ro coon IiEILm Diets May Help lich Acid Condition By JOSEPH MOLNEB MD Dear Dr Matron Would you Qiease explain gout and uric acid im sure they go togeth or but would like to know the cause and cure ii any You explain things in your column so the untrainul person can understand iLLii Thank you Thats what try all Itowish diets When my TV set wont work dont want the repairman to give me the history at cathode rayvhibes just want to know what ought to be done to ix tho set and it possible want to know how should but the machine so it wlll keep working People are entitled to me same type oi answers concerning health Yes you are right about uric acid it too much accumulatcs in the syatem it gathers in the arm of urnta tyraiais in the joints and elsewhere and tiien you have the exquisite pain at gouty arthritis Why some people accumulate uric acid and others get rid oi it in nIfiiclLnt emotitins is not completely understand even by the authorities on mebzbolism However we dont have to know all tha whys to treat gout successfully Colcblclna Hand some other drugs are eiiectlve in stopping an acute attack PREVENT BUILDUP To prevent tuturc attacks We have to find some way at we venting this buildup at uric acid Diet help some but the big advance has come roughly in the last dozen years discov ery at urlcnsurlc drugsmedl cations which help the body dis charga uric acid This isnt cure one has to keep on taking the drugs in very small quantities however tees dendty but amounted east ly more pliniul ailmentlike gouttdo not receive the atten tion that is warranted in view at the number oi people antler tog irotnthem Dear Dr MolnerI What is hernia oi the hiaddert Can it be cured without an operation MII Elli You probably have reiercnce to Lagging er displacement oi the bladder due to stretching and loss at tone at the tissues which cu pp rt the bladder Childhirth la the usual cause There is no nonsurgical way to correct it hot if the situation is severe enough to warrant It the operation is not serious one Note to Art doubt If your mothers steady drinkin had much it anything to do th her gall bladder Roublebut shes been warned already about her liver and continued drinking can do nothing less than ruin Encaa By Ims II iiOWELi Anniversary services will be held in Edgar ted church Sept 10 at 130 pm Speaker will be Dr Rynard oi Orlllla and soloist Harry Siessor Mr and Mrs Bob Bonney were honored at community prescnr ration and shower Teammates at West Bend hall club also gave supper ior Bob Pupils at Best School were again awarded tlrst prize ior marching at Ore Pair Many local entries were awarded priz es and Mrs Ed Day oi Dunn iorrlio ThoroAarciwellesc ville were visitors with Mrs tabllshcd mice by now as to just how these drugs should be taken They should NOT be used in combination with some other drugs There are distinct drauiiacks ii patient takes the drugs for time then stops and aubseouenUy starts them lagain lteart surgery kidney trans plants experiments in chemoth erapy tor cancer and other such dramatic progress right fully gets great deal at atten tion in the newsllniortunately some tremendome successful Iydevaiopinents in treatment of TELEVISION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARBIE TORONTO rannsnhv 4M DNawl aMLn Duuriu acornmuntute Lsecret storm Lou Lucy 116uper lien eso snamey Boomer eTruth or consequencu Lillovla The wooden stores liMuneiera sports liiut LMovi itilyiatl an ssilmr no mo 4Perry Lima anm 7F11ntswnes L1 UMlm Inntxnsn or Lends And aeaa asoouttog 7Newa iZitdih avhiy Threw Sins LNowl ea er spam no lanil It Aiblcht 4rim Berton azia zNowa amwr Weather Sparta 4atovta LNewa The Apartment 5P0 iiuoutenanuw 100 eNewe Weather Duel in The lllnlll ilNKhlt iiili ul ewa ea er 5m gt Last osur Trek iIiioeay tiriGIXllidB mm rnewtlened Ilts nappeoiae aoa sblan mm