotar bouun uired bust am being uroaIrmd Burris than unto In an paed mmm APARTMENTS TO RENT APARTMENTS Moon Animal to rent felts Mr mind me tun norm on to It mud floor tumuhrd rprrunent down 1mm Iocrtlod Telephone 7161051 mes 711 LOWER DUPLEX roe nnt bodrooms healed om nae Telephool mm Manon Abutment comrad Ith iumhhcd bedItIIm mm amen pain and runporch Pic tures setting In Stanly Bly Anti1e now era monthly Tele phom moor CENTRAL blatantred room Iprrt menl pentIts Inmlshrd centrally located Telephone 7234751 PRIVATE BATH one room tumLhed apulmtill private petal Telephonl name or timer Muslin ntvirrrsm bachelor Apartment ti heated rel woulned central peclally lulubie tor ol business girl ass rnpntniv Availole Oslo mom mom Downtown location attu ed our central Melina end hospital Above average unfurnish ed upper two bedroom rpuhnent heat uuutlen Included Avrlirhte October lb monthly mom altar Dan unrunmsazo pelt eontrlned rpmnt all harted newly der pnted moou plur bathroom Central BullIR or omiesionll couple preremd No petp Pulinl Avbtilhlo October 725m 17le BlDlOOnl unturutshed heri ld sputum living room dining room when laundry smitten Billion 001ml prriemd No nirudren ample parkins Avrilbio October 15th Box Gt narrlr 72x wither mm lei contained one bed rvun apartment living room mod ern Rim built In cupborrds bathroom clern roomy closets in every room not water Adults Avllrblc now 7cm sroass son RENT INKSABEL loi rent suitable or small repllr service Itorlgr etc Wper month 50 B5 Rd Barrie Televhoril TilWI Examiner WANT ADS want at uiat get Examiner Ad Takers will be happy to help you write your mm amii MOST ANYTHING your oextwaot 4287114 direct lips 00 7282414 UI DE These Skilled lradeslnenfarclterdy to Work on Your Job Immediately PAVING PAVING SPECIAL Asphalt driveways and parkins lots Freoestimatu year WRITTEN GUARANTEE MANIERIPAVING co Phone 7200001 PAVING BY TailBONE CO BARBIE formerly of Toronto Our customers mourned ad vertisers Japanm paying perts Asphalt Iota driveways etc Written guaranties torttioeo years Call PAINTING neonrslttrv Pmd interior and exterior sanderL charges 02 Anne st 10 audio 770411 Interior orbit decor expert or DiIll Cfln lpmlniy BAY mom SMALL ENGINE Renata BAYSIDE SMALL ENGINE CENTRE Salm and Service T0110 GRAVELY IndyDAVIS Lawn and Garden Equipment Pronouncuam sous atloiootost 7156440 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON namcmmou salmon 33 Clipporton Sheet PlioliEmsssri ALTERATIONS LADIES ALTERATIONSI MRS MILLERme help you expandyour wardTobo also invisible mending 98 ESSA RD EAVESTROUGHING szslnounimlu nuptan ilrah lnnon1mnoyx Graham Biol sneer uetai viaital JANITOR SERVICE 3011pr snltor Service eta per in omen Best relerencer In tonu 2m Putteron noad ooomo son at elorbliil or hours attic stores Blonl Cit11m Sonics Til713115 IRONING moms 71 on basket nuth and ironing slot 116 shirtIL Plckiioand deliver moist DRIVING SCHOOL 1700an litrme SCHOOL LAIrnto drivc the modern way Telephone moors Mmqu nnlvnra scnaobi nuanced instructor nnd instruc treas Phone 710417 anytime INSULATION ammo tremor Insulation Prerestlmnter Guaranteed wort Telephone Scott Muir 7101167 CARPENTRY ALTERATIONS renovations house construction by tintsserved Indra men 479105 Angus mom BOOKKEEPING so itll 5pr com Tl Pl 71 MOWER REPAIRS AUTHORIZED Service and won rrnLv ril mlltu air cooled en tities Martino Mower Servlu eur 171 Burton Ave 7701121 SEPTIC TANKS SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED 025 my size house tank wluiil zsmilos oi Barrie KEN WINTER co Barrio Telephone 7200707 ACCOUNTING ALIum Public lcmn taut loo bonds at Dalrt 11mm 7204500 day od ovlnlnl