UNCLE iteoa Bonnny Mr and Mrs Bill McLean and sons have returned from Caliior line Mark Mcnaddcsi and Sherry Shellswell cntertalnedlriends tor their recent birlhdayn West Oro Baptist church will hold anniversary services Oct at am and pm Frank Stephens will be speaker and there will be special music liloand Mrs Robert Huston and iamlly oi ltinnktoo and Mr and Mrs Meredith MaeLeod spent the weekend at their hunt ing camp at Coopers Falls BUFFALO sorrow ll HAMILTON EPT at nvnumc 1rust Girl ODlan Harlin sun Lmaanet 1Pemn Place iooo JDcan Martin snun For Your Lite 7mod Camplny LJtiannix IIsierv crittin Weather 7Sech Hundred Yean Boom that Anan it Naw1 Weather Sports 111mm Berton tit whim Canon Heroes The SeemId create SIX iMovle The Strip Lain mm was 9PenYa Probe llMovle Never out Go moo oMevte izno SDoul ourm FithY SEPT 22 MORNING AND AFTERNOON It Lotto awlodow on no World ticSummer Semester iLLmi New 100 LToday PNHWE iWlndow on The World we 1nueketsoin mo 11 IClniain Kennroo ilSchnltrei House 830 evou And Your Family sUntvenm on to Air Imallnn tor Hollera kneverly 1190 iiMuaia moo 94W LleopaMy SLuncbeon DIM Newl Whiter Sport eIop tcarmn Frederick Romper Room llEd Allen auu Hack Luann bNewa scrtoon Pievnouse lIDonna need iriltt lluttie ZCOIlcentIotlon IvDatlline Hollywood 1Puwoliity Loco Morning PM Grillith sun 1noaeyntoon nae oTuzboot Annie pMr and Mn Willem 1110 7Morv Grilan mo SMovlc The Lady PH OH 4Meet The Littler Movie Gardide Agent llMlkl Douglas Hillbillie IAl The World Tum eNewe snouywond Senm 3K Allen iime lvDick Von Dyko anm as our Hula ePlasworrd TNewlywed Geria rs on Glass ePeo la in Conflict 4511 Mom on People 7Geocri amiui PJaalatntal oCurt 4Naw ioon INews Weather Hoar ludrenient lCandid Camera Illmio Bobby ntsiovie so none At The Fair Sports esuren ilPholo lthldLng Tomorrow sno sYeu post my fungal drum co In arm Tfauuwinhle ï¬nish Lilht FRIDA SEPT 22 EVENING Ioo erIewa dowugizlie eon we 91 have they liPettlco IIsuoer Heroes Ina Into LBanIay Boomer mutt or Coneqoenm IMovla The Brave One IIiaek Ami Myer 5iim llitovie agere were eny Iwn 7runtstonu LTm 1iDaialea he not me am am IPeopta 90 To iiTman It will ï¬Movia inattia 1Hondo oNews weather TNewa WaltMt Sparta Lilond Welt Wines 7Nowl weather Iwild Wild West ltbtl lGcl snort ViiAcelm Family Hm Kllk sromy Hunt eGomar mg IHAM 1hr Your use MW ï¬hï¬ at Junction PM Mall iWho shat Liberty Valance uo zAccldantli sanity 7qu sonnet iLDranet 1mo oaiz Valley IIeaerv Crimp iizoo v11 Newa em eah Iietsm amid Ara runny see an an The eante Red Bedle or will 5le iiii Win or oJerrya moi lieMW Walliinlo Hail 9Movia The MolalPeople Hi aaooug dartwar tba liver completely Cirrhosis collinearEmma Iy JAY BECKER meson NorthSouth vulnerable Noam arcs WK men causes are ex ottoman use com gtqioea 0H A72 Thaliddlng loath Wen Norlh Put Pul Pun Post Dhle Opening lendilve oi spades There are players who invari ably vlaw their cards through rosocolored glasses and ii We are to lodge irom the bid South was presumably dub fledged member at this school The hand occurred in team or our championship and South iouod himseli in silk spades doub led llia bidding was optimistic to any the least but he may have had such an exalted opinion of his card play that he tell entitled to undertake the slam Be that as it may West dou bled and led trump Declarcr cubdtiieKJoi mm edtohlaiiand theaeeai cluhadrewailthetrlm and then out West on lard the on oi am eat normed heart but do ciarer lant up yith the are instead or mine finesse in attect placing all his hopes on the execution oi squeeze Ai terbabadcafltedtheQlool clubs this became the position We mi LJI When declares now cashed the eight oi clubs But was unable to atandthe pressure and the result was that South made the clam it is interesting to note that West could have deieaied the contract by dropping the king at on ace This would have mmiitml East to return the or diamonds as anon as he too the lead wtb club and in that way break vital line at conununicatlon between the North and South hands All of wbidI is neither here nor there alnce the loci is that South bid slam made it and then collected 1660 ambitious undertaking SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLows liy hills BDWDEN Mr and Mrs iiarold lones visited their daughter and aoo inlaw Mr and Mrs Heyd in Toronto Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Wright who will be married so years Sept 23 Mr and Mrs John Foucan had surprise visit irom Mrs Foucorts mother Mrs Smith who came irom Australia to vis it her ior iew days last week Aaurprlso party woshcld at the home oi ittr and Mrs James Smith iar Mr and Mrs Ray Smith who were celebrating their wedding anniversary Sat urday evening Mrs Phyllis Gatyman Edmon ton and Mrs isabclia Boomer Weston vlslted their aunt Mrs ida Cook recently Other visit ore at Mrs Cooks home have been Mrs Floyd Steeklay and hiltls Stewart Stoulier Stout VI Kevin and Kim Bowden Mid hurst spent the weeknudwitb their grandparents Mr and Mrs Bowden and attended the Cooksiown lair Mr and Mrs Kenneth Smith Mr and Mrs Ruth and Mr and hirs Jim Gray have recently Joundinaedlstrlct arehth nunnnwmr SURGERY visited Mrs Fern Gary RUGBY By Mas JOHNSTON Miss aarclirie sears was maid of honor at the MartinElicoit wedding in Marehmount Baptist Church Mr and Mrs Everett Horne attended the afternoon tea at the nurses midence oi the Soi diers Memorial Hospital Orli OFFICE HOUR Ila on Wednesday in the honor oi studmt nurses Their dam tcr Marilyn has entered the threeyear nursing course Mr and Mrs Bill Jackson Vancouver visited Mr and Mrs Maniard Horne and Mr and Mrs Clarke Horne WIN 0R0 TROPHY softball girls had abut quet at River Gardens on Sat urday evening Congratulations to the ladies who won the cup in the Oro leaguci Rey Rutherford is on trip through the western provinces ADDRESSED WI Rugby Womens institute met on Wednesday evening Sept 20 lo the community hall Stewart Page oi Barrie was guest weaker man not nouns Congratulations to the School children oi East Oro on MISSION BAND EastOrohiissioniiaud is lngto resume meetings Fri ay evening Sept 22 at pm in Essen Church under the leader ship oi Mrs Henry Neuield and gt Mrs Grant JerriIcy Ali eh dren in the community and Was Tudhope is in Orliiia hos pital where he hadsurgery We all wish him speedy recovery MAKES US ALL All known matter in the solar em is made up of at nature occurring chemical do mean comprising at ordinary temperature two liquids ti gases and solids My new secretary remindsmie of you deantalks too much cant remember appointments always late oIIILrcaosswonn 2Dwn ii Level Met WeakInn Mud ACROSS Lunatics limo apartment BBondnnan 10 Zodiac gt12 Emigration mm akin asurgegha instalment 900pm standup JEtPhom mph record holders 133cm condition litdqark reddish 1i meat iiith ï¬gure ungod 18Mait beverage to net 20 Show Native or Copen hasen es Clingato Learning 28 Seduced 31 Astern 32 Grade abbr Greek letter iii Whether 366 pleasure some almiiu lollallan explorer Bide 425mm 435peaira 3th DOWN tnatrnrnant Yesterdly 37 Old Greets coin 39 By way at on WayHI II DONALD DUCK points for the the prlz es they won at Ore Fair also to the older iolk who won prizes JULIET JONES accruals BUZZ SAWYER SECRET AGENT X9 WAY surnameI WILL BE 6953 IR iiw INVETlBATltN Hesremwen SINCETHEDMER SiDECOlLDHAVEGUllBi TOHIMANYWHEREWE ARE GONGTDDIERIIMIalt COMEl flitL ENJOY THE SISPENEE OF WAITING FIGURING OUT NEW BUDEEI MUGGS AND SKEETER HURRY oi YOULL on SE WRALLTHIS JUNGLE M332 some 10 cinnamon TU PAES UP BARï¬AlNS LIKE nurse liliiliEMAVNWlié DEAD fillYoliBEFATlElll CHRISTI WE MUST MOVE won weltva normals 1iiE moor DANGEROUS or ANIMALS memos awml tomremains